Saturday, June 30, 2012

Embarrassing Relatives

Yes, it is embarrassing to have such dippity dumb relatives, especially when they are my own grandparents on my mother's side. They sold the property with mineral rights and all back in the 1940s and then later, in the 1950s, it was found that they had not sold the mineral rights. They were sued and lost and an arrangement was made of which I understand very little, just that it is embarrassing for us to think about that because it was so dumb and we would prefer to forget that it ever happened. They should have practiced what they preached, but sometimes these adults forget what they are talking about from one day to the next. It gets very annoying. Also, the arrangement applies only to one of the properties, not to the other one, so the creepy Sultan of Central Texas is not going to gain anything from this ill-aimed fishing expedition except to solidify the suspicion that we are being deliberately harassed by him and his evil associates. So thanks for the additional evidence of harassment.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Of Monasteries and Convents

I was talking to that girl at high school shortly before I left and somehow that subject of monks and nuns came up, perhaps because she was taking a class from the nun or something like that. Like I was saying, we don't have monks and nuns in Protestantism. We don't believe in that cruel and wicked system of enforced slavery of which the Catholics are so fond, that coddler of a pretentiously monastical pseudspirituality that means nothing ultimately as we all get to heaven as long as we have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, single or married. It matters not. Sadly, there are just not enough men to go around statistically speaking but anyway we single women ought to be able to work our jobs without this continual harassment from obnoxious foreigners, mostly ignorant Tibetans whose religious system is basically meaningless, without form and void, a sad waste of human potential. Sadly, Europe's church of medieval times was sometimes bogged down in irrelevant controversies so was not able to do much with the China of Marco Polo's day, but anyway God is gracious and merciful. Better late than never when it comes to turning China around.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My Papers

Which reminds me that my first water baptism was at the Evangelistic Center in El Salvador. My papers that I received at the time have the stationary of the Assemblies of God of El Salvador which is a separate entity but anyway what we believe doctrinally is basically the same so it really doesn't matter very much that I was water baptized there at about age 16 or 17, as opposed to after returning to the U.S.. If I could find those papers I would post them and I cannot seem to put my fingers on them at this moment. Still, I am pretty sure I still have that somewhere.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Family Jewels-More

I seem to remember that the girl from choir who I was talking to was saying that Ann Campbell had made some comments about the "family jewels" and was making some issue about that subject matter. Like I said at the time, I don't know anything about Ann Campbell's angle on the subject. I have never discussed that subject with Ann Campbell and was not planning to start doing so ever. I don't really know what issues some other people had with Ann Campbell. I only know that Ann Campbell always did hate my guts and seems to want to pick a fight with me even now but I really don't know why or how to respond to her provocations as I really don't know what the issue was or why I should care.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Because You Asked

Your question reminds me that not long before high school graduation I was talking to that girl from choir and she was talking about the "family jewels" and saying that sometimes fights between guys involved hits to the "family jewels" and sometimes there are various jokes or comments about the "family jewels" and do I know what the "family jewels" are? In response to the various contexts into which she placed the term "family jewels," I could have responded that I do think that I sort of know what she is referring to. I think that we are implicitly, not in so many words, agreeing that the "family jewels" is a veiled reference to certain male functions. So that is about all that I remember about that conversation, just that the "family jewels" probably is a reference to certain male functions. So obviously there was no need for me to explain anything as these little brats at such a young age already know what the "family jewels" are.

Oh, yes, we also discussed a book I read about Marco Polo, his autobiography being in the MK library.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Which reminds me that at my high school graduation party one of the gifts I received was a wooden box with decorative carvings typical of Central American curios in which it was said I was to place any love letters from my future husband. I never received any love letters so it contains nothing so interesting, just some other old junk mail that does not mean very much. I do wish the Buenos would realize what a curse they are on my life because everything about means disaster for me.

Friday, June 22, 2012

The Plot Thickens

As the stomach churns, so does the plot thicken. Next, this is the part where I am required to acknowledge having read Norman Vincent Peale's book about positive thinking, in which everything positive is accentuated and everything negative is overlooked or forgotten or denied or something like that. I did read that book, and like cotton candy clouds so fluffy and white, I don't remember a thing about it. Yes, Peale's writings inspired those of Dr. Schuller and so many other purveyors of positive thinking. And when were the purveyors of good-news-only newspapers ever successful? In the long run, it is the bad news that attracts attention and sells books and newspapers. A Bible with all the bad parts cut out would be very slim indeed. Inclusion of the negative accentuates the fact of man's sinful nature and need for a redeemer, one to bridge this gulf between God and man, which was the purpose of Jesus' mission on earth. Jesus is the only mediator between God and man but many would perhaps prefer to ignore or overlook this point. So while we agree that the positive may be good, it doesn't tell the whole story.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

My Letters

Yes, I think that was so rude of Carol to "use" in that way the letters against me that I sent during college. I don't remember what I said but still I don't go around broadcasting personal letters sent to me to the whole world by her and others, just stuff them in a box forgotten, so it is rather shocking to see pieces of letters I wrote in college being used and abused in such a wicked and ridiculously stupid way. One would think that Carol and her family would be sooo embarrassed to show their faces in public after all the knives they stabbed in my back. If they thought that I was going to be so embarrassed by the leaks that I would just go and join the underground and hide myself and disappear from view into the seamy side of criminal life, they will be sadly mistaken. An insane asylum, maybe, but not the mafia. Things are not going to work that way if I have anything to say about it.

An unknown fight

Someone said something about there having been a fight but I don't know anything about that. No names were mentioned, no details given, just something about a fight. Nobody ever tells me anything. I always seem to be the last to know these things which is why there is no reason to expect me to explain it. I have no clue.


I don't remember who it was at SCC that was saying about Kathy Lidstrand that she always shops from the sales racks. Like every other reasonable person on the planet unless you shop at consignment shops like some relatives of mine describe in their diaries. I think that Kathy might have been a Homecoming Queen or similar. Too bad she married that creepy Dobson guy whose speech about singleness I missed. I did not attend the forum with the ridiculously oxymoronic title, "Sex and the Single Christan." With a plain Anglo surname glamorous Kathy loses the Scandinavian advantage, but still she is blonde and a Queen so San Diego County seems like an appropriate place to put those non-pastors out to pasture.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Calf

I really don't see the connection. OK, so the nickname of high school classmate Agustín Villacorta was "Becerro" which means a calf or bullock. Interestingly, Nora Lam, not spelled with a 'b' at the end, was a Christian Chinese woman who made quite a splash with her autobiographical books that were said to border on fictional in terms of representing reality even though marketed as non-fiction. I vaguely remember seeing her face on TV but know absolutely nothing about her, never read any of her books and have no clue about any connections there. I remember Sue Olin talking about Nora Lam but I didn't really know what she was talking about. Anyway, Christianity in China is really not dependent on the legacy of Nora Lam, who has now been dead for quite a few years now anyway, and anyway Christianity will always have its place in China regardless of the fate of Nora Lam's legacy because it doesn't come from her. I have no idea who those people are. I personally have no knowledge of the Hong Kong missionaries of later years, the Paul Kauffmans and the Back to Jerusalem people, and why they placed so much emphasis on that. Anyway I wasn't paying attention to China. I am not fond of the color red and that is about all they have in China, mostly just garish red. I am only interested in learning more about China to the extent that my great-grandparents were there in the 1910s and 1920s and learning more about their experience, knowledge of which is hard to come by as no one seems to know very much about that. Anyway, there are plenty of other places for ministry other than China, where one would have to tolerate the abusive hatred and scorn that Chinese people routinely heap on foreigners, whom, it is well known, they dismiss in their insulting way as 'foreign devils.' These are the burdens that missionaries have to bear when taking the gospel message to these foreign lands full of wicked liars, the Chinese and the Italian alike, who have not surrendered their lives to Christ and are only pushing their political agenda for personal profit.

The ORU Connection

There is no reason for me to feel myself inferior to some graduate of ORU. The ORU people like to assert themselves as the sole authority on all matters of Pentecostalism, gradually pushing aside any AG person who did not attend ORU, which is their strategy. I did not go to ORU and yet I am not stupid. I have no need of Sharon of ORU to explain the plan of salvation to me. I got plenty of spiritual guidance from the AG and never got any help from ORU. Thus I personally have not much thought of ORU. ORU has its place in Oklahoma but there is no central voice of Pentecostalism in the U.S. We are vaguely aware that the "Voice of China" moved its headquarters to Tulsa, Oklahoma, the "Voice of China" being the organization that was founded in Pasadena, Calif., by the late Bob Hammond, whose parents served as missionaries to China along with my great-grandparents. The Hammond family maintains an interest in China ministry but we here were never involved in China and have no thought of the "Voice of China." If the Hammonds were nice people who actually shared information with us about their activities that might be interesting to hear, but for them to be jeering at us and trying to make us feel like garbage just makes us less and less inclined to ever contribute a single dime to the "Voice of China," whatever that means.

Oh Brother

I do not have a brother. There are only two girls in my family, myself and my sister, and there is no son to worry about the family legacy. The fact that I have no brother was very worrisome to my mother who may have talked about this to some people, I don't know who. I also may have said something about this to Cori. Myself, with no husband and no brother, have no male defender in some sense, not that it matters. I am sure that Jesus will defend me anyway and my persecutors will be fully prosecuted in God's own timing. Thus it gets very annoying to be getting all of these messages from the obnoxious warmongering idiot brothers and male relatives of my former friends, as for example Pam Roberts' two younger brothers whose existence is of no concern to me. There is no reason why I should be intimidated by the existence of the "Roberts" brothers as opposed to some other clan. I seriously doubt that Pam is related to the Roberts of ORU, a college she did not attend, so she gets no college credit for knowing anything about theology.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Pam's Wicked Lies

Which reminds me that Pam Roberts also admitted telling lies about me. Well, life is short. I don't have time to argue with Pam about some minor details of an entirely insignificant conversation that I remember only through a fog dimly. It is shocking what comes out of people's mouths sometimes, but anyway I don't see why I should have to prove to Pam who said what. Pam's opinion matters not at all to me or to anyone else. Pam is nothing, just a wicked witch as far as I can tell. I cannot spend all my time fixated on Pam's silly mistakes. It wouldn't matter so much if all these people wouldn't take all of Pam's lies so seriously. It just gets overwhelming when everyone else is wrong and I'm the only person who knows the truth and everyone is refusing to give me any credit for having any intelligence. I can't be expected to right all wrongs so it gets utterly ridiculous. Those people know what they said and they should be paying for their own mistakes instead of making some worthless points about Marxist socialism, as if we don't know what that means.

South Dakota Dogs

Of course, there is no credit to be given to hideous trashy slut Pam Hart of South Dakota. There was no more vile disgusting liar on the dorm floor of Evangel than that hideous creature from the dark side of the Midwest jackal pack. Anyway, Pam was not present so she really would not know anything and everything she said about it later was pathetically wrong. She obviously heard wrong. Someone should check her hearsay sources.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Sad Case of Alan Skogerbo

We do feel sorry for Scandinavian idiot Alan Skogerbo (MK-Peru?) but he was responsible for making his own mess and we see no reason to get involved in his pathetically sad problem or in furthering his futile protests of much ado. He knows full well that there is nothing wrong with getting married, that nature makes plain how things were meant to be, and that anyway no one was forcing him to get married or to choose a Costa Rican wife in preference to a woman of some other race or nationality. The rules of being an AG minister and missionary are what they are and he knew that. It was his decision to make, whether to marry or not to marry. That is the way God made things, and it is the man who decides to marry, chooses his wife, and anyway no children would be born if he did not will it so. Women are created to be the helpmate of the man in all these things, as per the Bible. These things are so obvious that it is not necessary for me to explain this. So if Alan dropped out of the human race, well, that was his choice.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Vile Wicked Jan Green

I don't know why I don't remember anything about Jan Green, my college roommate for one semester at Evangel. I really would prefer not to think about Jan and all the vile, disgusting things that she said during that time, especially her bizarre comment about a vibrator. I had finally managed to blot wicked Jan Green from my memory entirely and never wanted to go back to that horrible Spence dorm full of whiny obnoxious girls who I don't really like anyway, nor do I appreciate being reminded of the pathetically dumb and wicked things that they said unprompted by me. I always such bad luck with college roommates, Cori being just as horrible in her own way. Thus, it boggles the mind that the vile wicked Green family would dare to criticize me in any way. They should thank me for tolerating as long as I did their disgusting hideous sister/cousin/relative of some sort, Jan. They have no moral high ground to claim in regards to wicked Jan, that is for sure. Of course, if had a crafty fortune at my command, I suppose that I, too, could go around wreaking havoc on the personal lives of all my vaguely remembered acquaintances in the way that that has been done to me, and perpetrating lies and false accusations and undermining of reputation and relationships. It is so sad that the Assemblies of God sold its soul to the wickedly rich people, specifically the wickedly rich Mr. Green, so that there is no safe place in this world anymore. Church means very little anymore in terms of personal relationships, but the Bible require that we not forsake church altogether so we have to be there on Sunday even if it means nothing anymore, just another show to benefit only the wickedly rich Mr. Green.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Methinks They Protest Too Much

Methinks that somebody upstairs doth protest too much. There is no W to be caught here in my possession, however loudly thou mightedst protest. All this commotion is making me very certain that there is some hidden card that I will perhaps never see coming and for which I have no remedy or defense, and for which there will be no reason for me to fight back and continue this worthless and futile investigation into nothing much. Still, it is not nice to fool me in this crude and silly way.

Which reminds me of the conversation that we had in college about how sometimes treat us like "it," like I am just a piece of worthless junk that everybody loves to kick around. If you want someone to have an ugly personality, churlish and cheerless and selfish and cranky, just treat them the way you treat me. Then you will get back what you put into it, which is nothing really.

Diary Tidbits-1983

Jan. 1: "Usual reading of Bible. Watching New Year parade a few minutes, not interested. Had a walk out front. After lunch a nap with oxygen."
Jan. 2: "About 5 PM came Joe to spend an hour with us. They are returning to Sonora tomorrow."
Jan. 3: "Up and going after the most miserable night. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading."
Jan. 4: "Up for bath. Breakfast. Usual reading. Worked on mail, then had a nap before lunch. Went to see Esther."
Jan. 5: "Up and going. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading. Gloria washed my hair and set it. Julia went to the base."
Jan. 6: "Working on mail. Eugene came in late afternoon and played two games of transograms with me."
Jan. 7: "Up and going after a good rest. Breakfast over before 9. Sorting mail. Usual reading."
Jan. 8: "Wrote to Myrle Gibson. Gloria left for Vista before noon. Julia took her to Garcia’s home. Eugene came over and we had games. Then he brought Mary Olive over to have supper with us. He stayed with me and Julia took Mary Olive back to Esther. Esther died while they were here with only Ralph and nurse there. Got to bed about 11:30."
Jan. 9: "Up and going after good sleep. Suzanne came in time for breakfast with us. Usual reading."
Jan. 10: "Up and going after a restless night. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading."
Jan. 11: "Up for bath. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading. Memorial service for Esther. After service dinner….A memorial service for Esther at 7 PM. Church packed full. After songs and talks by the Pastor a dinner was served. David Benjamin drove down to be there for the service. Home after 10 PM."
Jan. 12: "Ariel and Evelyn went home this afternoon. D. Benjamin went partway home this afternoon. Eugene and Mary Olive bid us farewell."
Jan. 13: "Went to Women’s meeting. Merle and Kaye, Harold and Betty came in the evening. Harold and Betty returning to Florida tomorrow."
Jan. 14: "Up and going after a restless night. Breakfast over by 9:30. Usual reading."
Jan. 15: "Up for bath. Breakfast over at 9. Usual reading."
Jan. 16: "Up and going. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading."
Jan. 17: "Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading."
Jan. 18: "Up for bath after miserable night. Breakfast over by 9. Usual reading."
Jan. 19: "Up and going. Breakfast over at 9. Julia leaving for Base to be gone three days. Usual reading."
Jan. 20: "Up for bath after a wretched night. Breakfast over at 9. Usual reading."
Jan. 21: "Up and going. Breakfast over at 9. Usual reading."
Jan. 22: "Up for bath after a GOOD night’s rest. Breakfast over before 8:30. Usual reading."
Jan. 23: "Up and going. Not able to attend church. Ralph came by. Friend of Julia came to spend evening with her. Gloria went away for the afternoon and evening."
Jan. 24: "Up and going after restless night. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading. Wrote to Medscar and Katherine Dollar."
Jan. 25: "Up for bath after a restless night. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading."
Jan. 26: "Up and going. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading."
Jan. 27: "Up for bath after good night. Breakfast over about 9."
Jan. 28: "Breakfast over at 8:30. Usual reading. Sunshine this morning."
Jan. 29: "Up for bath after some sleep. Breakfast over after 9."
Jan. 30: "Up after some rest and sleep. Breakfast over at 9. Usual reading. Cold this morning."
Jan. 31: "Up and going after a wakeful night. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading. Pastor Webber had lunch with us. Ralph had supper with us. Then Walter joined us in game of dominoes."
Feb. 1: "Up for bath after a miserable night. Breakfast over at 9. Usual reading. Ralph had supper with us. Then Ralph Winter and I played dominoes."
Feb. 2: "Up and going. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading. Preparing mail."
Feb. 3: "Up and lost balance and hurt knee. Later up for bath. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading. Trouble finding things. After supper Ralph, Walter and I played dominoes."
Feb. 4: "Up and going after some rest. Usual reading. Breakfast over by 9. Rained in the night. My leg troubling me. Pastor Webber brought Sister Lowdon over to visit me in the afternoon. Gloria washed my hair and did it in curlers in the forenoon."
Feb. 5: "Up for bath. Breakfast over by 9. I don’t feel good, so weak. Suzanne came to see us. After supper had two games of transograms. She returned home after 10 PM."
Feb. 6: "Up after good night’s rest. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading. Ralph took Gloria and I to church and brot us home. Then Gloria went away with Ralph."
Feb. 7: "Up and going Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading."
Feb. 8: "Up for bath after one of my worst nights. Breakfast over at 9. Usual reading. I feel weak and discouraged."
Feb. 9: "Up and going after a restful night. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading."
Feb. 10: "Up for bath after some sleep. Breakfast over about 9. Usual reading. Julia took us to women’s meeting and I sat there nearly an hour with nothing to do and was miserable."
Feb. 11: "Up and going after a fair night. Breakfast by 8:30. Usual reading. Had a walk in rear yard. Had lunch at my desk."
Feb. 12: "Up for bath after miserable night. Breakfast over after 9. Usual reading. Had a walk in rear yard, also out front. Spent evening at Ralph’s home."
Feb. 13: "Up and going. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading. Ralph took Gloria and I to church."
Feb. 14: "Up and going. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading."
Feb. 15: "Up for bath after fair night. Breakfast over before 9:30. Julia locked out of bedroom without her glasses so is very uncomfortable."
Feb. 16: "Up and going. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading. Audrey and her grandchild Abigail came for a little while in the forenoon. Ralph had supper with us. I had walk and a ride."
Feb. 17: "Up and going. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading. Audrey and her grandchild Abigail came for a little while in the forenoon. Ralph had supper with us. I had walk and a ride."
Feb. 18: "Up and going after miserable night. Julia gave me hot milk about 1 AM and took me for a little walk. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading."
Feb. 19: "Up for bath after a fair night. Got some sleep. Breakfast over before 9. Ralph, Amy and Aaron ate supper with us."
Feb. 20: "Up and going after an awful night. Breakfast over by 9. Usual reading in Book of Esther. Had a ride in afternoon."
Feb. 21: "Up and going after fair night. Ralph and Heather called. Usual reading. Breakfast over before 9."
Feb. 22: "Up for bath after fair night. Breakfast over at 9. Usual reading."
Feb. 23: "Up and going after sleepless night. Breakfast over about 9. Usual reading. A walk in the morning and a ride in the afternoon."
Feb. 24: "Up for bath and going after an awful night. Breath so short I thought I was dying. Couldn’t eat all my breakfast. Breakfast over about 9. Usual reading. Had long ride, no hearing so slept. Lunch, a good one, at Denny’s. No afternoon nap necessary. Julia hunted for yarn and found the tan color."
Feb. 25: "Up and going after a good night’s rest. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading. Had morning walk and a walk in afternoon."
Feb. 26: "Up for bath after good night’s rest. Breakfast over after 9. Usual reading."
Feb. 27: "Up and going after a night of pain in my left knee. Every third breath a pain went thru my knee so I got no sleep and of course feel miserable. The pain started during the evening."
Feb. 28: "Up and going after a good night’s sleep. Breakfast over about 8:30. Usual reading."
Mar. 2: "Up and going. Breakfast over 8:30. Usual reading."
Mar. 3: "Up for bath after a good night. Breakfast over about 9. I feel better this morning. Ralph came in during breakfast. Had a walk and a ride. Finished a pillow top today."
Mar. 4: "Up and going. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading. Writing letter."
Mar. 5: "Up for bath after a restful night. Breakfast over about 8:45. Usual reading. Wrote to Myrle Gibson."
Mar. 6: "Up and going. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading. Didn’t get to church. The Australian came at lunchtime and stayed until bedtime. He went with us for a ride halfway to San Diego along the coast and back by Rt. 5. He paid for our dinner in a restaurant."
Mar. 7: "Up and going after a restful night. Breakfast over about 9. Usual reading. Pastor Webber had lunch with us. I had a walk in the forenoon, a ride in afternoon."
Mar. 8: "Up for bath after restless night. Breakfast over after 9. Usual reading."
Mar. 9: "Up after a sleepless, restless night. Breakfast before 8:45. Usual reading. Had walks and ride. "
Mar. 10: "Up for bath. Got some sleep. Breakfast over by 9. Usual reading. Got started on another pillow top. Had a ride to store."
Mar. 11: "Up and going after some sleep. Breakfast on before 9. Usual reading."
Mar. 12: "Up for bath after a fair night. Breakfast over at 9. Julia and Gloria went to rummage sale at church. Usual reading."
Mar. 13: "Up and going after restless night. Usual reading. Breakfast over at 9. Didn’t get to church. At 12:30 left for Audrey’s home. Had dinner there. Left for home around 4."
Mar. 14: "Up and going after a fair night. Breakfast over 8:45. Usual reading."
Mar. 15: "Up for bath after good sleep. Right arm kept me awake for a while. Breakfast over about 9. Usual reading. Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised. The Australian had lunch with us. Then he and Julia went to San Diego. Gloria’s boy friend had supper with us."
Mar. 16: "Up and going. No sleep until after 3 AM. Breakfast over about 8:30. Usual reading."
Mar. 17: "Up for bath. Breakfast over by 9. Usual reading. Julia took us to Women’s meeting and came for us at noon and we had lunch in a restaurant. I just got up from nap at 2:40."
Mar. 18: "Up and going after a miserable night. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading."
Mar. 19: "Up for bath after good night’s rest and sleep. Breakfast over near 8:30. Usual reading."
Mar. 20: "Ralph took Gloria and I to church. It proved to be children’s day so they had no worship service or preaching. Nap and reading in afternoon. Gloria away for part of afternoon and evening."
Mar. 21: "Breakfast over about 9. Usual reading. I feel pretty good this morning."
Mar. 22: "Up for bath after horrible night. Breakfast over about 8:30. Usual reading. This forenoon we took Ralph to the airport to leave for Florida, then went to restaurant for lunch. Worked some on pillow after we got home around 4."
Mar. 23: "Up and going after a fair night. Breakfast over about 8:45. Usual reading."
Mar. 24: "Up for bath. Breakfast over at 9. Usual reading. Getting ready to go to Women’s ministry. Gloria’s boyfriend had supper with us and spent the evening here."
Mar. 25: "Up after a restless night. Breakfast over 8:45. Usual reading. Australian had supper with us."
Mar. 26: "Up for bath after a good night. Breakfast over about 8:30. Usual reading."
Mar. 27: "Up and going after restful night. Breakfast over 8:30. Usual reading. Ralph telephoned from Florida. All is well. Disappointed in not getting to church."
Mar. 28: "Up and going after a good night’s rest. Breakfast over at 8:30. Usual reading. Audrey, Suzanne and Debby’s two children came to see me."
Mar. 29: "Up for b. after a good night. Breakfast over about 8. Usual reading. Went zoo but saw only monkeys and birds. Was glad to get home."
Mar. 30: "Up and going after good night. Breakfast over 8:30. Usual reading."
Mar. 31: "Up for bath after good night or rest and sleep. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading. Went to church and ate lunch there. Gloria’s friend took her and Walter out for supper."
Apr. 1: "Up and going. Breakfast over at 8:30. Feel better and wide awake. Usual reading."
Apr. 2: "Up for bath. Breakfast over 8:45. Usual reading."
Apr. 3: "Up and going after a wakeful night. Usual reading. Breakfast over at … Went to church. Suzanne came to church and after that we went out for dinner. Then Suzanne went home."
Apr. 4: "Up and going. Breakfast over about 8:30. Usual reading."
Apr. 5: "Up for bath. Breakfast over at 9. Usual reading. Mailing checks."
Apr. 6: "Up after restless night. Usual reading. So weak I can hardly get around."
Apr. 13: "Julia went to hospital today. Kaye Calkins cared for me tonight so Gloria could get some rest. I had a sleepless night of pain."
Apr. 14: "Up for bath. Gloria attending me."
Apr. 15: "Evelyn and Ariel cared for me today."
Apr. 16: "Up for bath. Weak and miserable."
Apr. 17: "Breakfast over at 9. Suzanne cared for me last night. No sleep."
Apr. 18: "Up and going. Breakfast over at 8:45. Ariel helped me in the night."
Apr. 19: "Up after an awful night. Had a bath. Went for ride with Ariel."
Apr. 20: "My breakfast over before 8. Usual reading. Feel stronger this morning. Julia arrived home about noon."
Apr. 21: "Up for bath after sleepless night. Breakfast over at 8. Usual reading."
Apr. 22: "Up after a wakeful night."
Apr. 23: "Up for bath. Breakfast about 8. Usual reading. Gloria is going away for a time and Elna Is going to help us. So thankful."
Apr. 24: "Time change. Up after miserable night. Breakfast over about 9:30. Usual reading."
Apr. 25: "Up after a miserable night. Breakfast over at 7. Usual reading."
Apr. 26: "Up for bath after an awful night. Breakfast over at 8. Usual reading. Staring another pillow. Mailed letter to Ft. Bragg. Got scoldings."
Apr. 28: "Up for bath. Had a little sleep. Sue Higgins cared for me. Breakfast over about 8:30. Feel quite good except for the awful pain that comes in my head every once in a while."
Apr. 29: "Up after a restless, sleepless night. Am so weak I can barely breath. Breakfast over 8:15. Usual reading."
Apr. 30: "Up for bath and shampoo after sleepless night. Breakfast. Usual reading. Jim and Virginia Wilday visited us this afternoon."
May 1: "Jim and Virginia Wilday visited us this afternoon."
May 2: "Breakfast over at 7:15. Usual reading."
May 3: "Up for bath after some sleep. Breakfast over at 8:15. Usual reading. Preparing mail. Sue took care of me last night."
May 4: "Breakfast over about 8:30 after a night with some sleep. Usual reading. Bro. Nelson sent me three Evangels for which I am so thankful."
May 5: "Up for bath. Breakfast over about 8:30. Usual reading. Sue cared for me last night. Today Mother’s Day. Also Day of Prayer."
May 6: "Up and going. Breakfast over about 8. Usual reading. Elna Rhodes helped me last nit."
May 7: "Up for bath after restless night. Breakfast over after 9. Usual reading."
May 8: "George, Audrey and Suzanne took us out for lunch today."
May 9: "Up and going after some sleep. Breakfast over at 8:30. Usual reading."
May 10: "Up for bath after good sleep. Breakfast over 8:15. Usual reading."
May 11: "Breakfast over at 8 after sleepless night."
May 12: "Up for bath after some sleep. Breakfast over 8:15. Usual reading."
May 13: "Up after an awful night. Breakfast over at 8. Usual reading."
May 14: "Up for bath after sleepless night. Sue cared for me."
May 15: "Up after some sleep. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading."
May 16: "Breakfast over after 8. Had good sleep last night. Usual reading."
May 17: "Up for bath after some sleep. Breakfast over 8:30. Usual reading."
May 19: "Up for bath after sleepless night. Breakfast over 8:30. Usual reading. Got to church for women’s meeting.
May 20: "Up after a good night’s rest. Breakfast over about 8:15. Usual reading. Feel so much better."
May 21: "Up for bath after a fair night. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading."
May 22: "Breakfast over 8:30. After restful night. Usual reading. Was able to get to church this morning."
May 23: "Up and going after restless night. Breakfast over about 8:15."
May 24: "Up for bath. Breakfast over about 8:30. Usual reading. Three Christians came to see me this afternoon."
May 25: "Up for bath after a good night. Breakfast over about 8:30. Usual reading."
May 26: "Got to Women’s meeting and had lunch with them. Brother Nelson called on us."
May 27: "Breakfast over before 8:30 after a fair night. Usual reading. Sent 5 to Rebecca in Texas."
May 28: "Up for bath. Had slept some. Breakfast over by 8:30. Usual reading."
May 29: "Breakfast over about 8:30. Usual reading."
May 30: "Breakfast over about 8. Usual reading."
May 31: "Up for bath. Breakfast over at 8:30. Usual reading. Wrote to David Benjamin. Had a ride."
June 1: "Up for bath. Breakfast after 8. Usual reading. A ride in afternoon."
June 3: "Breakfast over 8:15. Usual reading. Ralph."
June 4: "Up for bath after good night. Breakfast over about 8:30. Usual reading. Ralph’s granddaughter Rene came to see me Friday afternoon."
June 5: "Breakfast over about 8:30. Usual reading. Ralph came after 10 and took Gloria and I to church. An interesting service. Read a lot during the day."
June 8: "Breakfast over at 8 after a good night. Usual reading. Last night went to a party for Chris Gallup’s new 5-week-old son."
June 9: "Up for bath after restless night. Sue with me. Breakfast over before 8:38. Usual reading."
June 10: "Up after good night. Breakfast over 8:15. Usual reading."
June 11: "Up for bath after one of my worst nights. Breakfast over about 8. Usual reading. Sue with me thru night. Julia having a rummage sail today."
June 12: "Breakfast over 8:30 after a fair night. Usual reading. No need of help through the nite. Julia went to Redlands for a dedication."
June 13: "Up after a good restful night. Breakfast over 8:30. Usual reading. Glad I didn’t go with Julia. She got home at midnight Saturday night. Was at a dedication. Joe came to see me and I didn’t know him. I had not seen him since December. He had lunch with us."
June 14: "Up for bath. Breakfast over at 9. Had a fall at 5 AM. Don’t feel good."
June 15: "Up after a sleepless night but feel pretty good anyhow."
June 16: "Up for bath after sleep. Am so weak. Hope to feel better. Today last day of school."
June 17: "Up and going after a good night. Breakfast over at 9. Usual reading. Joe and Dora visited us in the evening."
June 18: "Up for bath after restless night. Breakfast over at 9."
June 19: "Breakfast over at 9. Today is Father’s Day. Today I have lived 100 ½ years."
June 21: "Went to hospital."
June 24: "Came home from hospital."
June 25: "Up for bath and shampoo after good night. Ariel came in while at breakfast to greet us."
June 27: "Breakfast over 8:30. Had a sleepless night but no pain. Joe and Dora left for home today."
June 28: "Up for bath after getting some sleep. Breakfast over at 9. Usual reading. I hope to get some pillow work done today."
June 30: "Up for bath. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading."
July 3: "Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading. Went to San Diego to party at Suzanne’s. Suzanne came home with us after it was over. Gloria gone so Suzanne helped me."
July 4: "Breakfast over about 8 after a sleepless, miserable night. I feel awful. Usual reading. Suzanne and I had two games. She returned home in afternoon."
July 5: "Up for bath. Breakfast over about 9. Usual reading."
Sep. 24: "Julia?: Mother Barth died this morning at 9:52 AM. Walter found she wasn’t breathing and called Ralph who was on the davenport. He realized that she was gone and came to tell Gloria and me."
Sep. 28: "Julia: Mom was placed beside Papa. Many friends (see guest book) came to Mother’s service at the Eternal Hills chapel. Pastor Webber, Pastor Nelson and Pastor Higgins gave a lovely service. The floral gifts were beautiful and Mom looked very nice. She is with our Lord now."

Diary Tidbits-December 1982

Dec. 1: "Breakfast over 9;15. Usual reading. Preparing mail."
Dec. 2: "Up for bath. Feel very weak. Breakfast over 9:15. Usual reading. Had walks in house, too windy outside. Had ride to the store. Brother Nelson called on us in late afternoon. Supper over before 8:30 PM. Felt ill this morning but much better by noon."
Dec. 3: "Up and going after night’s rest. Breakfast over about 8:45. Usual reading."
Dec. 4: "Up for bath after good night’s rest. Breakfast over 9:15. Usual reading."
Dec. 5: "Breakfast over at 9:15. Usual reading. Didn’t get to church. George and Audrey visited us from 4 to 5:30 PM."
Dec. 6: "Up and going after a miserable night. Breakfast over about 9. Usual reading."
Dec. 7: "Up for bath after sleepless night. So weak can hardly walk. Breakfast over 9:30. Usual reading."
Dec. 8: "Up and going after getting some sleep. Breakfast over about 9. Usual reading. Preparing mail."
Dec. 9: "Prepared mail. Gloria helped me. Had shampoo."
Dec. 10: "Up but very weak. Breakfast over after 9. Usual reading. Preparing mail. After 1 went for a permanent, got home after 4. Julia said was best we have had. Suzanne came for supper and spent the evening, also a 50-year-old man friend of Julia’s from Vista."
Dec. 11: "Up for bath after restless night. Breakfast over after 9. Usual reading. I am so weak I can hardly stand up. Preparing mail. Could never get it done but for Gloria helping me."
Dec. 12: "A nice ride to Vista to take Gloria to a friend. George and Audrey brought Mary Olive here in the afternoon for a little while, then left her at Esther’s to help them."
Dec. 13: "Up and going after a night with some sleep. Breakfast over before 9. Feel a bit stronger than last week. Preparing mail."
Dec. 14: "Up for bath. Breakfast over after 9. Usual reading."
Dec. 18: "Went to beauty shop for hairdo."
Dec. 19: "My 100th birthday. Clear. Up and going on my 100th birthday. Usual reading. Dozens of gifts and cards. I feel unworthy of all this attention. Julia organized a party. 135 people came. An exciting time."
Dec. 20: "Spent most of forenoon registering gifts and cards. Gloria and Ann helped. Now I feel like crying but I need to write."
Dec. 21: "Susie came today and we had two games."
Dec. 22: "Elmer and Ann returned from Pasadena."
Dec. 23: "Up for bath after a good night. Kimberly with us for breakfast."
Dec. 24: "Breakfast over before 9. No sleep after midnight. Usual reading."
Dec. 25: "Christmas Day. Up for bath. Usual reading. Company."
Dec. 26: "Usual reading. Did not go to church. Gloria and Walter left to be gone until Tuesday night. Suzanne here to help me."
Dec. 27: "Bath. Usual reading. Audrey came for day to help. Suzanne took me to Doctor for X-rays and blood sample. Suzanne and I had game."
Dec. 28: "Usual reading. Suzanne and I had games. Audrey came to help today. Mary Olive here for a while. They three left after supper. Gloria and Walter arrived before 10. Pastor Webber called on us."
Dec. 29: "Up and going. Usual reading. so nice to have Gloria and Walter back. I am still weak and coughing."
Dec. 31: "Breakfast over about 9. Usual reading. Still weak and shaky but will try to write a letter. Wrote to Elizabeth Hunt Garcia and Thommases in Woodhull, N.Y. Had a ride with Julia to Save-On to get batteries for my hearing aid."

Diary Tidbits-November 1982

Nov. 1: "Up and going after a most miserable sleepless night. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading."
Nov. 2: "Up for bath after best night’s sleep in months. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading."
Nov. 3: "Up and going. Restful night. Breakfast over before 8:30. Preparing mail."
Nov. 4: "Up for bath. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading. Preparing mail."
Nov. 5: "Up and going after an awful night. Could not sleep or lay still. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading. Had a long ride to Vista."
Nov. 6: "Up for bath after getting some sleep. Breakfast over about 8:30. Usual reading."
Nov. 7: "Up before 8 after a most miserable night. No sleep until 4 AM, pain and distress. Usual reading. Breakfast about 9."
Nov. 8: "Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading."
Nov. 9: "Up for bath after best sleep in months. Breakfast over at 9. Usual reading."
Nov. 10: "Up and going. Breakfast over at 8:45. Usual reading. Write checks."
Nov. 11: "Up for bath. Breakfast over before 8:30. Usual reading. Cold this morning. Just before lunchtime came Audrey and she spent the rest of the day with us until about 9 PM."
Nov. 12: "Up and going after good night’s rest. Breakfast over about 8:30. Usual reading."
Nov. 13: "Up for bath after a restless night. Usual reading. Breakfast over at 8:15."
Nov. 14: "Up and going after a restful night. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading. Didn’t get to church. Mr. and Mrs. Garcia, friends of Gloria, called on us in evening."
Nov. 15: "Breakfast over before 9. Had a restful night. Usual reading. Finished pillow top. Sorted Christmas cards. Had a walk in backyard."
Nov. 16: "Up for bath after restless night. Breakfast over about 9. Usual reading. Wrote to Myrle Fife Gibson. Had a walk in backyard. After lunch a nap with oxygen. Thanksgiving greeting card from Heather and Cindy Calkins. Pastor Webber came just as we were sitting down to supper so he had supper with us. Julia had gone somewhere just before he came."
Nov. 17: "Up and going after good night’s rest. Usual reading. Had a walk both morning and afternoon."
Nov. 18: "Up for bath after restless night. Breakfast over about 9. Usual reading. Had my morning walk. Started another pillow."
Nov. 19: "Up after good night’s rest. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading."
Nov. 20: "Up for bath after good night’s rest. Breakfast over at 8:30. Usual reading."
Nov. 21: "Up before 8 after a good night’s rest and sleep. Usual reading. Ralph took Gloria and I to church."
Nov. 22: "Up and going after a night of pain. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading."
Nov. 23: "Up for bath after painful night. Breakfast over about 9. Usual reading. Today Esther is 76 years old."
Nov. 24: "Up and going. Breakfast over about 9. Gloria fed me hot milk and took a tablet for severe pain in head. After that went to sleep and felt good this morning."
Nov. 25: "Breakfast over before 9:30. Usual reading."
Nov. 26: "Up and going after a good night until 4 AM, then pain. Breakfast over about 9."
Nov. 27: "Up for bath after restful night. Usual reading. Breakfast over at 9:30."
Nov. 28: "Up and going after a restless night. Breakfast over about 9. Usual reading. Ralph took Gloria and I to church. Julia brot us home."
Nov. 29: "Up after a restless night until 3 AM. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading."
Nov. 30: "Up for bath after a good night’s rest. Breakfast over about 9:15. Usual reading. Rained in the night."

Diary Tidbits-October 1982

Oct. 1: "Ralph, Esther, Joe and Renea came over and had supp with us. Joe plans to leave for home at 4 AM tomorrow."
Oct. 2: "Prepared four checks. After lunch a nap with oxygen. Had a ride to Safeway and elsewhere. Worked some. After supper a game of transograms. Reading. Bedtime. Julia went to Vista."
Oct. 3: "Ralph took Gloria and I to church and brot us home. Then Gloria left. After lunch had a nap. In late afternoon about 5 or 5:30 Julia took me for a nice ride through the countryside."
Oct. 4: "Preparing mail. Julia went to San Diego. After lunch a nap. Ralph came over and we played dominoes in the evening after he took Gloria to school. Julia got home after supper and brot Gloria home from school. I went along."
Oct. 5: "Up for bath. Breakfast over at 9. Usual reading."
Oct. 6: "Sorting mail. Usual reading. Morning walk. Needlepoint. Nap."
Oct. 7: "Mrs. Duncan came to visit Julia. Julia had gone to San Diego so she visited with me for an hour. Julia brought her old car home and left the new one for some reason."
Oct. 8: "Late afternoon came Art, Anita, Lydia, Deevon and Vanessa. It was so good to see them. Vanessa took me for my afternoon walk. Then they went to see her parents. After supper I had a game of transograms."
Oct. 9: "Julia took me to Esther’s after dark and they went somewhere from 7 to 8:30 PM. Then we all came home."
Oct. 10: "Usual reading. Starting Joshua. Don’t feel good so don’t go to church. Gloria sick. An hourlong nap in afternoon. Much reading. At 4 PM Julia, Ralph and I went to Stella Moore’s 90th birthday party, left at 5 PM. Nice to see those gathered there. Nice little ride to her home on North Tremont."
Oct. 11: "Just about like every other day."
Oct. 12: "Up for a bath after a good night. Breakfast over about 9:30. Usual reading. A walk in the morning. A walk in afternoon. A short nap."
Oct. 13: "Up and going after a restless night. Breakfast over by 9. Usual reading. Work. Morning walk. Lunch. Nap. Afternoon walk. Game in evening. A ride to go after Gloria and Walter."
Oct. 14: "Late breakfast. Ralph took us to church to women’s meeting. Worked there from 10:30 to 12. Julia came for me and we had lunch at home. A nap with oxygen. Work until about 4 when Bro. Nelson came to call on us. Ralph had supper with us."
Oct. 15: "Up and going as usual. Had a restful night. Breakfast over about 9. Usual reading."
Oct. 17: "Up and going. Usual reading. Had a restless night after midnight. Ralph took me to church. Gloria went to Vista. Toward evening had a long ride. Suzanne with us to see someone."
Oct. 18: "Usual reading. Coldest nite thus far. Rested well and feel good this morning. Worked until lunch. A nap with oxygen. In evening went to see Esther and bid her farewell."
Oct. 19: "Ralph and Esther left early for Florida. Finally got wrong ripped out. Now it is lunchtime. Had my nap, then we went to the Doctor at hospital. He ask me how I am. I answered, “I came here to find out.” He ordered a blood test and told Julia he wanted to see me in four months. Had a game in the evening."
Oct. 20: "Usual reading. Working. After lunch a nap with oxygen. Went with Julia at 8:30 to get Gloria at school."
Oct. 21: "Julia took us to women’s meeting. Had a walk in rear yard. Had a nap. After supper had a game."
Oct. 22: "Up after a most miserable nite. Gloria took me for a walk about 1 AM. Breakfast over about 9."
Oct. 23: "Up for bath after good nite’s rest. Breakfast. Usual reading. Ariel and Evelyn arrived and stayed a while, then went to San Diego and took Julia with them. They got back after 10 PM."
Oct. 24: "Ariel and Evelyn came mid morning, visited, looked at old photos, had lunch with us and left at 2 o’clock for a camp above San Clemente. I had nap from 2 to near 3."
Oct. 25: "Up and going after a sleepless night so don’t feel good. Had a nap and feel better. Had my morning walk after lunch, then went to bed with oxygen. Got a letter written to Miriam."
Oct. 26: "I spent a long time looking over 1981 birthday and Christmas cards."
Oct. 27: "Mailed letter to Miriam Sandberg. Usual reading. Trying to do a new pattern without success. After supper a ride to take Walter to church, then later a ride to get him and get Gloria at school."
Oct. 28: "Up for bath. Breakfast over at 9:15. Usual reading."
Oct. 29: "Up and going. Had some sleep. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading."
Oct. 30: "Up for bath after good night’s rest. Breakfast over by 9. Usual reading."
Oct. 31: "Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading after a coughing night. Didn’t get to church. Ralph brought me the church papers. Had oxygen in afternoon. Just when I was finishing supper came Linda Calkins’ mother, Mrs. Genuine, and Heather to call on us. So nice to see them."

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Diary Tidbits-September 1982

Sep. 1: "Before noon Ralph took Gloria, Walter and I down to Suzanne’s. She fixed us a delicious lunch, then laid down and went to sleep. I spent the day reading and sleeping. Ralph brot us home before dark."
Sep. 2:  "A walk in patio and carport. Work on pillow. Some reading."
Sep. 3: "Sorting letters. Ariel and Evelyn slopped in about 10 on their way home. I am happy the stopped. Ariel had told me before they would not stop. I am glad they changed their minds. Had a walk in patio and carport. Had a ride and hour’s wait at grocery. Time for nap and oxygen, couldn’t sleep so got up and prepared 13 letters for mailing. Julia and Gloria left about 4 for the plaza."
Sep. 4: "Up for bath after a good night. Usual reading. Gloria’s mother called her from El Salvador about a business deal."
Sep. 5: "Ralph took Gloria and I to church and came back for us. Took us to their home after my nap and we had dinner with them at 5:45. Merle and Kay were there. Julia and Suzanne came later in evening and brought us home."
Sep. 6: "Suzanne left for San Diego shortly after breakfast."
Sep. 7: "Julia and Gloria left for Doctor and for the Base about 8:45. Had walk in yard. Had walk in carport and patio."
Sep. 8: "Up and going. Gloria left fan on all night. Breakfast over before 9. I feel miserable. Wrote to Mary Olive and Eugene. Had a ride to the plaza."
Sep. 9: "Had a walk in yard. Worked until lunch. Then a nap with oxygen. Then a ride to Gloria’s dentist, also some errands. Called at Esther’s a few minutes."
Sep. 10: "Breakfast over before 9. Reading. Walking. Riding. Working. A game in evening."
Sep. 11: "Julia and Gloria left before 9 for sale at women’s club. Julia went to friends for the evening. Harold, Renee and Esther came for supper with us."
Sep. 12: "Ralph took me to church and came for me. Gloria went somewhere for the day and was back before 10 PM. Julia took me for a walk."
Sep. 13: "Breakfast over by 8:30. Public school opens today. Julia gone for day to Base hospital. Usual reading. Had a walk around yard in morning. A walk around patio and carport in afternoon. Julia came home in time for dinner. A good day."
Sep. 14: "Usual reading. A walk in yard. A walk in patio and carport. A ride to a store. Supper at 7. A good day."
Sep. 15: "A walk around yard. A nap with oxygen. Working. A walk half block up the road."
Sep. 16: "After lunch a nap with oxygen. Needlepoint. Audrey stopped by a few minutes on her way home from women’s ministry meeting. Julia and Gloria went shopping when I got up from nap and Walter home from school. After supper a game of transograms."
Sep. 17: "As usual. David B. is on his way down here. Had my morning and afternoon walks. Finished a pillow top."
Sep. 18: "Breakfast over before 10. Had my walks around. David Benjamin came to see us and had supper with us after a bit of car trouble. It was sooo good to see him again. Esther had supper with us also. She forgot her house key so had to stay with us until after 10 PM waiting for Ralph to get home."
Sep. 19: "Julia took Gloria and I to church and came for us about 12:30. Lunch over before 2. Nap. Late afternoon went to Suzanne’s in San Diego. Left me there and went to see Ralph Butterfield but he was not home. Then we all including Suzanne went to a restaurant for supper. So dark I could not see what I was eating. After that came home."
Sep. 20: "Had my morning and afternoon walks. Gloria started to school tonite. I went for the ride when Julia went after her at 8:45 PM. Did needlepoint between other acts. Had a nap in afternoon."
Sep. 21: "Julia gone to Doctor at Base. Worked at needlepoint and did a lot of reading. After supper had a game of transograms. A 6-page letter from Evelyn."
Sep. 22: "Up and going as usual. Usual reading. Had restless night but feel quite good. Had morning and afternoon walk. Worked at needlepoint. A nap in afternoon. Gloria went to school in evening."
Sep. 23: "Julia took Gloria and I to the women’s meeting. Ralph came for us and we had lunch with them. Ralph went by our home and got my work. I had a nap after lunch, then worked until too dark. Merle and Kaye came to have supper with us and were there when we left after 8 PM. Julia went to Doctor in the morning. Came back to Esther’s late afternoon. This was certainly a good day for me."
Sep. 24: "Up and going after sleepless night. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading. Had walks both morning and evening. Naps when convenient. In afternoon a ride to a Vista nursery and around. Then out to a restaurant for supper."
Sep. 25: "In evening came Ralph and Joe. They stayed until 10. It was so good to see Joe again."
Sep. 26: "Up and going after a good night’s sleep. Breakfast over by 9. Didn’t get to church. In afternoon came the Wilday family to see us. It was good to see them with their 3-week-old baby girl April Mary. Late afternoon they went to Esther’s."
Sep. 27: "Up and going after sleepless nite. No sleep until about 4 AM. Breakfast over by 9. Usual reading."
Sep. 28: "Usual reading. Joe came over in afternoon. He and Ralph had supper with us."
Sep. 29: "Up and going after a restful night. Usual reading. Shortly after breakfast Julia took me and my work to Esther’s. I had lunch there and a nap. They came for me about 3."
Sep. 30: "Julia took Gloria and I to the women’s meeting and came for us at 1. Had a nap with oxygen. Worked until too dark. Did a lot of reading."

Diary Tidbits-August 1982

Aug. 1: "Breakfast over at 9 after a bad nite. Usual reading."
Aug. 2: "Up after a miserable nite. Breakfast over after 9. Usual reading."
Aug. 3: "Up for bath and she washed my hair also. Had best sleep in months — from 2 AM to 5 AM. Breakfast over after 9. Usual reading. A trip to hospital to Doctor. He said I am better. Had a nap with oxygen. Worked until 5 AM."
Aug. 4: "Up and going as usual. Usual reading. Patty and Dale Harmon and three children came to visit us a while on their way home to Auburn." 
Aug. 5: "No women’s meeting here today. Ralph Butterfield who is in the navy visited us in afternoon."
Aug. 6: "Up and going as usual after a better night. Usual reading. Mailed a letter to Elizabeth Hunt. Worked until near lunch. Had a walk around rose garden. Pastor Webber called about 11. After lunch had 45 minutes with oxygen. Am feeling better and stronger. After supper we had a long ride to the beach in Oceanside."
Aug. 7: "Up for bath after a fair night. Usual reading. Breakfast over about 9:30."
Aug. 8: "Up after a miserable night. Breakfast over before 9:30. Usual reading. Ralph came by and took Gloria and I to church and brot us home. Did a lot of reading. Had a nap with oxygen. Gloria went out with a friend for the evening."
Aug. 9: "Up for surprise bath, the first one on Monday. Breakfast over at 9. Usual reading. Started another pillow. About 11 Ralph came by and took me for a ride to Flower Hill. Suzanne and Audrey came. After lunch Audrey and I had a game, then I went for oxygen and a nap. About 5 came Pastor and Sister Webber and Pauline Freeman to visit us — a happy surprise. After they left we had supper and I spent the evening reading."
Aug. 10: "Usual reading. Worked on needlepoint. Had walk around rose garden. After lunch a nap with oxygen. After supper with to hospital to see Esther. Walter and I stayed in car and while they were gone Merle, Cindy and Heather came to visit with me."
Aug. 11: "A ride to hospital with Julia to see Esther. A ride to hospital with Ralph to get flowers. Esther came home today. Spent evening sorting cards."
Aug. 12: "Julia took us to church and came for us after lunch. Spent evening reading."
Aug. 13: "Usual reading. Lunch at Esther’s. Cynthia and family there to help with cleaning."
Aug. 14: "Working on needlepoint. In afternoon came Anita, Art and family. They stopped in on way home from Esther’s. Ralph took Julia and I for a ride around and to shop."
Aug. 15: "Did not get to church. Ralph and Esther for lunch. Gloria went to Escondido. Had a walk outside around rose garden. Another walk in patio and carport."
Aug. 16: "About 11 went to Suzanne’s and children, Julia, Gloria and Walter went to Sea World and came back about 6 PM. Audrey came over to us at Susie’s home. We had lunch, had one game, then went on errands. Had miles of ride in San Diego. Hearing aid quit, went to get new battery. Susie gave me six. She had to pick up Margaret at work so it was a long ride. After supper we came home, arriving around 9."
Aug. 17: "Finished second pillow top for Murlene and read some and napped some. Lunch over at 1:45. Murlene came late afternoon. Julia and her went out for the evening. I finished second pillow top for Murlene."
Aug. 18: "Left at 10 to get permanent in Carlsbad. Back at 1. Had nap with oxygen at 2. Up at 3. Gloria went out for evening. Julia took me for a walk. Did much reading."
Aug. 19: "Up for bath after restless night. Breakfast over at 9. Usual reading. Julia took Gloria and I to the women’s meeting and came for us before 1. I worked few minutes, then took a nap with oxygen. They went to town, Walter here with me."
Aug. 20: "Feel better this morning. Today is Gloria’s birthday, 30. The church gave her a cake or rather the women’s ministry."
Aug. 21: "Up for bath after restless nite. Suzanne came early and Julia and her went to Los Angeles airport to meet …. I don’t feel very good. Gloria washed my hair during bath."
Aug. 22: "Up and going. Breakfast over at 8:45. Julia took Gloria and I to church and came for us at 12:30. Did a lot of reading. Had a nap."
Aug. 23: "After lunch a nap. Worked until too dark. A walk around patio and carport. Julia went to San Diego to look at cars. Much reading."
Aug. 24: "Julia stayed all nite in San Diego. A walk around rose garden and work until 11:30. Then Ralph came and took us to Vista to Gloria’s friend’s house. Lunch. Nap with oxygen. Work until after 4. A walk in patio and carport. Julia did not come home, phoned she was too tired."
Aug. 25: "Julia came home in the evening. She has bought a new car."
Aug. 26: "Sunny morning. Julia took Gloria and I to church. We came home for lunch. Ralph and Esther had supper with us and Ralph and I played dominoes in evening."
Aug. 27: "Mouth so sore cannot wear my lower plate. Breakfast over about 9. Julia and Gloria went away, left Walter to help me. He did very good, got me my lunch and helped me to oxygen at naptime. I finished Gloria’s pillow top this afternoon. They got back while I was asleep and Julia left for San Diego. Julia came home before midnight, brought her new car."
Aug. 28: "Did something I had to change that I had forgotten. Now pillow finished. Had a ride to plaza. Had a walk around carport and patio. Did a lot of reading. Had nap with oxygen. After supper a game of transograms. Ralph ate with us."
Aug. 29: "Usual reading. No way to church. Much reading. About 4 PM went to San Diego. Arrived home after 10."
Aug. 30: "Ariel and Evelyn and Miranda came in afternoon and they took me with them to Costa Mesa to take Miranda to her grandmother’s for a visit. We got back to Carlsbad at 9;30. It was a very pleasant ride."
Aug. 31: "Up for bath. Not much sleep until 6 AM. Breakfast over after 9. Ariel … have camper with them but had breakfast with us. My sore in mouth is about healed so I could enjoy my breakfast. So good to see Ariel and Evelyn again. Gloria prepared another pillow top for me to work on."

Diary Tidbits-July 1982

July 1: "Suzanne has to go to hospital to be with Julia so I cannot go to the women’s meeting at church. Wrote to David Ben. Read a lot. After supper Suzanne and I had two games of transograms. I went with Suzanne to get Gloria from school. Been a good day."
July 2: "Gloria went to fare, arrived home around 10:30 PM. Suzanne, Walter and I had long game dominoes. Then Suzanne and I had a game of transograms."
July 3: "Up for bath after a restless night. Usual reading….A nap in afternoon. Did work on pillow between acts. Played my game in evening. Cynthia, Steve and Aaron stopped by for a little while. It was so good to see them."
July 4: "Suzanne took Julia and I to the church in San Diego, from there to Audrey Gallup’s home where we had lunch. All of Audrey’s four children and family were there and it was so nice meeting all the family. After lunch I had a nap. About 4 o’clock we left for home. Went out for supper around 8 PM. Gloria and Walter came home after 10 PM."
July 5: "Ralph ate supper with us. A game of transograms in evening. Suzanne with home in afternoon."
July 6: "Work until lunch. A nap with oxygen. A walk up the road. After supper a game. Ralph ate supper with us. Esther not feeling well. A ride with Julia to go to school to get Gloria."
July 7: "Up before 8. Usual reading.
July 8: "Julia took us to women’s meeting and stayed. We left about 1 and I had a nap and oxygen until about 2. I worked until 5 when we all left for them to shop. Gloria gone to school soon, a supper over. Now I think I’ll have a game."
July 9: "Slept better last nite. Read news, then worked until lunch. Had nap and oxygen after 1, then worked until after 4….Ralph stopped in for few minutes."
July 10: "Usual reading. Finished a pillow top. Had a walk around rose garden, also a ride to Big Bear. Spent evening at Esther’s watching TV. Julia went away for evening and Gloria and Walter went to some doings and dinner at the church."
July 11: "Up and going. Usual reading after restful nite. Ralph came and took Gloria and I to church and brot us home. I am so weak I could hardly get around but feel better after lunch. Now for a nap in a few minutes."
July 12: "Up and dressed by 8. Usual reading. Breakfast over before 9:30. Saw morning paper. Started a new pillow too. Had a walk around rose garden. After lunch worked until 11? And had a nap with oxygen. Had a ride to Big Bear, came back home for few minutes, then a ride to the plaza. I am very weak and can barely walk. Had a walk around patio and carport before supper."
July 13: "Up for bath after sleepless night. Breakfast over before 8:30. Usual reading."
July 14: "Gloria gave me shampoo and put on curlers."
July 15: "Up for bath. Usual reading. Julia took us to women’s meeting and came back for us before 1. Had a nap with oxygen. Worked a while. Then a ride to Thrifty store. Felt weak and miserable all day. Brother Webber took Walter to San Diego to a ballgame."
July 16: "Up before 8 after sleepless night. Usual reading partly before breakfast. Look at news. Worked until lunch. After lunch a nap. More work, then a ride to take Gloria to the dentist. Supper. Julia took Walter to church for … I had a game of transograms. Gloria came home on bus arriving after 8. Felt better today than yesterday."
July 17: "Bath. Breakfast over after 9. Murlene came in for a minute. Usual reading. Julia went away with Murlene. They came back after 7 PM with Suzanne along, then left for home in half hour. I had a walk around rose garden in forenoon and a walk in patio and carport about 5 PM. Had a nap with oxygen after 1. Worked on my needlepoint between acts. Spent evening reading Readers Digest and Bible. Gloria went away somewhere after 9 so Julia will help me to bed."
July 18: "No one to take me to church so I spent most of the day reading. Had a walk outside and several in the house. Got a short letter written to Ariel and Evelyn."
July 19: "Same as other days."
July 20: "Up for bath. Slept better. Usual reading."
July 22: "Went to the hospital this afternoon."
July 29: "Came home from hospital at 11:30 this morning. Glad to get home."
July 30: "Up and going. Having a rummage sale here."
July 31: Up for bath after a better night. Breakfast over at 9:15. Usual reading. Had a walk around rose garden. Worked until lunch. Went to bed with oxygen. Up at 2:30.

Diary Tidbits-June 1982

June 1: "Up for bath. Breakfast over at 8:15. Usual reading."
June 2: "Usual reading. Read and slept. Went with Julia to get Walter at church."
June 3: "Up for bath after a restless night. Breakfast over after 9. Usual reading. Julia took us to women’s meeting and stayed for lunch, then took me to Esther’s and Gloria to the dentist. After a nap Ralph took me for ride to Escondido to get a car, then back to Esther’s for dinner. Merle and Kay came in for a while. We got home about 9."
June 4: "Usual reading. The Nelsons from … came to visit us in the afternoon. At 6 o’clock Gloria, Julia and I went to Kardiff Kitchen where we met Suzanne and Murlene for dinner. Suzanne came to Carlsbad and then went to Esther’s for the night."
June 5: "Up for bath after two hours’ good sleep. Breakfast over. Usual reading. A bit of sunshine this morning."
June 6: "Don’t feel good so decided not to go to church. Had a walk around patio and carport. Did a lot of reading. After 5 had a ride to Fedmart, then a late supper. 9:30, now is bedtime. The Nelsons and relatives or friends stopped in this morning.
June 7: "Up and going as usual after restless night. Usual reading. Worked in morning. Went to Doctor in afternoon. Hope to have a game tonite."
June 8: "Up for bath. Breakfast over 9:15. Usual reading. Cloudy. Had ride in evening. Felt miserable all day."
June 9: "Up and going. Breakfast over at 9. Usual reading. Feel better this morning."
June 10: "Up for bath. Elna Rhodes came to visit us this afternoon. She looked so think having lost 44 pounds."
June 12: "Gloria came home after 7. Then Julia went somewhere. A game of transograms."
June 13: "Up at 8:30 after some sleep. A lot of reading. Two walks around patio and carport. After supper Ralph took me for a ride around and got papers from church."
June 14: "About 1 o’clock came Bob and Helen Hammond and a friend to call on us. What a happy surprise. About 2 (3?) they left for San Diego."
June 15: "Suzanne came and had supper with us, then left for home. Then I had a game."
June 16: "A walk around rose garden in forenoon. A walk around patio and carport in afternoon. Finished green pillow top."
June 17: "Went and had my hair cut at 10 and came home for few minutes, then to the church to women’s ministry. Came home at 1 after lunch and went to bed with oxygen. Slept about 45 minutes. Got up and tried to read and went to sleep again. Now after 3. After supper a ride to Safeway, then a game."
June 18: "After supper a game of dominoes with Walter, then my game of transograms. Bible reading and off to bed."
June 19: "About 11:30 we went to a picnic in a park at … and were there until about 3. After that reading."
June 20: "Ralph and Esther came and took me to church and brot me home. After lunch had a nap, then spent the time reading and TV. Gloria went to Vista. It is 9:30 and she has not come home yet. She arrived before 10."
June 21: "Had a walk up the road a block, first time in two months. Did a lot of reading. After supper a game."
June 22: "Up for bath after best nite’s sleep in long time. Usual reading. Wrote to Evelyn. After lunch I had my nap. Then Julia took me to Esther’s and they went to the fair. Worked a while at my needlework, then Ralph took me for a ride to Vista. Julia and Gloria returned around 9 and brought me home."
June 23: "Up and going as usual. I feel good this morning. Usual reading. I’ll look at newspaper, then work at my pillow top for Esther."
June 24: "Ralph took us to church to women’s meeting and after lunch took us to their home where Julia met us for dinner. We came home before 9 PM. Been a good day."
June 25: "Up after a restful nite. Thank God for sleep. Usual reading. Julia went to San Diego to spend the day. She arrived home while we were eating supper."
June 26: "Up for bath after best nite’s sleep in months. Cloudy. Usual reading. I am so thankful for that sleep."
June 27: "Up and going as usual. No sleep until 5 AM. Special breakfast — strawberries. Usual reading. Cloudy. Ralph and Esther came and took Gloria and I to church and brot us back and had lunch with us. I went for nap and they went home. After nap, reading. Pastor Webber and wife gone on vacation. Rev. Higgins preached this morning."
June 28: "Nap in afternoon, also a walk up the road. Worked in between acts. Ralph and Esther came over and had supper with us. Spent the evening and left before 10. I had a game of transograms."
June 29: "Up for bath. Had a heart flutter half hour before and am weak. Usual reading."
June 30: "As other days. Suzanne and I played games, transograms and dominoes. Julia went to Base hospital. Car out of fix again. I had walk around rose garden in forenoon and partway up the road in afternoon. Gloria to school in evening. Ralph and Esther took Walter to church and came back about 9 and left before 10."

Diary Tidbits-May 1982

May 1: "Usual reading. Wrote to Ehrenborgs. Had a delightful ride thru the countryside in late afternoon. Then had dinner at Carlsbad Plaza. Haven’t felt very good today."
May 3: "Had a walk around rose garden. Had a ride to the bank, also a ride to grocery. Prepared mail."
May 4: "Up for bath. Breakfast over after 9. Usual reading."
May 5: "As usual. Gloria washed my hair and put on curlers."
May 6: "Julia took us to church and stayed for lunch, then went on errands. Two long rides to Gloria’s doctor."
May 7: "Breakfast over before 9 after a restless night. Cloudy this morning. Julia phoned to Esther. They are still up north and plan to come home the 30th ."
May 8: "Suzanne came in the evening after supper while I was playing a game. After she had eaten we had a game. Gloria took me for a walk before supper."
May 9: "Mothers Day. Breakfast about 9. Suzanne took all of us to church this morning. Then went to Chinese restaurant for lunch. Suzanne left for home about 5."
May 10: "Up for breakfast after a miserable nite. Oh for a level bed. Usual reading. Had bit of sunshine for breakfast, now cloudy again."
May 11: "Up for bath after a restless night. Breakfast over at.… Julia left for Base….Received from Elmer, Ann & family a Mothers Day greeting and a pretty blue dress.
May 12: "Pastor Webber and Mr. Bond called about 5:30. Had a game after supper and a ride to get Gloria from school and Walter from church."
May 13: "Julia took us to church to women’s meeting. After lunch home for nap and oxygen. Then off on a business errand. After supper read all evening. Gloria went out with man friend for evening."
May 14: "Wrote to David Benjamin and Elmer Bates. Had a walk around rose garden in morning and a walk around patio and carport in afternoon. A ride to Fedmart."
May 15: "Julia gone to Richard graduation at Costa Mesa. Usual reading. Had a walk around rose garden. Julia went to Costa Mesa to Chris Gallup’s graduation. Suzanne, Audrey, Darlene and a Chinese lady and her 5-month-old son stopped in on their way home."
May 16: "After lunch a nap and reading. After lunch Gloria and Walter went to visit friends."
May 17: "Up and going as usual."
May 18: "About 5 came Art and Anita for half an hour. Oh it was so good to see them."
May 19: "Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading. Sunshine for breakfast."
May 20: "A ride on a business trip in the morning. A ride to dentist for Gloria in the afternoon. A nap and oxygen. A walk in patio and carport. A trip to FedMart in the evening. Work in between and a lot of reading."
May 21: "Sent birthday card to Polly. Had walk around rose garden in forenoon and around patio and carport in afternoon. Suzanne came around 5."
May 22: "Julia, Gloria and Walter left about 7 for church to … in a busload to the orphanage in Mexico. After they left Suzanne and I had breakfast. Usual reading. Cloudy this morning. Everything going fine. We had several games. I had a walk around patio and carport and did some reading and work. The folks returned when we had finished supper and were having a game. Had a ride to Big Bear after supper."
May 23: "Julia says we are not going anywhere this morning. Usual reading. Suzanne went home and took the kitten with her. This has been a long day. Went to groceries. Supper after 7."
May 24: "Had a walk in afternoon, also a ride to hospital and grocery."
May 25: "Up after a miserable nite. Breakfast over about 9. Usual reading. Worked, slept and read. Had short walk before 6 PM. Have felt miserable all day. Murlene and Darrell were here for lunch and a while."
May 26: "As usual. Worked, read, slept. Moved around the house. Had a ride to get Gloria from school and Walter from church."
May 27: "Julia took us to church, then went for hairdo. She phoned Bro. Webber and he brot us home about 1. Had a nap with oxygen. Worked until dark. Plenty of reading."
May 28: "Suzanne met us at Kardiff Kitchen for supper. Had a game when we got home."
May 29: "Suzanne, Walter and I played dominoes after supper. Suzanne and I had transograms during the day, also had a walk in patio and carport."
May 30: "Julia took Gloria and I to church. A nap and a walk this afternoon."
May 31: "Up at 8:30 after a dreadful nite. Had a walk around at 2 AM so I feel miserable. Could not lie still. After lunch had nap with oxygen. About 4 we left for Suzanne’s home and George and Audrey came. It is Audrey’s birthday so there was quite a crowd. We stayed until after 3 PM, then came home. Now it is bedtime after a good day."

Diary Tidbits-April 1982

April 1: "Usual reading. Raining hard and windy. Went to Esther’s late afternoon. Had supper there. Came home about 9."
April 2: "Feel better this morning. Had a walk around rose garden. After lunch a nap. Pastor Webber called on us in the afternoon. Had a walk outside. Left at 6 for Cardiff Kitchen, got off the track and arrived at 7. From there to Esther’s. Home after 9."
April 3: "Up for bath after miserable nite. Usual reading. Had walk twice around rose garden. After lunch Gloria and Julia went away and M.O. and I were alone. We had one game and a lot of visiting. Then at 3 I went to bed for an hour."
April 4: "Up and going after a long sleepless nite. Gloria got home at 1 AM. Had a nice ride to the countryside in afternoon."
April 5: "Up and going as usual. Usual reading."
April 6: "Up for bath. Usual reading. Got good sleep toward morning. Julia came home late and brought Timothy Draper with her."
April 7: "Had a walk around rose garden, also a ride to plaza. Timothy Draper is here, makes good company for Walter."
April 8: "Up for bath after a good nite. Usual reading. Julia took us to church and stayed to work and for lunch, left at 1 for home. Took a nap and then went to Solana Beach to take Timothy Draper to his father. Then to Big Bear for groceries. Been a good day."
April 10: "Usual reading. Had a walk. Gloria and Walter went away to be gone until Sunday night."
April 11: "Up and going. Mary Olive helped me get dressed, etc. etc. Murlene and Darrell came with six children and had dinner with us about 2. They left for church about 5:30. Gloria and Walter came home before 9."
April 12: "Up and going as usual. Breakfast over after 9. Usual reading."
April 15: "Julia took us to church to women’s meeting. Ralph came at 1 and brot us home. I had a nap with oxygen, then about 5 we went to Esther’s and had dinner with them and came home at 10 o’clock."
April 16: "Up and going as usual. Have pain in left side of my head."
April 17: "Up for bath. Breakfast over at 9. Went to Suzanne’s in the morning and got home by 11 at nit."
April 18: "Ralph took us to church and brot us home. Read most of remainder of the day. Had a nap in afternoon."
April 19: "Up and going after sleepless night. Weather clear. Mary Olive came over for afternoon and evening. Gloria took me for a walk. Didn’t get much done on work. Made mistake and had a lot of ripping to do. M.O. and I had two games in evening."
April 20: "Had walk around rose garden. Couldn’t hardly make it. So weak. Mary Olive came in afternoon and Ralph and Esther for supper. Worked some on needlepoint. They left about 10 PM."
April 21: "Mary Olive left this AM for Texas to visit her daughter Merry Zoe. Gloria is going to wash my hair this morning. Joe came to visit us late afternoon – a surprise. Did a lot of reading."
April 22: "Up for bath after sleepless night. Gloria gave me oxygen at daylight. We started to go to church and I felt so weak I got out of car and went back into the house and worked some on needlepoint. I had a little walk in carport and patio. Gloria had a friend take her out for dinner this evening. It’s 10 and I am tired so I am going to bed. Got announcement of birth from Beverly."
April 23: "Up and going after a miserable night. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading. Ralph and Esther leaving this morning for Oregon. Harold Calkins came to see us today. Had a walk outside. Been a good day."
April 24: "Up for bath after sleepless nite. Was hungry and ate a big breakfast. Had a walk in patio and carport, also a ride to Fedmart. A nap with oxygen after lunch. Worked in between acts, also did a bit of reading. Had a nap while Julia and Gloria were in the grocery. Oh if I could only sleep at nite when I am in bed."
April 25: "Up and going. Turn clocks ahead an hour. Breakfast over after 10. Usual reading. Had a walk around patio and carport, read a lot and watched TV. Gloria came home before 8."
April 26: "Up and going after a horrible nite of no sleep. Breakfast over before 9. Usual reading. Harold came to visit me about 12:30 until 3. He is in Vista this evening and leaves for Miami and home tomorrow morning. Can’t work on needlepoint now because have run out of yarn. Hope Julia can find some tomorrow."
April 27: "Up for bath after restless nite. Breakfast over at 9. Usual reading. Had a walk around carport and patio. Had a ride to bank and Fedmart, also in afternoon a ride to the plaza."
April 28: "Up and going after a better night. Breakfast over about 9. Cloudy weather. Usual reading. Finished reading Old Testament this morning. Had a ride to the hospital in the afternoon. Gloria to the dentist. Started on another pillow top."
April 29: "Up for bath. Breakfast over after 9. Usual reading, now in Old Testament."
April 30: "Up and going. Breakfast over after 9. Usual reading."

Diary Tidbits-March 1982

Mar. 1: "Had a restless nite. Breakfast over at 8:15. Wrote to the Hunts. Went to “Paul’s” in Carlsbad for permanent before 2, arrived home before 5. Supper over. Gloria gone to school. Now I’ll have a game."
Mar. 2: "Worked some more, at 5:45 went out for supper, then Julia and Gloria went to Safeway. We arrived home at 8 and I spent the rest of time reading. Around 4 tried walk up the road."
Mar. 4: "Am weak and short of breath. Decided not to go to church. After 2 o’clock nap went to Esther’s and was there until after 9."
Mar. 5: "Went to San Diego about 4 to Audrey’s, then to photographer for family pictures. Had dinner after 8 at Audrey’s. Home before 10."
Mar. 6: "More work, then a walk up the road – only partway. I was so weak and short of breath I nearly did (not?) make it. Worked few minutes. Ralph and Esther had supper with us."
Mar. 7: "Up by 8 after a most miserable nite. Usual reading. Ralph came and got me for church. He took me in at side door so not far to walk. Home for lunch by 1, then a nap. George, Audrey came with Mary Olive around 3, left before 6 for church. So good to see M.O. Julia and Gloria went shopping and returned before 8 and we had supper. Shortly after Ralph came for M.O. She will stay at Esther’s at nite and come here in daytime. I am still weak and short of breath but happy for M.O. here."
Mar. 8: "Up and going. Weak but no pain. The Lord promises strength as my day. Usual reading. Beginning Joel this morning. Joe and Darlene came to see M.O. Did not get much work done today. In evening M.O. and I had a game of transograms. Gloria off to school in evening. Went to Doctor at 4."
Mar. 9: "Up for bath. Breakfast over at 9. Usual reading."
Mar. 10: "Went over to Esther’s for the day. Esther is gone. Julia had to stay home for stove to be fixed. But we all got home before 9:30. Now it’s bedtime. Gloria washed my hair and put it in curlers in the forenoon. I got some work done on my needlepoint."
Mar. 11: "Up for bath after uncomfortable nite. Mary Olive went to Women’s meeting. The sisters sent me their greetings and a card. Julia put me on oxygen. After lunch I worked and ripped out yesterday’s mistake. I feel good but am short of breath. So good to have M. Olive here part of the day."
Mar. 12: "Up and going after a good night’s rest. Ate at my desk. Table full of things covered because of work to be done on the ceiling.…Mary Grace came and took Mary Olive out for lunch."
Mar. 13: "No sleep until after 3 AM….Julia and M.O. left at noon for San Diego. Harold Calkins came to visit me in evening. Good to see him."
Mar. 14: "Ralph came and took M.O. and I to church. M.O. went to church in San Diego with Ralph, Esther and Harold. I had a nap and much reading. Gloria and Walter went to Escondido after lunch."
Mar. 15: "Breakfast over before 9. Feel weak. Usual reading. Worked on needlepoint. Lunch early. Took nap and oxygen before 2. Art, Anita, Vanessa and Lydia came, also Darlene & Audrey, but they did not stay long. The Butterfields stayed until Anita and I played two or three games of transograms. So good to see them. A letter from D. Benjamin. His wife is similar condition as me except hasn’t a stroke but uses wheelchair and walker."
Mar. 16: "Finished pillow top for Esther. Harold came to visit few minutes before taking plane from San Diego for home in Florida. Had a nap in afternoon. Wrote to Myrle Gibson. Had oxygen this morning. Ralph and Esther and M.O. with us for supper. They left for home before 9. I dread to go to bed because I don’t sleep."
Mar. 17: "Plan to start on work on pillow top for Julia. Had a nap with oxygen at 2. Also walked around the house. Ralph and Mary Olive with us for supper. Esther did not come because she wanted to work on quilt. I have felt miserable most of the day."
Mar. 18: "Julia took us to church and came for us at 1. I had a nap with oxygen. Did a lot of reading. Mary Olive and I played several games of transograms in the afternoon while Julia and Gloria were gone. Had supper at 7."
Mar. 19: "A nap with oxygen before lunch. Another nap after 2. A ride to Plaza at 4. Supper at 6."
Mar. 20: "Had a walk around out front. Worked at needlepoint. Mary Olive and Ralph came over for a little while. Esther working on quilt. Having trouble with work on pillow. Have felt fair today."
Mar. 21: "Julia took M.O. and I to church and stayed. While eating lunch George and Grace Hunt came to see us. Mary Olive left with them to visit someone."
Mar. 22: "M.O. here part of the day. In evening Gloria at school. Julia and M.O. went somewhere. Ralph and I played dominoes."
Mar. 23: "Ralph, Esther and M.O. going north. May be back Friday. Gloria’s mother in hospital for surgery. Electricity turned off so could not operate. She has cancer. Had a walk around rose garden in forenoon, a nap after lunch with oxygen. A walk a little way up the road this afternoon. Worked on needlepoint in between acts. Feel good but am weak and short of breath."
Mar. 25: "Feeling better. Did not get to church to Women’s meeting."
Mar. 26: "Up and going. Murlene, Audrey came. Usual reading. I feel better this morning. Audrey and Murlene came about 9, had lunch with us and had to leave. Christopher and wife and Abigail came about 3 and left after 4. Worked when I had a chance. Cloudy weather."
Mar. 27: "Up for bath. Breakfast over at 8:30. Usual reading. Worked some. Helped Walter read. Elna Rhodes called on us in afternoon."
Mar. 28: "Up after 8 and feel wretched. Mary Olive came early, then went to Samoan church, got back before 1. Julia took Walter to Sunday School. When he got back Gloria and him went somewhere so Julia, Mary Olive are here by ourselves. I went back to bed for an hour so feel a little stronger."
Mar. 29: "Eugene Hunt’s sister and husband called on us in afternoon. Ralph took Gloria to school in evening. Esther came over for supper and spent evening with us."
Mar. 30: "Had ride around while Julia and Gloria did errands. Pastor Nelson came in the afternoon to see us. Had a late nap and a walk before 6 PM."
Mar. 31: "Up and going. Breakfast over before 9."

DiaryTidbits-February 1982

Feb. 1: "Up and going but feel very weak. Breakfast over about 8:30….Ralph and Esther stopped in few minutes. Spent most of time reading. Went with Julia to get Gloria at school at 8:30 PM.
Feb. 2: "Much reading. Ralph and Esther with us for supper. Ralph, Gloria and Julia went shopping for tires for Walter’s bicycle, etc. Esther and Walter stayed with me."
Feb. 4: "Went over to Esther’s and spent the day there."
Feb. 5: "Went to eye doctor and he ordered eye drops four times a day for two weeks. Had a lot of ripping to do because I worked white where Julia didn’t want it. Now she has definite plan for me to follow. Had a good nite and feel quite able this morning."
Feb. 6: "Up for bath. Breakfast over 9:30. Did a lot of ripping and some work."
Feb. 7: "Ralph came and took Gloria and I to church and brot us home….Late afternoon Joseph came in and surprised us. He stayed until after dark when he left, said he would see me tomorrow. Gloria & Walter went away for the afternoon. They got back before he left."
Feb. 8: "Usual reading. Joe came and he and Julia went away to look at cars…..Julia went to San Diego to stay all nite. Joe took Gloria to school. Stayed with me until time to go get her, then he went to Gwen’s for the night."
Feb. 9: "Joe phoned about 8:30 that he was leaving for home. That is a nine-hour drive to Sonora. Cloudy this morning. Ralph took Gloria to dentist, then took me to Esther’s. I went for nap. After he went and got Gloria, later on then he took us both home. Julia came home in time to eat supper with us. After supper I read evening paper, then had a game of transograms. During daylight got some work done. Now 8:15, guess I’ll read and watch TV. Audrey and George sent me two boxes of lovely birthday card stationary."
Feb. 10: "Julia with car trouble. Ralph helping us. Had a game after supper."
Feb. 11: "Ralph took Gloria and I to church at 10 and came for us at 1 and took us to Esther’s where I stayed until near 9 o’clock. Gloria had to go to dentist at 4. We had supper with Esther at 7 and came home about 9. Suzanne arrived about 9, then we all came home."
Feb. 12: "Julia and Suzanne arrived to eat with us. After supper gave her her pillow top. Julia and Suzanne went away for the evening."
Feb. 13: "Up for bath after a sleepless nite, trouble breathing. Took oxygen for 3½ hours….Ralph and Esther invited for supper by Gloria. Julia had an appointment elsewhere. Ralph suggested playing dominoes so we played dominoes until after 9."
Feb. 14: "Up and going after best nite’s sleep in long time. No getting to church because of cough and cold. Had a ride to take Gloria and Walter to the bus for Escondido. Got home at 12 and slept one hour. Lunch over at near 2. A long and lonely day."
Feb. 15: "Worked until lunch and after lunch until 2, then a nap, more work until run out of yarn. Had a walk up the road."
Feb. 16: "Feel weak and cough a lot. Worked until dark, finished pillow top for Julia. Had walk halfway up road."
Feb. 17: "Usual reading. Still weak and coughing. Had walk once around rose garden. Worked until lunch. After lunch a nap with oxygen….More work and feeling better. A walk half block up road. Gloria went to school tonite. Julia took her to school and took Walter to church to Royal Rangers. And I went along when she went after them. I feel better than yesterday thank God. He is faithful."
Feb. 18: "Usual reading. Still coughing some and did not go to church, very disappointed. Worked and ripped, made mistakes. After lunch a nap and soon after a ride to Big Bear and back….Still coughing."
Feb. 19: "Audrey came and Julia and her went somewhere. After shampoo worked til lunch, then had a nap….Now I’ll read evening paper. Julia not home yet. She went to hospital at Camp Pendleton."
Feb. 20: "Cough seems better….Julia invited Ralph and Esther for dinner at 7 and I had a ride to the grocery. A quiet evening. Retired at 9:30."
Feb. 21: "Up and going. Cough seems less. Usual reading in Daniel. Julia now has my cold and sore throat. I would not go to church coughing every few minutes. I am disappointed. After lunch went for ride to take Gloria and Walter to Vista. They were not at home so left her at another place and went to bed as soon as we got home. Wrote letter to Lanwrence Beltramo."
Feb. 22: "Gloria at school tonite. I had a game of transograms. I went with Julia to the school to get Gloria. Now bed time."
Feb. 23: "Up for bath after restless night….After lunch went to Doctor Wenzel at hospital. He ordered X-rays. Also changed my medicine. We got so tired waiting around to get everything done. Got home before dark and had supper about 6. After 7 Walter and I had game of dominoes. He won. I hope for sleep tonite."
Feb. 24: "I went with Julia to get Gloria at school. Cough better."
Feb. 25: "Cough better but not going to church. Worked on needlepoint until lunch and after lunch until 2, then had a nap. Worked more, then had a walk around patio and air port. Worked until dark. Gloria and Walter went somewhere. Supper over at 7, now a game. Gloria came home at 9:15. And now bedtime. Been a good day."
Feb. 26: "Up eating breakfast at my desk because carpenter came at 7 to prepare for the new stove due next week….Had a ride to store before supper. Ralph Butterfield from Navy came to see us."
Feb. 27: "Finished pillow top, then had a nap. When I awakened Cynthia was here and Ralph and her had lunch with us….Just before dark Julia took us to dinner….My cough is better and I hope to get to church tomorrow."
Feb. 28: "Breakfast over about 9 after good nite’s rest. Cough better. Usual reading. By phone word came that Ariel and Evelyn were coming at 2 and would take me for ride. They came after 2 and visited a while. Then we left. Ariel drove over Carlsbad and Oceanside and then stopped by Esther’s. They visited there until near 5, then left for home. Later Ralph and Esther brot me home and had supper with us and spent the evening here."

Diary Tidbits-January 1982

Jan. 1: "The Hyatts came by around 7 and took Gloria & Walter with them to Pasadena to see the New Year Parade so Susie & I are alone. I did much reading…. .I started on Susie’s needlepoint pillow and got quite a bit done. Esther sick with cold on chest. Ralph not feeling good. Murlene & family came by about 9:30 so Gloria & Walter are home. Margaret is staying here until Susie leaves on Sunday. Been so good. Raining."
Jan. 2: "Susie offered to help me bathe in tub but I do not feel able for that effort so had my usual shower….Joe came in afternoon and he took me for a walk. Been cold today. Word came that Julia is better."
Jan. 3: "Less pain than before. Am so very thankful. Susie took us to church. After it was over she stopped at chicken store & got our prepared lunch, drove home and we had good lunch immediately. When it was over Susie & Margaret left for home in San Diego. It seems rather quite and a bit lonesome around here."
Jan. 4: "Ralph went and got Joe to stay with me while she Gloria went to school learning English."
Jan. 5: "Pastor Webber called in about 4 with a lot of pictures he took on my birthday. So dark I couldn’t see them very well so he left them here. It’s 6:30 so I’ll have a game of transograms. Had a walk in the house, too cold outside. Julia phoned she will come home tomorrow."
Jan. 6: "Helped Gloria with her lesson for school & this evening Ralph came and took her to school and later took Walter to Royal Rangers. Julia and Murlene came around 6. Then Murlene went home. Julia has to go back early Friday morning. It’s after 9:30 so I must go to bed."
Jan. 7: "Julia took us to church 10:30 and came for us before 1. At 3 took me to hospital for ex-rays, etc. Got home after 6. Off to bed at 9:30 and had first nite without pain since the Dec. 21. Wonderful.
Jan. 8: So thankful that hurt between my shoulders is gone. Thank God for release. Had my usual reading of Bible and news….Pastor Webber call in about 11. Around 4 Gloria took me for a walk up the road. More reading. Finished a book by Corrie ten Boom."
Jan. 9: "Helped Gloria with one of her lessons. Now bedtime and I hope for good nite’s rest."
Jan. 10: "Up and going after a wonderful nite. No one to take one to church….About 3:30 Julia took us for a ride that I enjoyed. We went for groceries. About 5:30 came George, Audrey, and Tina and another man. They brot me a gift of box of See’s candy from Debby Draper and family. They left about 6:30 for home."
Jan. 11: "Sent thank you letter to Debbie Draper for Christmas candy. Had a walk twice around rose garden. Finished one pillow top for Sue. After lunch went for nap. Then wrote to Myrle Gibson. After 3 had a walk up the road. Left shoulder hurting. Ought to write another but will wait until tomorrow."
Jan. 12: "Wrote to Sister Hensley."
Jan. 13: "Up and going but feel miserable. Usual reading. Wrote to Evelyn. Julia changing position of the furniture in living room."
Jan. 14: "Gloria didn’t want to go to church so I didn’t go but worked on the needlepoint, also had a walk to lagoon….Ralph called in around noon. Now bedtime. Been a good day. Almost no pain."
Jan. 15: "Julia gone to doctor’s appointment. Her car broke down. Can’t get it until Monday. Had a walk to lagoon….About 9:30 Julia gave me some letters, 40 or 50 years old, that Joe her brother wrote to her when he lived in Hawaii. So I got to bed later than usual."
Jan. 17: "Ralph came and took me to church and brot me home. Julia took me for a walk up the road. Gloria & Walter went somewhere in afternoon and evening. I spent time reading & sleeping."
Jan. 18: "Gloria is gone to school. Walter is finishing the dishes. Now I’ll have a game of transograms."
Jan. 19: Sent four thank you notes. Had a walk twice around rose garden….Julia took us over to Esther’s after 3. Then Gloria & her went shopping until 6. We had supper at Esther’s at 7. Came home after 8. Then I read until 9:30. Now bedtime. I have felt quite good today. My lost New Testament & Psalms that was given me for being older grandmother that was lost is found and I am so glad."
Jan. 20: "A walk around rose garden. Finished the pillow top for Suzanne. Reading."
Jan. 21: "Raining. Ralph came & took Gloria & I to church. Julia came at 12 and had lunch with us and then we left for Esther’s at 1. I went for a nap & the rest went shopping. We had supper at Esther’s & came home about 8. Julia prepared a pillow top for me and I started another job of needlepoint."
Jan. 23: "Had a lot of trouble with my work and had to do lot of ripping. Julia got car out of shop Monday and it’s wrong again today. It won’t start. Ralph got me two new bolts for my frame."
Jan. 24: "No sleep until after 4 this morning, so I feel miserable. Ralph came for me to go to church. My hearing aid quit? And I could not even hear the preacher talking. Silence. When he brot me home Julia fixed it so I can hear."
Jan. 25: "Breakfast over before 8:30. Painters coming. Went to Esther’s for Kentucky Fried chicken dinner. Also had supper there and got home about 8 PM."
Jan. 26: "Up for bath and over to Esther’s, for breakfast about 10 AM. Arrived home about 8 PM."
Jan. 27: "Went over to Esther’s after lunch and stayed there until after 8 PM. One of the longest days in the USA. Ha! No place to do my work comfortably but I am thankful to get home. I am soooo tired. The painters finished today. Julia had them clean the carpet so it’s still damp."
Jan. 28: "About 4:30 went over to Esther’s to have supper with them, came home about 8 o’clock."
Jan. 29: "A woman came about 8 and papered the kitchen. Ran out of paper so has to return next week to finish."
Jan. 30: "Breakfast over at 9:30. Usual reading. Cold this morning."
Jan. 31: "Ralph came and took Gloria & I to church and came back for us after 12."