Thursday, October 17, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am just as well happy to NOT be working in Boca Raton anymore, those people are crazy. So if you are a wealthy lawyer running for mayor, you can maybe hire or just recruit a glossy local magazine to lampoon your least favorite council woman, and everyone is speechless. I cannot write that way. I do not quite see how they get away with doing that. I would not want to have to add my two-bits to that pot pourri of ballerina illustrations. That had mostly nothing to do with me. Nobody write my stuff, they probably usee my work mostly to wrap fish or paper train the dog or something. 

Yes, how stupid can you be to mistake me for some Chainy ballet dancer? 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am actually NOT going to Malta, but it was interesting to learn of all these Maltese connections that I had no idea of and even so do not really matter all that much in the long run. Some of those people seem to think that the entire world should revolve around the Sicily-Malta complex, although I cannot really see why I should care about that. I do not think that they need me there to milk their cows or whatever.

It is interesting to note the existence of the Knights of Malta, but I imagine that there is nothing that I could add to the legend of the Holy Grail. I am sure that is complicated, but whatever. I personally have no reason to go there.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I think that it would be quite interesting, come to think of it, to see the contents of Libby's head displayed in a box, because probably there are many things that I do not know about it, so why should I be the spokesperson for nothing much?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was sort of rude of Libby to report us to the teacher that way, as if we were doing something wrong, but anyway if you remember that Libby belongs to some weird cult, the Jehovah's Witness, it sort of makes sense that Libby's behavior is quite erratic and irrational, so we can only forgive her rotten attitude, even if we may not like her disinformation tactics. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was very kind and hospitable of them to ask me what I wanted to drink, and so I said a Coca-Cola. Thanks. Nobody said anything about my having to pay for that.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that someone was saying that there is a crack in the Liberty Bell, but nobody should feel guilty about that. The crack happened more in the forging and not so much that anyone did anything later to make it crack. That is just how the Liberty Bell is, cracked.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that my grandmother, whose name was Esther, had a special record of the book of Esther, narrated with all sorts of sound effects. However, I am not quite sure what that had to do with the fact of the odd strain in our family's genealogy, my Dad being nine percent Chechnyan according to the DNA test, whatever that meant. I never quite heard more about that. Maybe you could tell us, because I really do not know much about that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was quite rude and impertinent of some people to try to force a premature discussion of what I would do about things that I might or might not inherit at some future point. You would think that there would be an appropriate time as per Ecclesiastes to kill such topic of conversation, to tell them to shut and go away because that is none of their business, but some of those people now are already dead anyway and others seem to be not really not in a position to say what are they getting at or hinting about. There is really nothing that I would need to discuss with them, as far as I can see or tell.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is a bit premature to say who would I hire, or where would I go, or what would I do with the money that I do not really have right at this moment. Speculation is not the same thing as money in the bank, obviously. I would rather have my parents here as long as possible than to speculate about inheritance matters. I only have right now, this time and place, and what happens later is not so clear. We cannot know what the future holds, as the song says, needless to say. We have to believe that God is in control anyway, so if sometimes things go wrong, hurricanes hit us or whatever, still we are fine somehow. 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was really quite amazing how our teacher, Mrs. Grace Richardson, a woman seemingly to us very old, maybe in her 50s, was able to stand on her head, a feat that she demonstrated for us during P.E. class and only Shannon was able to replicate the headstand. Most of us could not do that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am vaguely reminded of the time when my Dad kicked the dog. He was trying to do some work and the dog was interfering. So the dog yelped and that was quite a scene.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, in an abundance of words there is no lack of sin, but you asked for words to fill in the blank spaces, so here are some words. Whether these words actually fit the real-life situation or not is a different question. My sister loves black cats and we named it Spooky but I could just as soon live without the black cat given that I have all of these allergies to cat hair and dust, my nose gets runny and my eyes red and itchy when I am around cats for an extended period of time.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is always horrifying and creepy to find some Chainy thing poking their noses into personal places where they do not belong. The only Chainy thing that I can remember from college was the ballet dancer Silla, from Central Florida, who  lived on a different floor and then married Susie Stewart's cousin, Loren Wyrick, a rather dull boring person of no interest to me. There was really nothing to say about them, if you really wanted to pause to think about that. I am quite certain that Susie has the scoop on their divorce story, so if you really wanted to know something you could always ask Susie, but she does not tell me everything, she only hints about these things, and maybe I am just as well NOT knowing the details of the personal business of those very dangerously powerful political persons upon whom I would rather not have to comment. It would be very dangerous for me to riff and improvise on this topic, especially when I know nothing. I am just saying. But, how is Silla related to the political Chainys? I never really heard that from them. There is just a lot of static online about them. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do think that if you are going to arbitrarily assign to me the role of oil & gas millionairess who travels the globe and drops in at Manhattan with a bag full of global booty, as per the 1958 movie Autnie Mame, that such a role in a real-life context, in contrast to fiction, should include a check for the actual money that it would cost to actually do that, so until the money arrives there is nothing to do about that.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am not remembering who that was, years ago, who was threatening that they were going to teach white girls to speak Ebonics and live like welfare mothers. I forget who said that. I could just simply ignore that evil threat, after all they would not like to have that done to them so why are they not living by the golden rule which says to do unto others how you would have them do unto you, but then again it seems as if another million have taken up the chant, and it just becomes overwhelming to fend off all of these code hackers who think that $200 every three months represents enough to fund my grand lifestyle. You people are crazy.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, another interesting thing about doing some genealogical research is that one sometimes discovers relatives whose existence was previously unknown. Such as, for example, who knew that my Dad had a cousin named Nancy/ I certainly had no idea of the existence of this unknown person. And even so, what of that? Anyone with a subscription can churn through the same public records and find the same names listed on a family tree, and then what?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was interesting, when I was doing my genealogical research, to note that there is a possibility that Elizabeth was married at some point in her life, although I have never heard that story told of what happened and who is this unknown person attached to our tree via public records. Until I hear a story about them, there is no reason for me to say anything about them. There are so many things I don't know about them. It is almost like we are complete strangers. Unless of course I made a mistake in my research. That could be another explanation.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I was terrible at acing, so what makes them imagine that I could ever succeed on the stage? 

During Miss Marken's 10th grade honors class especially, she sometimes would have various people perform role-playing skits. Some of my classmates were really very good at doing that, although don't ask me later who played what role in a skit. I completely forget such details, only that they were really quite good at performing on the classroom stage, such as it was improvised to be on a few occasions. I was only called on once to perform in such a skit and I was terrible at that, so that was a relief to not have to do that. 

But then again I performed in a high school musical my senior year and got some compliments for my recital of the lines and also sang two songs, so it helps for me not to have to invent the lines myself. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am totally insulted that you would expect me to offer counseling services to this poor pathetic girl dealing with sexual abuse and rape, when obviously I am not possessed of a higher level degree in counseling and am not trained to deal with this type of situation. So obviously if I were to try to offer counseling services, I would be immediately dismissed as unqualified to do that. Besides which, there is always the danger of saying something they might not like or might be misunderstood, and there is no way to fix anything with these little chatterboxes. They never really listen to me anyway, so there is no reason to think that I could say anything that would be helpful in such a situation.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I did leave after about a year, so why am I still getting messages from those lowlife idiot riff-raff people of Diamond Bar? Yuk! What is there to say to that man whose son raped Alana? I do not want to hear more details about that. Enough of those lowlife scum! I did leave.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that during the year I was at Evangel College, one Sunday evening I was at a church there in Springfield, and the congregation was singing that song, "The Lion of Judah shall break every chain, and give to us the victory again and again." That song sounded so great, everyone was so enthusiastic. Amazing that I still remember that, but I am not sure why that song is not heard very much anymore. Nobody seems to be singing the older songs that are on a path to be forgotten. 

And then there is the problem of the devil being as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. So I am not sure if that would be another reason for not singing that song anymore.

But of course, when your team wins the ball game is seems perfectly normal to chime in with a simplified rendition of "We are the Champions," even if that is only a song for a moment in time, and then later, the next day or days ahead, there will be other games to win or lose, not necessarily ball games but other challenges and trials and tribulations, jobs to chip away at, home work assignments yet to find their stopping point.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Which Reminds Me

 Yes, I vaguely remember during high school, during maybe a study hall or something, overhearing something that Ronit was saying to Marion. I do not like having to repeat it, because anyway she was not talking to me, and I am not sure whether I heard that correctly, but anyway it was sort of interesting to hear her talking about how she belongs to the House of David, which was surprising to me because to me they were all Jewish people, but I suppose they do have some internal distinctions amongst themselves that I do not see from my distant vantage point, because she was saying that due to the recent nationhood of Israel, that puts pressure on them to merge with Israel to help build them up, and so she might have to marry some Israeli man who might not have quite the prestige of the House of David. So that sounded scary the way she was talking. I never really heard how that worked out for them, it was just an interesting thing to hear about.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that is a good way to describe it, I was a small crack in the continuum. But I already explained this point years ago, so here goes again. I just happened to be sitting at a desk during study hall, within earshot when Marion and she were having some very deep heart-to-heart conversation about many things, and later they were probably wondering what did I remember about what I overheard, and the answer is actually not much. Just because I am a U.S. citizen, that does not make me an omniscient being capable of knowing what I really cannot possibly know, in contrast to Marion not being in the U.S. Never mind about some jokester's attempt to make some sort of joke about me. So I vaguely remember that she may have a unique perspective about something, but it is too late now for me to find or recover my scrambled brain waves on this topic.   

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that is so easy for them to say that we should pay the bill for their building of an orphanage to take care of all those orphans in Romania, because she went to Silicon Valley and made a vast fortune first, before she did that, or at least that is the way I heard that story. So it may seem easy for them to claim in their promotional materials that someone else paid the bill for that, when actually we had no role in whatever they did in Romania. We were never consulted in the first place and only heard a few facts now and then, so whatever. So why all this chatter about how I should be paying their bills? I never had much connection to Venezuela so I have no clue about their unusual arrangements and how that worked. I never worked for them, so I do not see what there would be to say about that. 

I never said that I would not be generous with my money,  that was someone else's premature assumption, assuming that I would ever got some money eventually, but anyway I am not going to volunteer to do some crazy thing without being given a chance to review what is this crazy thing that you are asking me to do?

It seems sort of weird that the immensely rich "Angel" would expect me to pay the bills for her luxurious lifestyle jetsetting to Eastern Europe on a whim. I just have no idea.  

Which Reminds Me

Yes, we are vaguely aware of the existence of our Israeli classmate, Ronit, who lives there now. She was also a white person studying Spanish literature in the same classroom as myself, so I suppose that I could ask why is this only an issue for me, and not for them also? But there never seems to be an appropriate time or context to discuss something with them, so life goes on. There is no time now to go back and pick up some pieces that were lost or fell off along the way. There is only time to plan for the future.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, interesting to watch how the vapid bimbo struts her stupid stuff on every runway in town. Why Terry, you worthless idiot, when are you going to learn to keep your stupid mouth shut?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was interesting to learn that they are such simple-minded hotel maids, they would simply sell their souls to make other people's beds. But in the present scheme of things, there are plenty of simple-minded illegals available to change the sheets at the Rocky Horror Hotel. There is no reason for me to trouble myself in regards to their nonsense.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that while I was attending CBN, now called Regent, that for a short time I worked in the office of Dr. Carl Hunt, and part of my job was to compile a bibliography on the topic of leadership, which I did so compile as instructed as far as the short time allowed. So that was a nice job to have if you can get it. I was grateful to have that for a short time. But then I graduated and I completely forget what I did there for work, it did not seem like that much work. 

More recently we have learned of the existence of Carl Weaks, an Adventist publisher in China, who was from Tennessee. Ok, fine. No one is disputing the fact that there were Adventists in China at the same time as others of other denominations, and that Carl Weaks was involved in a publishing operation there of the Adventist variety. Ok, fine. 

I seriously doubt that Dr. Carl Hunt was ever an Adventist, so I am not seeing your point. 

I never had the slightest connection to the Adventists, other than attending their concert, so I am not seeing where they have any hooks to put in me.                                                                                               

That was a pathetic move by Cruz, who is stuck with an Adventist for a wife, Gwen, himself being a Catholic, so what would he know about Protestant missionaries in China in 1910? 

The Adventists should go away and stop bothering me. I respect that they are doing their jobs, but they have nothing worth mentioning to say about me. 

If they had a job for me to do, fine. However, I would need to review the actual job offer and salary points before saying whether I would accept that or not.   

Anyway, I am not stupid enough to go to the Adventists just for nothing, so you are just barking up the wrong tree.