Thursday, May 30, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember having edited the columns of Carolina Gonzo, perhaps too much so because, admittedly, yes. I don't remember why I or we did that because it really didn't matter that much. She writes in her own mixed Spanglish dialect which seems cute to them. But there was something very annoying and weird about how they were making this huge point of how she had been "elected" by the ninth graders to be their columnist, as if that should bother me somehow. She was a nuisance. Yes, I often hear the Gonzo peasants saying that they don't like my voice. Even so, I do not wish to be defined by them. I really don't understand what their problem is.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember during high school, some people at church invited us to a party, I thought it was a Christmas party, at their house, and then there was a group of people there whose names I do not recall now, who were telling us about some political events that seemed quite dangerous to me, something about a demonstration or protest held at the university, which was responded to by police or the army, which was told in a way as if to sympathize with the demonstrators, which seemed scary to me to even know anything about that, as it was presented as if secret information. It is a matter of principle for me as a missionary kid to NOT get involved in the local politics. Also, they were talking about their slang which is somehow inspired by the French, and in which, never mind about the rules of grammar, everybody is "voz," neither usted nor tu, and not to be confused with the word for voic . Which is a slang usage, grammatically incorrect perhaps but commonly heard there at the time although I have not heard it recently nor in Florida. I cannot say whether that usage is still the fad of the time there either. Slang changes over time, you know.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, where can I get a copy of that two or three hundred page "Book of Gibberish" to which you often refer so glibly, as if I should know what you are talking about? I sure would like to know how I can get a look at whatever that is. How can I answer questions if I have not yet done the homework reading?

Monday, May 27, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I can see that you are all looking to pick an argument with me, which probably explains why you are all should Rude Cooks. Whatever side I might be on, you will find some way to pick the opposite side, just so that you can avoid siding with me or being of any help to me. Which makes it interesting for me to see when I am be right and you all wrong. Ha ha ha!

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember that John was our only source of information on that particular topic. There is only that one thing that he said to my mother, by telephone I thought, and which was relayed to me by mother, which was shocking because I had not been aware of this thing that John was saying, and we always had thought that John was such an expert especially in matters of Spanish language and everybody would think that of all people John would know what he was talking about, and now that I do my research I am not so sure that I have such a high opinion. What makes you and John so certain that I would want be so interested and rush to clutter my brain with whatever that meant? Now that I can see that it is merely a matter of South American politics, of which I am sure there are those who know more about that, I am not sure that I care to be one of them. So many books, so little time.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, John will just have to wash his own dirty mouth with soap because we would not dare to say anything more about that even if we did know something more, which we do not.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember something said or read about the Shakers, an American sect now defunct because they did not do the job of reproducing themselves. The encyclopedia or someone said there were only two members of the Shaker sect now living, but that was 40 or 50 years ago, so probably the two survivors have died by now and the Shakers are probably gone, although I am not paying that much attention to that. Maybe Dawn remembers more about that than I do, because I really was not paying that much attention. So many sects and cults, so little time to try to keep track of them all.

Which has really nothing at all to do with the topic of movers and shakers.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, you will find it impossible to integrate my brilliant life story with the idiotic and disjointed rantings of those trailer trash Whitaker blondies. There ain't no intelligent thought going on in their empty heads as far as I am concerned. It is way too late now to try to pretend that there was ever anything worth saying about that.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I can easily see that you have mistaken me for one of those boring Italian rageaholics. Yes, they are always there in the background screeching and screaming and carrying on about whatever. We try to be nice but they all look the same to me so I cannot tell the difference between them. What were their names? Monica, Joan, Kathy, Barbara, etc. I see you cannot tell them apart either. So there we are, trying to remember why we should care about that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, we figured it out quite a bit sooner that you seem to imagine. There is nothing that we can do about that. So, therefore, why should we bother to try to do something about that? Let the chips fall where they may. Why should I stress out about matters that are out of my control? We will be evacuating the planet soon enough and then we will see how you manage without us to hinder your extravaganza. I imagine that thirty years from now I will probably be gone so I only have to worry about the next 20-30 years and then I'll just be going home and that is all there is. You only get one life to live and then the judgment.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, Katherine Pile had previously worked at Dartmouth. Oh, is that why all of these darts are flying around? The logic does not compute.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, as to any future presidential campaign of mine, I would have to refer all questions to Katherine 'Snicker-Doodle' Pile-up, whose humorous inventions do not seem so funny sometimes and might even be deadly serious were I to actually accept the job that was not offered to me, which is why I leave it to others to ferry information back and forth, because I cannot run for office under these Pile-Up conditions. Needless to say.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, there really ought to be some way to make this thing pay for itself. It does not seem fair somehow that I, a poor and unfortunate individual, should be expected to bear the exorbitant cost of disassembling their enormous machine, which is what it will come down to eventually, while those nasty rich people fly along unscathed on their broomsticks.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do think that Al and family were in attendance at my high school graduation party, although we have not seen much of them since then. They went to the Mexican twilight of San Diego and maybe they have since died. But how would we know whether they had died or not? They never talk to us. They never tell us anything.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that in Spanish literature class we studied that novel, "El Señor Presidente," by a Guatemalan author, which satirizes a certain president of Guatemalan history, of which I now remember almost nothing. It is hard for me to have opinions about Central American history based on such nebulous observations recorded by Mr. Angel Face when there are always so many problems everywhere.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I learned the hard way to never discuss politics with Dauna. What happens is that she will ask you something about the Kennedys and President Kennedy and all of that, and if she does not like or rather they do not like your answer, then suddenly it comes back around as if there were some law requiring me to vote for Kennedy, and what does my opinion matter when the people voted for Kennedy, obviously, and so forth. So to each his own vote on election day and that is all you get.

Anyway, Kennedy might be a nice lady but I do not have time for all of these political matters. On one level politics might seem like a way to overcome all of these religious differences. But then again there is the problem of whose politics should govern and why should we care about that. Without facts there is nothing to say. Until we have some facts can be presented, there is nothing to discuss.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I find it difficult to understand why I should care about the boring lives of those plain and uninteresting Butterskunk cousins. This is my life and they are supposed to remember their lowly places and stop crowding me and ruining my stuff with all their yappings. I really do not care if I never see them again in this lifetime. They never have anything "helpful" to contribute to what matters to me. Where is my exit check? I will be moving to my private self-sustaining island where they can never bother and harass me ever again.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember during college that there was some guy in our college whom most people probably avoided for being suspected an extremist Mexican Chicano, due to some weird mutterings that were heard emanating from there, whose name was Ronald, and he married Sharon, who I do not remember ever being in any class of mine, or ever saying hello to me, that I should care to be reminded of those irrelevant persons of no interest to me.

How weird that later the horrible peasant trash cousins of Ronald should be latching onto me and sending out messages about whatever. Where did they get my name? I never talked to them. I don't even know who those people are. I barely remember seeing Ronald's face in college but there was no personal connection there. I have no need of stupid Honduran peasants to lecture me on the birds and the bees.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, were you trying to make some points about noses. Yes, I have noticed that some people have some interesting bumps and crooks and hooks in their noses which give them a very particular look, which makes their faces look very interesting and memorable in that respect. As for myself, however, I must admit that I have a very plain and straight and uninteresting nose that does nothing to draw attention to itself. Even so, I am content with my nose. I am content to have a rather straight arrow nose that works just fine and blends harmonically with the rest of my face, such as it is. I actually would prefer to speak from my own nose because I think that I would not be able to recognize myself in the mirror when wearing somebody else's nose.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am reading about how Mary Whiton Calkins did all of the classwork for her doctoral degree at Harvard University, but the degree was not conferred because at the time Harvard did not grant degrees earned to women. Radcliffe, a woman's college, offered a doctoral degree to four women who were in that situation and the others accepted but not Calkins. Calkins was more interested in emphasizing the point of Harvard's recalcitrance in granting degrees to women. Which in a way seems like a suicidal way to make the point when she has no leverage to force the issue, but then again, on the other hand, some people only care about making their points at any cost. Because sometimes the point is worth more than the money. Priceless.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Correction: Yes, let us not confuse Mary Whiton Calkins (1863-1930) of Connecticut, Massachusetts with Helen Deborah Calkins (1899-1980) who lived several places: India, Indiana or Illinois, California. I never knew either one of them but it is possible that they may be descended from the same Hugh Calkins who immigrated to America from Wales or England in 1640. Given that many of the Calkins in America are descended from Hugh, the odds are quite in favor of them also having that link to merry old England, whatever that meant. Even so, we see some interesting differences between Mary and Helen: 

Helen toured Europe as a child with her parents whereas Mary toured Europe after having studying the classics in college and having studied Greek quite thoroughly. She later taught Greek at Wellesley college. 

Mary's father was a Presbyterian minister whereas Helen's father was a Methodist minister.

Mary did all the coursework required for a Ph.D. in psychology from Harvard but the degree was not conferred because at the time Harvard did not grant degrees to women. I somehow doubt that Helen ever tried to go so far as to get a Ph.D. degree. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, now that I am aware of the existence of Helen Whiton Calkins, and that she was quite the feminist philosopher in her own time, although she died in 1930, leaving behind four books that she wrote and also some papers, with which I am not very familiar, even so, it does not logically follow that I, who also happen to bear the surname of Calkins, would necessarily coincide with her on all points of philosophy and career and lifestyle. I bear the surname of Calkins in my own way, hopefully uncluttered by these unreasonable expectations of the resurgent appearance of a clone of Helen. There is no clone of Helen here. You are mistaken. You are in error. You are unreasonable. You are flawed.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, how often do I have to remind you that I do not work for you? You are not my work supervisor.  Fortunately for me, I had better luck than having you as my work supervisor. You are not paying my bills so you have no place to be commenting on my work ethic, such as it may be.

Which Reminds Me

Huh? I am against illegal drugs. I wholeheartedly support the Just Say No to drugs whenever I get chance. How dare you suggest otherwise!

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I threw away the Blue French peasant thing. I have no patience for that.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, we see that Denny Duron married De Anza, a person completely unknown to me, a stranger of no interest to me. I see no reason for all of this noise emanating from Louisiana.

I also see no reason for me to go to New York City, where I would probably be unable to find a job, where nobody cares about what ultimately happens to me and where I would doubtless in the end be wandering the streets begging for daily bread.

None of these options work for me.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that while I was attending Evangel College, they announced the start of a football program, and that Denny Duron, who was speaking in a meeting, would be the football coach of it. I did not return the next year to see how that worked out. Strange that anyone would be taking notes of that. I am girl and I have no need of a football coach. I do not like hearing that someone had plans to involve me in that somehow. Another reason why it is just as well that I did not return to Evangel the next year. And now you are telling em that they are expecting me to go there to Louisiana to hang out with them. Actually not. I was actually not that much aware of their existence that I would ever think of going there.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember the Durón family who we met at the church in San Salvador where we attended Sunday mornings, Anna Ruth and her sister and brothers, who were the children of Raul Durón. Hmm.... Strangely I noticed that they are now going by the name of Gonzalez even though that was not their name when we knew them down there. I remember saying hello and chatting a few times after church and seeing them at youth camp but beyond that I would not classify them as close friends. They were more on the level of acquaintance. I call these my church friends but that is not something to lean on too heavily because these people have other lives outside of church that I probably could not imagine.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, we noticed that the Romanovs have in their family tree a certain Anastasia Romanovna (1530-1560) to whom their surname is owed, Romanovna, according to the Russian custom, meaning the daughter of Roman Zahkaryin-Yuriev, her father's first name being Roman, her husband being Ivan the Terrible of the previous Rurik dynasty. Even so the link is somewhat indirect, the Romanov dynasty emerging after 50 years of turmoil, led by a czar, Michael of Russia, for whom Anastasia was his grand aunt, being the sister of his paternal grandfather.

Yes, we get the idea that the Russians will say that you are almost not Russian, mostly German or Polish or other European nationalities. Queen Victoria in the 19th century expressed her dislike of the personal appearance of the Prince of Orange, whom she considered too Russian or Slavic phrenologically speaking, to suit her tastes.

But these questions are way out of my sphere of personal concerns. The wheels of history move very slowly, and who can say what that will mean in another hundred years or more?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, at least I for one can see the case of the emperor's new clothes. Those who are craven cowards will be afraid to speak the truth, afraid to consult the authorized dictionary, afraid to put Brazil down, preferring to believe a lie. From that point it is just a downhill slope of being clobbered by the street thugs of South America.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I greatly dislike the way you lurk about attempting to prolong this agony, as if I were guilty of something, as if the defeat ever belonged to me. The agony of defeat is not something to be grasped at, especially when I did nothing wrong.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, you were also despairing of New England, having strayed so far from its originally Christian roots in the Church of England. Only the Methodists and Episcopalians yet offer some modicum of continuity with the original Church of England. So true, and with this continental drift in a few years from now who knows what our denominational church affiliations would be. If not Church of England, would the only other option be Roman Catholic? Where is the church for non-Italians such as myself?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember that you were also saying some things very critical of the Puritans, whom you disdain as too ascetic for your tastes. Yes, well, to each his own. The Puritans certainly had their excesses of severity historically speaking, but on the other hand, if some people wish to live like the tortoise and not the hare of Aesop's fabled race, why should that be a problem or any reason for such a noisy resistance?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember that you were telling me something about the illustrious Queen Bessie, Elizabeth I, who rallied the troops to fight against and defeat the Spanish Armada, in contrast to that other not-so-illustrious nor so queenly Bessie. You were going to throw me to Queen Bess and see how it feels to scream and rail against the Spanish from such a weak position of not having the power of a queen or troops to fight against the Spanish invasion, as if that is the only thing that I would have to think about, only to scream and play the role of bad redheaded queen in your twisted Spanish psycho-drama. Ummm, no. I will not be available for any such role that you may dictate for me.

Of course, no one imagines such a high level of leadership emanating from Blondie, who is concerned only about her own selfish ambitions.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, of course, none of this excuses the virulent rantings of Brazil. How rude of Carol and David to try to commandeer me to "help" them with that. You are just on your own in Brazil. Very few can make the leap to Portuguese to even have a clue what they are talking about.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Which Reminds Me

"Little Miss Muffit sat on her Tuffit eating her curds and whey..."


Yes, we noticed that cartoon character Blondie is having a snit, screaming and throwing things, a cardboard box. Everybody is afraid to say anything about that, however, lest we get hit by some flying debris.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, we did notice that there is a brainless cruise missile crushing around. We cannot talk to or yet acknowledge mindless Honduran cruise missiles infected with the SDA virus. We could try to explain something to you but you would not be able to understand, so we simply have to try to wait until you figure out on your own where you left your brain.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Which Reminds Me

Yes, actually I won. I entirely avoided marriage to some worthless stupid Italian idiot, so I win.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember that I was very dismissive of the Ouija board and that really bothered you.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, the thing that I remember most about Peter Pan is the ride at Disneyland. Although I had not read the book or seen the move, I did enjoy the ride very much and the pictures tell the story for later filling in of the blanks. I might have liked Mr. Toad's Wild Ride even better, but I also did like the Peter Pan ride.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is very awkward that all of my sister's in-law relatives are the most evil filthy rich Bahamian pirate scum who are always lurking around behind my back throwing monkey wrenches at whatever I might do. They are printers, but they only work for themselves and they only have one client, who is not us, a tech company. That does nothing to pay my rent. They are horrid nasty stupid Bahamian rich people who never do anything helpful. When they lived in Florida, they owned two houses in the wealthy enclave of Parkland, one to live in and one for parties. Such a frivolous waste of money, and do they presume to lecture me on spending? But now they live in Dallas waiting for nothing to happen. Funny how all of those stupid people were expecting us to go to Dallas to play games with them. Sorry, but that is never going to happen. We reserve the right to have them all charged. Not that we would charge anyone, but we reserve the right to have our own opinions separately from the Bahamian pirate scum.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am not unaware of the mediocre makeshift fictional narrative currently being peddled by the Whitaker witches, for whom I reserve the right to charge with the practice of witchcraft because it was not I who brought a Ouija board to a party.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is so annoying the way these people try to pull me into their fictional fantasy life. I never thought of making any serious charges against anyone, it was all a matter of superficial appearances and unsubstantiated impressions that were not necessarily worthy of verbal expression, especially not to persons who are only stage props, but if you want to really seriously charge yourself with something very bad, well, don't let me stand in your way. You probably know more about what you did than I could ever imagine.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I know, for what do I need the Italic curse of the Montagues and the Capulets? Shakespeare exhausted that boring topic long ago. There is nothing more that I would need to say about those boring Montagues or Capulets, their private quarrels being of no concern to me. Blah blah blah. Let those boring Italics explain themselves if they can, but do not be expecting me to get involved in that side of the equation unless you want a big "Return to Sender" stamped on your stupid Italicized butts.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, we have recently detected that you are trying to make some irrelevant and trivial points about Wallis Simpson, that woman who ran away to Europe and married a king and eventually died in a palace, all of which has absolutely nothing to do with we here in America. What in the world could we possibly have to say about that? That is that farthest thing from our thoughts. And what does that have to do with rules? Nobody thinks of those people as being concerned with matters of rules. They just do whatever they want.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, maybe I did hear a joke about the hole of the donut, but I cannot remember now how it went. So?

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I really could not care less about this matter of being elected to anything. I fail to understand why I should care about electoral politics. Appointments and designations suit me just fine. Yes, I understand the power of public opinion, and yet I still have enough self respect to know that you really enjoy clobbering people you don't like with that stick, that is not really about me.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do remember that Mr. Moran was our teacher for girls' P.E. class, but there was no off-campus connection or anything else that was ever said about him that we should remember or required to say something about him later.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, someone really ought to do something about these mentally retarded trashy hoes, the in-laws of Beverly, who are always hovering about pretending to be related to us. It is not so. We are not related to them at all and also perhaps you might even say that we are severely divorced from those horrid people, although we have no idea of what happened. We only that that they are divorced now for whatever reason. We had assumed that it was a no-fault divorce and that there was nothing that we would need to say about that to anyone, given that we only saw them once in a lifetime, and don't really care that much about ying-yanging it to Dallas, that would be way out of our element, but all their much screeching does make us wonder whether there was something else happening there? All of their screeching really grates on the nerves. Even so, I have no idea what happened. I never go there. I never talk to those people. The administrators know where to send our royalty check without needing to consult Beverly's in-laws. Needless to say. Somebody really ought to do something to rid the earth of these overly horribly belligerent and bellicose in-laws of Beverly, needless to say.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember hearing a story about the demon-possessed witch doctor who will only be persuaded by tests of power. The witch doctor enjoys much social prestige and financial wealth in the community. He conjures his powerful spirits and dares the Christian to match that display of power. The Christian, however, does not necessarily comply with this "test." God in his sovereignty might arrange something, but then again the stubborn recalcitrance of the witch doctor might have sealed his own doom. So we wait to see what God wants to do about that, because anyway it is not about us. Just because the messengers from Babylon are here looking around, that does not mean that we have to give them a "show."

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I see that you are overly obsessed with the point of the medical table. We are getting so bored of your distracting medical tactics. We are not experiencing any serious symptoms at present that would require of such an extreme diagnostic tool. The Mucinex or Sudafed will be sufficient for the common cold. Why can't you just post a warning sign so that persons do not inadvertently touch that without an authorized medical prescription and medical research project or something of that nature?

And what about the other 10 or so tables? What else is there that nobody is talking about? I cannot say that it would not be interesting to learn more about what else there is to learn about that, even if that means skipping the medical part. Medical school was never one of my personal life and career goals, so I am not particularly averse to the notion of not doing the medical table.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, we certainly do not wish to pick arguments with the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language. If you are going to insist on using these crudities in public life, you might want to think about putting that in Italics or adding an explanatory note or footnote, because otherwise people might get confused about that. Nobody said anything about slitting your throat if you forget to do the right thing, but, well, if you insist perhaps we could ask the higher authorities about that, because that sort of law enforcement is way out of our pay grade.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, what was Beverly thinking when she married that horribly detestable creep from whom she is now divorced? Much less do I care about meeting his horrid cousins of various descriptions who lurk about in the shadows working their mischief. How do we politely tell those people that their only door was Beverly. What did they do with Beverly? That is the only question of relevance in the matter. They are not invited to my life. They only get Beverly.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I would like avoid unnecessary and irrelevant confrontations with Beverly's horrible swinging in-laws, especially in view of the fact that I am on the right side and they are all on the wrong side, at the risk of sounding hypocritical, not that I would not share my brilliant insights with everyone on the planet, but they will not listen to me so I would just be wasting everybody's time to even try to do something about that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am not unaware that after we start referring all of the questions to Susie again, that she will have opportunity once again to perpetuate that myth of me being overly antagonistic, when actually I simply avoid you, avoid extraneous and irrelevant confrontations, because there is no law requiring me to agree with whatever you say. I reserve the right to have my own opinion sometimes and not to be a mere clone of somebody else.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, how do we politely tell that nasty little witch that she ain't got nothing on me. It is actually she who is fallen way too low for anyone to care about that. But I digress.

Which Reminds Me

Thus, I will never ever need the "help" of the mentally retarded bimbos of "It." Get off my back, you stupid idiots of "It." We did not realize during the college the depths of your abysmal stupidity, but now that you have made it so clear, unsolicted by us, even more so do we disdain to socialize with Beverly's mentally retarded idiotic in-laws.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I seem to remember that you were asking me something about Macias. No, I do not know any Macias, although I do remember hearing the name of Ralph Macias spoken by Susie. He might have been one of those people who were at the little school during the year that I was not there, whether attending a different school or on furlough I do not remember. I would refer all questions about Ralph Macias to Susie because it is hard for me to remember what exactly it was that Susie said about him. It is hard for me to remember who he might be based only on something that Susie said. We will just let Susie do the explaining of who these people and good luck with that because we are finding it harder and harder these days to remember who those people were.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember in high school reading something in the newspaper or hearing somebody say that the famous rock star Mick Jagger is married to Bianca, a Nicaraguan woman. Maybe they know something more about that but I do not know anything more. That is way out of my sphere of interests. Thus, I would not want to have to comment. I really don't care.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, oh, is that those old Hong Kong Greasin' monkeys I hear screeching in the background? Yes, I would not want to expend too much time and energy on their nonsense because, anyway, sometimes the 99-year lease expires and the world shifts on its axis little by little, and we all just have to be ready to go with the flow because our time is short. Jesus will always be there, not so much boring self-absorbed Heather.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I think that I remember having left the annoying Dana Duck hanging up by her toenails. I have no patience for that attitude.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, we noticed that you could not get yourself elected dog catcher with that little yappy dog Sylvia screeching in the background. Yawn!

If I am going to be doing an important work of translation, I expect to be treated with more courtesy and less rudeness than that, and also high school classroom is not the place for discussing my blood pressure issues, especially with unqualified persons of no certifiable medical training. Keep a tighter leash on that stupid Medical hoe.

Which Reminds Me

And are you working for the Greenes or the Clines? Either way, I really could not care less about either side of your boring personal private civil war drama that is of no concern to me. I never really understood what that was about. My purpose in life was not to deliver you from your own mental illness. "Frankly, my dear... "

Which Reminds Me

Yes, how do I politely frame that question without igniting an all-out war against Beverly's horrible in-laws? Beverly and Richard have been divorced for many years now and I only know that probably I do not know even half the story. I really do not want to be bothered with their nonsense, actually.