Thursday, January 30, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, you do have to feel sorry for the Gibeonites, condemned forever to be merely hewers of wood and drawers of water, manual labor and nothing more. But of course that is not me. Needless to say I am not a Gibeonite, not even in your dreams and/or nightmares, so there needs to be some amicable ending to this conversation. My economy suffers because of your delusional hallucinations. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it seems somewhat ludicrous for you to assume that I would ever back down to you. You may imagine yourself the hifalutin uppity-up who has reserved all the back-door shortcuts for yourself, and that is all the more reason not to tell you anything, because you would only sell all my information to those ID thieves, and then where would that get me? 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is hard for me to understand why I should feel guilty about their illegal activities. They deliberately excluded me from their cliquey group of snobs in the first place, refusing to play and part in my lonely life, and never telling me anything about all of these mysteriously clever runarounds they have devised for themselves, and now suddenly they expect me to care about their boring pathetic lives. How can you say they are not guilty of something? Well, I certainly cannot be expected to exonerate them in any way. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am understandably not interested in recontacting your favorite friend, the vulgar Dolly Bang-Bang. They had to reattach her foot after the car accident, but anyway it was a relief to be rid of her when she decided not to return to college. Why would I want to reenact the irrelevant events of Dolly's horrible life? I really don't care that much. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, the level of prevailing ignorance about high school makes me wonder whether you got all of your wrong information from that creepy little weasel Tom Wagner, of whom also nothing is known. I really am not caring whether I see his twisted angry face again or not.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I often hear you chattering about Lori Way and her sister, who I met during college at SCC. Lori later married Al Moore but I have not been communicating with them for a very long time, so I cannot say much about them. I am not the Moore maid so they really have nothing to say to me. You can just ignore their nonsense.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is true that before I went to study journalism, I worked for a short time at Lockman Foundation, a Bible translation company. It was owned and operated by the Lamberts, although I think I noticed that Mr. Lambert is now deceased. I know who Pike is but I never met Todd. One of the things they manage there is granting permissions to persons who wish to quote from the NASB, so that they can say on the copyright page of their book that they have the appropriate permissions in order, and this is always granted routinely, there are a variety of form letters too choose from, fill in the name and address, put a copy in the files, and mail the original to the author. How complicated can that be? It is very simple.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I suppose that you find it very amusing to harass and irritate me, hoping that soon I will explode and start screaming and flailing and thrashing around, having been ground down to a ground round of nothingness. So that was your idea of amusement.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember the seemingly nonsensical rantings that a few years ago were emanating from the Crouches and others over at TBN and also from North Dakota, for whom the book of Paul Bettex seems to have some special meaning. And it is an interesting story, I liked that book, and didn't Paul Bettex, originally from Switzerland, live in Argentina for several years before traveling through Chile, going to the U.S.A., and then finally dying a martyr's death in Chile? And what if Paul Bettex had heard of this peculiar word controversy while in South America, although he never mentions that in his autobiographical book? Isn't there a photo somewhere of him dressed sort of as an Argentinian fighter? And is it possible that he might have taken that word issue with him to China and used it there for some purpose of his own, perhaps himself not understanding fully the political implications of that? I would only be guessing if I said anything about that, so obviously I never really said anything about that, myself seemingly having no way of elucidating or shedding further light on this peculiar mystery without assistance from Almighty God Himself, myself not being in any position to comment or even care about the complicated web woven obviously not by myself, but by some noxious busybodies all way over my head.

Yes, wouldn't that be amusing to watch me flailing around and screaming about these matter so entirely out of my control? Yes, I am so ridiculous. Yes, that might be your idea of entertainment, but obviously I am not going to be interested in cooperating with that.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, of course you were not expecting me to make excuses for the evil heretic Starin. There was nothing Christian about that jumble of Greek mythological themes. But if he has since repented of his wickedness and now has a testimony to tell of God's forgiveness, by all means let him speak so we can hear that. We have not heard anything other than that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, thanks Rodger, that was a nice Sunday when we, a group of college students, visited that small church sort of near Disney, but I cannot remember now who they were. It is hard to see the forest for the trees in these latter times, but thanks for sharing your collection of anecdotal evidence, such as I can easily imagine.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do remember during high school, one of our field trips was to a bottling plant where soda was bottled. Even so, I do not quite remember when I started preferring Coke over Pepsi. That and the TV ads about teaching the world to sing in perfect harmony because it's the "Real Thing." Sorry Pepsi, can't help there.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is often useless trying to talk to these dreary Dutch brownies. They often read much more into it than was originally expressed, and the hassle of trying to correct them is dreadful. To avoid them altogether is the only way to avoid the unnecessary clutter.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, if you are looking for someone to diagnose the fairy ring disease of San Franscico, I would not be a good choice as I mostly avoided what looked to me like the hippie clique at the time. I sometimes would see them having lunch together under the trees where Lance and Yasushi would be playing their guitars, and at a school assembly their band played Beatles music. Even so, I don't know much about them, I was not ready for that in ninth grade, and it would be too late now for me to even try. Just because I am a white person, that does not mean that I belong to the hippie clique. Needless to say.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, what an interesting coincidence. I never knew that Lance had that in him, but of course that was ninth grade. What else would I know about Lance? I only remember his oral report on Greek mythology, in Miss Marken's English class, during which he said some shockingly controversial things, something about those mischievous Olympian deities and their many cavortings, etc., comparisons to Christmas, but I do not remember ever hearing him mention the travel book written by his great-great-grandmother Laura, if she be so, or explaining why that should matter. What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? There are many travel books but few there be who can find a needle in a haystack.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is true that many of them are cheaters. I saw that myself, and it was always a matter of honor for myself not do that. Even so, what are we supposed to do with all these people? What if I happened to be seen one day in the hallway talking to a cheater? Am I the police? It was not my job. The teacher always sits there with an eagle eye and sometimes catches them, although oftener probably not. I am so busy concentrating trying to answer my test the right way as best I can that I have no time to make note of these distractions, and if you don't ask me right away I forget. I only care about my own test scores.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that when I was in college, there was a professor who sometimes is called by the nickname of "Gil Tea." However, I never attended any of his classes while I was there, myself not being one of those sociology or anthropology people. I may have other inspiration that the anthropology people know not of.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I suppose that if I were sewing my own clothing, or for others, I would prefer to select fabric without Napa, probably because I would feel absolutely wicked benefitting from the profits of your filthy San Francisco bat cave. That just doesn't work for me.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, there was something weird about the way you were promoting that song by Helen. However, at the time, I had never heard of any Helen Calkins, and even now, knowing that Helen existed, I see no reason to comment needlessly in a public way about all of these many persons who are likely descended from Hugh Calkins, who came to America from Wales in 1640, because probably the numbers are many, and I would only be guessing, and there would be no point. There is no prize to win in guessing about Helen, only a huge headache in a little book. For what do I need these headaches that are being peddled and illegally touted by those honkininidiot piggies or else those stoned Coneheads? I don't need that.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do find it difficult to understand why I should be required to discuss anything of a personal nature with the Cultic Bimbos of Whacko, Michigan. I never had any connection to that Whacko cult and I really do not see any reason to start on that now. Get a life.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, thanks for reminding me once again that I almost cannot exist in NoCal: No Calories, I starve to death; No Calkins, well that's my name so don't wear it out. Only a few weak links, nothing worth mentioning. And if I did go there or somewhere else I am sure that you also would be there behind my back kicking tires or whatever it is that you do. All of which are very good reasons to sit here a while longer and do absolutely nothing.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is somewhat ridiculous the way you carry on as if I were pressing charges for some reason. I really didn't care that much about your dreary life. Doubtless the higher-ups will take care of performing your desperately needed brain surgery, needless to say. No need to trouble myself on that account.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember the existence of Anita, my late aunt who did have some likable qualities, even if she was somewhat of a scatterbrained chatterbox. I never claimed to be richer or poorer than them, so I cannot begin to understand why I should be expected to discuss with the general public the many faults of my extended family members, but on the other hand it becomes obvious that Anita did nothing or was not effective in correcting that the insolence of her murderous children. They thought it was a pickle but it was really a jalapeño. But you are obviously not related to us, or you would know not to take them so seriously. They are in one ear and out the other, with nothing much inside. Needless to say.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, in an emotional sense, I consider myself entirely indifferent to the existence of Bill. He was not a bad drummer or singer, but on the other hand not that special to me either that I would want to see that much of him later. It annoys me to see worthless boring Bill still peeping around every corner this much later, and yet I can't quite find a way to kick worthless Bill to the curb. Enough of that!

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that it was difficult to understand why Miriam was so gaga crazy about Bill. He was no Bill Magi, more like a Bill Maggott, with all the personality of a cardboard box. It was useless to try to talk to those guys. They were nothing.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, someone has reminded me of the existence of Nancy Kellerman, who attended our church many years ago. What I mostly remember about Nancy is one evening when she was at at altar of the church praying and then shortly afterward she came up to me and told me that she had just had a vision about her future husband and getting married, and God had told her that she would get married soon. Ok, so, was I supposed to say something in response to that? Uh, that's nice. When people have had some emotional experience, who can say what will come to pass? I never really heard whether Nancy got married. Even so, I cannot say too much about that. Wishful thinking is not such a rare mistake. I might have had my own delusional moments, who knows? It would seem mean for me to elaborate further on Nancy's future prospects when I myself don't seem to have any prospects either, certainly not boring Bill. Also, didn't Joe Contreras, while attending the same church, talk about seeing a vision about Spain, and then later he went there for a short time, but that didn't work out very well, and now he lives somewhere in Missouri, so who knows what these things mean? I dare not say too much about that.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I really don't see where you have any place to be lecturing me about morality, when you yourself are obviously still stuck trying to get through customs at LAX. That is not our idea of a positive future. Needless to say.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, we sold the farmer his block, so that he too can get something, and this happened not yesterday, not last week, but many years ago, probably at least in the 1960s, if not earlier, because my grandfather died in 1971, so why are you people still behaving as if World War II were still raging? When do we get a chance to pass along the memo explaining these points? These chatterboxes never stop talking long enough for us to get a word in edgewise.


Yes, I do think that while there is no need to discuss my personal business with the farmer's uppity-up cousins in New York, and these personal boundaries deserve more respect, yet no one wants to be accused of such needlessly antagonistic or hostile behavior toward the farmer as is regularly on display by the haughty arrogant nasties of New York. Needless to say. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do find it difficult to understand why I should need to discuss my personal business with the farmer's uppity-up cousins in New York. There are some lines that we cannot cross over in life, personal boundaries that are there to protect us from ourselves as much as protect from others who seek to do us harm or not. Thus, there is a boundary between ourselves and the Farmer & Co. which I cannot fully explain at the moment, but which nevertheless ought to be respected by all persons concerned in the matter or not. There is a principle that ought to be ruling in that regard.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember hearing that the farmer has his block, because it is only fair that he should get something too whenever that might happen, so we sold him his block, and also we have our block that we kept, and there is a line between the two blocks, although I could not tell you the exact geographical coordinates of that line at this precise moment. And then there are other blocks all around us whose owners are unknown to us, although I do think that I was hearing way too much noise from that woman who is a couple of blocks over in Chicago, although I really could not say anything about that. I really think that these block people should be more respectful of people's personal boundaries and not harass us so unnecessarily. It just doesn't matter that much.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that long ago someone was saying that the farmer complained about the intrusiveness of the persons who come to check for gas and oil, and I am not sure how these complaints were so loud that they reached our ears, but I do think that the man coming to check the water meter is never intrusive. We never notice him coming and going so it is hard for us to understand what the farmer's problem is.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember in childhood we sometimes heard that old saying, "Pretty is as pretty does." Which may or may not be true. And likewise, ugliness is not necessarily an emblem of virtue, needless to say, but what you know about that? I can only guess that you probably got all of your wrong information from the hideous Turner dogs: Arf! arf! arf!

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I suppose that script is demanding that we now say something about Bathsheba from college, who I never really met. She sang in chapel often with that cliquey friends of each other. There was nothing nice to say about them so don't push your luck too far.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am somewhat relieved that I do not have to play that plantation simulation game. There was a line of McClellans who went that route in the Houston-Louisiana area, but that was not us. They might have been cousins of my great-great-grandfather, but anyway I really don't need the headache of all that stereotyping, and I understand it is not only damaging for the slave labor. The hassle of playing the role of slave manager also has its complications. Yes, I would do well to avoid plantation games whenever possible.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that when I was 18 years old, our family driving across country, drove through a corner of Utah, while heading towards Colorado, where we stayed for a week's vacation before continuing to our Florida destination. I have heard that Utah is not a huge market for coffee beverages due to the huge prevalence of Mormon beliefs there, although I would not know much about that firsthand. We were only in Utah for a few hours. The scenery there seemed a bit severe and desert-like, eerie with all those strange rock formations. Even so, I have not had occasion to return there to learn more about that.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, in perusing the Wikipedia website we glanced at your mugshot from the day that you were arrested for too much shredding of paperwork. That is a point way over my head. I was never your fawning secretary and/or slave labor, that I should be bothered to comment on matters too complicated for me to bother with trying to figure out how you got my name on your victims list. Even so, I don't see where that has anything to do with me. We are not acquainted. Our paths never crossed in the slightest way that I ever knew of, so it is hard for me to understand why all of these menacing threats? I never invited you to my birthday party.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I had not thought of protesting the need of brain surgery for some of my cousins, but I did not consider myself qualified to actually do that. Cousin Daniel wants to play the Swedish game because his mother was Swedish, whereas my mother is all English so I really don't see the point of having a war about that. What is so special about Sweden? Their English is really not that great.

Similarly, the Beltramo cousins would probably want to defend their Italian father, at the expense of Dorothy their non-Italian mother, which seems not quite right to me. And who hired these Italian CIA agents who are using the cultural icon of Woody Guthrie to paint us poor white people as all white trash blue collar labor union types, while in the meantime themselves preferring to identify with the wealthy upper class Spanish and/or Latin/European? This picture does nothing to "help" me. And there are those Italians accusing me of being too boastful of my U.S. citizenship and too critical of Italians and Latins, and only later do I figure out that they are actually working for the CIA so why were they baiting me that way, trying to catch me saying something they consider wrong, and if I say anything at all they will find some way to use that against me, and if I don't correct them, they continue to harass me. How many times do I have to explain that NO, we are NOT Grapes of Wrath people? Someone upstairs is confused and refuses to review that. And who am I to argue with the Nobel laureates, all Swedish, not much English spoken there.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, well, you know very well that the answer to that question is no, I never bought anything from Anne. I vaguely remember that she spontaneously of her own accord, without any prompting from me, was chattering about the family jewels, but I don't see where that has anything to do with me. I never had any family jewels worth mentioning. I had thought that she was talking in the context of a fight that had apparently occurred between some students of our school, which was news to me, because I had not heard any other thing about that before or since. But if you have some other interpretation, feel free to explain yourself. But of course, if you want to play the role of Nebuchadnezzar and wait for me to fill in the blanks without first being provided with any relevant or helpful information, well, you can just sit there waiting until kingdom come as far as I am concerned, because I freely admit to not knowing one other thing about that, and furthermore I really do not care that much that I should be bothered with matters that might easily kill me over nothing much, so I am just going to ignore all of these unreasonable people.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it was somewhat uncomfortable being in the same high school class as these Italians whose agenda involves the formidable task of rehabilitating the reputation of these Italian fascists who were fighting against the Allied forces during World War II, but who are now fighting on our side so that nobody should be holding that against them. That issue was not pressing on my mind at the time, besides which I don't remember myself ever being a huge fan of Woody Guthrie and his music. He wrote some songs that are classics of American music, such as "This Land is Your Land," and other songs not so much, as for example, "This Machine Kills Fascists." And who am I to argue with an iconic songwriter of American folk music? And what are we going to say about those WWII cartoons denigrating Hitler? Wartime propaganda was what it was.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am often hearing references to the embassy, which is way out of my mind. I sometimes imagine that I am being attacked by them, which is ridiculous. Why would the embassy people be attacking the U.S. citizens such as myself? Was there a law requiring me to care about Kelly Eliott? Ick! I don't understand why they always seem so hostile, but whatever. Why should I stick my neck out first? Let them say hello to me and then we can talk about that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember becoming aware, while leafing through the high school yearbook after my senior year, that the name of Wilson was tacked on to the end of the name of classmate Jaime Sol, which means perhaps that his mother was a Wilson, an American perhaps. Interesting that I had never noticed that throughout the four years of high school, and also no one ever mentioned that to me during high school, that I should ever have any conversation on this point, or any occasion to ask any question about whether he is distantly related to Everett Wilson, whose family were acquaintances of ours during the one year that they lived in El Salvador while Mr. Wilson was writing his doctoral thesis or book about the history of El Salvador, although that was during our first term. I might have been 9 or 10 years old at that time, I don't remember very much about them.

More recently I see online that the Wilsons are wanting to be the sole representatives of the United States in El Salvador, while throwing me to the Sol side, as if I would even know what to say about all of this unnecessary and unforeseen widgetizing. And what is Jaime supposed to do about that, given that his father might be one of those Persian immigrants? Was he supposed to fight against the great and mighty Uncle Sam, a la Don Quixote tilting at windmills? Absurd. I don't think that he was that stupid. He was a very high achieving student actually. I would imagine that he probably just doesn't want to be bothered to comment unnecessarily about these matters that have not yet been presented in the best light.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that you sent someone to accuse me of being a clone of Jane Austen. And I remember saying, in response to your questioning, that actually I had not read any of Jane Austen's books, although the name sounded familiar as being that of a famous author. Of course, since that time I have read some of her books, or at least I can say that I have seen some of the movies. Even so, you will not be successful in reconnecting me to something that I was not originally connected to. Strange that you should take such delight in making my life utterly miserable. I am way past that now. Also, I do remember that Linda Harrington, who was my sister's housemate at one time, was very fond of reading those Regency romance books of which she had a collection. She inspired me to read some of those also, but enough of that. I was cured of that.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember hearing online, something about Jane saying that she was kicking me around and playing tricks behind my back. The last time I saw her was when she and Sammy were working at that church in Orlando, under Mark Rutland, who well deserved to end up in Atlanta, where that type of Southern cutesy puke gets respect, not here. I don't need that junk here.

Which Reminds Me

Now there's a fine howdy-do, a sweeping mandate of table oversight without any attached funding and without any authority or position to back up and confirm any decision I might make about that. As the Bible often reminds me, if I can't take it with me, for what do I need this major headache?