Monday, September 23, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that during my first year at SCC college, my roommate the first semester was Dolly, who announced without my having to ask that those pills of hers were prescribed by her doctor. Later someone kept asking me were those my pills mine, (Again, No those were not my pills.) and why did I not do something about that. But what was I to do? Was I supposed to argue with her doctor or her mother? What would that accomplish? And then later in the semester I might have heard the she went somewhere to renew her prescription, but I did not hear the details of that. By then we were not talking that much. And then at Thanksgiving break she was in a catastrophic car accident in which her foot was severed and had to be surgically reattached, so when she returned to campus for a short time, her leg was in a cast and she was finding it difficult to get around campus, and so she did not return for the second semester. 

Coincidentally, I heard that Dolly was related to Pastor Max and Ophelia and that they seem to feel responsible for being her avenger and perpetuating her point of view, even though I cannot imagine what there would be to say about that.

Coincidentally, I do not suppose there would be any connection to the fact that while we were living in El Salvador, my aunt (on my mother's side) would often send us packages filled with pills, vitamin pills: Vitamin E, Vitamin B, etc. and other vitamins newly available in transparent gel pills that were not available down there. So that was nice of her to do that for us. But I do not suppose there would be any connection to Dolly's pills.