Thursday, April 30, 2015

Which Reminds Me

Once in El Salvador my sister and I were walking with Susie along some streets and suddenly we heard that there were some university people staging a protest on the streets and they were marching in the direction of where we were walking. We quick went inside a furniture store nearby and hid there in the back of the store for several minutes, maybe a half hour or so, until the protesters had passed on by. We are white people whose presence obviously would not be appreciated on the streets during such a public protest so we courteously stayed out of sight for the duration.

Which Reminds Me

Someone has reminded me that when I lived in California I once applied for an editor job at Chuck Swindoll's organization which was connected to the Evangelical Free Church. I was told in the job interview that I would not be hired because of my Pentecostal background which is obvious because I attended an AG college. I could not be trusted to properly edit matters of a theological nature, said the woman who interviewed me, although the prospective job might have built on the skills that I had acquired in the job that I was currently working at, which was the Lockman Foundation. Ok, fine. I will be just fine without all of these Evangelical Free/Southern Baptist people nattering in the background. What would those modernists know about Christian theology anyway? Didn't one roommate at the time, Laura, say that she almost doesn't believe in anything? So anyway I can't take those people too seriously or I would just go crazy. Some people are disappointingly not as Christian as we had thought upon first meeting, but then again isn't that what world history is all about?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I suppose that I should have apologized to Dawn for interrupting her performance on the stage, actually the basketball court, because anyway I really didn't know what they thought they were doing and I probably should have watched and listened more before saying anything to anyone. The whole thing did strike me as weird to see Dawn playing the part of evil seductress. On the other hand, these efforts to twist that into some other thing that was never intended by me is also very annoying. We never discussed anything of the sort so while I think that you do know what I meant, it is obvious to all concerned that your enormous pride and ego is what will not allow you to admit any mistake on your part or to give me any credit for having a legitimate point of view of some sort. You always were utterly self-absorbed and refusing or unable to grasp my point of view in any way. I don't know whether that is a Canadian or U.K. thing but we all know that you cannot be crossed because you are so unbearably proud and stubborn and thus it would be entirely useless for me to say what I really think about that or anything else for that matter. I might as well just ignore these worthless friends as if non-existent because that is how they see me. Anyway, that said, you have no legitimate claim to my personal property, never mind about all their junk. The Andersons are just Foursquare rejects who do not seem to understand that sometimes being square is more important than being cool. Sometimes being cool that way just doesn't matter. There are other things more important than what they might say. I just don't care anymore. Like I said, maybe in heaven we will all be perfect and able to get along well but until then, well, I really don't care if I do not hear from Dawn and the Anderson riff-raff until then.

Which Reminds Me

The example of Stephanie proves to us that the U.K. has its low-level white trash just like everywhere. These U.K.'rs talk loudly but they really don't know anything much about me. There would be no reason for me to discuss oil rights issues with these clueless Canadians, never mind about what Dawn's sick imagination might dream up. Dingy Dawn would not be a proper channel of discussion for this topic. I am just saying.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Which Reminds Me

We have an ancestress in my Dad's side of the family, Mary Ellen Carr, who was born in Prussia in 1821 and came to the U.S. without parents somehow and married Jacob Burry in 1837. Well, she might be dead and buried by now but she had quite a few children, about 11, including a great-great-grandmother of ours, Rhoda, all of whom had probably fairly large families, so that quite a few of her descendants actually are living in the U.S.. But we are under no illusions of going to Prussia to claim anything there of the Holy Roman Empire and to socialize with the royals of Germany. There is just no reason to even think of that. The only reason that you are hinting to me about that is because you already think that my entire life is one huge joke anyway so whatever additional joke materials you can shove at me the funnier that you think it is. However, I do not share this fondness of yours for stupid humor. I am just saying.

Which Reminds Me

Yeah, I get it. I just can't keep a secret, says you. I will just parrot everything I ever heard to someone or another so if you tap all my contacts you think that you can gather everything there is to know about me and steal all of my secrets, as if I ever had any secrets. There is nothing mysterious about me. My life is an Open Book, even though it was actually Vickie Canfield in high school who was with the Open Book church, not me. I was with the AG, not the Open Book of Vickie Canfield. So I am just saying.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Which Reminds Me

I am suddenly reminded that our high school geometry teacher was Mr. Schoenberg. He was a good math teacher even if a bit boring. Someone was telling me a story about him but I don't understand. I really don't know anything else about him other than just he was a math teacher at our high school. Why are you asking me about that? I was not one of the cheaters. There were cheaters but I was not one of them. I don't appreciate your attempts to dump me in that bucket.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Which Reminds Me

One roommate for about three months or so was Jan Green of Kansas, who was expelled for some mysterious reason that was never fully explained. I really am not sure why that was or what exactly happened or, for that matter, why I should be expected to explain that when I don't know very much. Maybe you could ask Sue Waligunda. She or someone might remember something that she forgot to tell me.

Which Reminds Me

Oh yes, I do recall that Rhonda Hurd of Michigan was also playing Monopoly that day with Jan and myself. Of course, Michigan people are so annoying, so eager to make bullets out of every little thing. I didn't go back the second year so I really don't know what else happened to them. I might have missed a few details of that so I really wouldn't want to guess at something I really don't know. Just because my grandparents at one time lived in Throckmorton, Texas, that doesn't mean that I have any idea what you are getting at.

Which Reminds Me

Ha ha ha! I am suddenly reminded of Jan Chance from when I was at Evangel College, who lived on the other end of my dorm floor. Just because we played Monopoly together and wrangled over the rules because Jan accused me of cheating so I had to explain to her the rules of the game, that doesn't mean that I know very much about her Tory politics. I just remember that she affects a sort of Britishy accent, though can't quite be said to have that, and belongs to a pseudo-British colony somewhere in Virginia of people who still imagine themselves almost a sort of British colony. I don't quite understand that but I can't be expected to account for the politics of every person I ever met. This is just too much for me to explain. Let Jan explain herself. I really can't be expected to do that.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Which Reminds Me

Although my grandfather was a McClellan we are not related to the Civil War general of that name. I don't really need to explain this one more time, but since some people are very forgetful I am repeating this anyway. We are descended from William Brownlow McClellan, a Texan who was a newspaper editor and publisher during the Civil War and also before and after. It is fairly clear that he was not related to the Civil War general and no one actually thought otherwise except for some confused persons. Nevertheless, our McClellan was arrested by the Confederates for publishing items sympathetic to the Union cause so you really should not jump to so many conclusions about that. If you had ready the family book you would have already read the harrowing tale of the Confederates raiding the newsroom and forcing him and the newsroom staff to walk all the way from Le Grange to Houston where they were held by authorities until matters could be resolved. So matters were speedily resolved and he soon returned to his newspaper work. So that's all there is to say about that.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Which Reminds Me

Ha ha ha! Who is this clueless Mark Anderson who imagines himself my guardian and/or husband? Ha ha ha! Now I see why every idiot Mark I ever met in my life is all worked up into a snit. As if. Ha ha ha! Someone really ought to do about reeducating these clueless Andersons because, really, their stupidity is beyond belief. You make it hard for us to explain anything with these clueless Andersons yapping like idiots on a continual business.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do remember that my sister read Goethe's "Faust" in high school but I did not, so I suppose that in that sense you could count me among the uninitiated.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is odd how this Genie or Gail Li has got herself all worked up to spit in my face. I can just imagine myself appearing in New York only to be crushed like a bug, blindsided by who knows what machinery already rigged by persons unknown to me. Obviously I am not going to take that bait. I am not that stupid. How many times do I have to explain this?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, there is a foul stench of Oklahoma pervading the air. Ok, so they fired Richard from his university job, but apparently that wasn't enough to put this horrid Roberts family on notice that they will not be allowed to use the Oral Roberts name as their private magical amulet at our expense automatically. They are going to have to have more proof than just Pammie-Puke's idiotic blatherings to launch such a noxious campaign against an innocent citizen such as myself.

Another problem with Oklahoma is seen in New York, where the stinky butt of Cathy Lea has so far eluded the chopping block somehow. I have never been in New York so it obviously wasn't mine. Stick that in Kowry's ear.

And wasn't there a Gail Li who lived a few doors down the hall from me at SCC? But I don't suppose there would be anything worth saying about this pathetically stupid mental retard that I remember from college. I never liked Gail Lee anyway but I don't see any reason to get in someone's face and scream that way, just because nobody likes you, as if they even know what they are talking about. It just doesn't make any sense to me.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Which Reminds Me

I now see that someone is angling for a discussion of the picaresque, a genre of Spanish literature which was studied in Spanish literature class but which is best forgotten in these modern times when we don't really have street beggars anymore. Didn't we all read that classic book, Lazarillo del Torme, in which a beggar boy ascends in life, by hook or by crook matters not, to a state of comparative prosperity? Later in life he looks back at his amazing ascent from beggar boy starving on the streets to middle class prosperity and is amazed at his good luck and/or the credulity and naivete of persons who failed to block him along the way when all along he well knew that he was just scraping by and didn't really know what he was doing or where he was going. The various adventures and exploits of his life are described in humorous detail in the picaresque genre, of which Charles Dickens contributes some examples in English, Oliver Twist and David Copperfield. Thus the rise of the muy picaro is celebrated in Spanish literature in various books.

Yes, I do remember Pammie Puke bringing up this subject over lunch at Vida Publishers. So?

A girl can't do that, needless to say. A girl who tried to behave in that way would be stigmatized by society so obviously the picaresque applies only to boys. But I don't need to explain this obvious point.

Which Reminds Me

As everyone already knows, "Twelve Angry Men" was a movie about a hung jury. During some role play in Miss Marken's 10th grade English class this movie became a skit in which 12 guys in the class participated. Which guy was the odd man out? I don't remember exactly, just that the acting was very effective. So if you staged your own hanging, do you have any right to be surprised when you get hung? I wasn't taking notes so I really don't remember the details of that. Anyway, it was only a skit based on a movie, not real life. Don't be too exaggerated.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is a bit awkward, my cousins being these most pathetically horrid people. I despise them, basically, for dumping all this garbage on me. They are just empty nobodies.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Which Reminds Me

I seem to remember that Johnny Rentz's brother married some shrill Cuban witch. I think that my parents did force me to attend the wedding with them, one of those requisite social obligations. So why would they be complaining about that? You would think that they would be thankful that anyone would remember the existence of these annoying people who really don't matter anyway. Why should I waste any time in acknowledging this insignificant trivia of their existence?

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was nice of Johnny Rentz to drive some of us home after church at Bethel in Hialeah sometimes in the church van. We sometimes stayed after church to go hang out with the young people while my parents went on home. One night we were in the van on the way home and I might have been in the passenger seat or else directly behind. Johnny pointed to a car in the center lane. In this car was a couple who were hugging and kissing at every stoplight. They would race erratically to the next light, come to a screeching halt, and then quick kiss and hug until the light turned green again. Johnny was entertained by the watching of them. I said something like, "Isn't that dangerous? They might have a wreck driving that way," and Johnny replied saying something like that he did not think so because of the driver being in control. Yes, and that is about all there is to that two cents worth of conversation. I don't remember anything else about that.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Which Reminds Me

Why all this silly chanting of a mindless mantra, "Let it go," as if I were holding someone hostage? I am not holding anyone back. If you want to go, fine. Go. However, I tend to see it the other way around. I tend to think that you are one who is not letting me go. Let me go. I don't want to be your slave maid. I also want to find my own normal life somehow and no one will let me go. You are forcing me to sit here like a miserable slave responding to all your horrid questions, as if. I am just saying. I have to sit here pulling out all these weeds most of which you planted yourself in the first place.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do remember that Lynda liked Daniel Amen, but then she graduated and he went off to medical school in Oklahoma and so that also never happened. I do remember that Johnny Rentz might have liked Rachel Balius but that never happened for whatever reasons. As for myself, I never liked Johnny Rentz that much and anyway he now lives somewhere in Louisiana, but I would rather not get into the details of that. There are some things that simple-minded Michelle would not be able to comprehend, never mind about her silly theatricals.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I must be very careful what I say in public. I wouldn't want to accidentally do something that actually might be helpful to the wicked Anncraft that is extensive around here. I really don't remember Ann but I do think she could easily play the stereotypical witch role.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Which Reminds Me

Another college person I really don't remember is Daniel Amen, who also went on to become a medical doctor. I think that Lynda was often seen talking to him but I never did. I have noticed more recently that he has many books for sale in bookstores everywhere about how to improve your brain by eating right and living right. Yes, so that's nice. So we see that some doctor-written books may get lots of publicity and a general readership while other doctor books might find it harder to attract a publisher. Well, I would only be guessing if I said anything about that so I would rather just avoid saying anything. Some matters are just not for public consumption.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, during my first year at SCC, Larry's two cousins Beverly and Ann Kraiss lived down the hall from me on the 7th floor. However, they left after that first year and I really can't say that I remember very much about them. I sometimes think that I hear them chattering down the hall but I really don't hear very much. They went back to Chicago and disappeared into that Midwest milieu. How many millions of people live in Chicago area? I just have no idea. And then there was Glenn Kraiss, another of Larry's cousins, who also went back East somewhere, or so I heard, on the drugstore track. I really don't remember them. I would rather not say what I really think about these people, to tell the truth. It is better that way, just not saying anything about them.

Which Reminds Me

Oh, I had not noticed this before. You are saying that I am a weed that needs to be burned up. And does not the Bible say that we are as grass that soon fades? So that is sort of true in a physical sense. Our bodies are buried or burned even though our spirits live on in Christ and life continues after physical death, our souls being translated somehow the hereafter in another plane of existence. And you were expecting this to be a return to something that you were expecting me to say, even though I had not thought of this, something about us possibly needing to flush Karen and Larry down the toilet where they belong after their parents are gone and we no longer care about that. Anyway, when did we ever care about the college staff families who tyrannized us with their permanent connections while our time there was so short and tenuous? Oh, I had not thought of that in so many words. I would just get in so much trouble if I ever said anything even remotely suggestive of this.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I sort of get it. The Italians think they have a real coup in branching into the Strickland family line, not that they will really be Stricklands by name, only by distant lineage, nor will they get a key to the castle that way. The castle belongs to the U.K.'s National Trust anyway which is just as well because you really don't want the headache of maintaining a massive British castle. Do you have any idea how much money that would require? This is maybe 100 years after the last of the Stricklands died after warning against the Italian aggressions against Malta. Whatever that meant. I really wasn't paying that much attention. The Italians wish to cast me as their villainess so I suppose that I must oblige them to a certain degree as they certainly have been utterly antagonistic and obnoxious toward me. Perhaps they wish to throw me to the shire, which will not be appreciated. I never liked Tom that much anyway. Just driving an MG is not that impressive. You will need more brains than that to get through college.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I noticed that Pammie Puke thinks that she has thrown me to Cuba, namely Cecilia, an elderly single lady who formerly worked in the accounting department a desk over from her at Life Publishers in Miami. Didn't Cecilia spend a lot of time going back and forth to the warehouse to supervise shipments to various parts of the world? Cecilia has been dead for several years now but lives on in their memories, obviously. Cecilia had a side job as amateur photographer and was often seen at special events angling for a good shot but she died not long after her retirement and has not been seen or heard from since then.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it's so easy for you to say, "Heal yourself!" Make your own friends. Get rich quick. You make it sound so simple, as if the secret of the universe were at my fingertips and I could just snap my fingers and do whatever I want. I am really not so stupid that I don't know that I can't do anything on my own and that if nobody is going to help me, well, then you should not be expecting so much from some poor lonely powerless person such as myself in the first place. The Great Expectations you placed on me are just too much given the pathetic circumstances of my life.

Which Reminds Me

During the time that I lived in Virginia I worked in a telemarketing call center for exactly three months. During that time a co-worker offered to sell me some crystals. He said these crystals were good for meditation and good luck because of their concentrated power and energy. I am a person who refused to buy those crystals. I thought to myself, am I not a Christian? Christ is alive in me and I live in Christ. Did not Jesus say, "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe." Thus I see no need for some crystal bauble and I did not buy the crystals that the young man was offering to sell me. What exactly I said to him I do not recall but later I was fired from that job because I could not meet the sales quota. There is a lying spirit out there that would have you believe that I was fired for other reasons such as going off script and lying over the phone but that was not true. It was just that my sales numbers did not add up to the minimum quota required. That was how the supervisor explained it to me.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Which Reminds Me

During college I never had any contact whatever with Larry, so I was not aware that he was such a pathetic gossip, as if there would be some reason for me to regurgitate something that my mother told me this his father, Dr. Kraiss said when he spoke at a missionary retreat in Orlando which my parents attended. He told them a story about a sad case of rape that occurred at our college some years ago but not we were there. That's sad. I don't recall any names mentioned, just that such a thing occurred at our college, which event in itself is so unimaginable. I cannot even imagine who those people might be or how that could have happened at a Christian college.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do feel a certain degree of pity for this pathetically clueless Dauna. She does not seem to recognize her own gossipy problem. But we all know that Dauna comes from a very trashy low-class family of vulgar people who live in the state capital, a family who think of public brawling as a normal mode of behavior, as evidenced by the stories that she told us of them. However, this gossipy Dauna dropped out before graduating with us. Someone was saying that Dauna's Russian KGB family sold themselves as slaves of the Kennedy machine, paid off to defend the death of Mary Jo even though the White House was not gained thereby or something like that. Well, parties these days don't seem to mean what they used to. It's not like the Republicans are doing any better having sold out to the Italian mafia, whatever that means. So the Catholics think they have it their way coming or going. Whatever that means. Anyway, I am leaving so it is not my problem.

Which Reminds Me

I vaguely remember that when I was in college and flying to California once the pilot announced that someone famous was on the plane with us, over there in first class, some Kennedy person. So that was sort of interesting. How odd to think that I might have been in the same plane as some hugely famous person, even if it was only some snarky rich politician, I don't remember who. I am not sure whether I actually saw that person, only thought I heard an announcement of this. But whatever. Who did I mention this to? Dauna? As if that were important. How odd that Dauna or someone would be defending them in the death of Mary Jo. I mean, well, whatever happened. Coming from such a Republican family as mine, it is no secret that the Kennedy-Johnson ticket never got any votes from us. Well, maybe I can't speak for all but anyway certainly it is no secret who didn't vote for them. Which is another reason why it is so weird that they would be trying to contact us on this point. We never liked them and we don't have to discuss this either because we are not even slightly related or connected in anyway. 

How weird that someone would be trying to use me in some weird Mary Jo shell game. Yes, well, who am I to say who deserves to die? Or for that matter, who deserves to get elected? But since Mary Jo is already dead the point is moot. Anyway, don't the Irish famously treat women like garbage, which is another problematic point there.

Someone keeps telling an imaginary story about me telling Dauna to go scream at Debbie Tracy which is not true. I don't know whether that actually happened or whether it is just another trial balloon, but I never told Dauna to represent me in any way to anyone. In fact, I would rather not be represented by pathetically clueless Dauna. It is hard for me to recognize anything I ever said to Dauna with all my words hanging out there twisting in the wind. Perhaps the world would be a better place with Dauna's big fat mouth drowning under a bridge but then again it would not be my place to say so. How could God defend me if I didn't forgive the wickedness of the Kennedys and Johnsons? Yes, we do have to forgive them but if we don't have to vote for them.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was weird. Why all this commotion coming from the Gear-Hola sisters? Ok, so maybe we were in high school together, and yet when at any time did they ever say hello to me that I should have any memory of them other than having seen them around school from time to time? I really see no reason for me to answer the Guirola phone call as I doubt that they could possibly have anything to say to me of a personal nature. I really don't remember very much about them. OK, so you live in the Bay Area now. That doesn't mean very much to me. How many millions of people also live in the Bay Area? I just have no idea, too many to count I would imagine.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is a bit weird to hear all of these people complaining about my so-called "advantage" when actually I don't have anything worth mentioning. I cannot even imagine why they would be saying that. It's not like I was ever popular or had any inherited wealth or wrote any bestselling book or anything like that. To tell the truth, having traveled and lived in a foreign country, being the child of missionary parents, etc., these are huge disadvantages in today's world. Perhaps you have gotten me confused with someone else. I cannot imagine who.

Which Reminds Me

Oh, I don't know why I never noticed that before but it would seem that some clueless French Catholics were trying to run our lives which will not be tolerated. You were only pretending to be Protestants when all along you were just waiting to out-populate us which will happen eventually, true enough, but no reason for us to care what they do. We are leaving anyway so that will not be our problem. I seem to see that I was perhaps appointed to kick your Gene-O-Vanilla butts all the way home to Montreal. So you want to build a New Montreal here in the U.S. Fine. You will be fined. We will take that with French fries. Don't you know that here in the U.S. French is just another synonym for mean and nasty? So that is what you were perhaps expecting, yea, even waiting for me to say even though I had not even thought of that. I actually don't care what they do and resent all this pressure to comment. I never even thought of New York as a future place for me to go. I always thought New Yorkers were obnoxious and mentally ill to some incomprehensible degree.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Which Reminds Me

The stuffed duck that was given to me by Pammie-Puke so many years ago has now recently been donated to a local charity. Perhaps they will have more luck than I in the use of it for fundraising purposes.

Which Reminds Me

Needless to say, I do not wish my life story to be entirely contained by the Southern Baptist segment. That snarky Bruce Bell and family always did have a way of making me feel like garbage, but they are only nasty Baptists who automatically despise Pentecostals such as us so we cannot take the Bell opinions too seriously or we would just kill ourselves and that wouldn't be right or biblical, would it? So what if the nasty Baptist Bells never liked me? I really don't care very much what they think and say about me behind my back. The Baptist Bells are nothing.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Which Reminds Me

When I was studying journalism I wrote an article for the school paper, and then someone in Atlanta reprinted my article in his paper in Georgia. Our newspaper editor was indignant and wrote for not asking permission formally before reprinting my article. Although she showed me her letter and I Ok'd her sending it off because I assumed that she knew what she was doing, I tend to think in retrospect that I probably should have told her not to be using my name and representing me that way. That really wasn't necessary. Her letter might have made me look like such a legalistic fuddy-duddy. Come to think of it, it was really sort of flattering that some complete stranger would want to reprint my article in his paper even if the permission was not procured in the proper way and besides these severe legalism tend to strain relationships that might otherwise have been helpful in the future.

Which Reminds Me

Am I the only person who thought it was a bit odd the way that Machelle Bush was obsessing on the Janet Cook story? I mean, ok, fine, these cases appear from time to time and with her there we had to do our group project on that or nothing, but to get so emotionally worked up about that was just a bit weird. I mean, I doubt that I could ever be quite as bad as that in terms of inventing imaginary drug addict children to write about. Still, I would rather learn something constructive about what to do in terms of my future work rather than what not to do. In my opinion just reporting on the Janet Cook fiasco was not really that helpful to me as I had already read a detailed story about that in Time magazine plus various other discussions on the subject of how these articles must be true and factual or else labeled as fiction, one or the other but not both.

Which Reminds Me

During my first year at SCC I recall that someone, I don't remember exactly who said that, described Baron Glassgow as a butterfly of sorts because at the beginning of the semester he was all over the cafeteria flirting with various girls, but then he met, I am thinking her name was Cindy, and stopped flitting around and then they were dating and got married over Christmas and never came back to college. So their courtship was fast and then they were gone. They came back around once to visit but that was a long time ago. I really don't remember them. Those people really weren't that important to me.

Which Reminds Me

Of Anna Bowen there is no need for me to say anything. Is not her vitriolic attitude painted all over walls everywhere? She lived on the opposite side of the dorm and I never really knew anything of her personally. I only remember what someone said about her, a witness whose testimony I tended to believe was credible even though I did nothing to verify these commentaries so you really should not put too much weight on anything I might say about her. Judge for yourself.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Which Reminds Me

Needless to say, we have no swingers at all in our family tree. I don't really need to clarify that point, obviously, but perhaps someone out there has somehow gotten us confused with those vulgar Krace swingers whose depravities have now shocked us all. We would rather not claim the swinger Krayce family as college classmates now that we know the full story of their sick minds but back in the old days we did not know that Larry Chump had so many mental problems.

Which Reminds Me

It is a bit awkward, this "Joe-Dee" pretending to be an heir of ours. He is an impostor, an interloper. He is nothing and his children will not inherit ours, never mind about all of this fanfare of verbiage.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Which Reminds Me

Why all this histrionics about being watched at all times? So what if someone is always watching me? Wasn't it I myself who told you that very same thing? I am the one who told you that God is always watching you and sees everything that you do even when no one is watching, even when you think that you are all alone and nobody can see you. Even when you think that you have me and everyone else fooled God knows what you are doing behind my back. That's what I told you. So get that straight in your sick mind.

Which Reminds Me

It is hard for me to understand why Pam is so concerned about Anna Bowen. I do remember that some people at Evangel were plotting against her for being so weird but I don't remember all of the details of that or who it was, just that some people were saying that they really going to make her life miserable for having kissed another girl during initiation week. Yes, well, she was weird. I really can't bring myself to defend her. And then shouldn't the Gonzalez apologize to me for their lesbian daughter Ana Ruth who grabbed my hand during church on Sunday morning and wanted to hold hands with me? What was I supposed to do about that? I don't like being touched by girls. It certainly wasn't my idea. It seems very icky and insulting to me that the Gonzalez family would be pretending that it was the other way around when they know very well that their own daughter Anna was very weird. They insult me too much. Anyway, I won't have anything else available for their graspy hands.

Which Reminds Me

I went early or late to attend that church business meeting and see what was going to happen and pastor said to let me vote even though I had been gone for a while and had not been back very long. So I did vote although it really did not matter. The vote was unanimous anyway as usual. It is not like anyone dares to disagree with pastor's proposal and expect to get along well at church later. Anyway, so what? Who would know that except for maybe that shrill nasty witch, the pastor's secretary, whom nobody actually likes other than pastor. But if pastor likes you that is all that matters for job security purposes.

Which Reminds Me

Here is an interesting question: Why is all the hush money goings to the trashy sluts of New Orleans? I did not get a college degree to spend all of my time cleaning up the garbage left behind by the swaggering idiots of Louisiana. I never liked them anyway. Obviously. Needless to say. I probably could keep going for a long time on this garbage, and yet even if I lived to the age of 100 I probably would never reach the bottom of the barrel and it is just not fair to expect me to do this. I can't just live without income from somewhere. I should not be expected to live like the family dog, just expecting the bowl to be refilled perpetually. I have to buy new shoes. I have bills to pay. Where is my check? I need it now.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Which Reminds Me

Speaking of the Bay Area, sometimes I think I here Cynthia Jackson's chatterbox voice in the background but perhaps I am just imagining that. Anyway, it's not like CJ ever had anything to say to me. She is just one of those talkative people who exude an impression of knowing something by their many words even though they don't actually know anything.