Saturday, March 30, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, why does no one ever talks about the brain drain problem that is often experienced in these small countries of Latin America and elsewhere, where everybody there thinks that going to the United States will solve all of their problems forever, that the streets here are paved with gold, blah blah blah. What about giving some credit to those who stay there and do the right things to help their people improve their standard of living as best they can? I might have said something about that, I don't remember. Because if we don't help them with that, the sand witches are there ready to take all the credit away from us. But I digress. That is really not my problem.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Correction: Holly might have been the name of Delight's daughter.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, now is not the time. Neither am I the appropriate person to discuss this matter of killing LB. Needless to say.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, now is not the time.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, Delight may well be a nice lady, although I do not remember much, but she and her daughter Hope have probably had a tough life ever since her husband John ran away with Anita. We recommend steering clear of the Holmes beehive because they really are a mess. Needless to say.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember Rosita who was one of the Bueno family's two maids. She married a white man and moved to the United States where she had a son and also she has unleashed a fury of revenge against me even though I don't remember myself having any particular opinion about her. She was quite a chatterbox.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, these Puerto Ricans think that it will be very funny for them to take the white man, take the great job, and leave white girl with the occupation of domestic servitude. Stacy was talking about cleaning fluids and her house cleaning jobs, but I really don't care about that. I had other plans for my life than "MAID." But of course there are no guarantees in life that I will appear for that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember the summer before my senior year of high school there was a team that came down from Arkansas and I served as a translator for door to door witnessing, with some success. We had a few converts, maybe you had more but anyway even one is better than none. That was what we were supposed to do. Even so, I cannot keep track of all these people. What they do later is a matter best left to the Spirit.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, why is this annoying Cindy Heard monster from Michigan always in a snit about nothing much? Why all of this screaming about how I have to prove something? There is not one thing that I need to prove to the stupid Herdites of Michigan. You ain't nothing but a hound dog whining all the time.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, how easy for you rich people to just buy your way out of this problem. Not so for poor little me. Nobody tells me anything and then they all try to pin that on me when it was all the time in their own heads.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, how convenient for the repugnantly stupid rich people to pay lots of money to tap my poor little brilliant mind, thus to avoid exposing their own entire ignorance of these matters. Even so, there is something completely wrong, evil, immature about this arrangement. Needless to say.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am not aware of any Russian agents trying to get information from me. Maybe there are some annoying stalkers who are always flitting about, but since you are encouraging that, it seems somewhat duplicitous for you to protest that which you planned in the first place. Needless to say.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I noticed that someone was trying to throw me into the chair of wicked Watchtower witch Libby from high school. Nothing personal, but I do not recall Watchtower Libby ever making any effort to explain herself. She did not look so Puerto Rican at first glance. Even so, I resent her efforts to yank me around on a chain of apparently Puerto Rican manufacture. Since when does Puerto Rico have any place to be kicking me around? Your territorial concerns are not my problem. How do I politely tell these boring Puerto Ricans that I am not their slave property? Needless to say.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, for what did I get that second place ribbon from first or second grade? It doesn't matter now. Anyway, I won first place in the Bible memory contest for which the ultimate prize is my very own Bible, which I still have here stored somewhere. So there! Stick that, you clueless Ling-Lang whiners! Other people only won various toys and games but you have to go through all of the memory verses to really get the Bible.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember as a small child once being taken to the office of 'Uncle Doc' who was actually not a doctor, he was a dentist who worked in San Francisco. The nickname of 'Doc' is evocative of a certain era of which I know almost nothing. He was, however, my uncle in that he was married to my mother's sister. However, they later divorced and I do not know enough about Doc to stick in your eye. Needless to say.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, what was the name of that chatterbox stalker who was so annoying while I was living in California? Wasn't his name Greg? He was such a nuisance. Sometimes these people get so busy talking that there are not clued into the fact that actually we are very annoyed and want him to get the hint that nothing more is going to happen and he has nothing more to say about that and also my phone number in Placentia has long since expired and he is not invited to reestablish the superficial acquaintance of no importance.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, how nice that someone is concerned about the appropriate credits to be given to Ron Wyatt, who, while being SDA, was an eminent archaeologist who made some important discoveries, even though it is not clear whether he actually found the ark, which would not belong to him anyway, being rightly turned over to the appropriate authorities who are in charge of figuring out what to do with these things, whether to put it in a museum or installed in a religious shrine, but certainly a very important discovery nonetheless, even if the facts require a more scholarly clarification eventually.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I hope that you were not expecting me to seek employment in the field of electoral politics. I do not think that I would be of much use to anyone in that department. That was not my thought. Perhaps I was not very clear. There many courses of study that do not involve the electoral side of things. Of course you can only do that so many times and then you run out of time. At least I do.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember Joan making some snarky comment about Nixon, to which I replied that actually my parents had voted for Nixon, to which information she seemed quite horrified. What else can I say about that? They never tell me anything.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember during high school, Miss Marken sometimes making some remarks about Watergate. Having been home in the United States the previous summer, she had the opportunity to watch the hearings on television daily and she had her opinions about the various persons involved, whereas I never saw that. I read some things in magazines but I really don't understand that very well that I would have any comment to make on the subject of the president's troubles.

Yes, I imagine that some persons in our high school class with political connections would have some inner connections to that, but I don't know anything.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I noticed that I seem to have a huge target on my back, although I am not sure why you won't just go away and leave me alone. I am nothing to you. You probably get all your information from....

Which Reminds Me

Yes, while I was doing my recent researches on China, I ran across the name of Carl Weaks, who was a Seventh Day Adventist missionary to China, who was mainly involved in a printing and publishing there, and had organized a team of colporteurs who went around selling their books. Upon retirement, Weaks moved to Tennessee.

Coincidentally, while I was working at Vida, in the distribution department, one of my bosses, Norman, was particularly impressed with this idea of colporteurs to distribute the books published by Vida. Upon retirement, Norman moved to Tennessee.

Coincidentally, while at SCC I remember that our choir director, Mrs. Galetar, had everyone in the choir go to see a special Christmas concert at a Seventh Day Adventist Church there in Costa Mesa. It was a lovely concert. I very much enjoyed the SDA concert that we attended one time. I still remember that concert, and which also gave us a concert credit.

Later, I heard that someone was trying to make everything SDA. How many times do I have to explain that I never in my life attended an SDA church? It was only that one concert that was Mrs. Galetar's idea. I really don't see why I have to answer these barrage of mind-numbing questions. Needless to say.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, sometimes cheaters win. However, I don't see how that proves anything.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am not in any way acquainted with the Greene family, much less the Green family, except for those three or four months that I was rooming with Jan Green at Evangel, during which time Jan made a big point of telling me that her auburn hair was dyed, and that I would probably condemn her for that, so pompously boastful am I of having a more natural shade, myself not dyeing, all of which thought had not crossed my mind, but if Jan feels so guilty about that, if the shoe fits.....  Do whatever you want, but do not try to make me the butt of your lousy dye jokes. Now that you mention it, your shade is a bit off.. But I am not going to make any points by mentioning that. Better to remain silent and let you fall screaming into your own dye trap, because, for one thing, the sin is conceived entirely in your own mind, and also, whatever, I really don't care that much. You are just not worth it.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, how well I remember a childhood and youth of being kicked around by those nasty little spoiled rotten brats. Am I the maid that I should care what those pompous arrogant snobs do later? I really could not care less about your stupid Beagle Bust. Is there nothing else to talk about than their pile of garbage? That was their idea, not mine.

Yes, I am quite happy to sit back and let them do all the work, especially since they won't let anyone else do anything anyway. There is just one problem with that, which is the distribution of wealth. Since they are now hoarding all the work for themselves, the money also is backloaded into their coffers, leaving everyone else absolutely broke. No reason to ever entertain the idea of doing anything without the money to fund basic functions of human life. These economic shifts are never without some pain that requires compensatory damages. No, money can only come from work, and work is not permitted to those who are not welcomed into their repugnant crude and vulgar snobbish clique.

I just want my exit check and leave me alone. Needless to say.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember the existence of those notorious gossips Jill and Linda from college. However, I do not feel myself under any obligation to explain or discuss my personal business with them or with you either. Everybody knows to steer clear of those chatterbox shmoozers so what were you thinking hanging out with them? Yes, perhaps if you go there you could hear much scuttlebutt and yet how much better to never go there so that not having heard anything, there will be no way to have a discussion of that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, only now in doing the paperwork, I see that you lost your naturalization papers in the field long before you were born, in 1940, so what are you still doing here? There you go again, half Canadian and half Mexican, which makes you, waht, the original NAFTA family? So how cutesy-puke is that? Next time around be better prepared to eat your own filthy vomit, because I know for a certainty that you did not get that from me.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, whenever he sees me walking in the halls of high school, he thinks it is so funny to launch into a song of "Dulcinea," possibly another joke about translating my name sort of, and then he will launch into a memorized speech, something about how he wants to be my Latin lover blah blah blah, all of which I suspect is not particularly flattering verbiage from some lousy B-move, although I really wouldn't know. I just have this uneasy feeling of being mocked for some unknown reason.

Later I heard that some people were trying to make something out of that, but it really was nothing. Why can't I just get on with my life and forget about that nonsense from high school?

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, my talents would be wasted on that Quique of high school, of whom I could not care less. After high school graduation I will be rid of him forever, never have to listen to his silly spiel ever again. But of course I would never think of saying that. Still, his tedious teasing bores me stiff. How do I politely tell these annoying people to go away and stop harassing me? He was nothing to me, a horrible nuisance.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember, hard to believe now how tense I was during high school, where I dare not open my mouth, scratch my nose, do anything at all for fear of accidentally violating some obscure rule of which I was not aware. I am past caring now about those insane people, but that is how they were in high school.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I had assumed that upon returning to the United States we would be rid of that worthless Gonzo garbage, but I would not have anything nice to say about that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is hard for us to understand why you are still obsessing about the tedious days of high school. High school will not last forever. The airplane ticket out is already indicating the day of exit, the passport and social security paperwork in order, and it is only a matter of time before I will be gone from this place so requisite for the days of adolescence but yet later discarded as if the dry and empty cocoon shed by the butterfly now on the wing. Needless to say.

Gone from high school forever, never again to be bullied by the Canadian bloc. I will be out of their reach on U.S. soil. Why should I care about the 9th graders' elected columnist? I am way too old to be picking arguments with snarky little 9th graders. There was no reason. Needless to say.

Which Reminds Me

Personally, I really could not care less about living on a planet ruled by boring Italian bimbos who after all only take instructions from some other witch farther upstream. I am just biding my time until after high school graduation after which I will be returning to the United States and will thus be free and clear of all of these annoying people who are always so full of themselves and not much else.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I noticed that some people think they are so clever riding my back. Yes, I suppose that I could always solve that by committing suicide, but then again that would be such a messy solution. Better to just get a job and do my time, if only this buzzing noise would stop. Go away. Get a life.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do not remember where this one-size-fits-all philosophy of education comes from? The Bill of Rights says that we are all created equal, which is a legal meaning actually, not that we are all at the same academic or financial levels guaranteed or all have the same range of talents and abilities. Certainly there are plenty of people smarter than me, and yet when I look around me I can certainly attest that private tuition monies would be wasted on some other people that it wouldn't be polite to name, I grant you that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I hope that you were not expecting me to get into some stupid argument about the quality of education in private vs. public schools. Ok, so what if I did attend a private high school? Many private schools offer excellent education, although some public school people prefer to define themselves as public students. However, I would prefer to keep my academic records a private matter.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it does make things a bit confusing to find these Smith people pretending to be my slave master when actually I was not acquainted. I vaguely remember seeing Maria around campus but we never talked nor do I remember having any class with her.

Which Reminds Me

I notice that you often refer to Allwood, which may or may be a reference to a certain high school classmate of ours of whom I remember almost nothing. Yes, I suppose that having such an Anglo name from your father gives you a certain type advantage over the other natives down there. Even so, being in the Dummies category does not prove very much.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that during high school economics class, there was a table of some guys over on the other side of the room, meaning next to us, and another table of guys at the back. I do not like this idea of those guys whom I barely can remember their faces and some of the names, having some sort of device with which the yank me around on a chain throughout the rest of my life, thus to exchange me for Stephanie sort of, so that I too can feel the pain of wicked Stephanie for whatever she did which I would have forgotten about if you had not taken such detailed notes, as if that matters now.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, my mother says that I can do anything that I want with my life when I grow up, even run for president, although I don't really have to do that unless I wanted to, which I don't, and not that I am not aware of my limitations actually. Strange that you should be so stressed out about that. Isn't that what all mothers tell their children? Something about being positive about what the future holds? Not to be too negative and afraid to go out there and get some things done?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, how many times do I have to explain that I was not invited to the party in which Stephanie did something she was not supposed to do? Almost the only thing that I can remember about her chatterbox monologuing is that she often talks about being from Scotland. And as to the question of what was Stephanie's religion? I cannot get a word in edgewise to even say hello to this bellicose chatterbox so the thought of asking such a personal question never crossed my mind. I think that it is better that I NOT try to interfere with her personal issues. And yet, given all of this inexplainable noise, the question has occasionally come to mind.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, how interesting to see that false Victor dumped a fortune into the pockets of those worthless fleabags. As if the money proved anything but that Vic is so stupid. I don't want to be reminded of that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, he often talks about temples, rarely uses the word cathedral and even more rarely the word church. So does that make him Jewish? And yet he speaks of the Jews also in a rather detached way, only passing through and he is not averse to touring mosques and investigating other religions as well, ambiguous. So what is he? An equal opportunity offender? I don't understand what I am reading. Sometimes there are too many pieces missing to get a good look at that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that Joan was talking about her babysitting job, and about how children when they hide their heads under a blanket or cover their eyes with their hands, sometimes imagine that nobody can see them.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember in high school, 10th grade, Joan saying something about her babysitting job, but I cannot remember the details of that now, something about how these children think that they are hiding but she can see them anyway.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that our co-worker Gene Napier said something about having taken the test for Jeopardy, and that it was not an easy test. I cannot remember now whether he later appeared on Jeopardy or some other game show. That was a long time ago to remember the details of that. I don't know why I never thought of doing that myself, but anyway I am not very photogenic.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I noticed that someone is trying to stage some matters in my life, based on a somewhat lousy script that I don't particularly like. Well, I know life cannot be perfect, but to actively seek out and put on this yoke of stupidity seems not particularly smart either. I have a better idea. Maybe I could just not exist and you could make your movie script all about yourself, which is the only thing that you care about anyway. Needless to say.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I think that everyone should be using ruled paper when taking notes during class, but that is only a preference. If you want to use blank or math paper, no one is going to care enough to say anything.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember our co-worker Joel at work talking about his stomach ulcers, which explained his health problem. Ok, so, given that he is volunteering all of this personal information, you can go ahead and cross him off the list also.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Which Reminds Me

I am feeling somewhat confused. Is Martha saying that I should defend her cousin who was executed for treason during World War I, working against the U.S. allies? I don't understand. And what about the 23 U.S. people who were killed by a tornado the other day? Why did they have to die? Some questions cannot be answered this side of heaven. Needless to say.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it does blur the picture somewhat, having this evil Kathy pretending to represent anyone other than her own vicious nasty Italian witch persona. It will be a relief to get back to the United States where I can finally dump these nasty Italian witches in the junk drawer where they belong. Which makes me wonder who originally said that, because I really don't want to have to think about them that much. I hope that they were not expecting to get any reaction from me, because I would rather do anything to avoid accidentally stepping into their stupid scripting, but I have not always been entirely successful in my quest to avoid them.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do not want to attach my cause to that of their family. I remain completely detached from them. Not to be rude, but my case is completely different from hers. I sort of feel sorry for those who are so dependent upon the good will of that repugnant worthless fleabag Rob or Bob and his vapid clueless wife. But whatever, I have no idea who those people are.

That said, who is going to pay monetary compensations for all of these damages occasioned by them? Sometimes all I need is a good dictionary and a paycheck, which I can never going to get from them.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Which Reminds Me

One day during high school, journalism class, working on the school newspaper, Kathy hit me in the abdomen and said that I needed to do something for a flatter tummy. Yes, I did not say anything in response to that, did I? I think that I just shrugged and ignored that because for one thing I was the same weight pretty much throughout high school so it was not like I was getting fat. And also everybody knows that Kathy is a sports fanatic. But myself not liking sports and not being athletic, I was not interested in continuing that conversation to hear more about that. I cannot compete with sports fanatics so I don't even try.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, at age 18 or 19 it is not necessarily the time to be promising who I will or will not marry categorically speaking when I really don't know you. I do not feel any great need to state the obvious to certain persons who might overhear that when I do not want them running my personal life behind my back. Which is why I am leaving.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I see your simplistic fill-in-the-blanks formulaic schedule, but I have other things on my mind. I really don't care.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, my mother says that I should make an effort and try to be friendly to Carol, remembering how pathetic life must be for her being raised by a stepmother, her real mother not being in the country, and also she is one of the few people I knew from way back at the little school when I was in 8th grade and she maybe in 7th. How nice of her stepmother to loan me some of her books to read, mostly some novels by Taylor Caldwell. It must be so hard for them to try to work themselves into a self-righteous snit about anything, now that their doctor husband-father has been denounced as a repugnant fleabag, although that part happened later,  and you did not get that from me. I don't know anything about it. Why is no one looking into that? Because it all happened there and not here? That is not a matter for public twitter talk, needless to say. How would you like it if all of your personal problems were broadcast on the nightly news? I don't think that they would appreciate me talking about that. Perhaps you do not quite yet understand what trouble you are in.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, you obviously do way too much shopping and have purchased all of your entire wardrobe at Banana Republic, which proves that perhaps you are one of those rare people for whom that clothing fits. Even when I was at my normal weight, only rarely could I find one or another thing to make it worth the effort of going there. They don't always fit.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I cannot say that it would not be interesting to see whether Greg could ever learn how to read and write, after which we could possibly have an actual conversation about that. But as matters now stand, all of that noise merely distracts from the fact that I really could not care less about this rivalry of Puerto Rico v. Dominican Republic. I imagine that Greg would be intimately familiar with the topic, having lived there for many years. But for me, that simply does not matter. We are called to take the good news to all the world, every nation, all peoples. So what if some of these various people have all of these various intestinal conflicts going on? I don't see how that matters in the long run. We prefer not to entangle ourselves in this island web. Things will sort themselves out eventually. All things work together for good to those who are called according to his purpose and/or word, as the Apostle has said.