Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it baffles the mind to ponder why I should be required to comply with the intimidating and blustering threats of these Italian people who, it goes without saying, have mistaken me for Jennie. Yes, if only I had pursued to its logical conclusion this Ph.D. in Preppiness and Other Irrelevant Trivialities of no interest to me. But it is not so. I have no special "in" for explaining how that could happen. I just have no idea.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that I received a strange online letter from college acquaintance Charlotte Rosser, telling me that she fears being mistaken for Sister Charlotte, a former nun and trained nurse of hazy identity who wrote a book about her terrible experiences in a nunnery somewhere, always scarce on provable facts but full of horrible stories. I had not previously heard of Sister Charlotte so it took a long time before I finally figured out what that meant, and even so it seems strange that Charlotte, who had later married Mr. Hawkins, said to be a relative of my Aunt Linda, should imagine that anyone would ever want to be bothered to ever speak to her again, much less dredge up some bizarre Catholic story that has nothing to do with us.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I did notice that I am being stalked by repulsive Italian magazine vendors, and if the story of Lewis were not bad enough, his ex-wife attempts to embellish the story with various fictions, even though in the process we maybe sort of understand why she was dumped, but two wrongs do not make a right, so I leave it to others to row like galley slaves, because I have already long since brushed them off like so much useless dirt. But I can easily imagine that you probably got your wrong information from the illiterate —.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do think that Cori wrote something in my yearbook about being at the beach and being entertained by watching my freckles pop, which those specks of melatonin do get darker if I spend too much time in the sun along with getting sunburnt, and I suppose that might have seemed funny to her to kid me about that, some type of snap crackle pop joke perhaps, although the stranger thing is that I do not quite remember going to the beach with her that day, that might have had something to do with my excuse for not going to the beach, because I was getting tired of them and needing my own space, so they will just have to wait for some more opportune day to watch the freckle popping, if ever.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that during the year that I was at Evangel, one day I went to the shopping mall with some people, and there, as a sort of a self-deprecating joke, I bought a little sign that said "Mental Ward," which I hung in my room, in the dorm and also at home, until a few years later my mother made me take it down and throw it away, so I no longer have that sign.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I must confess that I never spent my time in study hall on polishing my nails, as some other girls were often seen to do, so that I really cannot lay claim to all of these fangs and claws. I was busy doing my homework so that I wouldn't have to pay attention to that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I can easily imagine that Jill would have difficulty translating even the simple menu of Denny's: Hamburger: Hamburguesa; with cheese: con queso, etc., so she is obviously not equipped, not capable, not on a level to even begin to understand this very complex translation problem. Needless to say.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, there was some chatter about the usefulness of nunneries as a solution for single unmarried women such as myself. Yes, well, that might be true for the Catholic variety, but the problem is that I am not a Roman Catholic, I happen to be a Protestant, so never would I ever think of signing up for the job of nun. Just because coincidentally many of my high school classmates were probably Roman Catholics officially, one can easily imagine, that does not make me one of them. Perhaps some wrong information has been circulating online, probably, but even so, I cannot fit into that box. I cannot be a nun and also be who I am. I cannot think about converting to Catholicism when all of my spiritual needs are already taken care of. Thus, there is no reason for you to blithely assume that I would ever do anything about that nunnery suggestion of yours. To each his own.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, so, you broke it and now you are expecting me to pull magic money out of a hat to pay for all of these things that you broke in the first place. Ridiculous. Coming or going matters nothing, except in the pyschotically fractured brain of the worthless Kori idiot, and yet you continue to demand from me some treatment for your own self-induced amnesia, when I would only be passing along something that she said in the first place, even more reason for me to forget we ever met, much less roomed together in college for way too long. But I can no longer handle any more of these sudden outbursts of frenzied anger, as if it were staged attempts to pin me to the wall, as if I should repent of existing on this planet. Ridiculous. I used to be more gullible and unsuspecting than I am now, so there will be no opportunities to do that to me again. Needless to say.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, there have been some moments when I have noticed various pieces of Jill's brain splattered on the walls. Even so, there was no reason to discuss anything of a personal nature with such a pathetically stupid roadhog. Been there, done that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it completely baffles the imagination to try to rack my brain trying to think why I should care to comment on Bill's Monica. The only Monica I ever saw in real life was at our high school through 10th grade, and I don't remember having any class with her, and she did not return for 11th grade so did not graduate with us, of whose existence I had completely forgotten. She was probably no "Santa Monica," although I really could not say much about where she went or what happened to her. So?

Monday, March 23, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, what was that Spanish word that means a mingling of hair? I never used that word myself in that sense, but I did overhear that used by Dravidian whacko Fred when he was talking to that guy in the hallway of high school. Those guys are so stupid, don't they know that some of these Spanish words are disgusting, and they should be more careful to not be imitating those wildly bad party guys who are always doing the "paranda," their list of Spanish bad words might even be longer than English, or we sensible U.S. citizens may forget that Fred was ever one of us, and I might have some good reason to be shocked at these  unexpected definitions when I was looking them up in the dictionary, whether at home or in the high school library.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is hard for me to see why I should have to pay the penalties possibly incurred by or imputed whether wrongly or rightly to Helen or else Harvey merely because their surname is coincidentally the same as mine. There is no justice in that picture.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is hard for me to understand why I should care now about some irrelevant guy coincidentally named David. As for choice of names, I feel myself indifferent to the name of David to which is appended a lackluster surname. It takes much more than merely the name of David to qualify as a deity.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I too would be interested to see the contents of Helen's book about high school, given the level of spam mail related to that, now that I have recently become aware that she existed, lived and died in a different era when the Methodist denomination for which her father was a minister yet existed, not yet having merged into United Methodism, of which I know almost nothing, only that it also exists apart from who I am. That said, I totally do not see what the point would be of making that a political football. Life is complicated enough already with some whacko party people ruining everything.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember the existence of Vickie Canfield in high school, an MK from the Open Bible people, but I have not heard another word from her since high school ended, which makes me think that perhaps she died or else her identity merged into the Italian blob, because there is no sign of her ever having had any thought in her empty head, because I certainly said anything to her about that. I really did not know at the time that there was any need to say something else about that. Sorry about the confusion .

Monday, March 2, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, one would think that these dreary rich people would be apologizing for trying to throw all of their magazine junk down my throat, but did I say something? No, I never said anything. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that during my first year at SCC, I might have been about age 19, I was in the typing room at college working on a term paper, and Jennie Cerrullo was there and said that she was supervisor of the typing room that evening, and we had some nice conversation about life in general, and as to the lament of not yet having a boyfriend, she said something about how you know how certain guys make you feel like an "it," because we are not their chosen girlfriend, so we just have to wait for the future appearance of Mr. Right, who eventually may appear on the horizon, hopefully if we don't get caught by some other traps, and I meaning to sympathetic said yes, I understand what you mean about that, I feel that way too sometimes, sort of, I guess. Or was it the other way around? Maybe I have forgotten who said what. Either way, of course, that was back in the old days before Jennie turned into one of these cheerleader types who I mostly avoid, not in a mean way, but I so much don't care to discuss that point further. 

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, somehow it does not seem quite fair that I should have to bear the burden of guilt for all these irrelevant persons to whom I was never introduced, while they continue to hide their unspeakable scum behind the philanthropic benevolence of other naive and gullible persons to whom the money actually belongs, not really them. I might never have thought of that if you had not butted into the conversation with your irrelevant garbage. I am NOT your garbage can, needless to say. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I have not forgotten that there were three of us freckle-faced redheads in high school, although I am so dark auburn that I almost con't count for that. Libby and Ronit are both lighter shades of redhead. Libby is married to Puerto Rico and Ronit lives in Israel, last I heard. I don't know anything else about them. Our paths have not crossed nor is there any reason to make a big fuss about nothing much. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, are you telling me that guy looks a little bit like Charlie Hobson? He was younger than myself, but I can't remember much about him from little school days. I never thought to ask about his citizenship details. I only remember that he was probably from the CAM (Central America Mission) people, similar to Baptists. There were many CAMers but they rarely mingled with us AGers, school being one of the few exceptions. There are walls that we just can't climb over. Life has its limitations and natural boundaries and it would be weird if it were not so. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am reminded of a time years ago when there was a voice online claiming to be Jackie, and asking about the Sawords, and it that seemed unlikely that could be Jackie. How could Jackie not know where are her parents are, although adoptive parents, and how could she not know that being adopted by the Canadian Sawords makes herself a Canadian? Back in the old days when we were in the little school, it was for their sake's that our teacher Mrs. Richardson had us all singing "O Canada" and "God Save the Queen" along with the "Star Spangled Banner," so their Canadian origins were not in question at the time. I cannot imagine how these people can fill out their own paperwork without knowing who they themselves are. I should not have to explain this.