Friday, March 31, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Immunity? Yes, I won't need immunity for anything. I am no criminal so I have no need to be escorted by these mentally retarded quasi-unofficial Sicilian mafia kids who speak a limited vocabulary of blankety-blanks. Perhaps you have mistaken me for Jill Anderson, who may or may not be descended from the "Scotty Kid" who was actually a notorious railroad hobo and criminal before he got right with God and became a missionary to Bolivia, a unique situation to be sure. Well, information about Tommy has been circulating widely online although I am not sure what Jill's connection was to him, or Dawn's for that matter. Actually, nobody really cares about Tommy's boring Anderson cousins who were actually warring against their black sheep Tommy, using Baptist connections to make us Pentecostals feel like garbage, when actually they were the makers of Tommy criminality, not us. It was a unique time in history, that much is true. Yes, it gets very confusing. We would really prefer to NOT emphasize the Anderson connection because they are self-seeking exploiters of Canada's ambitious expansionist opportunities, not really so helpful to us. Anyway, it just wasn't that important. So obviously there is no prize for exporting the idiotic rantings of Jill and Linda, needless to say. We welcome the opportunity to sell Jill off to Canada, to finally be rid of that fat ugly garrulous hog once and for all.

Not to sound too sanctimonious, but our family history does not include such an infamous criminal as Tommy so we do not need the mental gymnastic of trashy bimbo Jill to make ourselves feel better about that. It was a miracle, to be sure.

We may pity the wicked Anderson kids but we don't need their immunity deal. That may be their personal thing although I am really not sure.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Oh yes, now I remember, someone was trying to stir up an online conversation on our choice of female coin faces. What? All we have to show for ourselves is an axe-wielding prohibitionist and an illiterate Indian squaw? Hmmm... Well, for coinage purposes, perhaps it helps to be a sacrificial victim of politics, as for example JFK's early admission to the halls of coinage whereas other US presidents of longer standing have yet to grace the face of a coin. Perhaps only time will tell what other faces may attain to some denominational coinage, if ever.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I too heard the British Royalists talking about the pending monarchical takeover of the USA, whenever that happens, if ever. So far it is only some speculative ramblings of dubious legal value. I thought I heard John Bueno online accusing me of being a Royalist traitor but he was confused. I only remember that Alana was complaining to me about Nan's obsession with Charles and Di, although, I don't know, we all can read the same papers about the British royals but as of yet the British coin is not produced by us. And whose face should be on the USA coin? We have who? Abe Lincoln famously on the penny, also George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, FDR, JFK. Only rarely do we glimpse Sacagawea or Susan B. Anthony, not really queens, just coin faces for some reason. It is not my place to choose the coin faces, certainly. We probably have some type of committees assembled for doing that sort of thing. Just one person can't change the coin faces without some popular acclaim, certainly. No one was arguing that point that I can recall.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Here is the beautiful plastic ring, a very 1970s style, that I bought for myself at the World's Fair in El Salvador. I bought the best one for myself so my sister had to settle for some other uglier thing. That's just how that goes. I have good taste that you only wish you had, at least in my opinion.

Which Reminds Me

Throughout high school we have absolutely no awareness of the existence of the Bush family, so no discussion of them will be available from that time. We are vaguely aware of the Watergate Scandals, Nixon and Ford because their photos often appear in Time magazine and also maybe the local newspaper, although there is really no TV news worth mentioning. So I have really no idea why you would imagine that I would have any idea of the existence of the Bush family. Political people always think that everything is all about them but in our daily ordinary lives there is really no place for them. They are supposed to be at work solving the world's problems, not harassing me for no particular reason.

Which Reminds Me

How many times do I have to tell the same story about how Alana called me to confess her sin? And so I listened but probably I am not the best counselor for dealing with such situations. Because of that, she was disqualified later from marrying Loren, but, yes, that is another can of worms that wouldn't be worth further discussion, at least not by me. That wasn't my problem. I wouldn't want to be forced to marry Loren just to spite Alana. That would just too weird.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Yes, all this talk of "voodoo" economics really grates on the nerves. You can't be seriously suggesting that we should consult voodoo witch doctors to resolve these problems.

Which Reminds Me

I am refusing to be enslaved by these horrid political people, which is why we are dropping bulldog Machelle off the map, along with her backers, which is sort of contradictory for a conservative such as myself to be putting the Bush family on notice that we see their divided loyalties, and I have nothing in store for them but a ticket home to Coahuila since they are so determined to go there. Personally, I am not interested in connecting to this ridiculous Cruise network. It just doesn't work that way.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is such a relief to be gone from college and not have to see Jill's stupid face everywhere coming and going. Jill really is a horrible person who at least I am glad to be rid of.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, what are we going to do about all these Methodist cockroaches, especially Mark the Methodist cockroach from Georgia? I never wanted all these clueless people running my life, all they do is run me down to smash me like a bug when actually I was not the bug on the wall of which is spoken. I don't have all the lowdown you seek.

Which Reminds Me

Actually, everyone is relieved that Jill and Linda are now muzzled, or at least they should have been muzzled, because they are the know-it-all gossipy type who really should not have access to any personal information of mine.

I heard someone online complaining that I had repeated a story about them that I had heard from Jill, but it couldn't have been me because I don't remember their names. I do remember that Jill mentioned their names and explained who they were but I immediately had forgotten the names, just some people Jill knows, so I could not have repeated that and still have no idea who they were, just heard someone online complaining about Jill.

Which Reminds Me

Someone was pointing out that Catherine Marshall was able to write books because she had a position as pastor's wife, meaning that regular non-pastoral people cannot write books. But that logic does not necessarily work as a rule. Many pastor wives do not write books for whatever reason, and also many non-pastoral people can write very good books. So just making a rule out of circumstantial evidence does not necessarily mean very much. Catherine Marshall's books were very popular and yet she was not the elected pastor and sermon writer. So?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do remember that when I was living in California my landlords were from Wisconsin, and also they lived next door to me. Why these Wisconsin landlords would be intercepting my undelivered mail and wiretapping my telephone conversations, seeking information with which to blackmail me, is a question that has not yet been explored. How would I ever prove that even happend? I can't even remember what their names were so how would I go about suing Wisconsin's fat ugly hogs? I just have no idea.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I once went Christmas caroling with some people who included Jill and Linda. However, the similarities pretty much end there. There are many other things not contained in my head, so why is nobody tapping the open sewer that flows freely through Jill's empty head? I couldn't begin to explain in public some of the things that I heard her say because it wouldn't be appropriate to talk about them. Just because they now have husbands, that doesn't really guarantee that Jill and Linda are such nice or innocent people with no deep dark secrets to hide.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do think that I would not mind paying the admission fee to walk through the Sam Houston Museum sometime should I ever happen to be in the vicinity of that, there in Huntsville, Texas, although I have yet to get there, even though our family history book explains that Houston has a vendetta against us, meaning the McClellans and their descendants, for some obscure reason. Houston, after all, was elected by the people to be the president of the Republic of Texas, over and above the editorial opposition of my great-great-grandfather who was a newspaper editor in Texas at the time, in the mid-19th century, a factoid that is never far from Houston's thoughts of every generation it would seem, even though we in our generation really don't remember anything about that in a firsthand way. Many of us are content to avoid the hassle of trying to run for public office in the face of Houston's editorial opposition and not interested in reenacting old antiquated dueling scenarios that would be potentially more fatal to us than to them, especially those of us who do not own such big guns and have no training in the use of firearms. What Houston vs. McClellan meant in Old Scotland we have no explanation as of yet. We only have a few clues suggesting that Sam Houston and my ancestor, William Brownlow McClellan, attended the same rustic school in Virginia in the early 1800s, long before their more public feudings of adult life. But there is not much else to go on in that line of thinking, really no reason that we are aware of to personally reenact such Dismal Swamp feuding scenarios.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Ah yes, if only we had in hand Helen's book about her childhood and schooldays spent in India, then we would perhaps be able to see more parallels between us and them. But as things now stand, I really don't see anything very interesting, just more boring snobs looking to smash my face into the wall even though I was not aware of their existence.

Which Reminds Me

My great-grandfather was a Presbyterian minister in Texas, belonging to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church denomination, which is somewhat universalist in its views, although I only learned that from my own reading, not because we ever had any personal contact with that particular denomination, although the history of the McClellan family in Texas is somewhat linked to the Cumberland Presbyterians generally speaking. In our generation, we belong to a different denomination so I don't really know very much about that but there is probably some information about the Cumberland presbyters out there in the history books.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Yes, what dialectical dialogue could I possibly have with the Swaggering pimps of Louisiana? I just have no idea why you would think that I would want to comment on that piece of nastiness. I have always maintained no connection whatever to that worthless garbage. My only mistake was to imagine that one could actually dialogue rationally with such a trashy clueless bimbo whose head is wholly immersed in the sewers of street language verbosity, but no more. No further opportunities for dialogue will be extended by me to the stupid street dogs of Louisiana.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, can any good thing come out of Wisconsin? Wisconsin is a state of no interest to me. I couldn't care less about Wisconsin. Who is from Wisconsin? Probably nobody I would know, maybe some forgotten acquaintance whose name does not come readily to mind. Wisconsin to me is just a complete stranger. The missionaries to Guiana were from Wisconsin but they have been gone for a long time now.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Which Reminds Me

During college I very much enjoyed the class that I took from Dr. O. Cope Budge, on the subject of "Hebrews," the book of the New Testament, and I got an A in that class. Dr. Budge was previously a missionary of our denomination, the Assemblies of God, in India and the college library is named after him. He really was a good teacher at least in that class so I don't see why that would be a problem for you unless you are some sort of Methodical snob only pretending to be one of us because that is such a non-issue.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Yes, you may be asking what dialectical dialogue could I possibly have with the pathetically stupid hookey players of New Orleans? Well, yes, I am asking that myself because this is all news to me. I have no insider track on the gutters of New Orleans, only glanced at whatever was in the news, not really interested in learning more about that dreary stuff, so this prolonged interview is a ridiculous and useless exercise in futility. Why am I detained to answer your many stupid questions, while they sit there spewing upon me as much inventive scorn as their puny little brains can muster? This picture is wrong and you yourself are the very definition of wrong, needless to say. I just want you to let me off this train because I don't really have the answers that you are looking for. I am not the information source that you seek.

Which Reminds Me

That was strange, how that conversation came back to me all twisted around and somehow attached to other unrelated information about the hookey players of New Orleans, of which I know absolutely nothing. Interesting, but I don't really want to pick up their fleas, so obviously I am not going to do something about that, needless to say.

Which Reminds Me

Who is this annoying person who continuously, yet without success, attempts to place me in the wretched district of Louisiana, possibly to eat crow there with Jimmy and the Santiago idiot crew. How cavalierly (=rudely) you toss around my reputation and welfare in order to accomplish your selfish and greedy purposes even though you are barking up the wrong tree. I never had any connection to them personally speaking. I couldn't care less about Louisiana. Perhaps you have confused me with Miriam Denham, Bob Hoskins' secretary who was from Louisiana herself, daughter of a Louisiana pastor. If you are looking for the inside scoop on Louisiana you could always ask Miriam. She can even write shorthand, a rare accomplishment.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Which Reminds Me

When I was living in California, I received a telephone call from Alana Haze, who called to confess to me her sins, which, of course you know that Jesus forgives you but you really should have known better than to do that, I may pity you but no I can't quite pretend to understand what were you thinking, and also she called to ask me about Loren and don't I like him? No, not really. He really annoys me, the way he prattles on so about the wonders of Jimmy. These simple-minded peasants such as Alana will take that stuff way too seriously if you promote that from the pulpit. These TV people may rise or fall based on their own merits, but we really should not be basing our Christian faith on just the escapades of Jimmy, not that we knew the half of it at that time. I was just sounding a note of caution because I remembered years earlier having seen him on TV foaming at the mouth, huffing and puffing in a strange trance. My mother, seeing that, remarked that he has a problem. Not that she knew what exactly that problem was. It wasn't even what he said specifically, something about mothers tell your daughters not to wear shorts, which may or may not be good advice depending, so much as the way he was saying it. So I was just sounding a note of caution about how Alana and these other simple-minded peasants should not be basing all their faith on just whatever Jimmy says. Or Johnny for that matter. These days I can't quite remember who Johnny was anymore.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Which begs the question, why can't we just put a bullet through René Cuccio's empty head? I have no time or patience for socializing with these tasteless mafia broads who never seem to care about anyone other than themselves. There is no thought in her empty head for me and my interests, it's just all about them. I would never have a penny to my name if they were allowed to rule the universe, needless to say.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that years ago there was someone in our church who was an employee of the IRS, Suzette, an Italian, who was able from that position to assist with investigations into the mafia operations of her Italian relatives. But don't ask me. I don't remember any details of that. I only heard a part of something that was said but nobody was talking to me. You could always ask Pam and Craig who, being accountants themselves, would probably have a more complete explanation of whatever that was about. Someone continues to repeat this IRS factoid for some inexplicable reason, but I just have no idea.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Which Reminds Me

When I was in high school, every day when I got home from school I would go to the refrigerator and eat a piece of bread and drink a glass of water. My little sister perhaps thought it was funny that I seemed to snack like a prisoner but anyway that was the way I was in high school. I just wanted bread and water.

Which Reminds Me

I don't mind dying whenever it is my time to go. Better to die than to live on a planet so thickly populated with these rude people who have nothing informative or edifying to say about the problem, just always creating more problems. I would have preferred a chance to voluntarily withdraw from the connection, if I could even see what that was, but yet perhaps the time is not ripe for a final resolution.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do remember that I was never a student of Henry so, yes, there is no sense of loyalty here to "them" although I don't quite remember why they would hate me that much. I just don't care very much about trying to participate in their Southern fantasy life. Yet the Civil War has been over for a very long time now so we can't just pull out a gun and shoot Henry's Southern Rebel head off his shoulders, much as we might be suspicious about their mysteriously unspoken plan to build a Confederated Central America, headquartered in New Orleans, a favorite shopping destination of Central Americans, although I can't quite remember who first said that. We would need to have actual evidence of what they are talking about, not just a pack of unrelated magazine articles, vague innuendos, which is very scarce and hard to come by. So there is really nothing that I can actually say about that that would make much of a difference.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember having babysat the two little Lampp girls once or twice but otherwise nothing is known, just that they probably grew up and got married and had children of their own and worked their jobs and whatever else they did with their lives. But we are not related and I do not work for them so there is no reason for them to be calling me now. If I ever decided to get my nails done I probably would not want to have to drive all the way there just for that. Florida is a very large state and I have seen very little of the west coast. Sorry but life goes on and I don't actually have any reason to go there. Where is my paycheck coming from? That is the only thing that I would be worried about, and clearly they are never going to be doing me in favors in the future so there is no reason for me to go there. One back may scratch another but nothing is owed to them in that line of reasoning, needless to say.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Yes, of course, it does blur the picture somewhat to have this Britannical bimbo classmate trying to share her emotional problems with us. I could probably say something similar about noxious Carmen if only I knew more details of her mental problem but as it is I really don't have very much information with which to drop her dirty black butt off the map, just an instinct of avoidance. Yet I have faith that Jesus can fix their mental problems without my having to get my hands dirty with that. You are the spiritual leader so you teach them how to pray and get saved. Anyway, I am not allowed to do that so obviously there is nothing that I can say about that.

Which Reminds Me

I don't remember, did we also sing: "Yo quiero ser feliz, yo quiero ser feliz, llenar mi vida de una nueva luz. Cristo la luz será que en mi alma brillará y alumbrará toda mi juventud. La la la la la la ....

Which Reminds Me

I vaguely remember that during high school I climbed the Boquerón volcano twice, not just once. The first time I was with a group of Campus Crusade people whose names I completely forget. How did it come about that I was invited to participate in that hiking group? I remember almost nothing about that, just that my contact in that event might have moved to the United States shortly afterward so that was the only contact that I ever had with those people, whoever they were. There was a white lady missionary who might have spoken a few words and also some other people might have spoken when we gathered at the summit for a devotional message and also sang some songs. I don't remember, did we sing that song: "Juventud Salvadoreña Jesús te llama a servirle, a servirle con amor (2x), El quiere ser tu ayudador, tu guia fiel es el Señor, adelante juventud Salvadoreña." We often sang that at our Pentecostal church, although you may ask me whether that applies to non-Salvadoran youth, if Jesus only specifically cares about them and not really us. Yes, it is always awkward socializing with these non-AG anti-Pentecostal people. One is hesitant to say very much about that for fear they might break forth into some anti-Pentecostal cursings. So often it is better not to talk about that because some people just don't understand what these binary options are supposed to mean.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Which Reminds Me

What is all this commotion about the Moors of Spain? As we all know, the surname of the great Christian Spanish hero, el Mio Cid, was Diaz, not really Gonzalez. So what are these stupid Spanish Gonzos crowing about? I really don't understand them either. What is their problem? Maybe you could explain it to me.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I heard that you now have Debbie the pathetically stupid dirty brown hoe to scrub your filthy butts so you will not be needing me for anything. This means that now my time and attention will be free for more important matters than just your stupid butt, needless to say.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Anyway, this marketplace of oil wells and real estate is not the place to be talking about religious matters that are a matter of personal faith. We have heard strange and threatening wordings emanating from the political people, and yet this is not a good time to be talking about that, when there are about 30 or 40 guns all pointed at my head. As I was saying, this is not the appropriate place to be discussing what our grandparents did. If my grandparents had not done that, well, we wouldn't be here talking about that today, for whatever that is worth, but, anyway, we will have to find a new way of resolving these matters when the time is right, which could be a while yet because, anyway, my parents are only in their 80s and showing no signs of kicking the bucket just yet, so there is no reason to be rushing around and jumping to conclusions when we don't yet have our ducks in a row.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do seem to remember someone posing premature and ridiculous questions about the job of school teacher which is described in the novel "Christy" by Catharine Marshall, which job was actually filled by her mother, not really Catharine herself, her book being a distillation of stories allegedly told by her mother although rearranged somehow. Truth be told I am not applying for any job position in Appalachia, never mind that some vague politician sent me a rambling monologue recommending that I go there to reform the little urchins of Appalachia, them being such hardheaded and stubborn moonshiners that the government has taken to bulldozing some of the secret mountain places that formerly hid their moonshine stills. Yes, that is probably true, and yet,  truth be told I was never interested in dialoguing on such matters with those backwoods people. Truly I cannot imagine myself being effective in such a noxious environment, especially after all that garbage that was broadcast about blondes being the preferred type of them, an obvious sign of where that came from. They are obviously expecting to expend much energy in the insulting and demeaning and dehumanizing of me, which plan meets with my entire disapproval. I choose to reject the overtures of Appalachia and have no idea of going there to help them insult me more. Go away and stop harassing me. Enough said about that.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Yes, what dialectical dialogue could I possibly have with Shannon, the Florida beauty queen of the spiked tongue. Who are you? Go away and stop harassing me. Since when does the opinion of some snippy Blonde Bubblehead matter to me in the least?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is a bit awkward, these dreary people trying to claim me as a dependent of theirs when actually they never did contribute so much as a dime to my financial operations. They only want me to give them something, to enjoy the benefit of having brilliant me around without paying the price. But that wasn't our mission. Perhaps they never really understood what our mission was, on that much we can agree. But it was not our mission to provide them with a free ride to Paradise. They will have to buy their own tickets, needless to say. I can't pay your way to hear the fat lady sing. Each individual has to show their own ticket at the front door.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Yes, there is another question I cannot possibly answer in any reasonable way. Why did my uncle marry Linda? I was too young to know very much about that. Everyone who knows just wants to avoid the subject entirely because, anyway, they have been divorced for a long time now and nobody wants to relive that nightmare. The lesson learned there is to think very carefully before marriage about your choice of mate because we really don't need another crazy Linda in the family. She had mental problems, needless to say. Anything that I could say about them would only stir up a hornet's nest of old argumentations that we would probably all rather forget because, anyway, that just wouldn't be helpful.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Yes, tell me, what dialectical dialogue could I possibly have with the mentally retards of Michigan, what with their stupid Herd mentality and refusal to speak in complete sentences? I just have no idea what they want from me. I just want all the idiots of Michigan to go away and stop harassing me because anyway my name is not Helen, obviously. No one ever said that we were ever acquainted with them or even knew of their existence. There is just nothing else to say about that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do remember that when I was working as a reporter in Miami that I was assigned the task of writing a story about money laundering, in which I mostly talked to law enforcement who describe things that they look for in detecting such misbehavior. If it should have happened later that some persons in Miami were later arrested for such activities, to me that is merely coincidental. I must pity them but I do not remember now who they might have been. Perhaps some other employee would remember more about that but I just have no idea. There were so many people that we talked to in the course of doing our jobs, I really cannot be expected to keep track of all these people. There was a huge Rolodex that we sometimes shared.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that Lurleen Trittin was telling us about how she was helping some women in the organizing of an event at which the speaker was Catherine Marshall, the author, and they were all appalled at how unfriendly she was to them and how she seemed so introverted. They were perhaps expecting someone more outgoing. So that was Lurleen's opinion about some event at which I was not in attendance and know nothing about. Oh, did Pam or Sue forget that it was Lurleen who said that? What was this event anyway? The details were not many. We are not Presbyterians so why are we involving ourselves in these Presbyterian events that are of no concern to us? Why is Lurleen parroting all this gossip that probably did not belong to her in the first place? I have read two or three of Marshall's books in addition to the novel "Christy" and think that she is a pretty good writer even if not hugely extroverted perhaps but few authors really are and besides I never actually met her so it is not my place to comment about some hearsay that only came through Lurleen, not really a hugely reliable source of information in terms of knowing what to believe. And can you imagine mindless empty-headed chatterbox Pammie-Puke ever writing a coherent narrative of anything when she cannot even spell "justice" correctly? We are a bit leery of involving ourselves in this Presbyterian concern when obviously the next thing you will be hearing is the Presbyterians ribbing the Methodicals about their always blazing campaign trails and never being the elect. So yes, some things just never change. For more information on that, you could perhaps try to get Lurleen's husband Paul to vomit all over himself, and then you would understand something more about why they have been divorced for several years now, although we did not see most of the divorce drama which mostly occurred after they moved from here to Oklahoma. We only heard later that Paul turned gay and moved to Chicago, a logical place perhaps for a short-order cook to unload the rest of his Burger King fortune, because his former missionary career is over, sad to say.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Yes, speaking of books in print, for many centuries, eons and eons of ages, most of the Gnostic Gospels were hidden under the dust of the Middle Eastern deserts, forbidden by church authorities and inaccessible to almost everyone, and now we see the Nag Hammadi and other previously forbidden books selling in multiple copies online and we cannot help but ask how that will change the way people think in future generations and how that will influence the course of human history later because of course that will affect humanity in ways that perhaps we cannot imagine at the present time, whether for good or bad remains to be seen as the full effect of these discoveries has perhaps not yet been seen.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I once worked for one week, a temp job through an agency, where I spent the entire time with my nose in the typewriter cranking out invoices while my supervisor sits there yakking on the telephone, mostly personal stuff, and making long chains of paper clips and other leisurely activities. So the next week I went looking for another job with some other agency because life is short and why do I have to sit there whipped like a chain slave when I was still young enough then to think of other options, because as you get older it is not so easy later to move around.

Which Reminds Me

My Dad's Uncle Ben married a Puerto Rican woman, his second wife, but they had no children. We never actually met her and I don't think that anyone else in our family feels any particular attachment to the idea of Porto Rico. I seem to remember that a missionary in El Salvador, Paul Finkenbinder was from Porto Rico originally but we are not related to Paul. He died a few years ago. What will we do with this Porto Rican boondoggle? I just have no idea. The Porto Rican women are trying to portray themselves as victims in the affair but that is just their personal drama, them not wanting to admit that they already have so many advantages over the other women of Latin America in terms of immigration, citizenship and living standards, and yet they want more more more.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, in a way it would seem to bring relief if we could just pull out a gun and shoot Bill right between the eyeballs, but then again nothing would be gained by me. At the end of the story I would be the only person to suffer due to all their backstage machinations in which I had no involvement, so obviously that plan won't work. Everything is broken but just killing off Bill with just one bullet shot is not an effective or logistical workable solution to this problem. I might as well just kill myself because everywhere I go these people will be there with nullification papers in hand to wipe me off the face of the earth. Yes, if only I had never been born.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, there's another reason to never go to New York, because I wouldn't to have those dreary Rocko Fellers running my life behind the scenes. I really couldn't care less about those Rocky snobs. Thus I am not missing anything important by dropping old Rocko off the map.

Which Reminds Me

It was not until quite recently, when I did my family research, that I learned that my Dad has a cousin who lives in Tracy, California. Oh, I didn't know that. I never knew these people existed or that they had any reason to be communicating with me. I still don't see what there is to say about that, if anything.

Which Reminds Me

That was a strangely overwrought dialogue that you wrote about Wendy and then tried to stuff all those angry words into my mouth when actually I wasn't thinking about her at all. You might be surprised how rarely I ever think of Wendy. I have many things on my mind other than Wendy and the dreary Hoskins brood to whom I actually no personal connection or acquaintanceship, although we see that she certainly does enjoy portraying herself as the heroine in this picture, even though we were not aware of their existence. Yes, one can easily imagine that there might be interesting nuggets of wording spread all over the place that might unlock some interesting dramas that we actually did not know anything about, but how we would ever get that without some requisite paperwork. At the very least a W-2 form would be in order. But I digress.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Yes, my McClellan grandfather was a Scottish Presbyterian whose ancestor settled in Virginia from Scotland in the 1700s. Sometimes we think that we have made the progression forward to Western Civilization, a class in which I got all As by the way, and yet we forget that back east in the hollering hills of West Virginia, some things will just never change for peasant girls named Wendy. Marshall's novel dictates a branding of fraud and charlatan for that pair of con artists who tried to fool around with our minds. And yet, who knows? Probably on a moonlit night there are still people in those primitive hollers who still go to sip the liquid products of their moonshine stills, the technicalities of which have been long forgotten by most of us who have long since shed and cast aside these primitive functions of an earlier phase of human history.