Friday, November 30, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it makes me sad to see people entangling themselves in so much damaging nonsense without pausing to reflect that maybe you should be learning to think for yourself, with Jesus' help of course, and not relying on pompous arrogant nasty tinkers and honkinidiots to send you on a fool's errand.

I am clearly overextended in this pursuit of clearing the air in that regards, and cannot say that I deserve anything.

And yet I do pray that God would somehow engineer my financial rescue independently of Terry and the Honkinidiot gang, who cannot be trusted to be impartial or objective in these matters and obviously care only about their own selfish interests. Needless to say.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember hearing the angry Tinker dog lamenting the persistence of yellow fever and how they had thought to eradicate it. Even so, I do not share your interest in the health care professions. To me, a color is not a synonym for a disease. The color yellow can sometimes be very pretty when used to portray the sun shining in the blue sky upon the green earth, or it could be very ugly depending on how your sick and twisted mind would think of using that. We do not take our instructions from you, needless to say.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that someone was trying to make some points about Steve McQueen, a Hollywood actor whose career began as a stuntman. Yes, I am not unaware of the Hollywood mythology and the famous people whose real lives as told in magazines are often sadly not quite so happy as what is portrayed on movie screens. Even so, I do not see where the story of Steve McQueen connects to the known world.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do remember that Cori, when she was my roommate in college, was a huge fan of Monty Python, and I even agreed watching some horrible Monty Python thing with her, a poison that broils the brain, and later, after these confusing events, I told her that I will no longer be doing anything with Cori and her friends who are always going to see horrible movies and hanging out more and more in their off campus apartments where they can store drinks without getting caught. She hates it if I disagree with anything she says, so she will just have to get used to me disagreeing with her about everything because I am dumping Cori and the Nipper dogs in the garbage where they belong, or else they will nip your butt later, so better to dump them now.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that we traded insulting ditties of a childish nature, and you were very depressed after that, not by the insults, because the ditty contest was your idea in the first place, but because mine were so much better written than yours. And then you turn around and pretend that it was a serious thing and not a joke. Which is why nobody wants to play with you anymore, because of your little glitches where suddenly the games is a completely different thing and if I had known that in the first place I would never have agreed to play with you in the first place. Needless to say.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I suppose that small countries such as El Salvador have their ways of intimidating or putting in their places those domineering Mexicans and Italians who come there thinking that they are going to be running the show. But if that was the case with Tinker and others of Mexican origins I would only be guessing if I ever said anything about that, which is a very good reason to never say anything about that, although we learned by research that Tinker is descended from a Mexican general, whatever that meant.

Which Reminds Me

We often hear about these amazing geniuses who struggled in early life with various learning disorders and having been labeled as Dummies Class dumb-dumbs who eventually overcame that and soared to the heights of genius and success. So if that is the way it is, why does the nasty Tinker dog think that she is entitled to some "special" early entitlement advantage while the rest of us have to struggle along bearing our lifelong roadblocks as best we can with no relief whatsoever and no way to overcome anything?

If only I could overcome the roadblocks to High Royalty, one of my most important duties would be to appoint the brilliant minds who would oversee the making of policies, who would NOT be you.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do not think that I ever had any class with the Tinker nuisance. She was put into the Dummies category and the more she complains online about that, the more convinced we become that they probably did have some good reason for doing that to her.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is sort of weird how the Tinkers seem to imagine that I am somehow connected to them. Actually, they did attend our high school and how do I know that they lived a few blocks over from where we lived? Could it be that we rode on the same school bus and they got off the bus a stop or two before we did, even though we never talked on the bus? Somehow this vague memory surfaces of Tinker getting off the bus even though we never talked on the bus and never sat together. I think that I prefer to sit alone where I can get some homework done if possible. I no longer have any curiosity or desire to connect to these bus people when I do not know exactly which house is theirs or how rude they might be if I were to knock on the front door. I will not be available to "cover" for Tinkers, needless to say.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, we noticed that you are very strangely eager to flunk me in any way possible. Ok, fine! Then I imagine that you will not have any problem finding some way of doing that, easy as pie. Which I imagine perhaps relieves me of the heavy responsibility of wearing some huge chunk of hardware on my head, and then having to mud wrestle those lower-than-dirt Black Irish intransigents and incorrigibles into abject submission, a thankless task entirely devoid of salary and benefits. Ha ha ha! Always so funny.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was so nice of Cousin Lester of Louisiana to compile the family history book of the McClellan clan. It even has my photo in it. Even so, that said, you don't look anything like Cousin Lester. You perhaps more closely resemble a swamp creature that crawled out of the Black Douglas Book of Witchcraft. But I really wouldn't know anything about that.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Which Reminds Me

No, these words are not appropriate or effective for dumping worthless Barry in the garbage can where he belongs, needless tosay. We will not need Barry for anything so we will need to think of another way of clearing the deck. I feel guilty about not being grateful for all of these introductions to all of these other Barrys, and yet they do nothing but clutter my life with nonsense that is not helpful to me. It is probably safe to guess that my parents voted for Barry Goldwater, given the bumper stickers that I remember seeing maybe on the family car. Even so, he died twenty years ago so there is really nothing more that can be said about that. You are not Barry. Yes, 1964 was probably not such a great year for the Grand Ole Party, was it? But the next time, who can say what might happen the next time around.

Which Reminds Me

Of course there is also the ancient feud between the McClellan and Douglas clans. But what would some clueless Buckmillers know about that? They never really explained that in a way that would make any cents.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I think that I actually do remember reading something about how the body and head of Sir Thomas More are buried at separate locations. Perhaps that could mean that a reuniting of the body with the head of More at a single location for reinterment would do nothing to resurrect the original spirit of what he was thinking about at the time. But of course I would only be guessing if I said anything about that. If ain't broke, don't fix it, as the saying goes. But even it is broke, can it be fixed? The facts of history are what they are. I think that there is some virtue in my knowing my place and when to take my bows and leave the stage because I really have nothing further to contribute to this matter that would be helpful in any way. In the meantime, all of this commotion interferes with my Social Security parachute at the most critical time when I need that more than I need to listen to you screaming in my face about nothing much.

Which Reminds Me

Think on, oh McClellan clan of my grandfather, of the coat of arms which is one of those featuring a disembodied head on a spike. Nowadays we do not wish to think too deeply of these gory things, but 500 years ago it was the head of a criminal executed and tossed at the feet of King James, who by virtue of this feat of law enforcement thus raised the McClellan ancestor to knighthood as Lord Kirkcudbright (a title that went extinct in the 19th century), although several conflicting versions of the story have been circulated, whether the man executed was a black man or a gipsy, a criminal or a hapless traveler.

Someone was bringing to my attention something about Tinker, a high school classmate and/or art teacher, how she thinks that her ancestor was that spiked head, and how she wants to carry out her vendetta against the McClellan clan, whom she believes had cruelly maltreated her family 500 years ago.

This is alarming news to hear, that such a vendetta of 500 years ago would find a hearing in this modern world where no one can remember anything about that, although I cannot speak for the clan people of Scotland.

Tinker wants to return serve the spiked head, using me as her punching bag. Obviously I am not going to cooperate with that scheme. Needless to say.

Yes, why is Sam Houston always having a snit? Was that a matter of Tennessee schooldays and pre-Civil War ramblings, or does that have deeper roots in the annals of Scotland? To even try to answer these questions would strain my resources beyond measure. Needless to say.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Which Reminds Me

If you had a specific job offer for me with attached salary and benefits, that would be something to at least consider. But just to go there to be harassed on a continual basis for no particular reason, just because you hat me, that would something not to consider.

Which Reminds Me

NO DEAL. I am not making any deals with Blondie or New York and that is final. You already have your job so keep your greedy fingers off of my paperwork.

Which Reminds Me

During ninth grade I was never invited to participate in those song sessions that were held during lunch over there, where certain people would gather around Lance playing his guitar, also his Japanese friend, and they would sit around singing rock songs. Thus I really cannot comment intelligently on the contents of Lance's head, because I wasn't there. Whether or not he is from California is yet to be determined, and even so, millions of people from California are actually might not be such fruits nuts and flakes as Tom seems to imagine, although California probably does have more than its share of that. Needless to say.

Which Reminds Me

And all of this ridiculous to-do because of something that Lance said, an aside, in the middle of his oral report on Greek mythology in Miss Marken's ninth grade class. We cannot have Lance raining on our Christmas party, but how to explain that would be problematic, however cute he might have seemed in the 9th grade, at least before he opened his mouth. Incidentally, Miss Marken assisted the girls' choir with our German pronunciation for singing "Stille Nacht" (Silent Night). Because the Bible does not fill in all of the blanks of mystery. There are some mysteries that we cannot in our human understanding hope to resolve in our lifetimes this side of heaven. Only God knows the truth.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Oh, did I NOT vote for Carmen? So true, I did not vote for Carmen to be our class president although how would you know that? And who did I vote for? I don't even remember voting at all that year, so how could I have voted for anyone if I did not even get the memo as to time and place? Either way, I really don't remember. My mind just goes blank. I really don't care what they do. I will just be gone because it is hard for me to breathe the poisonous air emitted by those hissy snakes.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I noticed that you were trying to stuff me into the box of the single woman and what about her?

More recently, I see the name of Anna Eber listed on the documents, and who was she? Beyond her role as secretary, I see that she was maybe a waitress at a coffee shop for many years, and also was born in Ohio, near the birthplace of my great-grandfather, president of the company.

So there in a nutshell is everything that can be known about Anna Eber, at least by me without asking any other questions. Even so, all of those people are now deceased so there is really nothing new that I can add to that. The facts of history just are what they are, whether good or bad.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Which Reminds Me

I really should not be required to express in my words my low opinion of Cheri. It just wouldn't be right for me to say anything about the Devil's secretary.

Which Reminds Me

We can all be relieved that the Craigs no longer live around here, I hope. We don't want them here.

Which Reminds Me

Oh, did you think that I was somehow connected to those trashy vulgar skunks, the Craig family? No no no.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, where is the local AG church where white people may feel comfortable? We have tried so hard to be nice, but we are getting very tired of always having a gun pointed at our heads.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, whatever happened to that little stuffed duck that Pam gave me? I dropped it off at a charity thrift shop so that maybe they can get some cents from it, because anyway that did not mean very much to me. What would Pam know about my oral report in 10th grade biology class on the topic of ducks, to be specific a certain unusual type of Canadian duck? It just wouldn't make any sense to repeat that anywhere else.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Which Reminds Me

I did resent the way that Pam Hartless was trying to dump me in a bucket with horrible Jan and June. I do not wish to be confused with that, needless to say. Obviously as Pam was not in the room at the time she has to fish around trying to figure out who said what. Well, good luck with that. Even so, I really don't necessarily want Pam negotiating my personal relationships. Even when I did not agree with something that Jan or June said, that does not mean that I feel myself compelled to have them arrested based only on hearsay, without any sufficient evidence to present to the proper authorities, which would not be Pam, and also whatever happened to giving people the grace or space to figure out for themselves where they went wrong, as we Christians are so often scolded about. Why do I have to feel guilty about whatever they said or did, only because I was following the dictates of Thumper Rabbit, so highly tooted as good advice for all ages? What about the other ten or so people in the room at the time? Why aren't they being harassed in this way? Why am I singled out for this nonsense? Something is wrong with this picture, so go away and stop harassing me.

Which Reminds Me

Sometimes I say NO and sometimes I just say nothing because, have you not heard the old song by Thumper Rabbit from the "Bambi" record? "If you can't say something nice, Shhh!, say nothing!" You already have my old childhood records stored away somewhere, obviously.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, what is this mysterious game that I supposedly lost? I lost some games of Authors and also won some so we were about even, as far as I can remember anything about that. And yet I have forgotten many things. My mind just goes blank and then names disappear from the record. Whatever. I have been somewhat late learning that every game with you has a scorpion's tail backlash so I no longer care to play games with you. The games are off now. Obviously.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember meeting the Stone family of Uruguayans during my freshman year of college at Evangel, but I have never seen them again since that time and cannot understand all this commotion about them when actually it wasn't that important. We heard that Kent got married and then we heard that Kent got divorced and whatever. They were mere acquaintances and there is really nothing further that I would need to discuss with them of a personal nature.

Although I lack the Ph.D. in Spanish language that Kent has, I will not need that for anything. I will have no problem getting around for all practical purposes without his annoying ex-wife and sister screaming in the background, thank you very much.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that the house that we saw near the top of the Boqueron volcano, pointed out as someone's vacation home from the time that there was a lake there, was made of wood, although of course most proper houses there are NOT built of wood, of an unusual style, possibly because of its extreme age, harking back to an ancient time when houses were built of wood, although I suppose fine for a summer cabin, although there is no lake there now and when you walk around the rim of the crater you see that many of the farmers were seriously cultivating on the steep sides of the crater, and around the outside of the rim, flowers of many varieties, very colorful, possibly to supply the florists of the world, although I would only be guessing. I didn't do any serious research there.

Which Reminds Me

Ok, so we see that you are more interested in playing party games with the dreary bores of West Virginia, all of whom are owned by the Rocky Democrats, rather than actually having a sensible point or question to speak of. Thus, there is no reason for me to return serve that, just because you cannot get a clue to go away and stop harassing me. When the time comes to sell or whatever I have to do to be rid of them, don't be standing there waiting for nothing which is to say something that you are not due. Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and then go get a life.

Which Reminds Me

I have often heard about the many volcanoes in the lands surrounding the Pacific Ocean, which is why that is called the Pacific Ring of Fire or something similar. Even so, I do not see what that has to do with Johnny Cash, besides which I live on the Atlantic coast now so volcanoes are not really the issue here to speak of.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, and you were also saying something about that Disney movie, "The Sorcerer's Apprentice," in which the magical broomsticks keep coming with their buckets of water to flood the basement with water, while Mickey fumbles around in the Magic Book trying to find the spell required to be cast in order to stop that. Yes, similarly, how do I turn off the "Cash" machine, of which I could not care less and do not know one thing about and hopefully find my paycheck at the end of the rainbow? I only vaguely remember that my relatives' idea of fine dining is the Chuck Wagon restaurant, which I also don't mind in terms of good food.

Which Reminds Me

What is all this chatter about Cash and country? I was never a fan of Johnny Cash although I cannot speak for some distant relatives. To each his own.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Which Reminds Me

During my years in El Salvador, I twice hiked the Boquerón volcano which overlooks the capital city, the first time with a group of people with Campus Crusade. At the top of the crater, during some time we were walking around and some persons were talking about how the crater back in the 1800s was a lake because it was full of water and some wealthy families had vacation homes there, where the weather is very nice with very cool temperatures compared to the valley below. As we were walking around, someone pointed out one of such houses and was saying or implying that we cannot go inside to see the old photographs of the lake because we have no access, no key. Ok, fine. I had not asked for that anyway. That was an interesting afternoon walking around the grounds of the crater rim and, really, I have nothing to add to that. I think that it is a really nice place to enjoy an afternoon. I enjoyed the hiking and there are berries growing wild in that area which if picked and taken home make very good pies or cobblers.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, all of which makes me wonder what happened to that creepy little weasel Tom Wagner from high school. He once said hello to me at the swimming pool where we were taking swimming lessons on Boulevard Roosevelt and that is the sum total of interaction I ever had with Tom, so you can easily imagine that I am not I am probably not thinking about him and not expecting anything particularly good to come out of that corner of the classroom. It is very hard to converse with these persons whose vocabulary is limited to mostly words that start with F— or else nothing.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that after we had climbed to the top of the volcano, the Boqueron, some people decided to hike to the bottom of the crater, which meant maybe a half hour down and a couple of hours to climb back out, and my friend Carol challenged me to race her to the bottom, but I declined to participate in that, in case you did not hear that, because somehow I thought that might create more problems for me than it would be worth, so I just waited at the rim of the crater with the others who did not do that, waiting for the crater people to return from their race to the bottom.

Which Reminds Me

Speaking of Schotts, Rosanna Barth was the sister of my great-great-grandfather who married Henry Schotte in 1861 in Ohio and they had maybe seven children, all of whom are probably long since deceased by now. I am not acquainted with these Ohio people so there is no reason for me to comment on their lives. I don't know very much about them so I really cannot be expected to do something about that.

Which Reminds Me

In the diaries of great-grandmother, she a few times describes the visits of some military person whom Grandpa Calkins was driving around and helping people in some way. I really have no idea who that visiting military person was or what might be going through their mostly empty heads as if I could imagine who they were or why I should care about that.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember learning that my Dad has an uncle named Ben, whom I never met so I really cannot say much about that. Even more recently than that, I was looking on Facebook or somewhere and noticed that Shari Turnbull is now married to some guy coincidentally named Ben, of whom I know absolutely nothing and of whose existence I was not aware, as if I should have the slightest care or thought about those boring uppity-up pompous arrogant Panama snobs think or say about anything. So not!

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, there are those who say that immigrants really ought to make the effort to learn the English language, in a perfect world, although probably some of them probably never really do, especially the first generation immigrants. Not something to get apoplectic about, not an issue that is discussed as much as in the past, half a century ago when that was a more hot topic discussed by the grandparents, now that many states have instituted rules for bilingual signage and forms, but, yes, probably it does show more of an intention to stay here if you make the effort to take ESL classes at the least.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that the Harris family lived next door to my grandparents many years ago. Even so, we were really not that close to them. I actually cannot remember anything about them and I cannot imagine there being anything that I would need to discuss with Harris, EVER.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, since when do we care about the idiotic Shot-in-Owe family?

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Charlie Chaplin's "Gold Rush" movie is something that I saw at the U.S. embassy in El Salvador because our friends gave us their tickets. Thank you very much.

Which Reminds Me

Ha ha ha! What would the clueless whiners of Panama know about anything? You ain't got nothin' going on in your empty head!

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that yesterday, or maybe it was the day before yesterday, it suddenly occurred to me to ask the question of who was the U.S. ambassador to El Salvador when I was there during high school. The list can be found on Wikipedia, and there I see the name of James F. Campbell. Hmmm... Why have I never heard of this person until day before yesterday? I don't know why I never thought of that before. I don't really think about these matters very often, but one generally assumes that Mr. Campbell or similar diplomat will take care of these diplomatic matters without me having to think about that very much, such as, for example, the issuance of my Social Security number there at the U.S. embassy. Thank you very much. It was my mother's idea to go ahead and get that to put on college applications even before returning to home to the United States. Needless to say.

Coincidentally, later at a job in California it was noticed that the first three numbers of my SSN are the same as another co-worker who got his SSN in Mexico. I am not sure how that happened. Why do I have to explain the coding of Social Security to you? Why should I be forced to clutter my brain with the most trivial bits of information only because you are so unbelievably clueless in addition to maliciously NOT funny? Don't be expecting me to do your homework for you. Needless to say.

Which Reminds Me

Also, I am not an employee of yours that I should be called upon to resign anything.

Which Reminds Me

Your serve was clearly and obviously out of bounds, and thus you are not entitled to a return ball. Needless to say.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I really could not care less about participating in the catfights of Joni and the dogs of Iowa. Do not involve me in their catty catfights, please. I sail far above the catty scum of Iowa.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, assuredly you could not seriously be expecting me to socialize with that Heather Cattywampus. What reasonable dialogue could I possibly have with that hateful vicious nasty horrible witch? Was I supposed to thank you for trying to make my worst nightmares come true by throwing me together with that? Well, admittedly, I never really talked to her, so part of my very strong dislike of Heather may be emanating from the third-party maneuverings of Joan and Kathy, and also the ridiculous effort to connect me to that, as if I should believe anything that those Italians witches said about anything, so therefore it is easier for me to just throw them away into a huge Italian ball of garbage, because anyway in the long run none of that matters. I will just be gone soon and I don't care.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember hearing Luisa (Jeter Walker) saying that they are not taking me with them. Ok, fine. I never really needed that. Even so, that does not suffice to "put" me in Hungary. Needless to say. Why are all of these busybodies so concerned about putting me somewhere?

Monday, November 5, 2018

Which Reminds Me

I was talking about the problem of being approached by some guy who does not interest me and what would I say, and probably the most diplomatic way would be to tell him that I only think of him as a "Brother in the Lord." I was talking to some girls at a retreat when I was maybe 17 years old. Oh, did Silvia (MK-Costa Rica) hear that? The fact that some girls will pick up the guys that I rejected does not really say much for her good judgment in broadcasting a skewed version of that, at least not in my opinion.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, gone are the days when I thought that I had some type of secret deal going on with my best friend Debbie Lang, when I was maybe 12 years old. I have completely forgotten everything about that piece of ancient history, whatever that was about, so there is nothing to reason for you to try to "use" that now. It just won't work.

Which Reminds Me

Various times, at least more than once, at college when I ran across Tim and Terry they introduced me to some varied people as their "sister" in a very particular way, as if that meant something special. On the one hand, it never really bothered me, this Pentecostal custom of greeting one another as Brother and Sister. Everybody does that at church so it really does not mean anything other special thing among Pentecostal Christians. Do we not all sing at church every Sunday in El Salvador that song, "Give me your hand and you will be my brother"? Every Christian is my "Brother" in the Lord in that spiritual sense of the term, although I was not specifically talking to them when I originally said something about that. There being no reason for myself to be singled out for a special joke in regards to this matter, I therefore do humbly and modestly step aside, thus deferring and/or declining to fill the vacancy thus proferred online by the silly Cedarjunk jokers. Ha ha ha! Those jokers, always so funny. Yes, I suppose that those prickly pears are always looking for joke fodder.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, who was it who preferred to drink Tab, maybe my sister. I never liked Tab soda drink. I never buy that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, where is my staff of 20 diplomats to do all of the necessary research and explain to me the idiotic rantings of Terry? Because I always mostly ignored that joker, because everybody knows that they are NOT serious. They always chatter a pack of nonsense that everybody just laughs away.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do believe that I remember that, in the alphabetical order of things, Martha's locker was adjacent to mine most of the time throughout high school. Even so, I don't recall much talking about diplomatic and/or immigration matters going on during the exchange of textbooks and/or lunchbox. It was her older sister who was probably more likely the amazingly brilliant diplomatical chessmaster who went on to the Sorbonne and rose to political power during the Flores administration, although I would imagine that she is probably retired by now and already had her political season involving the demarcation of the border with Honduras and maybe heard to be complaining about the severity of the U.S. sanctions following the soccer war and allowing the nasties of Honduras to run wild. Even so, I really have no reason or explanation for why you are expecting me to represent either country in the negotiation, given that I am a U.S. citizen by birth and that my parents voted for Nixon, and that we are thus expecting the U.S. President to appoint the appropriate diplomatic personnel who will represent my political interests there and take care of these matters without myself having to think about that very much. I am late learning about this diplomatic language.

Coincidentally, their older brother, now an immigration lawyer in Miami, is a friend of my Dad's from El Salvador. Even so, he really would not be my choice of legal representative, given his perpetual state of mental confusion in regards to the facts about me, on days that I do not feel like apologizing for happening to be a white person, which is pretty much all of the time.

It is easy for these rich people to be a big fish in a small pond such as that country, but probably one imagines that their Mata Hari connections of a vague and distant nature would limit their ability to get into Europe, much less the United States, although I really do not know anything about that. I would only be guessing so of course I never said anything about something that I might have heard about that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember that I was talking about the beautiful scenery and then they lied and said that it meant something else. Even so, interesting how some people have so much power and money that they can make it seem as if it were the other way around. Well, you lose some and win some, and then in sum, you were too petty and selfish to be dignified with further comment in response to that.