Friday, December 30, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, interesting how the Campbells imported all of these rude people from Argentina, such as for example Sergio. Most of us are not in that business but somehow they think it is OK, to have this rude guy from Argentina, Sergio, asking some unknown girl in the cafeteria he just met a minute ago for a free ride to somewhere, and I did not even have my own car at the time. And the look of horror and disdain on his face when I told him that. Ha ha ha!

Which Reminds Me

Yes, what was that you were saying? Janelle who? Nobody I would know. Not any acquaintance of mine.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that someone was asking me whether I knew who Joe was. And I said that yes, I remember that my Dad has an Uncle Joe, who was a younger brother of my grandmother, and the only time that I ever saw him, that I can remember, was one time when we were on furlough, and we were at my grandparents' house, and Uncle Joe stopped in to visit and we were all sitting around the dinner table, and talking and that is the only thing that I can remember about Uncle Joe. I mus defer to others, perhaps my Dad could explain about who is Uncle Joe because I really do not remember much about them. I am told that I once said something to his wife, Aunt Dora? at the beach but I really do not remember that myself. I was mabye four or five years old at the time but you could always ask my Mom about that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember the existence of Lee, but nothing more than that. Lee who? We just really don't know Lee in any sort of personal way. I do not quite see where Lee gets all her garbled information.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember having that conversation in which you expressed your contempt for the Protestant Bible, which as you seemed to indicate, is not the Vulgate, and also lacks certain Apocryphal books such as the Maccabees, which, I suppose that I could read those Apocryphal books someday for other reasons, but anyway a Council of scholars had not originally chosen for whatever reasons.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that during maybe 10th grade there was an earthquake in Nicaragua, and some new students were admitted to our school temporarily because they had been displaced from that country. I was seen talking to one of the new students outside while waiting for class to start, she was asking me some questions and explaining about the earthquake, and she was obviously Jewish, so that did not make me Jewish also, but some people never ask question, they just go on vague impression of not very much.

And also some of those people try to think of Christianity as mainly an ethnic Italian thing, which does not  really work for me, because I do not look anything like them. And what about English-speaking Christians? I am not very interested in arguing about this ethnic point because there are probably some things I can't really understand about that. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember reading somewhere about the despicable and absolutely horrible way that Hindus dispose of single women. Christianity has done a so much better job of addressing this issue than some other religions. Even if some girls dislike the idea of nuns, still the option of Hinduism is so much worse, there is really no reason to complain too much, because whatever happens next, the single woman will not want to be shipped to Hindu hell, that much is certain. But of course there are some blue buttheads who cannot see that picture, they are too busy making stupid and useless points.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I can see that some guys are so egotistical, they cannot understand that I am NOT trying to catch them, and am NOT all that interested in continuing this little drama ever again. You already had your Carol. Why are you still bothering me?

Monday, December 26, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I see that many people survived who did not deserve anything special, I could name a few but why start something else, while others did not survive who did not do anything so terribly wrong from other people by comparison, so obviously just comparing myself to those survivors proves nothing. The rain falls alike on the just and unjust, the wicked often prosper for a season, so survival is not necessarily any great special achievement to boast of so mindlessly, but I digress.  

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am seeing that scripting demands some commentary on Tinkers who cannot spell their own names correctly, much less write the book, and yet they seem to imagine themselves to be the author of the book. No, we are not fooled by that. We do not owe any royalties to the Tinkers and anyway they have no rightful claim on the out-of-print works they did not write anyway. Just because Mr. Culkin starred in Home Alone, that does not give the Calkins or Caulkins any claim on the failmography.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was somewhat embarrassing to be found with Denham, who is already quite notorious for saying outrageous things, some that I heard myself, and others that I did not hear myself. Amazing, but I really don't have more time for her special brand of poison.  

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, what was that outrageous thing that Denham said to Loren in the parking lot after church? I forget now. I do remember being shocked at the time. Oh, I didn't know they had such a direct line to broadcast stations everywhere.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, what was the name of that girl I met at Calvary Assembly that time in Orlando, and she was very chatty and friendly and we were talking, at lunch after church with a group of people, and then later somehow we got the idea of going to Cross Creek, which is the home of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, a famous Florida author of "The Yearling," a famous book and movie. So the two of us went to Cross Creek, where you can tour the house where the author lived and learn some interesting things about the history of Florida, and there was another historic building nearby that was a hotel or restaurant and we also went over there and were looking around, and I forget somehow we ran into the airplane people from work, they seemed friendly at the time, so that was interesting, meeting people I know from work while I am out hanging around with people from church. 

And then another time I went with her to the MGM park where we ate at that old-time restaurant that has funny old-time videos playing, and then later out in the parking lot she struck up a conversation with some unknown guy in the parking lot who I thought was a complete stranger. I did think it was odd that she was chatting away with this guy who, as far as I could tell, she had just met two minutes ago. He said that he was just going off work and on his way home. Ok, fine. Let him go home. If you meet some guy at a church there would be at least half a chance that he might be a Christian, but to just start talking to some guy in a parking lot seems a bit dangerous to me. I couldn't understand why she was so interested, how would you know whether or not he wasn't really some drug dealer? Random.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember interviewing some people who were keeping an airplane in their driveway. Did he say that he built that thing himself from a special kit? So on a clear day they can fly anywhere within a two or three hour range, it was a small plane, assuming they live on a street suitable for takeoff. I suppose that spares them some traffic jams on their weekend jaunts to various places. 

So that definitely qualifies as flight. Of course, you could also try flying lessons at your local airport, but without the plane, so expensive, why bother? Flight lessons are for people who are going to do something with that.

Friday, December 16, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, one can easily imagine that I would have no need to suck up to some horribly pathetic Vegas lounge singer, money would not be the point, given that I am a native born citizen of the United States of America.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, isn't that interesting how the Italians have a special deal where their citizenship cannot be challenged, even when we could not think to ask whether they were fascist or not, they all look the same to us. Woody who?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was interesting to learn that there was some Czech connection at our high school, you are telling me that after the fact, because, Oh, I didn't know that, no one ever mentioned anything to me about Czechs. Ok, so now that I know that, so what? There were probably other various country contacts at our high school that I did not know anything about. So? I can't know everything about everybody.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember sort of hearing that someone was telling me about how Kennedy is seeking to crown herself the Queen of Ireland and thus she is in need of some sort of Freckled Fairies to lord ir over, thus to populate her wannabe realm of a fairy tale sort. Well, good luck to you, but I do not quite see where that has anything to do with me. Ok, so I have a few freckles, but  that is apparently about as far as that can get on that point.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I often contemplate my good fortune at NOT being in any way related to this annoying Kennedy person. I would not want to ever owe anything to that. I would only want to know where do I go to have this annoying Kennedy person surgically removed from my backside.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I suppose that there is a "Popularity" machine somewhere that is not available to me, so I jsut have to get used to NOT being popular. I just don't have that sort of luck.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that while my sister was rooming with Jill and Linda, I was there visiting, and we went Christmas caroling, and also they introduced us to Martinelli's apple cider, which is admittedly delicious, and would be so even without the fancy bottle, even if you have to read the fine print to figure out that it is non-alcoholic, or else be introduced to it by someone who knows about these things. I forget what exactly Linda was saying about the apple cider, something about a family business in Northern California, maybe, I don't remember anything specific about that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am sure that Kennedy would be much better at unraveling all of these liquor issues. Personally I would not want to be bothered with their Italian wine agenda. Perhaps Kennedy could even help the Mexican drug cartel with some of her bootlegger tricks, what with all of those Mexican Tinkers on her private staff.

Monday, December 12, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that I was surprised to learn that my sister had gotten so chummy with those persons who I would prefer to avoid, but then again everyone who hates me is her friend, so that makes sense.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, didn't I quit that temporary job after one week, because they had me slaving away typing paperwork while my supervisor sits there playing my paper clips and rubber bands? Obviously they did not really need a temp anyway. But of course if you zing me with rubber bands in another way, maybe I would learn how to do that, too.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I cannot imagine anything of a personal nature that I would need to discuss with the blithering idiots of South Carolina. 

Oh, after many years of research it has been determined that one of my Dad's uncle lived in South Carolina for some time in the 1960s. Oh, I didn't know that. So what?

Ok, even so, I personally am not acquainted with South Carolina that they would have anything to say to me. Who are you?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember something about the miseries of high school. It will be quite a relief to return to my own country, where my real life begins, and these nasty vicious people can finally be left behind in the garbage dumpster. But I digress.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is possible that I might have said that my favorite color is blue, but that might not be entirely true, because at another time I might have said that my favorite color is green, so what is truth/ Is my favorite color blue or is it green? Why am I being so wishy-wahsy on this topic? Why can't I make up my mind what is my favorite color?

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I can easily see that you have plenty of Italians available to work on your Italian wine agenda. I don't feel any need to comment on this topic. You have Joan for that. You won't need me for anything, Obviously.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Which Reminds Me

\Yes, I vaguely remember during high school, overhearing my classmate Joan, who was talking excitedly to somebody else, not me, about some up-and-coming rich people in Texas, but I did not catch any names. I cannot remember any details now. It just wasn't that important, probably just some snooty arrogant snobs who are way out of my league, and are thus best avoided entirely.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I can suppose that a similar point might be made about how to translate these Banana Republic right-wing dictatorship addicts into a context of stateside Republic Party politics. Why would we want to do that? It is not so synonymous as you seem to imagine.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that someone was trying to make some point about the difficulty of trying to incorporate the Oneness Pentecostals of China with the mainstream Catholic church, which is of trinitarian theology and seems to want to dump all Pentecostals  of whichever stripe into a Oneness bucket and or dumpster, given the chaotic state of the Oneness thing, currently. so, perhaps it would seem almost an impossibility at this time to make any progress on this topic. Why should I waste my time making points that would only serve to blow my own brains out, when actually I was never a Oneness person to start with? Jesus loves me, this much I know. So?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, to summarize, probably everyone should be wary of those wicked evil backstabbing traitorous Riffle-Schmidt scam artists. They are the ones who ought to be prosecuted so that we can finally hear their jailhouse confessions, because anyway there was something tricky weird about their whole scammy dealings.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember hearing the tweets of Baeker/Bakker, both Jim and Heidi. So what are you asking? When did I ever set foot in North Central, that I would have any idea about that place? I only remember that Shari went there after she was expelled from California. And whose idea was it for me to write a thesis on the topic of Oneness theology? I decided for the non-thesis option. Just because her photo appears as a family acquaintance, that did not mean that she would have some dictatorial rule in determining anything about my life. Some of these people are really too braggadocious, they should not bother me with their cherished imaginations and unrealistic fantasy life.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I realize that some persons are eager to compose a political diatribe on the various qualities of Spanish literature, i.e. the particular books that we were studying and the authors of them and their various agendas, but anyway, this is not the time or place for that, not at the cost of my GPA.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I was a bit annoyed in Spanish class, where everything has to be done by group, hardly ever any individual projects, and so there I was stuck in a group that included Sylvia, who just wants to sit there chatting about some party last week, and I said something about how we need to work on the project now, and that got a rather nasty response from Sylvia, who thinks everyone should  just sit there miserably and listen to her talk about her social life. So that was a clue that I should scrupulously never speak to or about Sylvia ever again in this lifetime, because anyway I have no desire to start something else. I care about my grades and about learning stuff in high school mroe than I care about her rotten attitude. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I cannot help but wonder why Kenton's horrible ex-wife, I hard they are divorced now and that is about all that I know about that, somehow imagines that she is going to be running my life anytime. No, not ever. Never. Forget about it.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, we have noticed that your idiomatic bets have been accumulating, to quote a vernacular and cliched expression not suitable for use in the writing of academic papers, needless to say. But of course what would you verbal purists know about colloquialisms and figures of speech when you speak mainly a bland and tasteless form of Esperanto, which universal language has its place, of course, but you do not seem to be able to make the leap needed for hearing the lesser beings of dialect and other hackneyed verbal patterns of whatever source. Not everyone has yet attained that universal plain and/or high level of Ph.D. linguistic and language studies that might be a ticket to some other place. 

Monday, December 5, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that is the good thing about our representative form of government, because the FDA has plenty of professionally trained agents to take care of all of your product labeling and quality control issues without me the people needing to say anything more about that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that does bring up some interesting questions, such as: Where would I send an SASE to have my paperwork mailed back to me? and also, Did I forget to put in a forwarding order at the post office? and also, Why would my wicked nasty landlords from Wisconsin be stealing things out of my mailbox? Wouldn't that be illegal, to be tampering with the U.S. mail? Yes, these are interesting conundrums to ponder.

Friday, December 2, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, where is the lawyer who can help me prosecute this Martha for slander and libel? New York people are the lowest level of trash. Long ago I washed my hands of those New York Cheaters.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I does not seem necessary for me to point out that Martha has never contributed a dime to my financial accounts, so I do not see any financial connection there, that she would have any place to tell me something about that. Where is the documentation? I never saw any paperwork.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, how could I forget, one of our projects for Mr. Schaeffer's biology class was to create a hermetically sealed ecosystem in a jar. There had to be a plant to produce oxygen for the creature to live there and some other things to be considered for the elements of life to be self-sustaining within the jar, hermetically sealed by means of a screwed-on lid. So, ok, I get that point, that works for a while, certainly, and then later things start to go kaflukey, the plant or animal dies, and then eventually the ecosystem jar is abandoned for lack of interest, because anyway it was only a short-term project. 

No need to live forever in someone else's pressure cooker.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that when I was maybe four years old, before kindergarten, sometimes my family would be driving be this pretty house called "Jack and Jill" and it seemed like such a pretty house with a huge tree in the backyard and wouldn't it be fun to play there at that nursery school, but that never happened. Only many years later did I learn that white people are not admitted to these Jack and Jill nursery schools. Oh, I did not know that. Well, I don't think that you need to worry now about that ever happening.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that really was interesting, how those people despise me so much, it was weird, they way they would turn apoplectic at the sight of me, whereas I don't know much about them or am feeling very much indifferent about whatever their problem is.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that parents often tell their children, intending to encourage them not to limit their horizons, not wanting to discourage their hopes and ambitions, that they may grow up to do anything they want, even run for president someday. Of course very few girls actually want to run for president. But if that is what you really want to do, go right ahead. Don't let me stop you or get in your way. Because anyway, I reserve the right to let some things go in one ear and filter out the other, because my mama didn't raise some nitwit. So start getting used to that thought.   

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was a rude thing that Becky said to me about her brother's girlfriend, but what can I say? I only met these people once at a party and would not be able to remember later what was the name of her brother's girlfri4end., much less the intricacies of their intimate social lives. I might have gotten the impression only that they people were a somewhat low level of Mexican peasant tart, because anyway Becky does not have any place to be saying much about that when she herself is the same thing.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, besides which it is no great secret that his partner for tap dancing lessons was Diane Puryear, the wife of the college's athletic coach, Mr. Puryear. Lynda told me that so probably everybody knows that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, you would have to pay me to do that, if you really did want me to do that, although I seriously doubt that you would really ask me to take on some stupid hassle when nobody will have my back anyway, just forget about it, and anyway I seriously doubt that I would qualify for the job of rocket scientist. Yes, why did I say that? I completely forget now what I was being asked to do, but anyway, what part of NO do you whackos not understand?

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I can see that you probably get all of your wrong information from that clueless Hopkins twit. She might have had some reason to expect an imminent proposal of marriage from Tim, but later had to settle for marriage to some other campus twit. Even so, I do not have any special insight into why that never happened. It was not anything that I said, certainly, because I have no connection whatever to their clique. It would b beneath my dignity to make any commentary on such a topic.

Friday, November 25, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, what an interesting coincidence that Jennie would make an appearance hereabouts, only because her sister and family live nearby, surely not because she would ever be interested in talking to me. I was never in thick with the cheerleader gang. At that time Jennie was having private parties with the Italian girls, indoctrinating them into something else, but I could not quite hear what that was about. I wasn't really invited to the Italian party. But later Jennie went back to school and got her Ph.D. in sex, a word that I would hesitate to pronounce. Clearly, these Italian girls are not conditioned in the same way as white people.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, we have gotten the impression that you are Preppy to the core. There was at one time a Preppy fad going, with books to explain how to dress like a Preppy. At college, Jennie was considered the sample Preppy, but I myself personally had not aspired to the Preppy brand and did not read the book, only browsing at the bookstore. One can easily imagine that the contents of the Preppy character might be more complicated than merely pictures of what to wear. But anyway, perhaps the closest that I could get to that would be a librarian's credential, and why didn't I do that? A good job to be sure, but 8 to 5, although yielding the money in terms of salary, eats up most of the time on someone else's bibliographical needs from an ocean of books, not much time remaining for delving into the keys of life and carving a path directly to the Exit sign.  

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, and next you will be expecting a quote from Truman, "The Buck Stops Here," and who doesn't like the idea of blaming someone else for their problems. With lot of bucks at your disposal you can keep a dark secret hidden for a very long time. Who can say when the truth would surface?

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, due to being within earshot, I vaguely remember that I happened by chance to overhear something about how she was sad about having to assimilate with an inferior species, because all must merge into the national melting pot. Hmmm... And I cannot think of how to explain what she said. What species does she think she belongs to? And don't they all look the same to me? Well, not exactly. There may be varieties, to be sure, but anyway, I would rather not have to add my uninformed comment to the conversational melting pot because I did not quite understand what that was about. 

Friday, November 18, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I always did think it was healthy to have a good sense of humor, but of course some people's humor is mainly sick and not so healthy, so just to talk about humor per se is not a meaningful point to make. In fact, some humor deserves to die a merciful death, especially certain types of especially sitcom humor that is beyond its expiration date and gone flat or stale for lack of context. But who am I to say what humor should die or when that should happen? Who am I to say when the reality may finally pierce through the automated laugh track? I only laugh at comedy, I don't write the jokes. My brain does not really work that way.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I suppose that some people are wondering why did I not protest when Carol suggested a game of spin-the-bottle with some kids on her street, all sitting around a circle in their front yard. Yes, by that time I had become very agreeable to whatever, because I had previously looked so stupid when I protested Dawn's sucking face with that creepy lowlife snob David. There were multiple reasons not to encourage that, but, oh well. Later, everyone was just angry at me so I guess that I should just not say anything in future, just let those brats run wild, nobody cares anyway, why should I stick my foot in their mess.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, what are they going to do about all this clutter of Darwinian crockery laying about? It is amazing how fast a tea cup can spin on the Mad Hatter's ride at Disneyland/world, but you have to have a partner who can help synchronize hand movements, not much traction to be gotten with a devolved swamp creature for a partner.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember noticing that your dearest Stephanie was trying to pick a fight with me, and I was studiously trying to avoid any hint of conflict because, anyway, I doubt that any fight would end well for me, given that I do not have  vast fortune at my disposal to command whatever I want, in contrast to the pompous arrogant Stephanie.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it would seem that we are hearing about how someone was concerned when my great-grandfather, a butcher by trade, married my great-grandmother, who was of a seamstress of Smith ancestry. Hmmm.... Who knew back then that some other unrelated whackos seem to imagine themselves somehow included in the deal. Actually, I might be a little disappointed now to learn some aspects of that. But anyway it is not your place to be talking about my great-grandmother's mother's maiden name. It is not your credit card transactions and/or identity paperwork.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I see that you do not work for me, and I also do not work for you, so that amounts to "Even Steven," in a manner of speaking. How can you not "get" that? Besides which, I don't actually have any team. I just think the universe should revolve all around me, as opposed to the universe that revolves all around you.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, and it would seem needlessly redundant to point out that Faulkner never won a Nobel Prize in her entire life, thus she has no reason bo boast of anything along those lines. Sometimes people just enjoy hearing themselves talk.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, we have recently learned that you are a witless moron who lives by the book of Chekhov. You may try to categorize women as the "Darling" to be exploited, the "Chorus Girl" to be spurned, or the "Lady with the Dog," a guilt trip. But why should we adopt the sickness of a sick man, whose writings reflect the usual skewered reflections of a sinful existence without hope of salvation. Yes, I also enjoyed watching Star Trek, but Chekhov just was not that important in the whole scheme of things.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I can be glad that my salvation is not dependent on the backstage machinations of some horrid politically drunken people who I don't even like and who never do anything helpful. Wasn't one lousy Napa valley soap opera enough for those road hogs? Having already opened the door to Jesus who knocks at the door, I can know that I know that my life is redeemed, notwithstanding the idiotic rantings of some horrid persons who wish me ill. Needless to say.  

Friday, November 11, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember, during my first newspaper job, some anonymous person called in a tip, and I answered the phone, and he was saying that he had witnessed a KKK lynching somewhere recently, it wasn't clear what I would be expected to say about that, does this caller-witness have a name, is there any information available, such as who, when, where, etc.? No, it was simply a vague notion of something that happened maybe. And who would I call to verify that? Why can't he talk to the police? I am not saying that something did not happen, but that was too much for my limited skills to handle at the time, not what I signed up to do.

But of course it is a free country. you may follow the advice, if you so choose, to "Think On." That was the motto with the gruesome head on a spike, but of course that would be a completely different story, probably no connection there, also not something that I signed up to do.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, and I suppose that next you would be providing some commentary about President George Washington cutting down the cherry tree, but of course that would have been when he was a child, not so much while serving as president of the United States. But anyway who hasn't heard that story? That is nothing new.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is sort of mystifying to ponder why should I care about what happens to Stephanie's reputation whenever the actual truth comes out. I  think that she should assume more direct responsibility for her idiot Spanish boyfriend, because really I don't care to be reminded of their existence, much less whatever they did at some party over there in Dummies class with Barbara Carcass, if you are only going to be that way. Worthless.  

Which Reminds Me

Yes, interesting how something that happened at my own house, with no males present at the time, should somehow migrate to the ears of some irrelevant persons for whom the matter should alwasy be of no concern. You have no context for staging a "fill in the blanks" test.  You are nothing, Mr. Zero.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I was a bit shocked at first, about the words that they were using and then later I looked in the Spanish dictionary and found some of the words there, and so then I could see that how string together a series of obscene words in the most nonsensical and meaningless way, completely absurd.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I was a bit shocked at first to learn that most of the guys in my high school were quite prolific sewers of the most obscene language. A continuous stream of the most crude and vulgar verbiage emanates form their lips. There probably was some philosophy connected to that, but in high school is not the time to be making a scene about those people who are best left to the fringes of decent society. Those guys had almost no vocabulary worth mentioning.

However, I had not heard anything about that mountain peak word. That was news to me. Stamp that Return to Sender.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, in order to keep my cool, I must refrain from noting the fact that there are now almost 8 billion other people on the planet, so surely Mr. Thumper could find some other victim's window to park your next to. But I am not going to again make that previous mistake of imperiously demanding your departure from my presence. Confrontation would only encourage your contrarian impulses, it would seem. But perhaps you are wanting to listen to the Thumper Rabbit song.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it was sort of mystifying to ponder why does clueless richie frat boy not get "No" for an answer? No, we are not available.

Monday, November 7, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I think that I have provided them already with too many loopholes to be used against me, thus to exempt myself from having to socialize with those dreary bores in future. No more loopholes will be provided now that I am in a sort of lockdown mode, no openings will be made available to the enemy, There is only so much abuse that one can reasonably be expected to tolerate in one lifetime. I already told you that "Society is corrupt," and you sneered, as if that were not true.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember that at about the time there was an earthquake in Nicaragua, the Sanchez came by our house to say something about how they were going to go there to help with the relief work. So that's nice. And I said something to Carol that set her off in a snit, I can't quite remember what I said, and, Ok, fine, if you are going to be in that snitty way, I am going to be quite relieved later, after returning to my own home county, to be rid of these dreary roadhogs, because I can't seem to say anything right, they are clearly only waiting for some loophole in something I might say or do, by which to exalt themselves at my expense. Needless to say. Obviously.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is somewhat mystifying to ponder why anyone would be expecting me to pay for the crimes of this hostile and vicious Stephanie, cavorting almost nakedly, figuratively speaking,  with John in the middle of economics class, who knows what else they did off-campus, I just have no idea.  I don't even like those guys, to tell the truth, they are the lowest level of Dummies class people. Tell Montgomery to keep her catty claws out of my back side. I don't want to hear more about that. But of course I do not want to find myself forced to gratuitously insult people who I would prefer to merely avoid. I was trying so hard to blend into the wallpaper and not to say anything so as not to draw attention to myself. How can you not see that?

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, there was (past tense) a time when I was their employee/servant, and they paid me well and I have no complaints about that. However, the time of employment ceased some time ago and you probably have my farewell letter on file somewhere, so obviously I cannot reasonably count on receiving another paycheck from them in future, so while I may wish them well, and wish I could be more helpful someday because I do believe in their mission, still I am no longer at the office answering phones and processing paperwork, so yes, aren't we all servants in another sort of allegorical sense, but anyway there is no contract of employment at the moment requiring my abject servitude. Slavery was abolished for all races, was it not?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, during the year that I was in 8th grade, Susie and Sammy were there also, Susie being in the 9th grade that year, because her brother had flunked third grade, and anyway one day my sister and I were talking to Susie and telling her that she was our best friend, and then she started counting down her friends, and we were numbers 13 and 14 or somewhere thereabouts, her best friend being her 9th grade classmate Josephine, a Filipino girl of whom I remember almost nothing, other than that during one school program she performed a tricky bamboo dance from her native land. Beyond that I have no memory of Josephine, so in terms of friendship Josephine would be simply a big fat zero, not that it wasn't interesting to watch her dance while avoiding getting her feet stuck in the swishing bamboo sticks. One can easily imagine that those Filipino peasants would get a thrill out of that sort of thing.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am somehow reminded of poor little Buttercup, a joke about my cousin that I had not heard in a long time and cannot remember now what was your point anyway.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, bur of course, none of this twaddle changes the fact that I had already won the second grade spelling bee. The trophy yet sits there on my shelf with my name engraved on it, not yours.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that I was hearing quite a hullabaloo about Dutch, even though we have no Dutch in our family tree. I cannot even imagine why I would need to discuss something with the Dutch. Yes, there was a point someone was making about Dutch doors being only half open, because that is how Dutch doors are. Yes, I have seen Dutch doors before myself, so I really did not need your gratuitous explanation of what is a Dutch door. And why is Ms. Notman imagining that we are going to "get" her joke about Jane Wyman? I was never any huge fan of "Falcon Crest," so we don't "get" it, actually. And if I did vote for Dutch, I would have that in common with millions of other landslide Americans, so nothing special for me to say about that. Needless to say. Huh? 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, these are somewhat complicated personal matters to be discussing with Gerry's idiot cousin. Needless to say.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I noticed an interesting thing recently, which is that the Dutch word "door" is sort of what "by" is in English, so that an author of a book is a door into another dimension of human knowledge, human existence. So that's a good point that we can get from Dutch, although not so much English, because sometimes things don't appear in translation so readily, but not everyone can read the original language, so you get whatever you an get and beyond that time is short. Needless to say. Obviously.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do sympathize with the idea of killing the gas and oil kids,but that is a different story for another time.

Monday, October 31, 2022

which Reminds Me

Yes, that was odd that she was suggesting that I was discriminating against her as an Italian, even though I had not thought of it that way. But, OK fine, whatever, if that is the script that she is serving, who am I to argue with these scripts delivered directly form the embassy itself.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that the windshield wipers that I had purchased at NAPA Auto Parts fell apart within a short time and had to be replaced, not even a year later, only a few months, so I have not been back there since then.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that Rosalee was telling us herself that Pastor had washed his hands of her, by the time she was on her maybe third husband, and who is she living with now I really would not know anything about that. Who knew that she was going to be that stupidly?

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember while living on the 7th floor of the college dorms, there were some girls two or three doors down the hall who were a sort of clique or gang, but I do not remember them now. I am not the type of person who is going to go out of my way to suck up to Bolton and some other people who were not all that friendly anyway.

Friday, October 28, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I obviously have no desire to be an elected politician. I could not care less about running for elected office. I liked being a writer and reporter, and would have liked to advance in that direction but it is very competitive and fewer papers than ever, so no great job prospects there in the future can be expected. Elected politicians have to feel obliged to do whatever the people want, which is not necessarily what I care about. I would rather have a real job with a real paycheck and not have to be dependent on the fickle finger of political money and I just don't do that. Don't waste your breath trying to train me in the field of politics.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, and I could say some other things about various people but I should probably save that for another time.

Which Reminds Me

 Yes, I am somehow reminded of something that happened during college, when I was living on the seventh floor of the girls' dorm, and C.J. had enlisted my support in her conflict with some people a couple of doors down from myself, and I seem to remember that she did confront them fiercely, even though I was not sure what were the actual facts of that situation, but anyway C.J. was the RA so that was her job, one assumes that she had some good reasons to say whatever she said, albeit emotionally a bit overwrought, but anyway that is how she is, her personality, because that is what RAs do, they keep tabs on people, make sure that everybody is following the rules.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am somehow reminded that we did eat the pickled herring (raw rish) that was presented to us, when we were guests at the farmhouse, so you cannot always believe what you read in the papers.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, and another funny thing about Mr. Kauffman was that either on the phone or else when he came to the office to be interviewed for his candidacy story, he asked me wasn't this a conflict of interest for me to write about him, isn't he the attorney for the Calkins, and I was shocked because for what do I need an attorney, perhaps he has confused me with some other Calkins. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was nice of Mr. Kauffman, a local attorney, to invite me to participate in the forum in which the various reporters, including myself, were to speak a few words representing the various newspapers for which they work, and afterwards some woman complimented me on that, even though I forget now what I said. It was a sort of letting the press introduce themselves type of thing. I think that it was some time later that Mr. Kauffman interestingly was running for a city council seat or mayor, although he did not win. 

Only much later do I learn about some other Kauffman who I had never heard of, who is a North Central person and married Shari. Oh, I did not know that. 

But we already went over these points.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do feel bad about putting that "on the record" instead of off. Here these people are only being nice to me and I throw them to the four winds to be torn to pieces by the political vultures. Sorry about that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I cannot possibly imagine what I would need to discuss with the horrible people of upstate New York, such as Albany. I could elaborate more fully on this point but I really should not try to express every stray thought that passes through my mind.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is mystifying to ponder why I would ever want to hang on the Gallows with that creepy repulsive foul-mouthed despicable fleabag. I only want my paycheck. I won't need that stupid fleabag for anything. I can take care of myself without those political idiots.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, if you were looking for Little Miss Quick-on-the-Draw, you should not be expecting me to apply for that job. People say all of these mystifying things to me and are expecting me to automatically know what they are talking about, but if I don't know my facts and don't have all my thoughts all lined up and ready to go, I would rather not be asked to embarrass myself without the requisite preparation aforesaid, thanks anyway. Communication is not so easy as it may seem to onlookers who only see the end result, should we answer the fool according to his folly or not, besides which I never did take that class in communication theory, which I had thought of doing, but then I changed schools and never got back to that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember getting the impression that perhaps there is a heavy price that Heather has to pay for practicing witchcraft so blatantly and openly spreading lies, but who am I to say how that works. Why should I tempt fate by mingling with that level of social snobbery?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, sometimes I can't help but wonder who is that stupid rage-a-holic idiot I hear screeching n the background. Are you the Montgomery rapist?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that Cori had asked me about what rich people there were in my high school, and I might have mentioned that Heather seemed to be extremely rich, even though I did not know her personally, nor did I ever claim to know much about her. My job involves doing my homework, not sucking up to rich people. I can't even imagine why someone would ask me about that. Needless to say. There never was anything nice to say about vicious nasty rich people.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is sort of mystifying to ponder why you idiots think that you are going to get away with trying to PUT on me the sting of the Mata Hari hooker. I really don't see the connection. Our family has no connection whatever to those trashy hoe spies from World War I. We don't know anything about that. And yet there you are wrecking my economy, leaving me with no financial options other than to dangle on this stupid hook that you have fashioned for me. And how could I be so stupid as to walk into that trap, see what happens when I let those blithering idiot cousins run my life, I would have no escape route. I would have no option but to prosecute those Dutch.dogs, because anyway, I don't belong to you.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that once during high school, I think it was at lunch hour, I was giving a sort of popcorn testimony to someone, and she totally cut me off and never spoke to me again, so obviously I am not going to try to do that again, because, anyway, why should I waste my breath on such a rude and horrible person, whatever her name was, I forget who she was.

Monday, October 24, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is always a bit awkward being somehow inexplicably confused for my horrible cousin, whatever her name was. We never met.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, one can only hope that your bushy thing would be publicly listed on the stock exchange, up there alongside of Dalton's s0-called "pork bellies," so that all can gaze upon that with horror, because it was not for me alone that these special seminars are held to explain to us what not to do, using yourself as a wretched example of that. Needless to say. 

Friday, October 21, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that's nothing new, I already heard that long ago, about how they are going to shut me down, because they were irritated when I was tooting on their harmonica, although I couldn't really play it, I was just making noise, and Susie came and said that the adults heard that and were discussin me, and Susie said that I should stop and hand that thing over to Chris, who is said to actually know how to play the harmonica. Yes, I suppose that I could apologize for not immediately jumping to attention, even though Susie outranks me in the military game, because I continued to toot a little bit longer, although I never did take to the harmonica again, don't have one now, not interested in continuing this conversation.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I suppose that I should say I'm sorry if your feelings were hurt, if I seemed to be ridiculing your Ouija Board. What a lousy excuse for a game, not clear what rules, you are expecting me to believe that widget will just move around and spell out words independent of the bran cells and hands attached to it? And if I use that thingamajigger to spell out the word "Hello," is that me saying hello or is that Caspar the Friendly Ghost looking over my shoulder?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, wasn't that their own Ouija board that they brought to the party so that they could explain to everyone how that works? So how am I supposed to apologize for them? Let them speak for themselves if they can

Which Reminds Me

Yes, once again I am reminded of the family photos that were left behind by my great-grandparents, who spent some time in China in the 1910s and 1920s. Amongst the photos, there is one picture of a sort of Oriental guy with a name on the back, only "Lee," only that. I forget if he gave some note of thanks to them for their time of ministry there. They were working with the Andersons there mostly in Kowloon, which after WWII turned Communist, so no clear path to return there, not to mention the chaos wreaked later by the Mormons. But of course one often meets various people coming and going at the airport or trading port.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, someone has reminded me of the story about my second grade teacher, Mrs. Gallagher. She was such a nice lady, and it was so sad when we heard the story of her husband's death. He was cleaning his gun and it accidentally went off and that is how he happened to accidentally shoot himself and died. Some people are online saying that it probably was not so accidental as the way it was portrayed to us, the little second grade children in Mrs. Gallagher's class, that how could anyone accidentally shoot themselves so fatally technically speaking. Well, fine, I really can't say more about that one way or another at this point. I only know that I often shoot myself in the foot, not so fatally as Mr. Gallagher perhaps, I am merely admitting that I am not perfect and that I have made a mistake, usually of the clutzy variety, but of course this is not something to discuss with little Miss Turd.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I suppose that those little brats might be surprised how rarely the thought of them ever crosses my mind, which probably would be so bothersome to persons who consider themselves the center of the universe, when actually they were only a tiny side show, not intending to belittle or demean their contribution to western civilization (a college class that I aced, by the way), but anyway, we all must remember our places and not to think too highly of ourselves, as the Good Book says, and also not too low, which some have forgotten. There should be a middle ground where we are in just the right place.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, personally I do not quite see why you would be feeling so adverse to the notion of cattle ranching. There is always a place for a good steak dinner, ground round and sirloin and T-bones, etc. After all, didn't our great-grandfather Strickland ride the Chisholm trail during his youth, maybe? That's the way I heard it. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is a bit mystifying to ponder why a dry county such as mine would have any need for a liquor lobby populated mostly by drunken Smith winos. The Ag. Department will tell you what crops you may or may not grow on the land, whether wheat, barley, rye, etc. There is nothing that I would need to discuss with you about that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that is probably true that I laughed too much at those Pollack jokes you were telling me, something about screwing in a light bulb, now deprecated, and although I got the memo some time back, perhaps not everyone has had the opportunity of perusing the memo and court documents.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember saying to someone, maybe Cori, about how you do not want to do something wrong, because after that things will never be the same sgain, and there is no remedy for that, you just have to cut bait, minimize your losses and make the best of what is left of your life and not think so much about how things might have been if not for whatever you did wrong in the first place.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, beck in those old college days, who knew that Dauna K. was there on a sort-of-Kopechne scholarship. She reports every little thing backstage to who knows what operatives, and if she asks me about Ted and his presidential prospects, such a shocked reaction if I should happen to pronounce that word, Chappa....,  who knew that she was a repository of such derogatory and negative information about her Russian cousin, Mary Jo? But of course we can easily imagine that the money helped to persuade them to take Ted's side in every way and always blame the victim. Ok, so whatever, fine, am I the police, but anyway, enough of that. I am not very interested in hearing more about that insidious matter. I won't be needing their liquor money for anything. Can't you just tell those stupid Kopechne sell-outs to go away and stop harassing me?   

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I really would rather commit suicide than suck up to the snooty vicious nasty Cuccio monsters. I don't think that I would need them and their garbage for anything.

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that during my second year at SCC, my sister was also there, and one day her roommate came to my room to ask my advice as if a big sister, and so I listened to her story about how she was interested in accepting to date some sports guy who was interested in her, and what did I think about that. And what could I say that would matter? It is true that I could have pointed out that he was one of those creepy disgusting sports guys who are there on bastketball scholarship, having no affinity with the religious purposes of our college, and spend their off-hours somewhere off-campus carousing and drinking and smoking and who knows what else. But I didn't say that. I could have pointed out that he was a Brazilian whose culture might be a problem or source of conflict in any future relationship. But I didn't say that. She was so dazzled by the idea of dating a sports celebrity and seemed only to want a confirmation of whatever she wants, so, ok, fine, so do whatever you want. Interestingly, within a short time they were married and she was living off-campus somewhere. So whatever. Who am I to interfere with whatever they want. And if I had said some warning things, surely due to the laws of ying-yang, she would have done anyway the opposite of whatever I might say. So, fine, whatever. Why am I still hearing about that/

Friday, October 14, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember, wasn't that funny how legalistic people used to be about girls wearing dresses. However, the 1970s changed all that.and I often wore pants in high school.. I don't know why I got so radical on that point, but it was easier to blend in with the crow that way, not that I didn't wear dresses to church and on other occasions.Some other cults such as those Plymouth Brethren people might have slower to adapt, but by now probably most people have adapted in that regard.  

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I can easily imagine that Dawn might have been sandwiched somewhere between Share and Saravia in the alphabetical order of things, over there amongst the Dummies class people. Maybe. However, I really don't see why I should care about that. I wasn't particularly interested in hearing more about them.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember there was a story about my grandmother's distant relative or friend who had been at one time an employee of the Lady Bird Johnson. Ok, so that's nice for them. So now you are asking whether my grandparents voted for Nixon because they liked him, or was it because they were so annoyed at the impertinent and unwarranted personal intrusions emanating from the obnoxious Johnson family. And I can only say that my grandparents voted for Nixon regardless of whatever the Johnson might be saying about anything, and I can sort sympathize with my grandparents more than with some other cousin of my mother's who perhaps imagines that selling her soul down river to some Bay Area whiners is going to mean something to anyone else in the family.  

Which Reminds Me

Yes, once again you remind me of the story about my grandmother's distant relative or friend who was an employee at some time in the past, probably the 1960s, of Lady Bird Johnson, so that's nice for her. That doesn't do anything for me. The johnsons don't pay me diddly squat so do not feel myself under any duty or obligation to work for them.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that, while working in Central Florida, one day in the office my boss, Max, was wearing a huge ring on his finger, sort of a trophy class ring, and he was showing it off and saying that it was given to him by Rockefeller at a time when he was previously an editor or manager for several years at a Gannett newspaper in West Virginia. So that was interesting. Hmmm....

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, so just because I may or may not stand to receive royalties of the gas and oil variety in the future, that does not mean that I live in a country that has a monarchy. I don't quite find that amusing, your gas and oil joke about royalties. Mineral rights are a legal thing, not a matter of blood type. Thus your royalties logic does not compute. Surely a wise and merciful monarch and/or elected ruler would not be interfering with my personal pocketbook issue in regards to royalties. One would think.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, here we are in a free and independent country, home of the free and the brave, and all you want to do is exalt those Swedish royalties, as if there were no other royalties in Europe: English, Spanish, Dutch, Norwegian, etc. You ought to know the rules of America by now. I should not have to explain that.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember being assigned by my boss to write a story about a business, I forget which business, there was a sort of hint that this might be an advertising deal, but anyway, it was an assignment. Interesting how it was assigned to me after Stacie refused to do it, because she did not consider it worthy of her journalistic skills to dabble in such quasi-advertising things and she was not embarrassed to say that and to be somewhat dismissive of me for going ahead and doing that anyway, but she is a Nicaraguan Latina so she can get away with saying all these negative and denigrating things about me, and if I said that about her I would get in so much trouble. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember one time when my boss Rick gave me a phone number to call some economist in Gainesville for a story that I was writing at the time, and it turned out that this person had attended my high school also, and I seem to remember, although I am not sure, that he might have been that guy who was performing a scene from Shakespeare, with Francisco Flores, they were very impressive as actors but apparently theater it turned out was not their main thing, but even so, that is almost the only thing that I can remember about them.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that at one time or another we were talking about how egotistical guys are, and how if you are accidentally too friendly, they will take it the wrong way. I might be saying hello, meaning casual friends, and they interpret that as I am throwing myself at him. Because guys are so unbelievably egotistical sometimes, so I have learned about the importance of sticking to business and keeping things professional, especially at the office when I have a job to do and where there is no control over what whacko persons might be wandering about nearby with strange ink blot pictures posted to the walls of their cubicles.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that someone at my church was asking me about one of the Boca Raton City Council members, Abrams, because she had at one time worked at his office or something of that sort, what was her name, I forget what she said about that, and although she was a Latina although that is probably not the reason why she seemed so stupid, but what she said was so stupid, I can't even begin to explain where her head was at.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember that there were some days during school, when my lunch prepared by my mom would contain a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and other days there might be a baloney sandwich. But this is really not an interesting personal topic of conversation to be discussing with Calamity Jane. We are not that close.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I did happen to notice that cultic whacko high school classmate Libby was throwing beer bottle garbage at me. And you are expecting me to say "thanks" for helping with that? Are you sick or what? Anyway, that's the way it sort of looks from this vantage point. 

Monday, October 10, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I suppose that means that my name is still on your list of gullible scam victims. Maybe that explains the "SPAM RISK" message that often appears whenever my phone rings. Probably that would be you scammers on the other end of the line.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, wouldn't that be nice if I could get a full refund on that overpriced, overhyped "Thrive" online training program that I had paid for years ago, and I cannot say that I did not learn some useful things from that, although on top of that they wanted to charge me $30 a month for their website builder, which might have worked well enough, but then I learned even more things, and figured out that I could get the same thing for much less money elsewhere independent of them. And I remember talking to that fraud alert lady who had called me from Arizona, and they are going to do something about that she said, and that was years ago and still no word of any result or refund. Hmmm.....

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember hearing that the identical twins in our high school class are angry about being mistaken one for another, although I co not remember now anything specific about that, only that i remember thinking that it would probably be best for me to avoid them entirely, because for one thing I don't know anything about it, and also any little thing that I might say or do about that, may inadvertently set them off into some inexplicable temper tantrum, so, yeah, whatever.  

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that one time while I was working as a newspaper reporter, I was sent to a certain place to interview some people and get a story out of that, and I went there, and nobody was there, so I went back to the office to wait a while, and my boss was there and was furious because I had not come back with a story. I have to come back with a story, he said. Where is the story? I tried to explain but it was no use. So I immediately went back to that place and this time there were some people there for me to talk to  then I was able to go back to the office with a story. Of course I could have just stayed at the place and waited a long time for people to appear and spared myself a headache, but either way. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, speaking of Olympic contenders, Joshua Whiskey was a guy at our college who was a bit older and had previously competed in Olympic-level athletic competitions, I forget which sport, maybe race running although I am not sure. He was telling us about his experience working as some type of forest ranger an/or police officers high in the Sierras, and he had at one time while working as such, during a time when streaking was a fad, had been called upon to arrest a naked lady who was running down the street. So apparently that was quite a difficult situation for those guys to handle. She wasn't very cooperative.

Friday, October 7, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember mentioning that there is no "U" in my name, my last name being Calkins, whereas the Olympic medalist swimmer Tracy Caulkins does have a "U" in her name. It seems unbelievable that I would have to argue about spelling my name with or without a "U," when you are nothing important, only an overblown sports medalist with a spoiled rotten attitude.

Which Reminds me

Yes, I am starting to wonder whether you were expecting me to have to explain that I am not even slightly related to that Lee family, and I am not related to them, but it seems unnecessary for me to have to explain such an obvious and irrelevant fact and thus having to expend so much energy and resources on a very insignificant and unimportant point. I pick my battles, not you.   

which Reminds Me

had  Yes, aren't you just the most clever back-stabbing whiners ever. I vaguely remember that Gale Lee arrived at the camping trip separately, escorted by Joshua Whiskey, thus to show herself straight even though I don't think that stuck for long, he was probably another one of those liquor people that Cori had dredged out of somewhere. Yes, why am I hanging out with all of these people who hate my guts and are obviously trying to trap me into some impossible situation? Am I losing my mind? No, obviously the solution is for me to get rid of you all first, so that I can see what are all these tricks, because anyway, I don't like you that much. You just weren't that important to me, so I am making it easy for you to dispose of me. I am making it so easy for you to get rid of me, so that I don't have to be bothered with you. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I don't understand what you expect me to say about that deaf/mute Gale Lee. I don't care. I never liked her anyway, a mere acquaintance not worthy of being recalled to mind.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that is interesting to hear you speak the truth for a change, must be difficult for someone so accustomed to dissimulating and fakey phoniness.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember hearing something about how those poeple seem to be all up and gone to Rocky Top, a place that I have never been and who knows when I would ever get there when, anyway, they are so far away and life is short, and, anyway, who needs those wishy-washy political flim-flam people when anyway there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.  

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was quite a leap of imagination for you to suggest that I had ever read any of Alcott's books during my childhood. Actually not. I might have seen a movie on TV of "Little Women," but I was not interested in reading the actual book. I don't remember why, much less any of her other books. Do you always invent these things to try to attach poeple to?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, there was a time when I had thought of going outside to play games with those people, maybe Kenton and some other guests, but my mother would not give me permission to go outside to play games with them. Sorry about that, I was so depressed about that, but anyway my mom says that when I grow up I will be able to look back at the distant past and laugh at some of the crazy things that I did as a child, now that I am an adult. I was only eight years old at the time, but I still had to be punished for being so stupid as to not first asking my parents' permission.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, why did the Sawords adopt that horrid little monster Jackie? It wouldn't matter so much if those Canadian people weren't making so much noise, but Jackie is almost completely unhinged from any reality that has anything to do with me. There is almost no connection here to Jackie.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, you stupid people have only yourselves to blame for stupidly mistaking me for some nasty rich girl. I have a hard time feeling guilty for your own stupid nonsense. Where is all this imaginary phony money? Did I ask to be born who I am? Get stupid your stupid Canadian butt off my back. I don't look anything like her? What, are you blind?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, It is always a bit awkward being mistaken for our high school classmate who is a Jehovan's Witness. For religious reasons she cannot stand for patriotic displays such as national anthems nor be sworn in as a witness in court. Whether she later converted to some other box, I have not heard much. I only remember the box that she occupied during high school, at least the way I heard it originally.

Monday, October 3, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I seem to get the idea that you are probably bound to defend the curses and false accusations that were spread around by Jeanie, who has some huge chip on her shoulder, as I heard online. I am not fond of your village politics. Being aware of "The Lottery," a short story by Shirley Jackson that puts a negative spin on the idea of "winning," I don't need to win. I can live just fine without "winning" her type of game.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember hearing that David was planning to cast me in the role of Miss Haversham of "Great Expectations," the jilted woman and elderly spinster who sits there eternally contemplating her mouldering wedding cake. Hmmm.... Thanks (sarcastically0! But how can I protest against some errant man who I never  liked that much anyway, to be really honest about that. I don't feel so much jilted as accidentally stuck in someone else's melodramatic soap opera. I have probably done that to other people myself on occasion, so I can't say too much about it. But after all, isn't my head full of those Bronté novels that I read during high school? Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights, the crazy ex-wife meets Heathcliff. Charlotte Brontë was certainly a genius writer, even if the so-called reality she stitched together was somewhat depressing and nonsensical. Makes you glad to be born after the 19th century, so that all of that stuff is just ancient history to be studied analytically for its lack of common sense. And whoever heard of Jane Austen? Actually I had never read any Jane Austen, but now that I have, I see that she speaks wittily of the financial constraints of maintaining a role in genteel society. And now that I know that is just all about blood type, a fluke of blood chemistry, I can be aware that I don't have to take the disappointment so personally. It's just the system.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember when I first came home to the United States after graduating from high school, and we were at my aunt's house in the Bay Area and talking to my cousin Richard, and he had some records and a record player, and I was welcome to play one of them, or he played something for us, I don't remember in what order that happened, but we were listening to a song that was saying something about "Bye bye Miss American Pie, drove my Chevy to the levy but the levy was dry, and good old boys were drinkin whiskey and rye and saying this will be the day that I die" etc. etc. So that was a rock song that I was hearing played on the record player, but don't know much else about it. There used to be a theory about not really being able to decipher the lyrics, but then again sometimes I do remember some of the words, even if they don't make any sense. 

Friday, September 30, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I see that you imagine yourself winning the greedy Shell game by virtue of your politics, having in your possession the loudest blustering vent machine, whatever that meant.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember hearing something about Ill., which means nothing to me. I once spent a week in Chicago and that was too much already.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it would seem that she has only herself to blame for shacking up with some lowlife rock star riff-raff.  If the guy told you that he was the devil, you should believe him. Maybe he really is the devil. But I am only guessing. I never had occasion to socialize with that, not even close. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember reading something about Pocahontas and about how the white people took her country away from her, in a manner of speaking. So now I hear you talking about giving the country back to the Indians. After all, they are now rich and flush with casino money, so they the money to buy it back. Nothing I need to say about that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, clearly, there is nothing of a personal nature that I would need to discuss with someone else's political hack. Needless to say.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am getting the impression that you have been monkeying around in the background, in cahoots with Stephanie, but why would I ever talk about that? Stephanie lives in an alternate universe of Scottish aristocracy, a world completely unknown to me. I know my place. I am not going to even try to fill your dirty Spanish shoes, so I will not be available to cover your stupid Spanish butts. I just have no clue. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am not one of these wealthy haughty arrogant snooty snobs, such as Stephanie, who was the time and inclination or financial means for playing backdrop games with people who are complete strangers to me. Needless to say.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember meeting with that snarky Ms. Tatoo, "Look, Boss, de Plane?" but what was her name escapes my memory, the meeting is long since over and long ago I have removed my name and/or unsubscribed from whatever they were selling. You letters are being returned to sender. Needless to say.

Which Reminds me

Yes, interesting how Columbus Day is my mother's birthday, but you are not my mother, so that does not make you anything special. I am not going to be sending you any birthday cards, so just shut up. We don't want your lousy money.

Monday, September 26, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is a bit mystifying to ponder how did my name get accidentally placed on the Hispanic voter list. Does my surname somehow sound Hispanic to you? Also, I was not one of those confused persons who were complaining about the snowflake movie, that was shown annually during the long New Year's Eve vigil service at church. I did not mind that the snowflakes were white rather than some other color, such as yellow or red or something, because anyway that was not the point. The point was that the crystals in the snowflakes, seen under a microscope, are each unique, thus to illustrate how each of us as individuals are unique in a fingerprint sort of way. If God already has numbered the hairs on our head, will all of this complaining and fretting add an inch to our stature? That was the point that they were trying to make in the snowflake movie, but some people were confused about that.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do not myself remember ever having this conversation with you, and there was nothing for me to say when I have no insider additions to offer, but you probably get all of your lousy books from B. Dalton's of Arkansas, which probably explains why you ask the most ridiculous questions, because you don't know much. If you had read the legal docs or at least news reports from California, you probably would understand why our sympathies are not with you. But I have faith in the law enforcement's ability to keep tabs on the sicko perverts of Arkansas, so there is no reason for me to say anything about that. Needless to say.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it must be very lonely for those people who are sitting on top of the world, and yet nobody wants anything to do with your filthy dirty fleabag tobacco agenda. Needless to say.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, sometimes I get the impression that you have all your wrong information from clueless Puffer Libby, who has nothing  on me.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I would only be guessing if I tried to categorize one or another of my high school classmates as dependent on tobacco money. The thought of the tobacco industry never crossed my mind, or where do these people get their money, I just have no idea, I never asked that type of question. Jesus loves tobacco people, too, even if I do not want to have anything to do with their tobacco money. Jesus loves tobacco people and He also prayed for the lepers to be healed. Not every tobacco leper was grateful, but anyway Jesus healed them all.  

Friday, September 23, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, these are names that are famous, that one may have heard one the news, watching TV at home, or else at work one may hear things about famous people, but anyway, nothing personal.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it was so funny sometimes, when the children are learning to spell by ear, they often substitute v's for b's and vice versa, with sometimes humorous result, and there were some other funny things about that. But anyway that matters not in the English translation that we produce. What would the English people know about the Spanish text? They only need the context translated faithfully for them to understand what is being said. And there was nothing wrong with that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that during high school in El Salvador my sister and myself had a job translating letters of school children from Spanish to English, that would be sent to their sponsors in the United States so that they could understand what the children were saying in their letters. I did enjoy doing that job. There were sometimes humorous (funny, cute) things about the letters that we were translating from the children, and I think that I once made the mistake of mentioning something about that to someone, and suddenly everything got flipped around as if I were ridiculing the children, when actually that wasn't the point, but I am never going repeat anything else about whatever I said, because I forget now the details of that, in conversation with some worthless Foursquare twit who is not deserving of my condescension. Foursquare twits put on such haughty arrogant airs even though are the lowest level of riff-raff at least in my opinion, or at least they are a total waste of effort to try to talk to.   

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I was shocked when that guy asked me to be his girlfriend. Jsut because I had once played a game of ping-pong with him, that did not mean very much to me, I was not interested in further deepening of this relationship, never mind about what some other guys might have been saying about me behind my back. They have no authority or power to be telling me who I have to date or get stuck with. NO, the answer is NO.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, wasn't that a funny coincidence, that bit about Helen Calkins, where someone was saying that she might have proven herself to be a Latin shark, if only he had perhaps applied herself more to the Latin. Yes, well, life is short and few are those who have much time for studying Latin. There could be some advantages to learning Latin, you could perhaps intercept some internal things that no one else can read, but anyway, whatever, who needs the extra headache?

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, we noticed that clueless Blondie Broom yet wanders the globe still searching for that fictitious island called Utopia, the subject of a fictional book written by Sir Thomas More, whose head and body were long ago severed and buried separately by order of King Henry VIII. Probably there is more to that story than I could possibly know anything about. But anyway, so what? Why should I care about that? The world is a very different place than it was in Tudor times. It is not like the Tudor Queen is going to stop at our house for tea. Needless to say.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, somehow I instinctively know that, although the early Christians were called the people of the way, so just because your surname is Way, that you would somehow be entitled to represent the entirety of Christianity single-handedly. No, your opinion is not necessarily a light unto my feet or a path to follow unconditionally, needless to say.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is a bit mystifying to ponder why someone would send hither a pack of vicious nasty snobs from Michigan to harass my life and insult me continuously. I have not much capacity now for tolerating any further the insults that crew of Michigan idiots. For what do I need those worthless Michigan skunks? Why should I tarnish my brilliance by association with those dull and annoying riff-raff?   

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that I liked the music of Rich Mullins, generally speaking, although there was one song of his about Rachel and Leah that really hit a somewhat sour note, because it is not a particularly pleasant or edifying thing to be listening to the inner cogitations of a bigamist and/or Mormon, but anyway, other than that, well, some of his other songs were good.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes that might seem a bit ridiculous, I don't see how this jailbird Lisa has any place to be lecturing me on morality and credit lines. Just because she is a wife and mother with a string of kids, that did not mean that she did not have a rap sheet, although I could not remember whether that was her in the audience back when we went out to do jail ministry. All of those jailbirds looked the same to me. Why should I ask whether that was her? What if I were wrong about that and she only resembles some other jailbird? Also, why should I rub her nose in that? What, am I a dog trainer?

Friday, September 16, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, there is a limit to what personal information I would ever share with Harris, the next-door neighbor from hell.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I have become vaguely aware of their desire to discard me in a washbowl of Moab suff, God and the prophet Isaiah hated Moab so much, there was no solution when Moab was finally cast away, as if a tiny bit of Chechnyan somehow qualifies one as a Moabite, And wasn't King David's great-grandmother Ruth, the Moabitess? Yes, but she left behind her native land to immersed herself in the heritage of Boaz, whereas there is no Boaz here. 

Anyway, these points are too obscure for commentary. These points are way over my head.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I cannot quite remember when she turned into a clone of Charlene of the Foursquare "brand." I would be interested to hear more about that but what I would have to do to inform myself might not be worth the effort.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it was an unfortunate mistake that I should be assigned to write a theater review, a distasteful-to-me chore requiring, if well done, a level of specialized and technical knowledge that I do not claim to possess, nor would I be much interested in acquiring more of that, and also the expression of an opinion that I may or may not care to express in so many words. I do enjoy sometimes reading the reviews written by those who know what they are talking about and am often amazed to see all of these insights they get from some few snippets of theater, and these often give enough context for me to know I don't need to see that. But anyway, theater is a world unto itself, and what I would have to do to go there is just not worth the effort in my case. However, I do agree that, rather than dismiss the play offhand by some unwarranted device, I should have more respect for the hard work that those theater people have to do, trying to make something out of what few scraps they have to work with. Perhaps elucidating the plot blow by blow would help to fill the space allotted and expand the verbiage expected to fulfill this assignment, although not as artfully as might be desirable, but not having Wikipedia available at the time, there was not very much information to go on. Thus, I repent of trying to write a theater review. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I often congratulate myself on NOT being a concubine of that sniveling little creep, George the Pretender. I may not be rich, but at least I have my dignity independent of "them."

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I often hear that creepy Rob muttering threats against me, although I really have not much thought of those dreary "rich" bores. I really don't understand the nature of their plots against me. I congratulate myself on at least being entirely independent of them financially speaking. They make a lot of noise but they have nothing on me.

Monday, September 12, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I agree that you should probably "put yourself last and spell JOY," to quote an old song with a catchy tune, which qualifies myself as an "Other" having precedence over "You," if we are going to live by that rule. So that all depends on which side the toast is buttered. Is the glass half full or half empty? 

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember being at a concert where Sandi Patti was singing that song, "The Devil is a Liar," although she did apologize first before singing it. I don't remember, was that the outdoor concert in Orlando? I suppose several other poeple would remember that day. How can I forget the terrible case of sun poisoning that I experienced afterward? My face was completely blistered and swollen from the sunburn . Amazing how one recovers from these events when younger than we are now. I don't think that I want to go through that again. Once was enough.

Friday, September 9, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am not aware of any law permanently attaching me to Harris-on's losing ticket. Stay in your own lane, you silly twist.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I often congratulate myself on having ZERO connection to these repulsive Italian doggie dikes, but I try to avoid talking about that so as not to stir the pot. Those Italians are too stupid for words.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, my mother is such a nice and charitable person. Melanie was one of her projects, she lived with us for one year before moving over to the west part of the state, more than 20 years ago. I try to cooperate with these projects, but myself alone, I might not be able to do these projects on the same scale as my parents did, and also my grandparents who fed and housed various hobos during their working days. There are too many viruses out there to which I might be vulnerable, for me to do that also.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am once again reminded that our high school mascot was a Trojan, depicted in various ways mostly as sort of hippie-ish, as a little warrior in sandals, with a sword and spear, which faintly evokes the idea of an ancient city, recently unearthed on the coasts of Turkey, wherein various treasures were discovered, from whence ancient Trojans purportedly emigrated in ancient times of misty memory around the continent of Europe, arriving at England where they settled in ancient times. Maybe. Who can say what really happened back then? All of which has nothing whatever to do with the city of Troy in New York, although who knows what Trojans landed upstate there. The only persons form upstate New York that I ever met were somewhat weird and neurotic in my opinion. We may see the upstate New Yorkers ruminating loudly in their upstate bubble cages at the zoological park, but we do not necessarily have any desire to go there at the moment. Yes, I agree that we should have a healthy respect for the wildlife. 

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that certainly is some heavy witchcraft emanating from Pastor Brockoli and his wife or ex-girlfriend, I never really heard how that worked out in the end. God is merciful, so we are somehow not consumed and obviously they are not being burned at the stake as of yet, one can easily imagine. But whatever. Why should they pray to God when they already Wicked Witch Debbie to make their arrangements for them? I really don't quite see how that works.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember having served for one year as a volunteer usher for the concert series at that Dutch Reform church, only because a friend of mine had arranged that, and, Ok, fine, the concerts were reward enough for that service, given that I can turn in the concert programs for homework credit, so that was nice. The matter of shaking hands with the friendly Mr. Schuller was another small bonus we had not anticipated. So that was nice. Ok, fine. However, that was only one year. Time to get on with my life.

Friday, September 2, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, there is a another philosophical conundrum to ponder, whether it is possible to "like" any politician of any party. Politicians are notoriously fickle (rhymes with pickle.)

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that on the first day of high school I had to go into some room where I was handed some paperwork, by Heather. I forget what that was, probably just enrollment papers, and Heather handed me these papers and introduced me to her Italian fascist bodyguards from the CIA, who, anyway, obviously they don't work for me, so I mostly try not to mess with them because I don't quite know why they hate me, but anyway, whatever, everybody hates me in adolescent angst-land so I have grown accustomed to not expecting much of anything from those people who sit over there in the cool clique side of the room.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, we have often observed from afar the rigid caste system of India, ranging from Brahmins all the way down to Untouchables, but we are so much more enlightened here in America, where that type of systemic discrimination is not nearly the problem that it is in some other countries, as we would prefer to congratulate ourselves on not being that way, although who knows, the way things are now trending, we can't be sure that we will always be a free country and not descend to that level of just any third world country where all the money and power is concentrated in a small group of people, and everybody else is just out of luck.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I suppose that is another of your smart alecky, snarky "kid" jokes, as if that were funny, this your obsession with monarchy jokes, because if this were a monarchy, the children might have permanent jobs awaiting them there, but this is not a monarchy and there are no guarantees in this life that anybody will be there later. Times change. 

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I don't remember ever saying anything about shaming people. That is not what I said, but whatever I did say, it wasn't that.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that when starting as a reported, covering a City Hall story, that the first story that I wrote was a bit of a jumble, it wasn't clear what was happening there. So later my boss arranged for me to meet with Mr. Burt, the city manager, who kindly explained to me about Robert's Rules of Order, a book to better understand the city government meeting game, and about how there needs to be a motion and then a second of the motion, before actual business can happen, so just because one or another council member is having a theatrical moment talking about wanting to have his ducks in a row, that does not necessarily mean very much, more context would be required to put that commentary in a more understandable context for the reader. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I understand that some people are just too rich for my blood. I don't need them to explain that to me about blood types. After all, did not they shove their negativity in my face every day of high school? I can think of no reason to further dialogue on these points.

Monday, August 29, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I have no memory of ever having discussed my personal beliefs with Miss Caylee Canard. There is nothing to say to this irrelevant person. If she wants to sit there popping out babies without benefit of marriage, that is her stupid decision to make.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, after some digging around, I dredged up the name of Kari Kynard. So that may be who you are, and I can easily imagine you would be irritated to hear yourself called "Miss Canard," although actually no one did that, no one is thinking about you at all, no one can remember what was that trick you were trying to pull of that got yourself fired, or how did it go for you later at the Tampa Tribune. Just because you are a graduate of FSU, was that supposed to guarantee you something special? They have a building designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, how can we compete with that?

Friday, August 26, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I know, they put on such airs of having some fascinating secret they are hiding, and really they are nothing but useless trivia. I don't really want to hear more about that, am not really so easily fooled as you seem to imagine by their little tricks, but anyway I am stuck in this loop and can't seem to find a way out of that, so I just have to wait for "THE END" script appears on screen so that I can finally log out.  I have some other future awaiting in the U.S. whenever I can find my way back home.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that there was something about the Bible book of Esther, because my Grandma Calkins' name was coincidentally Esther, which also was the name of her mother's half-sister, and also Grandma Calkins had an LP recording of the book of Esther narrated with many special sound effects, very well done, I remember being allowed to listen to that. So the story of Esther can be heard in recordings or read in the book, either way.

Incidentally, I remember that someone was wanting to make some interesting points about that book, especially the latter part of it, that are not much discussed, such as the point of Esther being given dominion over the house of Haman, who was hanged on the gallows that he had built for Mordecai, and his ten sons also executed.

Haman had plotted one day of persecution for the Jews, whereas Esther countered that with two days of revenge over the enemies of the Jewish people, a double portion.

So the revenge of the Jews over those who hated them was authorized by the King Ahasuerus, who lived in his royal palace at Susa (now in Iran), and this he granted to his beloved Queen Esther, to block or effectively nullify the violence previously requested by Agagite Haman. 

It says that Haman had bet or cast his lot (Pur) in favor of the Jews' destruction, but he lost, so that is what you mean by playing games, and "Purim," because Esther cast her lot by daring to enter the throne room uninvited, and she won. 

In celebration of this event, which could not have happened without the King of Persia himself to authorize everything, the Feast of Purim was instituted, on which day people exchanged gifts and feasted.

And then the story ends in a cloud of historical and timeline uncertainties. 

Who was Vashti, the previous queen, and why should we are about what happened to her later? 

What happened to any other descendant, daughters, or relative of Haman the Agagite? Where are they now? 

If the house of Haman was the house of a hater, what does that say about the house of Christ? about the house of Nebuchadnezzar and Darius and Cyrus? Where are they now? 

I am confused. I don't know much about that beyond the text of the Bible story. 

It makes an entertaining narrative and LP recording. 



Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was a bit awkward during high school, this pack of FBI (or CIA?) agents masquerading outwardly as friends of mine, but actually behaving the opposite of that. But whatever. I am an upstanding citizen so they could not possibly have anything to say about me. Far be it from me to interfere with their investigations of wicked witch Martha and the Puerto Rican mafia. Certainly, that would not any of my business in any way. That much was clear to me.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember the existence of Kim & Tony, don't they look so cute together. And what is he, Malaysian/ Didn't she at one time live on the second floor, down the hall from Lynda Botsford? So like, whatever. However, while I would be willing to pay my debts, I don't think for a moment that I owe them even a dime now. Where is the paperwork to prove something about them? I don't see why I have to drag them around me wherever I go. Enough of that.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it must be very uncomfortable for you, thrashing around in the lower levels of that Dutch Reformed School and/or tangled forest of thickets, but anyway, there really is no grand prize for trying to climb in through a Johnny Carl window, especially where there you will find almost none of that. You would end up committing suicide if you continued on such a fruitless path, When are you going to learn to just let them go? They are going to do whatever they want to do, so fine, whatever, but not on my dime.

Friday, August 19, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that once, many years ago, I put my classified ad in one of those Christian dating magazines, which is said to work for some people but not much luck for me, because I received only one letter from some guy in the Midwest, maybe Illinois, I don't remember now, but for some reason I never did write back to him and continue that. I don't know why I just didn't quite have the motivation to communicate further with such complete strangers.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is unfortunate that some people are intercepting the mails and tapping the phone lines. With that in mind, you shouldn't be expecting to hear more from me any time soon, probably never.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember hearing, after the fact I should emphasize, that the Wilsons were imagining that I should be babysitting all those Persian/Italian relations of theirs whose existence they had not previously mentioned, due to their own political inconvenience in acknowledging their alliance with Iraon. So now you tell me, after spending four years of high school dissing me with wrong information. Sorry about that, but too late now. There is nothing that I can do about that now.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I sort of got that our Sicilian/Italian classmate thinks that she has some Persian ancestry due to the various migrations of Europe, which explains her darkish skin color and which is what she is emphasizing in solidarity with her other high school classmate who is also Persian. Not me. I never thought that had anything to do with me, I am not Persian, but we all just are supposed to sing along however they tell us even when I do not know what I am saying.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, one can easily imagine that you were not expecting me to knock myself out trying to defend your indefensible impeached "Uncle" or "Sixth Degree Cousin" or whatever the connection might be, I never had occasion to ask for details of that arrangement. I don't really need to know. 

I only remember that my grandparents voted for Nixon, in contrast or contradistinction to their distant relative or friend in Texas who was said to be an employee of Lady Bird Johnson. I really don't remember those people. 

These matters are too far off the outer margins of my awareness to be bothered about.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, you have succeeded in convincing me that you are ten times more prejudiced than myself ever would have thought of being, but anyway I don't feel like arguing about that, and anyway there is no great prize to be had for winning such an argument one way or another, to be thrown to the dogs and torn to pieces is no great thing to look forward to. End of conversation. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is somewhat distracting, the way those nasty rich people carry on so about their inheritance, as if there were some reason why they should consider me their slave property, belaboring the point in the most ridiculously rude and disgusting way. Actually, I don't work for them and they just get nothing from me. The matter of inheritance is very simple, actually. When I die, whatever I might inherit  from my parents would probably be passed along to my nephews and they will have to make some decisions maybe later about what to do with all this paperwork, but anyway this is not something to discuss with some busybodies in New York, because it is none of your business actually.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do think that I am person who can appreciate the ministry of Pastor Rents, although that was before.... Yes, that was nice of him to suggest that I might consider applying for a translator job in Louisiana, although I never actually did that. Somehow I did not feel that was the thing for me to do, and probably in retrospect it is just as well that I did not volunteer to put myself in that position, given my precarious circumstances. That is not really something to discuss with some rude person who thought that I was the family dog, although I am not referring to Pastor Rents when I say that.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember there existed at our college a student named Rusty, who was said to be from Melodyland, one of those places that no longer exist, so what that all meant forty years ago would not be possible to discuss at this time. Melodyland was demolished to make room for some other urban development.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I seem to remember hearing that the Oneness people put a different emphasis on name theology, but I would have to refer all questions about that to more eminent theologians who have studied these matters. as for example Baker. Of course, all Christians look the same to you.  You would not be able or equipped to make these subtle distinctions. You have no ears to hear.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I have noticed your odd obsession with the name of Li. Li who/ I don't think that I know anyone by that name.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember as a child reading a book that Grandma Calkins had about Kathryn Khulman, which was a variety of amazing testimonies of persons who had been miraculously healed from some very serious diseases. Very interesting. One could easily imagine that all such evangelists could produce an abundance of such testimony books, but perhaps many are called but few chosen. I don't know why some other evangelists don't seem to be producing such books. Only a few are able to do that, perhaps. So that was the only thing that I was saying about that. Interesting to hear all of these other various garbled renditions of what I had originally said.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Which Reminds Me


Yes, I vaguely remember that while I was visiting my friend at the Sanchez house, she hands this book to me and then says that she is not allowed to read it, but for some reason she is telling me about this and seeming to indicate that I could read it, so I read the book, which was not a long book, and I was curious the way it was presented to me, and I had remembered that at high school a classmate of mine had done a book report on Solzhenitsyn, so I would expect something along those lines. and at the end of the book the Russian KGB spy becomes disillusioned with his life and defects to the West, as did also Solzhenisyn. Someone was saying there is a rather large colony of Russian defectos living in the Northeast of the U.S. But before you get to the end of the book you have to wade through much junk of a rather dreary nature, and sometimes that sticks in your mind more than the end of it that is supposed to be the point of the story, so that was depressing. 

 Which reminds me of a time when I was attending a youth meeting at a church in Miami, and the speaker was giving his testimony about getting saved and being delivered and his life transformed from being a drug dealer. But during the first half hour at least of his speech he detailed various drug deals that he had carried out in the Everglades, of which he later repented fortuantely, but that was more information than I needed to know about that, myself not being in law enforcement. I do not remember who that guy was.