Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember hearing that someone was making some jokes about Candyland, the board game, but of course that would have absolutely nothing to do with me. I am not sure that we ever owned that particular board game. And also, the spelling would be wrong. There is no "y" in my name, so clearly they are not really talking about me. Those guys may like to clutter their lives with dull and humerless jokes, but that would not be my problem. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do hope that you understand, although I cannot imagine why I would have to verbalize it, that whatever happens, I am not going to bow down and worship that golden statu(t)e that you have built portraying that evil demonic Tinker goddess, "at the moment you hear the sound of the horn, flute, lyre, trigon, psaltery, bagpipe and all kinds of music." Needless to say. Obviously. 

Even a broken clock is right twice a day, but I have other considerations on my mind.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember hearing that Hazel, the wife of my mother's uncle, was from Alabama and also that her family in Alabama had ties to the KKK, a topic of hearsay to which I have nothing further to add beyond that mere fact as explained by my mother. It is also said that Hazel had mental health problems.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that someone was suggesting that I go to the Appalachias to try to minster there and reform those cantankerous moonshiners, a suggestion that I mostly ignored because it sounded like a joke fashioned by some Black Irish politician who only wishes that he could dump all poor white people in some Appalachian trash bin.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that during high school, I read the novel "Christie," a work of fiction written by Catherine Marshall, based on stories from maybe it was her mother who was a schoolteacher maybe 100 years ago or more in some village of maybe western Virginia or West Virginia. So for the most part that was a quaint and charming story of life in the backwoods. It is easy to imagine that such places can no longer existed so isolated from modern culture, that such persons were a highly fictionalized picture not worthy of further serious thought, given that actual people in such places would be more akin to prickly pears than anyone worth contacting in real life.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that is weird, how those Appalachian people pretend to know who I am and chatter away as if I should remember something about them. Wendy Who? It is amazing how friendly some people can be with complete strangers.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that way back when david was maybe in 8th grade they were visiting at our house and we had a newly invented thing known as a cassette recorder, and he got the idea that we could make our own radio show or program, similar to those made by his distant cousin of Al Capp contact somehow, I forget the details of that, and he was describing to us some storyline about some incredibly snobbish arrogant people who live in some very cold place where it gets so cold that their noses become ice cubes. Years later I read something about that which better informed myself of something about Siberia, but at the time that we made the tape, we were just ad libbing on whatever he said. I forget many details of that, but anyway it was his idea in the first place. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember the time during college when I was having a dream about failing an exam and I was feeling so depressed and in utter despair, wandering around campus not knowing what to do next, and then I woke up and was still feeling depressed about that for a while, until it suddenly occurred to me that it was only a dream. That never really happened. I was only having a nightmare.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, nice try, but I must reiterate the fact that NO, you may not have my Spelling Bee trophy that I won fair and square in the second grade, which has my name engraved on it, not yours. Needless to say. 

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, one cannot help but wonder whatever happened to that little brat Cindy Bell. One would think that she might be old enough now to get over herself.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, isn't that strange how John wishes that he were a switched-at-birth Maclellan? But can he prove that his Stewart ancestor was named in a MacLellan lawsuit in the 18th or 19th centuries? And who even knew that he had a Stewart ancestor? And why all those snarky remarks about the dignities of Kirkcudbright? 

Yes, I cannot blame them for not giving the money to John. He would just give everything away to his Mexican people, and the rest of us would just be out of luck, out of the loopd as usual. 

Yes, and coincidentally, everyone thought that Mrs. Lambert, Wanda Lambert's mother, was a nice lady, who sometimes did substitute teaching at the MK school. But if you were to ask me, I would only be able to remember that she seemed to paint a second set of eyebrows above her eyeglasses, a fashion thing that I would not recommend, at least not to persons reading books aloud to children during the story-time after lunch. Whether there were some interesting MacLellan-Lambert connection there would have been way beyond my capacity to note at the time. 

Friday, October 27, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am trying to remember, were you that angry person across the hall who, when I tried to say hello, you almost bit my head off and muttered some sullen threats. OK, fine. You can be sure that I will never try to speak to you ever again in this lifetime. That much you can be sure of.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I think that life would be so much more pleasant if Dogpatch David would learn to keep his big fat mouth shut. As matters stand, we have no choice but to ship him home to his cousin Al Capp, the cartoonist of Dogpatch legend. He explained the connection, but I forget now exactly what that was.   

I personally have no connection whatsoever to Dogpatch David. That was their problem. I leave Dogpatch David to explain himself if that be possible. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that there was a conflict of documents available for determining whether William J. Barth, my great-great-grandfather, was born in Baden or in Saxony (Sachsen), two different locations in Germany. That is not clear, but anyway how does that matter now? We are all Americans now.  

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, unlucky me, the way I see it, because it was purely a matter of coincidence that I happened to be sitting within earshot when she unloaded a boatload of stuff, this was during study hall and I was trying to get some homework done, but she was talking to Marion, not to me, so for details of that you would need to cross-examine Marion. Those were some interesting puzzle pieces but I would not have any idea where to put that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, you people really are creative in the area of fictional plotting twists and thrilling suspense. You really ought to write that all down in a novel format so that you can sell that book in the publishing marketplace so that everyone can read that all the way through, because until that happens, I cannot quite see what you are talking about.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I probably should not try to verbalize what any opinion whatsoever, founded on the flimsiest of chimerical evidence, about that possibly imaginary pretender person who goes online by the name of Ronit-Monica Tinker, given that I know almost nothing about her. How would I know anything about that? We never talked. We are not acquainted on that level. I only overheard something. 

But those guys always did like to play pretend. 

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember at MK school, that verse was mentioned, Isaiah 4:1, in which it is said that at the end of time silly women will be throwing themselves at men for some reason, it was not clear why anyone would want to do that.

Take for example that little kid David who has sent us letters and drawings from the hospital where his appendix is being removed. Why would she want to kiss his pimply face? That changes the chemistry too much for words. 

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I cannot help but wonder, what is this imaginary contract that I forgot to sign? Why should I be persecuted 40 years for something that never happened? Yes, so you tell me.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, isn't that interesting, how my great-great-grandmother, Rhoda Burrey, was the granddaughter of Jacob Burry (1785-1850) who was born in Switzerland and immigrated to America in about 1818. 

Years ago I was made aware of the Ancestry account of Candace Peebles, who kindly shared her tree with me. Her tree somehow connects to us through the Burreys. It is complicated. I cannot remember their connection off the top of my head, which Burrey, but I will try to find the connection, maybe I will find that again someday. They have all the Barths listed in their family tree thanks to the Burrey connection. I am not sure how the "e" crept in to the name spelling.

And Jacob Burry's son, Jacob Burry (1815-1879) married Mary Ann Carr from Prussia, who, someone was trying to paint a picture of her as a bad girl because there is no information about how she ran away from Prussia, and who was her escort or chaperone during her travels to America. And I have no answers to such questions, only that Rhoda Burrey was one of their 11 children.   

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that is a strange thing to ponder, assuming you can even be made aware of and grasp that concept, because who is ordinarily in the habit of digging around in the 1930 census for strange information on a certain day in 1930, about their 73-year-old widowed great-great-grandmother, maybe, and her odd tenant/boarder surnamed Ashton, born in Ohio, listed as a drayman who does odd jobs.

You would think that his name was Astor, due to a cloud of obfuscating smog emanating from the glitzy snobs of New York, for some unknown reason, but no, the name was only Ashton, Is there anyone in the family who can explain that in a satisfactory way? I for one certainly know nothing about that.       

Friday, October 13, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I sometimes wonder if that is Anita Stone I hear flitting around on her broomstick. Were there ever any brain cells in her empty head? I never really knew, and there is no time now to backtrack on these useless points. My mother is a great cook, so I will not need her lousy cakes and pies for anything. Your job is to feed the masses. You have no place in my particular situation, so do not bother me with your annoying nonsense.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that during college my sister and I worked a certain job at Vida, in the warehouse, and the system was that we were paid on a piecework basis, so that the faster we worked the larger our paycheck would be. So we organized ourselves to work as efficiently as possible in order to make our paychecks as large as possible within that system. And then David worked with us for two weeks, and there was really no great advantage for us to have a third person to split the paycheck with, and then he sort mocked us and said that he thought it was ridiculous that we worked so hard for such little money, because why should he care, he is a rich kid with probably millions of dollars in his private bank account. He or his dad would mutter something about the system needing to be fixed because he doubtless would prefer making us work just as hard while not having to pay us a dime. That would be a system of advantage for them, but of course from my point of view that would stink. 

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, you might be surprised what I get your manipulative control freak chatterbox game, a dreary mess if you ask me, but of course you would never ask me. You only want to be in complete control of the interpretation of everything. No one else need  apply. So I would prefer not to be bothered.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is puzzling to contemplate why anyone should be imagining that I should be called upon to pay for the crimes of that worthless idiot. Why should I trouble myself in regards to his unrepentant crimes of rape and pillage? Let him save himself and repent if he is yet able, but that should not be my direct responsibility. Needless to say.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember hearing online, maybe Bob saying that I was being thrown and/or dumped to David's bucket, because I once worked with him for two weeks, back when he was in high school, and so my presence for a very short time somehow explains why everything went wrong for him, even though I was not aware of all these events and do not know anything about that. So in their view everything is always my fault, no matter what, and obviously, I am not going to be happy about that twisted logic. I think the Bible talks about sin in James 1:12-15, explaining how he has only himself to blame for that.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember years ago, hearing something online about David who had originally planned a ministry to Palestinians of the West Bank, but later disqualified himself. He was looking for someone to do take over that mission and to earn the money to do that, but whatever, who knows what that meant. Why should I think that I could pick up the slack where David fell flat on his face? That would not be my problem. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Which Reminds Me

 Yes, I vaguely remember that during my senior year of high school, my mother somehow, I forget through what connections, helped to facilitate the adoption of a little Salvaoran boy, Jeremy, by a young couple from Washington state who I only met once. I forget. Was the wife's name Jessica? And we left the country shortly after that, and later we heard that they returned to that country with other connections, and adopted a little girl produced by the same woman, illicitly. I have no idea of the personal details of those people. 

I only would consider myself completely insulted if they were to suggest that I had any connection whatever to those people and their illicitly adopted children. I don't understand what that commotion was all about. Certainly, it would be interested to have their empty heads on a platter.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, when I was 10 years old I did not have such clear cut opinions about the witches and goblins of Halloween tradition. We have to be taught later so that we can better understand what not to do.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember when I was maybe 10 or 11 years old, I was at a party with many girls there, and someone brought a Ouija board, and they were explaining how that works, and how you are supposed to move that widget around the board and it will allegedly spell out a message of some sort, and I said something dismissive of that, not taking that seriously, not seeing how that could ever make any sense. And if I were to spell the word hello, wouldn't that just be me doing that, not some other-worldly spirit? 

And now the demons are angry because I did not take them seriously and apply myself to their instructions. 

But you obviously get all your wrong information from those evil demonic pagan witches who brought their Ouija board to the party.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember the existence of, or at least hearing the name of Rene Parish, who is a woman pastor of a church in California, but if I ever met her personally I cannot quite remember. Was she an SCC or Bethany person? Some of these points all blur together in my mind so many years after the time when someone was trying to make an issue out of her. I cannot quite remember what the point would be of making her the poster child of all women ministers everywhere. It happens that way sometimes that some rare women actually want to do that, but my personality would not fit there. Needless to say. Why should I be required to perform someone else's negatively stereotyped vision of the universe? Who is calling who? I really do not want to be bothered about that.

Which Remins Me

Yes, I do think that it would be lovely to go as a tourist to England, and to visit the lovely city of Bath, to view the many historical sights, the ancient Roman baths, and especially the Jane Austen historical museum. I imagine those would be such lovely things to visit, whenever, maybe someday, or at least I can watch a video on Youtube. 

Yes, what was that rant about Jane Austen and the landed English gentry? I might never achieve such a level of affluence as to bother my head about issues of landed gentry. Certainly rights to an oil well spewing about $100 every six months does nothing to qualify one for a trust fund status of inherited wealth. Needless to say. That will not pay the rent. Needless to say.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, interesting how you Oneness people are all the same person, and you are always chattering away as if I were some other person unknown to me.


Saturday, October 7, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, there is another point to consider, as to what rating of sizzle should be granted to Marabel Morgan's totaled women's book? It was marketed as a Christian book about marriage relationships, but once you get to that place where she tells that story about the front door, was she telling it on herself or someone else, then it becomes hard to remember what else did that book say anyway? 

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I noticed how those guys are very self-promotional in their pufferies, but it would not be appropriate, nor would it be possible for me to go around fixing all their misinformational oddities, of which it is not certain that I would even be able to o that. Sometimes they interpret things differently than I would. As for example, the Christmas gifts party from Mrs. Forrest, which I thought was a bit odd, I said that it was as if we were Keturah being sent away with gifts, but whatever. We dare not argue with such powerful authority figures.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that, years ago at work, in maybe 1992 or 1993, there was an editor, Cathy, who was talking about her side job writing for some publications of no account. I do not understand how she could write the first word of that, whatever it was. Strange to think that someone had to actually sit down at a keyboard and type that stuff. But Cathy moved away, probably to New York and we never heard another word about what happened to her later.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, they certainly are full of the most scintillating gossip, fascinating to listen to these stories that I never heard before, and Herrington explains those things in a certain way that I cannot confirm or deny, I just have no idea. I do not have the same level of access to higher level information of that sort, or at least the official way that it is told by them.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was interesting to learn that Herrington was a huge fan of Harlequin romance novels, and had a collection of such books in her room. She was explaining that these Harlequin romance novels are published in varying levels of steaminess, and she knows how not to buy the more steamy novels by identifying the various ways these books are labeled. So that was interesting to learn more about the formula of such books, wherein about two-thirds of the way through is the most steamy part usually, and you can just open up the book to a place about two-thirds of the way through without even reading the book and find a shockingly steamy passage. So the truth of that fact having been independently verified, there is no reason to continue this dull and uninteresting, tawdry topic of conversation. 

In my younger days I had been a fan of the romance novels of Grace Livingston Hill and Emily Loring, the only such books available to us, and also I once read the romance novel written by Mrs. Hodges, wife of the Foreign Missions Department, so that was interesting, how some of the scenarios are based on real places and people that they know. 

But nowadays it is hard to know what steamy passage you might run across if you simply buy some random novel in a bookstore. I have made that mistake myself, needless to say, so buyer beware.


Which Reminds Me

Yes, I was confused to hear all of this commotion about some unknown secret lunch money deal. Fine, you can have my lunch money. You can take my tuna sandwich, take my piece of chocolate cake wrapped in Saran wrap, perhaps the Lord will have need of it, I will have dinner at about 6 o'clock anyway back at home so I don't care that much about their personal lunch money project. I would not want to claim any responsibility for cooking up their lunch project, they deserve all the credit for whatever that meant. Needless to say.  

Monday, October 2, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it was quite a miserable experience to room with Cori during college, such a horrible screaming witch, who was issuing a series of orders about my housekeeping duties, as if I were the maid. No, I was not the maid. Nobody was paying my salary to tolerate her spoiled rotten attitude. Why was I going to put up with that garbage any longer?  

Which Reminds Me

Yes, when I was a child I often heard the story of how when I was a baby, a few months old, I was very ill was encephalitis, and the doctor had thought that if I did live I might be a vegetable. However, many people prayed for me and I was healed, and so that never happened. And when I mentioned this to someone it got twisted around into a completely different thing, as if my Aunts would claim the responsibility for my success because they prayed for me as a child. So that became too complicated to have any further meaning. So I am grateful that God healed me, and enough said about that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, interesting how those bullies are expecting me to roll over and play the role of ultimate victim. Obviously I am not going to be thrilled about that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I noticed something, is that Herrington I hear flittering around on her broomstick? I never realized how stupid they really were until they went backstage and vomited a pack of nonsense. And why should I care about that?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that there was a guy at our college who left and went to William and Mary College in Virginia. I forget his name. He married I forget who, what's-her-name? And their marriage ceremony was officiated by Lani Fujitsubo who lived down the hall, and had actual ministerial papers. That is probably the only part that I can remember hearing about that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that at our college, there was a person whose name was Lisa Goines, and some people were joking that her name sounds like she is "going" somewhere, but that was only a silly name joke that I heard someone mention, I am not saying that I would know where Lisa Goings went.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that someone was talking about some people in California who had defected to Anglicanism, due to the problem of Episcopalian policies, which seems to have put their American patriotism in a bind, because Anglicanism is so very British. 

I was not Episcopalian to start with, so I myself do not feel any urgent or compelling need to go Anglican either, don't know much about that. Maybe I also read about that in a magazine years ago, but the details are not top of mind at the moment. I could ask them to remind me who that was they were talking about, but why bother. It was not that important to me to stay in touch with their gossip lines.