Thursday, August 31, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember having this discussions, during high school, with someone maybe outside of history class, about how they are not allowed to read the Bible, because the priests advise against that, and also they have a different Catholic Bible with other books that we do not have, as if the Protestant Bible were not scary enough, and so their attitude towards Protestants is not the most pleasant thing to mention.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I wish that I had not read that book, but anyway, having read that, it becomes clear from the book written by a defected KGB agant that Russians care only about living a licentious and lawless life, unhampered by rules and ethical considerations. At least, that is the impression given by the book, the title and author of which I forget. Oh, I did not know that the Sanchez were so closely linked to the KGB, why would they have this book in their possession?

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, once again I am reminded of the time when I was maybe 14 years old and my mother took me to lunch at the restaurant inside of Siman's department store, there in San Salvador, a restaurant in which the walls are covered with various pictures and statuary depicting Don Quixote and his sidekick Sancho Panza. Hmmm..... Sancho = Sanchez? Don Quixote or Cervantes = Bueno? Hmmm..... 

I do not have any clearly delineated opinions about this point, but that might be a subject ripe for further study, although probably not by me. I was not planning to discuss that point, although there might be something to be said about that.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, wasn't that interesting, to learn that Rick is married to Sue Klein, although not the Sue Klein from church in Fort Lauderdale, there are two different Sue Kleins in that picture. Interesting. And do the two Sue Kleins know each other? And are those two somehow related to Karen Klein from college who married Larry Kraiss, son of the college president. And whatever became of Larry's idiotic medical rantings? I remember hoping that someone would notice that I am completely ignoring that blithering idiot from Chicago. Needless to say. And it was only later that I did my genalogical research and learned of the existence of Richard Klein, who was married to my mother's cousin Beverly, although I hear they are divorced now. Interesting.  

Monday, August 28, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, truly, I have connected many more dots now than previously, and yet still there are many things I cannot know, many information gaps that I cannot be expected to fill. 

Friday, August 25, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, who can forget that photo in the high school yearbook of Joan and Pollo sucking on straws both drinking from the same glass. You would have to ask them about that, I have no idea. I wasn't there at the time.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, is not clever how they scramble the facts, and then they sit there and wait for the corrector to fill their heads with facts and information, at which point I might be telling them more than I want to reveal or that I would think that they would need to hear, given the complexity of the universe. So there is that temptation to show that I know more than they do, but then again there are other factors to consider in that regard.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do not myself feel any need to discuss food rules with some clueless beer people. Sometimes one feels compelled by situational circumstances to be friendly and sociable and not anti-social even when actually I don't drink beer, never, so I really don't care to hear more about what drunken dog Libby was trying to say. I do not pause to ask any further questions or to fill my head with their beer-swilling nonsense. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember the unpleasant memory of being stalked during high school by that creepy weird Arab guy, who had some tiresome old joke stuck in his head, something about how my name, Candi, sounds like candy, the confectioner's product, which in Spanish translates to dulce, which was somehow reconstructed to sound like Dulcinea, for which reason in the halls of high school he would serenade me with the song "Dulcinea" from the movie, "Man of La Mancha," and this began shortly after our class was taken on a field trip to see that movie at the nearby cinema, and this onslaught continued occasionally for maybe two years, accompanied by a gushing speech about how he wants to be my Latin lover, which I try to laugh off as a ridiculous joke. Why does he not get the joke that he is being a colossal nuisance? Once or twice of that nonsense was enough, but two years later is getting ridiculous.

More recently I noticed some old movie about a silly white girl who finds her Latin lover while on a cruise to South America, the title of which I forget at the moment. So this whole thing is actually sort of insulting.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I see that someone is expecting me to say something about those who worship at the Lebanese Temple of Bail-beck, but of course that thought never would never have crossed my mind. Who would have even thought of saying such a thing? Ridiculous.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, so you think just because your last name is Thrower, you can pitch me to Arizona, but of course that will never happen. I have, so to speak, already been there, done that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I would just be lying if I said that I would hate them, more of a passive indifference, but anyway, I do not want to be bothered with their nonsense, and having to reflect once again on how different my life might have been, if only I had the other blood type. But no, it cannot be, my talents are wasted on a pack of annoying control freak people who fail to appreciate me, so obviously I am not going to want to revisit that dreary conversation once again.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it seems ridiculous that I would have to articulate such an obvious point, which was that no, I never invested in Jeff's sports betting pool. That was very popular with some of those guys in the office but I did not participate in that. Never.

Which Reminds Me

Despite some of the problems imposed by the whackos, I thought that I did a fairly good job generally speaking. Did I not kick Sarah's stupid butt to the curb more than once? I was only a weekly, kicking the daily's butt. Ha ha ha!

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I did think that was somewhat rude of Rick to try to include me in his lawsuit, especially as I was not informed of that thing until after it was filed, giving the wrong impression that I had anything to say about that, and they never gave me a choice to have my name removed from the legal records, although soon afterward I was transferred to a different office, and others took up the impossible task of doing whatever they want. 

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, for two or three months at Evangel, Jan was my roommate. One day she was dyeing her hair, and confessed that she was not really a redhead, and said that I probably condemned her for dyeing her hair. And I had said nothing at all to prompt this maneuver on her part. But if your heart condemns you, so be it.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I think that Jan Green should figure out how to wear that thing herself instead of trying to dump her garbage on me. Unless, oh, I'm sorry, was it June or some other person who said that during our prolonged girl talk session? Several people said various things so I might have been a bit confused. Maybe Jan could remind us all of who said what.

Oddly, a few months afterwards, back in South Florida, at a Luria's store, I saw one of those things on a shelf, for sale, not far from the toasters and blenders and alarm clocks, and I was quite shocked to actually see one of those things. No, of course I did not buy that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I was so mean to that guy with the vacuum cleaner, Mr. what's-his-name, wasn't I? . I do not remember now who those people were, and also I have grown less gullible about these little impromptu testings. Even so, I vacuum my own room whenever I choose, so obviously I will not need their services in future.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I forget who that was, maybe Kathy although I really don't remember, muttering about how they are going to send me to the moon. I must be hearing things, imaginary voices in my head perhaps, because they cannot be serious. How does one go to the moon? And then there is the Mars option, the red planet. Nobody goes there. They are being silly, needless to say.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember knowing that my Dad's aunt and her husband worked as missionaries in Venezuela for many years under the Christian Alliance organization, which is based in New York, whereas my parents were missionaries in El Salvador under the Assemblies of God organization. So, how many times do I have to explain this same thing over and over again, that we do not work for the Alliance of New York and so there is no reason for us to report to them. Someone seems to have gotten their wiring confused.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, truly, I would not mind paying them a little backsheesh to grease the wheels of commerce, the backsheesh being a term for tips that one may have to pay to the waiter or vendor who jacks up the price or the tour guide or whoever it is. However, there is a limit to how much backsheesh one should have to pay to an impudent tour guide. Sometimes these people imagine that white people are a source of infinitely unlimited backsheesh, and this is unrealistic and must be discouraged. There is a limit to the backsheesh budget and at some point the backsheesh revenues must stop and/or come to an end, and we must bid farewell to the tour guide who has to go back to his own place.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I forget whether I ever saw the movie "Bambi," but I did have the record, and also I read the books, at least more than one of the books, in which the pure and innocent Bambi frolics and gambols in the forest, only on rare occasions encountering that strange smell of human occupation. Wild deer are skittish about contact with humans, as we learn from reading books.

Monday, August 14, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember, maybe 10-15 years ago, I don't remember when exactly, that Michelle was saying that they, she said "we" but that does not include me, were going to be tracking Tebow. I was not sure what that meant so you would have to ask her, I do not know anything about that. I did not get any details on that. Those people do not work for me so I do not have to pay them for anything or keep track of what they do. 

You know, just being an MK, does not mean that you absolutely have to work in fundraising and charity work if you do not want to do that. You could go get a job and do something else. After all, this is a free country, and also you might not want to be dependent on the wishy-washy promises of money from unspecified sources. 

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, interesting to note, in our genealogical researches, that my mother is 100 percent British Isles and my father 70 percent, so it is a bit mystifying to ponder why I should care too much about one tiny little Ukraine twit buried deep down in the archival troves of yesteryear. Not meaning to disrespect that, but anyway, I tend to think of Eastern Europe as a blob of unruly bandit peoples, so nothing to see there. I was raised on reading "Jack and the Beanstalk" and other treasures of English literature, or at least I saw the movie, so for what do I need you? 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that while doing my genealogical research, I noticed there was a mention of Ukraine somewhere, possibly in regards to a great-great or great-great-great grandparent, I forget where I saw that. However, everywhere else says Ireland and Canada. Also, the DNA test says Chechnyan, so obviously Ukraine could have been a temporary stopping point in a westward migration toward America, but anyway all those people died in Canada in the 19th century without really explaining what they meant by that.

Friday, August 11, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do not remember myself ever signing any sweetheart deal with that creepy little pervert. so those guys are just out of luck. Obviously they are not talking about me.

And if they are going to dispose of me in a "rich girl" box, I think that I ought to be supplied with the corresponding vast fortune that goes along with that, with which to hire for myself a pack of lawyers to represent my interests and explain to me what are they saying and why I should care about a pack of idiots who died and are long gone to "Sham-Pain" hell, as if I should join them there. Never!

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that the Hondurans are nicknamed the 'catrachos' and the Salvadorans are nicknamed the 'guanacos.' These nicknames are indicative of the existing rivalries between the two nations, although on another level it is sometimes not clear whether that is a national thing or a matter of the various tribal groups that are always migrating hither and thither, which is not so easy for white people to notice, at least not at first glance. Sometimes the borders of a country mean something different than what they formerly meant, before the migrations of the tribal populations, someone was trying to say, but even so, the borders are what they are for administrative purposes. 

So does that make the Honduran catrachos necessarily catty? 

And why should the Salvadorans be called guanacos, an animal similar to a llama but smaller, that lives only in South America, mostly Argentina? Does that make the rival Chileans necessarily Catrachos? But that would not make any sense, as the catracho nickname was bestowed upon the Hondurans by the Nicaraguans, and Nicaragua was invaded by Walker, not the Chileans, although who knows what Chilean soldiers of fortune might have played a role in the Central American military conflicts of the 19th century. 

So these matters are not going to be foremost on the minds of most Americans such as myself. Needless to say.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, what were the names of What's-Her-Name and her roommate who lived across the hall a couple of doors down? I am not sure whether I would be able to recognize their faces in tne yearbook, even if I did try to find them. Yet strangely they pretend to know who I am, although they obviously did not like me. They were buddies with the artist, Kim Morton. Was it really necessary to make a speech about how I have no artistic talent? Obviously, I could never hope to draw the way Kim Morton does, her paintings and sketches were amazing. I really did not need to discuss this point any further.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, and I do not think there is any need for me to explain what a purpose-driven life means to me, other than the enrichment of the greedy pig Warren family does not appear on my list of priorities. Needless to say.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do not think that I resemble in any way, their Randi McDaniel. Someone upstairs may be confused but I am not that confused. I know who I am NOT.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, and you probably get all your wrong information from that vapid clueless letter-twirling Vanna Blob. There is nothing going on in their empty heads, obviously. If I ever did go to Texas, that would be none of their business.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I noticed that sometimes God puts certain people in our lives to encourage us for a short time, and then later they are gone and there is no way for them to come back to the same place. Time has flown and there is no place here now for some bar-hopping warthogs from Santa Rosa. Interesting how so many of these people are from Santa Rosa. What "special" thing do they teach those Santa Rosa sippers? But of course all of those Nocal Bay Area places blur together in my mind and I would not want to accidentally find myself promoting the Napa Valley poison. I really don't care about that.

Monday, August 7, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, you probably get some of your garbled information from Frank Tico. They called him Tico, but then when you figure out that "tico" is actually a local slang for a Costa Rican, then you realize that Tico is also a foreigner, in a different way than we are, so that won't really resolve anything very well.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, strange that you would be thinking that I would know anything about Cruz, who is exclusively one of Kath's cliquey friends, not mine. Whether she was somehow related to the president I have no idea, although I did notice in the yearbook that her other last name is Molina, which, coincidentally, at that time, the president's name was Molina. Oh, I had not noticed that until the senior yearbook came out, and even so, what is that to me? The internal politics of these people is a bewildering maze to us foreigners only visiting this planet.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I have noticed a bitter spirit of unforgiveness and enmity emanating from these Foursquare fringe people. Since when do I care about the opinions of party trash Charlene? But there ought to be a nicer way to explain this. 

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, and I am not even distantly related to Willard's Russian gangsters of Sacramento. Willard who? There is no real connection there, they are nothing to me.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I see no reason for myself to sign any treaty of alliance with that Triple-Fudge Caluoric Disaster. Already I am much too overweight, the last thing I need is another double-dare-you helping of that overly decadent dessert. 

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, one day while working on the high school newspaper, Kathy hit me on the stomach and made some comment about the fact that my stomach is not perfectly flat. Never was, even when I weighed only about 120 pounds. But of course it is easy for you to overwrought athletes to boast of your perfect bodies. We see you out there doing extra-curricular exercises. Enough said about that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that she was talking about how you are going to grind me down to the level of underground mafia trash, which was quite alarming. And should I cooperate with that? Should I just lay down and let them drive a MAC truck over my back? That makes it exceedingly difficult for me to ever succeed anyway, so the path of less resistance would be one option to consider.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, how nice and how convenient for them, to have inherited Burrell's vast fortune and also to have the entire machinery of the United States at your disposal to defend your right to enjoy your immense wealth however you want in whatever ways you want. Who wouldn't want to be on that side of the picture? Sure, I too would like to have some money to spend. Wouldn't that be nice. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I think that during study hall, in high school, I should make the most of my time to get some homework done, which could mean one less book to carry home on the bus for that night's session of homework. Isn't that why it is called "study hall"? But of course some people have other ideas about study hall, Kathy and her cliquey friends will probably be sitting over there chattering and painting their fingernails and whatever they want to do. Needless to say. Isn't that how study hall works in high schools everywhere?

Sometimes, inexplicably, they poke at me in a hostile way, and so whatever, that is how cliquey girls generally are. Kathy works for the CIA so obviously her job is to train those girls to be the type of party people that she wants them to be. I really do not remember much about that. I see no reason for myself to antagonize the CIA. I would not be able to win that game. 

Is my middle name Winslow? No, obviously not.  

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, once again I find myself explaining that I never met the persons who lived in the house on the other side of the mission house. Once again I find myself explaining that it was the Stewarts who had befriended them and were given a tour of their chocolate factory. I never knew much more about them than whatever the Stewarts said about them, which was not much. So it was a bit surprising later to be hearing a sad story about them, as if I should be keeping track of these people I never met. I should refer you to Susie or Sammy, because I only know what I heard from them, only third-hand.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, well, what are you anyway, the Acajutla special? They tried to build a port at a place where geology was not cooperative with the idea of ship traffic, and after all that useless trivia, the truth appears evident that they were only wasting the engineers' time. Nobody really wanted the port there anyway. So why do the failed port builders get to walk away with the money, when they did not deliver any port? I really do not pretend to understand the logic of what that was all about, although I did finally see the paperwork on that a few years ago.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, about five or so minutes after the movie started, I got up and left. Oh, was there someone sitting behind me that I should have recognized? During the first five minutes already I was starting to feel as if I were back in high school listening to those guys saying "F-F-F"! But I was not in high school now so I do not have to sit there and listen to that anymore. I can just turn that off. How did I confusedly wander into that place in the first place, you might be wondering.

Which reminds me also, that might have been the very theater, although I am not sure, where during college I was invited and went with a group of girls to see the movie "Ice Castles." So that was that.