Yes, it is really no concern of mine, which counties of Texas are wet or dry in terms of legal terminology. It is not in my power to flip a dry county just to appease a pack of obnoxious whiners. And also killing them would not be a legal option, so I will just leave it at that.
Candid Comments
Friday, January 17, 2025
Which Reminds Me
Which Reminds Me
Yes, when my name is on the paperwork, perhaps I may serve a short time as the custodian of the paperwork, although the originals remain at the legal offices so just stealing my copy out of the mailbox at least does not really give any legal power to those control freaks, fortunately.
Which Reminds Me
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Which Reminds Me
Yes, it is a bit disappointing to learn that you are only channeling Steve, who was only a slightly annoying blip originally, but now, well, I can chalk that up to the Detroit bummers. So maybe you are an Ohio guy and here I am surrounded by some very nasty vicious Michigan sharks. And I do not even understand what the problem was.
Which Reminds Me
Yes, it is true that in the gas and oil business paperwork is everything. So where is the paperwork that was mailed to me in September and has not yet arrived in January? Why would the post office care about my paperwork? What wicked beastie postal worker should be arrested for interfering with the due process of mail delivery? And why would I even say such a ridiculous thing about someone? So, have those wretched beasties gone postal now?
Which Reminds Me
Yes, there is an interesting coincidence to note, which is that my grandmother's grandfather was a certain person named Willis Abner May (1848-1871), who died at age 23 when struck by lightning, leaving behind a wife and one daughter, Ida May, but I don't suppose that would have anything to do with Dogpatch cartoons. That would just be too ludicrous to contemplate. But we already discussed this point years ago. I get no relief from their nonsense so here we go again.
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Which Reminds Me
Yes, I vaguely remember, in reference to Colombia, that it was somewhat unfortunate that Steve Graner and Judy Bartel had cluttered the airwaves with a bunch of verbiage about their own wonderfulness, which sort of makes it confusing as to, whatever, was there something that I was supposed to say about them? I would just as soon not be bothered.