Friday, March 31, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember thinking that I was being polite when I laughed at his Polack and/or Clinton and/or other jokes. Is not that the proper social behavior solicited when one is regaled by a collection of these various verbal jokester compositions allegedly of a humorous nature? In most circles, the proper socially acceptable response to whatever the comedian says would be: "Ha! Ha! Ha!" Funny matters not. In the back of the mind, one certainly may harbor the notion that some jokesters ought to be more self-censoring. But in the moment of social interaction, one often does not have the luxury of throwing temper tantrums and showing other displays of anti-social behavior that might permanently ruin the relationships that one is towing or tolerating on another level. Besides which, there is another growing belief that these Pollacks may not be such amiable buffoons as they may pretend to be, perhaps to disarm their listeners before coming back later to berate us for laughing at their own jokes that they were telling us in the first place.

Which reminds me that often in El Salvador persons would tell us their Molina jokes, Molina being the president of that country at that time, and you could simply insert some other politicians' name into that and the effect would be the same, and how are we supposed to respond to that? Often their sense of humor is much lower and cruder than ours, but it would not seem appropriate to lecture on that point in response to every occasion, like some other prickly porcupines whose political interests are all about defending Molina. And their point also has merits. But we are supposed to remain impartial observers in the local politics and not involve ourselves in matters that are out of our control.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I think that I would agree that I am probably not qualified to teach on matters of Sanskrit and Hindu religions and the various implications of that. Nor do I have any desire to qualify to do that. Hindu religions would not be enjoying any special protections in a world of democratic principles, but I cannot quite remember where I am at the moment.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I cannot help but wonder where is Helen's lovely book about her childhood in India? It seems that it was never published and I was never able to read that, so I really cannot say much about that. I would have read it if I could have, but I do not have that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I learned the hard way to never make the mistake of discussing complex personal matters with stupid little butthead sylvia. I am so NOT impressed with their attitude problem.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, speaking of Mexico, I just have no clue about what to say about wicked Mexican school teachers who seduce their students. I just have no idea about that. I do not see where that is coming from. You might have more luck grilling Joan. She might actually know something about that. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that one night during college I had a very long dream, in which I had received a failing grade on a test, and I was distraught and wandering around campus not knowing what I would do, so depressed and weeping, and so troubled by these terrible things, and then finally I woke up, and I was so depressed and sad, and it took a few minutes before I finally realized that the whole thing was a dream and I had not received a failing degree as per the test in my dream, and the whole thing was just a nightmare, and should be happier than that, because anyway it was only a dream.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember hearing that someone had tried to Baker-Act me, which is something that psychology people do when they think that you are suicidal. So that does not make much sense, how is my life improved by being poked at by the Bakers and the Joneses? That does nothing but Depreciate my value at not the best time to be hearing from them. This is not the time to discuss rights and values.

So you think that you are so clever you are going to sell me down river to be sold at auction by the dogs of New Orleans? 

And I have got some news for you, I am never going to go there just to accommodate your idiotic notions, so you will just be sitting on the dock of the bay watching the tide roll away, and nothing to happen in that regards, at least for the foreseeable future. 

Monday, March 27, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that someone had confused me with some rich person unknown to me. NO, I am NOT rich. How many times do I have to explain that just being white does not make me rich? Also, there was the problem of the mythical, imaginary $1 million that never really existed. That was probably, as far as I can see, a mystical number utilized by speculators. But if legal problems caused the collapse of the entire enterprise, obviously the actual value might be closer to $1. Maybe. So that is nothing. How do I make those people stop saying all of those crazy fictional things that make no sense? Do you realize how many years it would take me to find the $1 million paperwork? And then when I find it, so what? It means nothing.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that Ann Campbell was talking about the "Family Jewels," but I think that she might have been talking about a fight between two boys at our high school that might have happened although I did not see that myself. I doubt that she would have been talking about the CIA's "Family Jewels" operations of a confidential nature stamped for "Secret Eyes Only" and not declassified until maybe 2011. Besides which, Ann is Canadian, so what would she know about those top secret operations of someone else's government? Interesting coincidence, however.      

Friday, March 24, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do think that in a binary world, of the two professions that are considered acceptable for women — teacher or nurse — that I could make a decent living working as a schoolteacher, as opposed to the medical professions that I so much want nothing to do with personally. As a child I once even wrote some little textbooks that were not much to boast of, a seemingly weird and nerdy thing to do, but that was what I did. However, I never did get myself certified, because anyway, somehow the idea of just trying to get myself qualified for the teaching profession might be somewhat of a hassle, what with all those little brats throwing their political weight around at my expense. I don't have that level of gunpowder in stock or those bullets in my inventory. Sounds like the job could be more pressure than I would be able to handle so I never really did that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, who would know where is Ann's head on this point? I really do not take my orders from the Canadians, although they probably would have some other interesting things to say on this point that they forgot to tell me, but I really don't know much. I would just look like some stupid Red Queen screaming my head off, "No!" if I ventured into that subject matter.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember reading about the daughters of Zelophehad, who were able to inherit their father's portion, but only because they had agreed to marry persons from within their same tribe, which was the tribe of Manasseh, the descendants of Joseph, so that the inheritance would not pass by inheritance to some other tribe.

But how would that work for the tribe of the Levites, who have no inheritance in Israel? The Levites lived on a different system, by receiving the tithes and offerings and the sacrifices and gifts brought by the people. One assumes that the daughters of Levi would be provided for, but if married off to another tribe can no longer eat from their father's table, or something like that.

So that was the system that as set up by Moses in the Bible, and how that worked in real life is a question for the ages, one may easily imagine. 

Time is short. We have very little time to be quibbling about these points, if there be some point that you were attempting to make, from your vantage point in some other tribe not really part of mine.

Although, come to think of it, I am not aware of myself belonging to any particular tribe. Perhaps I may have a little bit of Lost Tribe in me, which means that I probably cannot be found by you. Yes, probably what that means. You really should not be expending so much time and energy trying to find those who cannot be found. 

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I suppose that you are trying to make some obscure point about the daughters of Zelophehad, who, because their father had no son, were by law allowed to inherit their father's portion. Yes, so, Ok, and your point was? Perhaps something about my having no brother, so I do inherit actually, even if you don't like my opinions on anything much, or my blood type. I do inherit, although I am in no hurry to inherit, the longer my parents live all the better, so there is no rush to inherit. And your point was? 

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember hearing them talking about how they are joining the Confederacy and making themselves my slave masters, but I do not take such nonsense seriously. I shrug those Rebel dogs off my back like a dog throws water. And should I pay Blackie for the same treatment. No, I think not. I know nothing to the dogs of "It."

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was quite rude of them to try to shove their filthy Chilean street lingo down my throat. I said nothing of the sort, but who am I to challenge the pompous arrogance of the powers that be? I am a nobody. They can shove and block and make things seem as if happened, even if not, whether or not it did or not matters not them. No, clearly there is nothing that I can say or do to change their hatched schemes of whatever nature that might be, whatever that meant.  

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, why did I share so much personal information with my co-worker, that annoying Mexican Java boy? I don't know now. He was nothing to me. I do not appreciate being reminded of stupid co-workers who did not deserve to be trusted, at least not by me, at least not that much.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember hearing her online, yammering about money money money. What a pathetic little gold digger she must be, although I never really met her. I don't remember ever comparing notes with that thing. Which only brings up the question: What do they teach those idiots at ORU? Nothing? But I digress.  

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it was unfortunate for me that I ever came into contact with John and Bonnie, but I did not know that until later, because after all of that my mothers tells me what Bonnie did in Nicaragua. Oh, I did not know that. And I am not quite that bad, but why belabor the point? Who really cares about those dull bores anyway? But I should be more grateful for small things. We should not be throwing all our relationships out the window due to politics. 

You were saying something about the money that funded her father's ministry, a point to which I had not given much thought. He was certainly a unique person, with a unique blend of talents and background, of German heritage, yet born and raised in Puerto Rico so he spoke the language in a very fluent way, and was able to triangulate with the natives in a way that most white people can never do. Ok, so, that's nice for them.  

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that I worked one year at Bonnie's office in California, and later, after I had gone on to a better job, I learned from someone, maybe Sharon Turner, that there was a story circulating about me that seemed fabricated, about how I had been stacking or restacking papers stuffed in the bottom drawer of a filing cabinet in the back room of their offices. I could not understand what they were talking about. Even now, looking back into the distant past, I still do not know what that could mean. Filing is something that people often do while working in offices, but the way the story was told was sort of weird. It did not seem to have anything to do with me.

Yes, isn't Bonnie lucky to have a husband who can cover for all the things that she did wrong in her past, as everyone knows, unlike those poor and unattached single girls who lack a husband, but it would not seem proper for me to say more about what I only heard by the grapevine. The Bible says that our salvation is not based on comparing ourselves one to another, so just to compare myself to that proves nothing. I should be focused singly on my own attitude, not going back there to gossip about nothing much.  

Friday, March 17, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I certainly never had any knowledge whatsoever of Chile, its politics or its street lingo, when in high school, nor did anyone ever share any of that with me. How would I know that they were living a double life, having unmentionable dealings with the community of ex-patriate Chileans living there at the time? I had no idea of any of that. It would seem ridiculous for me to involve myself in the rivalries of Peru vs. Chile. I do not resemble that.

Thus, we can see that it was purely an inadvertent coincidence.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, so we had agreed that it was the picacho, not really a pico, and then later John called my mother and told her that I had used a bad word, and that I was to never say that again, and so that was shocking, what is wrong with me, how could I be so wrong, how stupid can I be, and isn't John the omniscient all-knowing sage on all matters relating to the Spanish language, as far I know, my parents being somewhat awe-stricken by his extensive authority and knowledge on such topics as these, a veritable fount of humor on incidents of translation discrepancies. So this hiking incident contributes to the construction of a huge mental block in my head, because I can never really go there, because I really don't know how to explain how could I be that stupid.

WHich Reminds Me

Yes, I stand corrected.  The mountain referred to, near to which we were hiking, is actually called the "picacho," and not a "pico," and that is because, technically speaking ,it is more of a rocky crag, not really a full-blown mountain peak, in terms of its geological formation. Ok, right, I forgot about that. I was confused. I don't know why I referred to is as a generic mounain peak when actually it is called the "picacho." Sorry about that.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it always seemed like the normal thing to do, while traveling, was to comment on and appreciate the scenery. 

And you put such a sinister tone on that, as if there were some evil intent on my part. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember reading about the war between Peru and Chile some time in the 19th century. I have no particular interest in involving myself in that internal conflict of South Americans. No invasion of Peru will be forthcoming, so what are you waiting for?

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember hearing online that the Stewarts are gone to Peru with the Walker family, who are Sam's inlaws. The Walkers at one time lived in Peru, although I do not quite understand which ones were in Peru, the Fousquares or the AGs. But anyway, so that means that Sam and Janey have a Peru piece of the puzzle, although I do not quite see how that does anything for me. There are several pieces of the puzzle because someone divided everything into pieces, at least that is how I heard it, and some people are very attached to their own pieces of the puzzle and do not want to trade for some obscurely understood Peruvian boondoggle whatever that meant, even if they cannot quite see how the puzzle pieces fit together. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it does seem a bit sad that my mother's cousin Beverly and her former husband Richard Klein have been divorced for a long time now, so it seems weird that we are still seeing hints of them here and there. It might be even more unfortunate that she married him in the first place, because we are so incompatible with Beverly's in-laws, as far as I can tell in my no-fault sort of way, so it is not even funny to have to Sue you that way.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that "Ladies Who Lunch" is a song recorded by Barbra Streisand. I am not particularly fond of the song but I do not remember having any particular joke about it either. Susie likes to get up early at the crack of dawn to have breakfast with her friends but I only did that once. I tend to prefer sleeping late whenever possible.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that when I was eight years old, and we were living in Mexico, that one time we were over at the Stone's house, and Kenton was playing with his toy guns and holster, and he went in his room and closed the door and would not come out and play with us girls, because that is how boys are. So, yes, so whatever. That is how boys are.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was interesting to learn of your 120. You were boasting loudly as if that were spectacular, and yes, as you were saying, that puts you somewhat above average in the statistical scheme of things. And yet, hmmm...., how can you learn anything when you never stop talking long enough to hear anything? I had a number too, although I try to forget that I am not eligible to sit behind the desk at the genius bar. Even so, you might even be stupider than I am, so obviously you are not going to be running my life any time soon.

Monday, March 13, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember noticing in the high school yearbook that one of our classmates, his mother is a Wilson. I get that from seeing how his name is fully spelled out in the senior yearbook, not because anyone ever said anything to me about that.

Even so, I do not quite see how that translates to the Wilson Bombers having anything to say to me. Can the Wilsons read my mind, can they know what I was thinking when they never asked? When they never thought to give me an opportunity to explain what I said? 

I think not. I think the Wilsons have nothing.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember hearing that the Wilson Bombers were bragging loudly that they have the money all squared away. How so? What money? And anyway, who cares about that? 

Mass Popularity may or may not be a bankable asset, so I do not quite follow the logic of how that would be tapping Turkish banking fees. Drug dealers are apparently popular, and yet a person with principles does not sign up for that job. Where is that "popular" clip when I need it, from the Cheaper by the Dozen movie? Guess you will just have to watch the movie.

So the Wilson Bombers have had 52 weeks a year to collect the royalties from their songs of obscure meaning, whilst we are sitting over here in the dark, not remembering who said that or why they imagine that we would every buy the album when everything is now free on YouTube, even the albums we did not choose to buy back in the olden days. 

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I suppose that we should be asking whether you are one of those tedious Mensa snobs, always boasting of your IQ at 160.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I cannot even imagine who would need to converse with scummy low-life cartel people. I have no information about cartels, sorry but I cannot help you with that.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, and I completely forget who was telling us about the coca leaf and its properties. It grows in South America where I have never been so obviously the drug dealers are not talking to me.

WHich Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember Lynda saying that she and Warren had made an agreement that neither would marry, that both would remain single for their entire lives, following in the footsteps of Andrae Crouch. I found that hard to believe that they would be saying that, or that they would not change their minds later,  but I do not have very much context to explain that. Maybe you would get more information if you would pick Lynda's brain apart, or else quiz Lynda's roommate Dauna.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that while I was rooming with Cori at SCC, she had a bookshelf full of books and was very proud of belonging to the Book Club of America, which sends her two new books every month automatically deducted from her bank account. So more and more her bookshelf was filling up with these trashy books that I could even get past the first page of, i maybe read one or two of her recommendations, but most of them were not appealing to me. One day someone was visiting her while I was not there and they made some fuss about that, but I do not see how that is my fault. They were all her books.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it would seem ridiculous for me to behave in the cantankerous way of the Negatives, and yet I cannot quite see why the negative blood type should seem so much more valuable to persons who only care about their own blood type self interests. What is so special about the Negatives, and if they are so much better as you say, those little hammerhead sharks if you will, would it not be so much wiser for me to retire myself from the marketplace of blood types, where my qualities can never attain much of any value due to the prevailing trends? What will the world become when a majority of the population is entirely of the negative blood type persuasion and all positives have been eliminated from the gene pool? That will be interesting thing to see but I might not live long enough to actually witness that. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that I had changed my voter registration to Independent, which means that there is no reason for me not to work with either party depending on whichever way the wind is blowing at the moment. What else could the Party be asking me to do? I don't understand. Why all of these threats and intimidation? Didn't you already ruin my life anyway? What more could go wrong, other than throwing me into jail and throwing away the key? How exciting and/or motivational/inspirational is that prospect? I am surprised that has not yet happened, but fortunately for me, God is merciful and kind.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, ha ha ha, you two-faced snobs carry on about choice of books to read, and then you spend your Saturday nights watching those outrageous SNL skits that are allegedly funny, although I really find it difficult sometimes to wrap my mind around exactly what are they saying.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that I never was particularly fond of Phil Kersten. When you are in your mid or late 20s your parents naturally would try to match you with whoever they know, but when you just sit there like a sullen and uncommunicative 3-year-old, that does not get you very far. 

Since then, I heard that he settled in Wisconsin, where he married some horrible peasant witch of whom I could not care less to hear from again online, much less in person. 

So why am I seeing their horrid little Guinea pigs peeking around every corner. Nobody really wants them, and yet it would be so rude for me to tell them where to get off. I think that the Kerstens ought to admit their wicked little experiment and stop harassing me with their personal Guinea pig garbage. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember in third grade, while in Mexico, during PE class, there was some girl who was sort of a bully and she came and was threatening to hit us with maybe a baseball bat because we were from the United States, and I forget what happened, probably nothing because some told us to just ignore that, maybe, but I just do not remember very much about Mexico. That school was a scary place to me.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, truly, the Gross stupidities of Bob did not serve me well. Admittedly, they serve only to obfuscate the picture. So from trying to be agreeable and cooperative, I get nothing. Who is going to be paying me all these big buck consulting fees for conducting brain surgery when everything is engineered to make me look like an idiot? Did you imagine that I was an independently wealthy and willing volunteer who can just drop everything to serve your idiotic party agenda?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, oh, did I forget to mention that I dropped out of the Party rat race and registered myself as an independent? And life goes on without all that stuff.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember having lived in Mexico for one year, in the city of Guadalajara, when I was eight years old. I have some pleasant memories of Mexico but do not know when I would ever get back to there. Life goes on. We moved on from there.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, interesting how there are some people who are always rooting around in my garbage can, and pulling out things that I might have casually mentioned but that I did not think were all that important in the whole scheme of things, and they seize upon things that I would prefer to get rid of anyway, so if they hurt themselves that way, I really cannot quite take the blame for all of that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, well, you are planning to squash me like a bug. That is what I get about that.

Monday, March 6, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do vaguely remember hearing that Ronit is very proud of belonging to the House of David. However, due to some deals related to the nationhood of Israel, she and her sister, who is also a light shade of red hair, might have to marry into the House of Israel, which seemed to be a depressing thought, not really as special as the House of David, a downgrade to them. But I cannot vouch for my having heard anything accurately. I was trying to do my homework so that was a bit distracting to say the least, to be hearing all of these interesting stories but not really having enough context to make much sense of that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I think that it would be completely unfair to expect me to go to Ronit hell with Marion. How would I know what Marion did with all that personal information that Ronit was dishing out that day in study hall at our high school, in maybe 9th or 10th grade? I do not even remember enough to give any coherent account of that beyond saying that I was sitting sort of within earshot, although I was not paying that much attention, something about David. I do not have much of a dialogue with fight jet salespeople that I would be able to say anything about that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember hearing about the book of 2 John, where the elder of the church addresses the elect lady and her children. Hmmm. Who could that be? Probably not me. I have no children so, yes, probably I am not the "elect." Needless to say. Why are belabor a point that matters not?

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, we had climbed to the top of the volcano, and then there was an option to climb down into the cone of the volcano, which might take a half an hour, but then it might take another hour and a half to climb back out of that because the path is so steep, and I thought about doing that, but then Carol challenged me to a race to the bottom, and so I said no, I would not be doing that, because, then it would be a matter of a contest and having to push someone out of the way and all of that sort of useless argument, and I sort of felt that it would be sort of beneath my dignity to descend to that level of competing with these little beasties. The little beasties are very simple-minded but for some reason I think that I have to maintain a higher level of thought processing than that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember at age eight, telling someone about my balloon. That was a big mistake. I like my own balloon just fine, don't get me wrong, and I do not want your balloon. I would not want to get stuck with you in my balloon. I would not want to get stuck in your balloon with horrible you. Needless to say. Go find your own balloon. 

Friday, March 3, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I noticed that you often give lip service to the notion that you are dispensing good advice about work, and then you cut me off at the pass before I can even get started on implementing that, idea so obviously you are not really intending to help me.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, what a joke, trailer trash bimbo Sylvia pretending to have something to say to me. But I digress. I really should not say anything about what I noticed about that. Discretion ought to be the better part of valor, even when some people deserve to be dunked.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I probably should not waste all my 'tu's' on some cranky little monster who hates my guts. Needless to say.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Ye, I vaguely remember having studied the Spanish language in depth, that in Spanish, the pronoun you can be either Usted or Tu. The usted is a more formal and chilly distant relationship, whereas the tu is used amongst friends. Yes, I suppose the tu should not be wasted on some people who obviously are not my friends. Needless to say. So I should probably just return their chilling formalities in kind, OK fine, because with friends like that I would have no need of enemies. They declared themselves to be my enemies, so, yes, get clue.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember a time during high school, when I was invited to visit my friend Caroline, and being over at her house, their family was going somewhere, so I ended up in the van with her and her half-sister Rhina and half-brother Noel, and some other little kids, and they stopped at the bank, and Carol was to sign a check to get some money out of the bank, and she could not remember what her signature was suppoed to be. She had invented some sort of flourish by way of signature, and later had forgotten what she had done. So her stepmother seemed to be somewhat frustrated about that. She would take the check into the bank and come bank more than once saying the teller would not accept the check and having her sign it again or sign another check. However, I was not privy to their private financial arrangements because I never asked about any other details of that. That was the only thing I saw. 

Which Reminuds Me

Yes, it is somewhat annoying to hear you speak that way, as if I were guilty of something. Guilty of what? What is this imagined crime than I know nothing of? Explain yourself.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, and I vaguely heard some rumblings about Rhonda, but who that is I really have no idea. I once said hello to her and that was the end of that. I cannot imagine there being anything of a personal nature that I would need to discuss with Tuttle or the nabobs of India. It is very weird to be hearing all these clueless rich people chattering overhead, when actually they are not acquaintances of mine and as far as I can tell they are completely ignorant of any relevant facts. I have not hired them to say anything on my behalf nor would I want to be represented by that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I hear that those screechy whackos imagine they can compete with the Mamas and Papas. Ha ha ha! You tone deaf screamers could not begin to compete with the legendary rock stars of hippie fame. You would not even know what hit you, after that Roberts traitoress stabs you in the back. And I do not even quite know how I heard that, by osmosis somehow.