Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I see that Colorado is expecting me to bow down and worship their evil Jenkins goddess of the day, even though that is never going to happen. We threw Jenkins out the window long ago, why have you not gotten the message?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it has come to our attention that you have yet failed to turn off the stupid Fawcett machine or spigot. How would I do that? I only glimpsed the TV show "Charlie's Angels" a few times, not a huge fan of that mindless type of entertainment, don't know much about it. Farrah died in 2009, so perhaps the Fawcett mantle has passed on to trashy hoe Cori. Is that what you are saying? Because I really have no idea, I remember nothing. I wash my hands of the Fawcett monstrosity.      

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do think that I have done very well getting along with people who I do not necessarily agree with on certain various points, but of course there comes a point where the conversation is over and we go on in our various directions and do not concern ourselves ever again with their diverging viewpoints.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, easy for you to tell us to just throw away the phone and forget about it, to just be a know-nothing blank slate. And then they throw it all back at us all over again anyway, even when we were not trying to do anything about that. What would I do if all this information were not freely available on the Internet, which it was not at the time? How would I find and buy all of these books when I am completely clueless as to what the question was? 

Friday, November 26, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that Carol was saying that the piano teacher had made some accusations against Carol's father, the details of which I have no clear memory, only that because of that they consider her their enemy. Myself not being involved in their mostly Baptist internal controversy,  I would not be able to comment further on these points.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, of course, theft is completely wrong and why would I do such a ridiculous thing. Am I losing my mind yet? Angrily you demanded that I return that book that was on your shelf and how often do I have to remind that you that I don't have your book. I only took my own books that I would happy to sell you, or even give away,  because I have too many books as it is. I won't need most of these books where I am going.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, and I am somehow reminded that during high school I was taking piano lessons for about a year or more from that Spanish lady who was a Baptist. I learned later from Carol that this piano teacher was considered an enemy of the Sanchez family but as to the details of that I cannot remember what she said. That was not my problem. I was only taking piano lessons.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, now I can see that you are expecting me to make some smart alecky remark about those Baptist dumbbells. However, for me to say that would be misleading because that would give the mistaken impression that I was ever fond of dancing. Actually not! I was never one of those dancers. How could you possibly mistake me for crazy dancer Libby? I do not think that I look anything like her. But possibly all of those redheaded girls look the same to you.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, another mystery to ponder is what to do about all of these nasty Green Card witches who are roaming about with a vengeful axe to grind because they paid for their U.S. citizenship with money and had to take various tests to get it, whereas mine is of the native born style, requiring no other proof than my place of birth, which happens to be a certain hospital in California. I suppose that I might think of asking Why should I forsake my native-born pedestal to grovel and beg with those wretched late arrivals who mock and taunt me.

But of course your warped agenda is possibly based on your having mistaken me for some other red-haired girl in my high school class, which, anyway, is not my problem. I do not care what you think about red-headed girls.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, one may have occasion to pause and reflect for at least a moment upon the mystery of iniquity, and whether Broadway has yet reached its absolute nadir with that dreary and dissonant grungy display known as "Hamilton" as glimpsed briefly in Youtube clips. Was he really an insider or was he merely the hired help? These mysteries are too high for me to contemplate. One may as well ponder how low can these dippity dim bulbs go to engineer their own crafty designs?

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that you were asking me about the lyrics of the James Taylor song, where he is talking about a "lead pipe cinch" and what could that possibly mean, which question reveals your complete ignorance of the board game of Clue, in which the murder may or may not have been committed by Professor Plum in the ballroom with the lead pipe. Only at the end of the game is it revealed who did what, until then you are only guessing and throwing things at the wall, and rarely is anyone so lucky as to guess everything rightly on their first turn. 

And if you give them an inch they will take a mile, because as they already told you themselves, they are vultures with sharp and pointy beaks, waiting for their opportunity to tear you to pieces, and if you are dead you are fair game to them, needless to say. And if they are telling you that they are vultures, you really should believe them, because that means that they are pecking at their prey, and by the time they are through with you you will never know what happened. Obviously. Needless to say.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, there you go again, chattering away, as if I would know anything about Melodyland. I only visited there once and do not remember much about it. Melodyland certainly was huge building at that time but no longer exists due to urban redevelopment. I seem to remember at college hat Rusty mentioned that he was from Melodyland but I never really knew much about that. Probably there are those who know the inner secrets of Melodyland but I was never one of them.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, when did I first notice that interesting coincidence, which is that the children of Regina have the surname of Hernández, which is also one of the surnames of one of my high school classmates? But of course, as someone was saying, there are not that many Spanish surnames in the phone book, so they may need to formally use both of their surnames in order to differentiate themselves from the other 20 million Hernández in the phone book, not to mention the other million Fernández, Gonzalez, Rodriguez, etc. At least you can be sure that they know who they are, even when they all look the same to us. Thus, how would I know whether they have some family connection to my high school classmates? Did I marry some reprobate fleabag with a huge ORU chip on his shoulder? No, I do not think that I did that.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do not remember exactly when it was that I got that you were trying to throw the Stones at me, and hopefully you have gotten by now that I threw them back because, anyway, I have enough problems without all of their junk. I once had occasion to say hello to them in the college cafeteria and there is nothing more to say about that. I do not wish to continue such a pointless conversation.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, you were talking about the royalist connections of the Royal Rangers, something that they never taught us over there in Missionettes, the short time that I was with them, so obviously I do not remember anything about it and thus would have no comment. would remain actually speechless at such a bizarre thought, besides which I forget who said that and now knowing the source of the tempest in a teapot, I have no idea of what to say about that. Let the Royals explain themselves, I know nothing about it. it. 

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, there was another point about Spain being a monarchy, as is also England, which can be a tricky thing in America, because to us all of these Spanish people look the same, Cuban or Puerto Rican, Colombian or Venezuelan, Honduran or Salvadoran, whatever, but some of them might actually be more Spaniard than American, and they might have some royalist signals that we might not be aware of. So you might accidentally find yourself pledging loyalty to the King of Spain even when you are actually a Canadian who would rather be singing "God Save the Queen!" That was one of those points that I forget how that fits into this narrative except that my ancestors were mostly English so although I do not have much thought of the royal titulages and nobilities, given my abysmal lack of suitability for any such position, there are people who are really into that type of thing and who buy up all of those glossy magazines at the supermarket full of pictures of such people, royals and celebrities.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is not that I do not forgive them. I do forgive them. 

However, there is much damage done that is irreversible. If there be a slow fade to third-world banana republic with them in charge, eventually, no matter. I will be long gone from the scene by the time the consequences are fully seen. I need to study to make my exit but you stole my parachute so I still have to file the paperwork for that.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember the existence of certain people, but there was no reason for me to discuss such unmentionable and unspeakable topics with those irrelevant persons who never said hello to me anyway. If you want to hang yourself that way, go right ahead. Don't let met get in your  way.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, we all, at least many of us, have read that book, "Run, Baby, Run," authored by Nicky Cruz, in which he tells his amazing testimony of being transformed from an evil gangster roaming the streets of New York City, to a normal ordinary person living somewhere in American suburbia, by the salvation that is available freely to all, as explained to him by the illustrious American preacher , the late Dave Wilkerson, who was well known in his time and founded the famous Teen Challenge organization which ministers to and tries to rescue various drug addicts and street gang people. I think that is a nice story to read about in a book whenever you have a copy in hand eventually. They do good work, certainly. 

Someone was suggesting that Cruz has preferred not to pursue political power, he being at an end of his "Challenge" rope due to various life circumstances, because even when these people are reformed, sometimes they have lifelong problems incurred during their earlier years of rebellious living. 

Ok, fine, I get that, although that was not my thought, but whatever. I really do not need the headache of electoral politics and/or Teen Challenge.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, Oh, am I getting the idea that Patricia Cruz is wanting to scuttle her Teen Challenge idiot cousins who are talking too much online? I somehow doubt that she would want herself portrayed as need of their services, although I barely remember the existence of Patricia, who sat near me in the high school classroom, yet of whom I remember almost nothing beyond that her best friend works for the CIA. I am not making any deals on this point as I know nothing about it.

And even so, how is that my problem? I barely remember the existence of Teen Challenge. I read the Switchblade books and saw the movie, and, well, enough of that. I also have no personal communication whatever to that. I do think it is nice that they have a place to pout those garrulous quarrelsome drug addicts so that they are not wandering about the streets making too much noise, so if you are so in need of some final resolution on this point, I suggest you go there yourself. I have no need of them.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, who can forget the stirring and inspirational movie, "Ran Baby Run," in which Pat Boone played the role of preacher Dave Wilkerson and the role of Nicky Cruz was performed by the famed actor, Eric Estrada, who is also remembered for his later role as a CHIP highway officer riding a motorcycle. In El Salvador our church sponsored a special showing of the movie at the Cine Vieytez, if I remember that rightly, and there were many church people there filling the theater to see that rarely sanctioned media. So that was nice that there is a way of salvation, maybe, potentially, for all of these drug addicted hoodlums who might otherwise be roaming the streets aimlessly with nowhere to go. We read the books so we know that the Teen Challenge organization is a good thing to have in its proper place and context. If only they could hear the good news, then maybe they could get saved, if only they had ears to hear, if only there was a time and a place for explaining it to them.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, interesting how when the Internet and email was a new and fresh thing, everyone was circulating lists of jokes and funny stories to a variety of email addresses, but now that the Internet is becoming a routine matter of everyday living, the novelty is faded and no longer so interesting, especially given the lack of taste and good sense of some of the jokes circulated and the person who circulate them. But obviously some people have no sense of or forget about the issue of personal boundaries and for that perhaps there is no cure.

Which is unfortunate because I did like a good joke now and then, amidst various others that were maybe not so good. Sometimes you have to sift through the bad to find the good or something like that.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is always somewhat distressing to glimpse such a highly respected and publicly visible authority figure displaying such a dismally low level of abject stupidity, but, anyway, that is not an excuse for such warfare. You are welcome to peruse my copy of the Spanish-English dictionary, but somehow I doubt that would satisfy the sickness of your psychotic turner-coat minds because, anyway, it was not about me. I was only a prop in some other drama of no interest to me so I simply have to go.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember at the party after my high school graduation, or sometime thereabouts, John Bueno was complaining that our salutatorian, in his speech to everyone, was using the most obscure words in the dictionary that no one ever heard of or would use in everyday live. Yes, that may be true. I cannot remember what he said either.

Friday, November 12, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, perhaps I should be paying more attention, whenever flying, to that steward or stewardess who is explaining to me the function of the life preserver stored under my seat and what to do in case of a plane crash. Good point. Point taken. Beyond that, given an otherwise uneventful flight, these people are not necessarily my friends. I do not know who they are and what they are scheming and plotting my back and I do not necessarily trust them to have my best interests in mind.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember many years ago, while flying on an airplane from Florida to California, there were three seats in the row, my sister was sitting in the middle, and some unknown man was sitting in the aisle seat and struck up a lively conversation with my sister, with whom he seemed quite enchanted and delighted, and to me he directed only one comment that I can remember, whether I was her chaperone. Hmmm..... That is a deep subject for shallow minds. And am I going to take my order and instructions from some unknown guy who we chanced to encounter while flying on an airplane? I do not quite see why this matters.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am somewhat surprised when I see people converting from Protestant to Greek Orthodox. Apart from my not being very advanced in Greek, I am too old now to learn another language, I really do not feel much need for such formalities. I have my original card to prove that i was water baptized, although in El Salvador. Some people want to make an issue out of that, although I do not see the point of arguing about these technicalities.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, what was the name of Miss Fiddlesticks, who worked at the Haines City newspaper, in the advertising department designing ads. She belonged to some other very strict and severely legalistic cult the name of which I cannot quite remember. If I seemed worldly to her, well, whatever, that would not be too surprising.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, we have noticed some interesting things about the alternate universe inhabited by the Hunts, but we cannot say much about them. They lived mostly in Venezuela and other unknown places and we hardly ever saw them beyond the most superficial of distant family contacts so it is hard for us to understand why you think Mount Shasta is the center of the universe. I do not know much about that.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, this is somewhat awkward, someone wants to glue us forever to Uncle Sam's idiot children, referring to the offshoot branch founded by my Dad's Uncle Sam, most of whom live int the Bay Area of California and/or the West Coast. They are NOT my problem. They may consider themselves ejected from our "House," needless to say, given their complete lack of communication and/or actual cooperation. There is no telling what type of mutated freaks they have become by this time, so there is no reason for us to care about their idiotic online rantings

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was embarrassing, that time during my senior year of high school, when I was singing in the shower, yodeling or doing my Tarzan yell or whatever that was that I did while washing my hair, only later to learn that Turner was standing outside the bathroom window all that time intentionally listening to this odd moment of casual happenstance. Yes, well, I was not prepared at that moment for the stage and also resent being casually written off without a proper hearing by these tone deaf persons, but anyway, whatever. If I can NOT stick my foot in your huge mess, you will get what is coming to you eventually, one would imagine, without my having to spell it out.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I have heard somehow by osmosis that some unidentified person unknown to me has placed a curse upon my children, based on the passage in Galatians about the rivalry of Hagar vs. Sarah. Their curse words would have thrown me to the Hagar garbage bucket. 

However, as it turns out, I have no children. Thus it becomes evident that I have been relieved of having to do Hagar duty, thank you very much. 

And yet some people have not yet heard the good news, still reflexively rerunning those same old cartoons from a hundred years ago without pausing to reflect upon the need for a fresh and new word from God for this present generation. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that during high school the Whitaker twins had some special deal going on in algebra class, but I really could not understand what their special deal was. I only remember that they always seemed to be angry with me for some unknown reason. And, well, anyway, if I ever think of some information to report to them maybe I would do that, but I am sort of busy doing my homework and minding my own business so nothing really comes to mind at the moment.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember the during our amateur radio show, we were talking about some of the cartoons by the great American cartoonist who drew pictures of haughty arrogant snobs as somehow similar to persons of Siberia holding up their frozen noses in the air. Later reading reveals this to be an actual reference to some actual community in Siberia, and also an anti-Jewish reference, a context of which we were not aware of the time. Now that I know that, I might not be so quick to jump on David's cartoonish bandwagon, but anyway, I suppose we live and learn.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, sometimes I cannot help but wonder whether I am seeing evidence of the backdoor manipulations of that exchange student Sandra, so rich and yet so .... I don't know why I am suspecting something because really we were not very close friends in high school so how would I know that I am in her bull's eye target board? That would be unfortunate because anyway I am not intending to be rude but I really do not know how I accidentally kicked that creepy little Rivera weasel to the curb. I was not thinking about that at all, but neither was I expecting see those Rivera insects creeping through the cracks later. Ridiculous!

Which Reminds Me

Yes, all of these matters are of concern, and yet the discussions brings up the question of whether I would be able to promise you that you are never going to have another problem in terms of racial identity? I am a mortal being. I am not God. I don't know the answer to these dilemmas. It would not be fair to expect me to resolved all of these problems with a snap of the finger and say what is going to happen in the future in terms of the color wheel. I just have no idea.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I really do not feel myself under any obligation to grant free access to my personal bank account and other information that is none of their business to that pack of Saddleback peasant scum. I do not know how to tell them to go away and stop ruining my life. Tell them to mind their own business and stop trying to ruin mine.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, interesting how some people are so zealous to start with an assumption of my guilt without having to acknowledge how they contributed to that situation in the first place.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I suppose that I should express my gratitude for the opportunity of retirement with Social Security benefits, at a time when I really need that. Barring a complete meltdown of the Social Security Trust Fund, I can at least rely on the prospect of Social Security income, however humble the amount may be, regardless of whatever politicians happen to be populating the upper echelons of the governmental food chain at the moment, because obviously one would not want to have to rely entirely upon some particular politician who loves his shot of Bourbon more than he loves me. No, that would not work for me. I need my life to not be dependent in any way on the Bourbon betters of Kentucky. I simple could not care less about that. Needless to say. Obviously.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, and how would I ever learn that your distant cousin had some role in the development of the polio vaccine when I really do not know why I need to be involved in someone else's genealogical research? Wouldn't that seem sort of nosy of me to look into that? The thought never crossed my mind to think of such things. I just have no idea who these people are.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, now that I have learned that the mother of foul-mouthed wino Cori was a Jenkins, one can more easily understand why she ought to be discarded in some Colorado Jenkins dumpster, but I digress. Yes, I really am not that impressed with their worthless nonsense. The Jenkins scum are nothing to me. I have better things to do than be kicked around by the Jenkins garbage.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, interesting how I do not remember how I did that. 

 And if I cannot remember how I did that, how could I possibly begin to explain that to someone else? 

And anyway, who cares? 

Whatever conversation I originally had with that vulgar, foul-mouthed wino Cori has been completely erased from my mind, given the complete lack of resemblance to anything that I had ever thought of in the first place. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, the thought comes to mind of how perhaps you could refresh my memory as to what was the name of that nasty little Miss Scuttlebutt who was always known to be over there in some forgotten corner fulminating and spewing poisonous tirades about how life is not fair. Yes, well, so it may be. I can barely remember the existence of some of these people who lived down the hall. I rarely ever stopped to talk to and/or be insulted by them. It just wasn't worth the effort.

Monday, November 1, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, whatever happened to that nasty little broomstick Janice, who was so fond of Tim but eventually married some other guy who I really don't remember, maybe his name Steve, but whatever. I really have no memory of Janice having a personality or anything intelligent to say, that I should be bothered to comment on these characters of no interest to me.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, one can sort of wonder what history might have been if Mr. Smith had not wandered off on his own and founded his own alternative universe of no interest to me. Back in the day, all of the Smiths may have been just one happy family, but nowadays there is a separate branch of wretched Smiths who do not get a break from the church no matter hard they try. Ok, so I do feel sorry for those other wretched Smiths. Fine. But anyway they are not my problem. Why should I borrow their Mormon problem? I have enough problems of my own without that. Who can solve the mystery of whether it was an angel or a salamander who appeared to Mr. Smith? I simply have no time for these conundrums. If there were a paycheck involved maybe I could think of something to say, but otherwise, it is not my problem.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is mystifying to ponder how it could come about that I may have been drafted to play some role in a drama based on the Wizard of Oz, of which I saw the movie when I was about 12, the year we were on furlough, and maybe read a few of the Oz books that were in our little school library, I do not remember all of them, only that in one of the books Dorothy and her friends fly across Oz in some sort of contraption. 

Perhaps there was the point of my Dad's cousin Dorothy, who is long since dead, and her brood of Bay Area Italians completely unknown strangers to us. My name is certainly NOT Dorothy.

Beyond that, I really do not meditate very much on the point of Dorothy. It was a children's book and now that we are all grown up and gone on with our lives, we set aside these childish books and movies to focus upon matters more relevant to our ordinary lives and our spiritual well-being. Needless to say.


Which Reminds Me

Yes, we really cannot fault Mr. Del Rio for doing his homework on comparative religions. He spends an entire chapter exploring Salt Lake City and its Mormon traditions, and even seems to carry away some of their literature. We cannot fault Del Rio for manifesting a spiritual thirst and spiritual hunger, even though he fails to explain the Christian view of Mormonism as a pointless road to nowhere, but whatever. At least he did his research, even if the grain of salt is not very easy to find there. 

And then in his third voyage he is seen meeting with the pope, albeit for his wife's sake, but his own faith was not clear at times in his rambling narratives, so obviously this cannot be categorized as a religious type of book. It was a travel book.