Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, don't we all have better things to do with our time here on earth than to get entangled in endlessly annoying and irritating arguments with horrible whiners?

Even so, I cannot say it would not be interesting to get a better look at that trunk, but whatever. It does not seem very realistic in the current atmosphere that any good thing could ever come out of the cesspool of San Francisco.

Which Reminds Me

Oh, did I say something? No, I do not think I remember myself saying anything about that. But if I were asked, I would agree that the whiney People of San Francisco may do whatever they want with their private property. Needless to say.

But does that really belong to you? Well, perhaps there are some other questions that cannot be approached from this angle. Needless to say.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Cara was a co-worker who it so happens was writing a weekly column on soap operas. I really cannot comment as I never watch soap operas.

Which Reminds Me

All of which points to Sandra, of which there is nothing of interest to say. Boring boring boring. Get off my back, you boring blob of Sandra junk. Ick!

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I suppose that perhaps you are wanting to put a caricature of a ballerina on the cover of your slick glossy magazine. That would not be me. You will not find my name listed there because it is almost like I never existed. I really don't care that much about your flights of fancy in that vein.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, perhaps if you continue to pester and provoke me, eventually I will snap and say some who-knows-what offensive thing, and then the game will finally be over. If only I could remember something that never happened.

Which Reminds Me

To tell the truth, I am a little bit confused. We do not have any Jewish people in our family, so why are you so interested in learning more about some obscure events of my family's history, which I don't or didn't know anything about anyway besides which that is all out of my control. We are really not related. If there were a specific question or point that you wanted to make about something, that would be one thing. But just this tacking of me onto the tragic disaster of the "Share" family does not "help" anyone and does nothing to clarify what is your point.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, if only "that" had not happened in the middle of Mr. De Paul's economics class. Even so, there is nothing that I can say or do about that. It already happened and nobody can turn back the clock and pretend that it never happened and that Stephanie was not apparently in the wrong place at the wrong time given what she was saying very loudly voluntarily and without any prompting from us standing there in the middle of the classroom, not far from me, definitely within earshot. Sometimes these situations can only be redeemed with time and forgiveness and a love that overlooks all of these many faults of persons of whom I am barely aware. So if I am looking the other way and not casting aspersions upon persons I don't really know very well, that is not a sign of weakness. Never mind about the idiotic rantings of Patricia Cruz or whoever that nasty person was who was trying to cast the entire economics classroom into the garbage can. How can I explain a party that I did not attend and only heard of vaguely from comments overheard? I really have no idea. It was not my job nor was I qualified to perform surgery.

Which Reminds Me

In spite of Stephanie's shocking confessions, I think that there is nothing that I need to discuss with those guys who were sitting at the other table. I think that probably her parents should be notified so that they can deal with the situation appropriately. I am not her parents, that I should meddle in matters that do not involve me.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it does blur the picture somewhat, the inexplicable presence of this pagan trash bimbo Stephanie "Sharie" always yapping in the background. blah blah blah. Someone really should explain something to that piece of garbage, but then again if she is Jewish then I do not want to get caught inadvertently slighting her in any way and getting myself into worse trouble than ever, when actually she is at the moment the party girl who is so meritorious of disciplinary action, not me.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Which Reminds Me

If you were expecting to recruit a hatchet-wielding fiend, you really should have arrested Shari Turnkey of Panama. Now there is a truly nasty shrew. We often thought we heard her shrill voice online saying all sorts of nonsense, especially mean things about me, as if everyone is not already sick and tired of listening to her continuously. Why do I again have to explain about her expulsion from school, etc. etc.? Perhaps she is full of bitter grapes, so to speak. Well, whatever. Yes, it really does not seem quite fair after we learned that District Kid Cori Nipper is swilling off campus on a regular basis and not even embarrassed to proclaim herself a whiner, so after some confusion I stopped doing things with those nippy horrid hypocritical whiners. But whatever. I am not allowed to judge too much, right? I must work on my own issues first, and then I will be able to see more clearly how to do what I have to do. With the wicked District families gone to the whiners, what is left to do? There is just no reason to reconnect to those dreary bores.

Which Reminds Me

There is really nothing of a personal nature that I would want to discuss with that cynical twit Jim Laurie and the clueless bimbo I heard that he married eventually. I was only briefly acquainted and having to dodge the cynical questions or comments, so, yes, who needs such a noxious headache around on a permanent basis, not to mention his friend the insurance salesman.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Nowadays it is getting harder to say whether that is the Stewarts or the Walkers or whoever that I am hearing in the background: "Yak yak yak! Blah blah blah!" But whatever, that was not my problem. I will just be gone from this planet in another 20-30 years, heaven bound, I am just going to fly away and leave the devil to clean up his own mess, so it just won't matter anymore whatever they do. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, really, who cares about the idiotic rantings of the Walker riff-raff? 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I know, it is amazing how Susie appears to know everything about everybody's business. Who are all these people she talks about so knowingly and gushingly, without ever really saying very much in terms of actual facts? I suppose that a last name of Stewart would be helpful, but also she is very outgoing and talkative and that is her personality. She cannot help being that way. That is just the way she is. Not so with me. My personality is very different from that and I do not really want to be bothered with the job of knowing who are all these people and all the facts of their ordinary lives apart from a salary and benefits. I really don't need that. Needless to say. 

Friday, October 26, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am sitting there in a ninth grade classroom and we are all listening to somebody talk about that, maybe it was Margot telling her version of that. I do not remember very much about that, one knocked the other. Sounded traumatic. I would be afraid to ask either one of them for more information given that it was obviously an emotional thing for them. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember in 9th grade hearing about, although not seeing it with my own eyes, the fight between two girls, allegedly Margot assaulting Patricia Cruz. However, I never asked about that. Margot, who was actually sort of friendly to me, and I even once was invited to her house to work on a school project, did not emigrate to the U.S. whereas Patricia Cruz did immigrated to the U.S. But was that the only reason for all of these comings and goings? I do not meddle in these personal immigration matters. One assumes that if they wanted to live in the U.S. legally, that they probably had the money and wherewithal to do what is needed for that, to buy off their assault victims or whatever, but if they want to stay in their home countries, whatever. It was not my job to recruit immigration. Needless to say. 

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Ah yes, in reading our history books, about the temperance movement, which occurred mostly during the latter latter half of the 19th century and early 20th century, until the Prohibition era of 1920-1933, what was the name of that elderly lady who appeared at a saloons or taverns wielding a hatchet? Hmm.... Google search and, ah yes, there she is, Carrie Nation (1846-1911), also spelled Carry. She also warned about the health risks of wearing corsets, which actually was true. Her first husband died of alcoholism so perhaps she had some reason to be upset, although not really that much. Her arrest record was appalling, to be sure.

Even so, who does that? Nowadays, no one dares to say a word about alcohol, given the multiplication of addictive substance abuse issues now permeating society. Thus, whiners have no reason to be complaining about hatchet jobs when actually no one does that anymore. Nobody wants that thankless hatchet job, so your bait is useless. Needless to say. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is weird the way these Italian people are always accusing me of being racially prejudiced against Italians, even though I had not really previously thought of that. But if you so vociferously insist upon that, well, maybe I could develop a personal dislike and rack my brain trying to think of some crazy things to fill in the blanks of your racial test question. Anyway, on the point of annoying Italians, what is this memo you are reading from that I have not yet seen? I would really like to see the actual paperwork on that before I have to rattle off some nonsense without knowing what the trick really is on that. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember hearing something about my Dad's cranky bitter Uncle Merritt, who wants nothing to do with his own widowed father, who dropped him off at an orphanage at a young age, unlike my own grandfather who was more forgiving about that. We actually don't remember Merritt. I don't remember if we ever actually met him, but he does make a lot of online noise. 

Monday, October 22, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I suppose that it would be a very bad idea for me to apply for the job of "Sancho Panza," thus to be expected to perform the role of sycophantic flatterer and tickler of the ears of the Quixotesque Bueno. That just wouldn't be an advisable thing to "due" as far as I am concerned. The next time around I might just not be available and they will need to process and/or eat their own filthy garbage without any help from me. But for now, for the sake of higher values and ideals, and for my own sake, I must do my duty regardless of the silly nonsense. Needless to say. 

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Which Reminds Me

In the early 1900s, John James was a missionary to China, who was a co-worker of my great-grandparents there, but what that has to do with Edward I have no idea.  Error error. Not enough information. Does not compute.

Which Reminds Me

Oh, yes, you can add vulgar hideous Sharon Turner to the list of wicked "Due" witches. Who knew that she was that unbelievably stupid? With friends like that, who needs enemies? I might as well not exist. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I fail to see why I have to apologize for the crimes of those wicked Italian "Due" witches Joan-Kathy-Heather during high school. I cannot see from this distant point what is going on in their empty heads. I did not "due" anything during high school. I don't "due" that. If conversation with them is going to be such a hassle, why bother. Just let them live on their own Library planet "duing" their own weird things without hassling me. I don't care what they "Due." 

Which Reminds Me

Ok, I have agreed to not have any children, so as not to bequeath to any children the yoke of being kicked around by these unbelievably pompous arrogant horrid Italian people, in contrast to my sister who sold her soul to them, so she will have to LIVE with that. Needless to say. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, we really don't play board games as much as we did when we were younger, although we are not among those people who are so strict that their faith dictates against games played with dice. But sometimes if you substitute a spinner, that might not be objectionable to all parties. Someone told me that once, but I do not remember the details of that. 

Which Reminds Me

No one is holding you hostage to Malta or Sicily. But if you want to be and act like a slave of the British colonists of the 19th century and early 20th century, to whom I am only distantly related. You have to go back to the 1500s to find the connection. Well, perhaps you Italians think that you are a reactionary legend in your own mind. "What a fool believes he sees, no wise man has the power to reason away," as the famous song says. Thus, I have no insider idea of what happened there, that I should care to comment or do something about it. Needless to say. 

Friday, October 19, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, 40-plus years certainly is a long time to suddenly be thinking of apologizing for ruining my life. You should have thought of that before you shared your nonsense with the planetary association for KAOS. What would you CB squawkers know about Glenstone Avenue, never a serious moment, always trying to pull my leg. Well, there is a limit to how much guff I am going to take. When there is a Chance of you hitting an irreparable vein, it is best to cut my losses and not return for more nonsense. Needless to say. 

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Which Reminds Me

It is hard for me to imagine what you were expecting me to do with this huge heap of paperwork in terms of work that would make any sense. Needless to say. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I tend to think that everyone in our class was impressed with the guest performance of Francisco Flores and his American friend, of a selection from Shakespeare, some verbal sparring, although I forget the specifics of that. 

Which Reminds Me

I vaguely remember that when I was in El Salvador, at a church-related event, there was a black man there visiting from Honduras, which was a rare thing because in El Salvador generally speaking there are no black people because the country has no Atlantic coast, and in ancient times there was not that much travel to Honduras, and during most of the time that we lived there the border to Honduras was mostly closed due to the recent Soccer War, so that was unusual. In El Salvador it was mostly Indians, the Pipils or Lencas, plus the wealthy ruling class of European or Spanish roots. Even so, we do not really have that much communication with them that we should be aware of conditions in Honduras. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, we are vaguely aware of the preexistent scholar of pscyhology, Mary Whiton Calkins, who wrote a variety of books on topics of psychology and died in 1930. So it is possible to do quite well in that field, if that is what interests you, although me it does not. The surname is not synonymous with sociology or success, however. Some people just get very lucky in their field due to a variety of factors, the name being only one of these many factors. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Which Reminds Me

I vaguely remember during my first semester at Evangel, the latter half of it, rooming for a month or so with that girl, was her name Carol, who was Amish or Mennonite or something. She had an inflammation of one eye and someone, not me, made a comment about how one almost forgot what she had looked like before that as if she was that ugly all the time. She wasn't that ugly. It was just that her eye was very swollen at the time.

That said, what was she doing at our school anyway, trying to trap people with her hyper-legalistic lifestyle in which people are not allowed to drive cars and must get around on horse and buggy, etc. etc. I always find it uncomfortable how these clueless Plymouth Brethren/Amish/Mennonite people try to make me feel so worldly when actually by comparison I am very conservative as compared to those wicked evil witches Jan and June. But it would so rude for me to boast of such a thing.

We must talk about salvation, and how we are not saved by comparisons. We must each have an individual relationship with God in which the Holy Spirit shows us how we are to live, or NOT live, whatever the case may be. Society is thus changed from within, not by force or coercion, but by each by individual initiative. But it is hard for me to get a word in edgewise. And anyway, you can't get that from me. You have to get it for yourself. 

Which Reminds Me

I can probably count on one hand any conversations I ever had with Jennie during college so I cannot say very much about the contents of her head. I was not paying that much attention to the sociology department or whatever that was about. 

Yes, it is hard for me to imagine that there would be anything that I would need to prove to these clueless Italian people who are always screaming in my face. I don't care that much about that. I don't know anything about it.

Perhaps you get all your information from those clueless horrible nasties Jill and Linda, so obviously you are very sick in the head. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember in high school that Carmen and Ulises in our class were dating, one of the few, perhaps the only couple that I know of in our class, but I never really talked to them or could not talk to them. I do not really know anything about their personal lives outside of school. It is really too late now to discuss that. I really don't care that much. I have other priorities.

Which Reminds Me

But I spell my name with an 'i' at the end, not a 'y.'

Monday, October 15, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, thanks Grandma. Hmmm.... Already starting from day one I have all these crazy people wanting to take it all away and nothing but this worthless monkey wrench to work with. Sometimes life is just not fair. Which raises the eternal question of why do the wicked prosper and the righteous begging for bread. Or vice versa. Whichever way to look at it. Needless to say.

Which Reminds Me

All of which shows that you obviously get all of your information from Mickey Mouse, which is actually not saying much. And yet, even so, all of your squawking and screeching can really do a lot of damage.

Which Reminds Me

When we contemplate the fact that this earthly globe is round, in the shape of an orange, and that we are just tiny little specks moving about upon the surface of the global orange, then how can all of this matter to me? The picture of the global orange says that I do not matter, that I am just nothing, just another tiny little speck, just coming and going and soon to be gone forever. It just doesn't matter.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Which Reminds Me

I believe that it was you who were telling me about the negativity of Bohemian stereotypes and how you have blocked the Bohemians somehow. Oh, does that explain why you are now so fond of Hungarians? I never knew of any Bohemians personally so I have no comment on the topic or why suddenly Heather, of whose existence I am barely aware from ninth grade briefly, is suddenly having some Bohemian blizzard involving me because apparently her husband is Czech. All of this comes as news to me. I know nothing about it. Why do I have to spend years of my life unraveling your Bohemian witchcraft? I really don't care that much about that one way or another. To me, tartar is an issue of tooth decay. Enough said about that.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Which Reminds Me

We are surprised to hear so much noise issuing forth from Packy Stan. We did not know that they were such packers. We barely remember them from age 8 and, anyway, there is not much that we can add to the mess of Louisiana beyond what is already available in the newspapers. Who knew that things were that bad there? Needless to say.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, what is this mess the Thomsons have cooked up for me to eat? I do not have enough of that to comment intelligently. blah blah blah yak yak yak!

Friday, October 12, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember, during high school, reading that book by Nikki Cruz, "Run, Baby, Run," which involves his prior life as a Puerto Rican gangster running scared. In the book, if you read the story, you will know that eventually he gets saved, and turns his life over to the Lord, and stops running with the gangs, which is a good thing. Some people need to hear about how people's lives can be radically reformed for the better thanks to the Teen Challenge program, that anti-gang program which is so widely promoted in various books also written by David Wilkerson. So that's nice, although I never met him personally.

That is nice, although that has nothing to do with my life. I was never a gang member and do not know anything about that. From reading books to we learn enough to know that a mara (gang) is a bitter thing, although we already knew that anyway. But we do not have to go out and do that because we are literates. And the illiterates just do whatever the literates say.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I cannot say that I could possibly understand why you all are seemingly expecting me to apologize for John's psychotic paranoia, as if someone was persecuting him or out to get him. Not at all, but seeing ourselves shoved into a corner does make us wonder what really happened somewhere back there in the magazine stands or whatever. I never noticed that before now so I really would not be able to intelligently comment. I tend to think that it was the other way around, that they went to extraordinary lengths to fabricate slanderous accusations against me. Needless to say.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I suppose that my vague and cryptic comments about a solution to the problem of overpopulation in my high school term paper could have been interpreted in various ways by those two professors who ever in this lifetime had access to it and only for high school term paper grading purposes. What was I quoting anyway? How I could get that citation so garbled? I really do not now remember anything about that. Nice that professors in high school are not so harsh and unforgiving and that was not intended for public consumption anyway. It is not like I would ever submit that for publication, needless to say.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, we sort of noticed that Linda is very busy boasting of her own wonderfulness for some inexplicable reason. She is so full of herself that she will not even notice that we are all gone from Linda Island and never coming back.

Which Reminds Me

It does blur the picture somewhat, this peasant dog Linda pretending to be related to us. Needless to say, we do not take our instructions from that. I could say more but I would be saying too much.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Someone is continually angling to get me to say something about Sharon's dirty bathroom. The problem is that I do not remember saying that. I do remember overhearing something that was said by Linda Harrington Smith or else Jill Anderson Hatred. If you were a true historian, I would think that you would want to hear it from the original sources, but then again we are reminded that you really do not have a brain. You are just a mindless parrot.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am barely acquainted with those Pesky Lester's Jets and not hugely impressed with her lousy recipe for inedible Hungarian goulash. Needless to say. Oh, what is that I am hearing in the background? Mindless chatterbox Marty, jaw flapping in the wind? A village plot? Squawk, squawk! Screech, screech!

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I always did find it hard to understand why those little Baptist girls, the Rieses and the Bels, always seemed to be worked up into an angry snit about nothing much. We all attended the same school but beyond that there are some other factors to be considered. The fishing was good there so everybody already knows that various sects are represented there, whether Baptist, Pentecostal, Open Bible, Plymouth Brethren, Foursquare, etc. etc., all involved in various fishing operations for those who are willing to take up their nets and follow. I see no need to explain that to some clueless Italian whiners of vinegary aspect. I do not recall any license of exclusivity granted to the Baptists, although they probably wish that it would always be that way, with themselves in full control of "it," whatever "it" may be.

Fishing is one thing, but we never claimed any knowledge or supervision of the reliquariums and antiquities of Europe. That sort of thing would seem to fall outside of the jurisdiction of a simple fishing license. Interesting. Everybody will want to read the book whenever it comes out. But who can do that? I just have no idea how that would work out. A Ph.D. in cuneiform and Near Eastern antiquities might put you closer to the action, but you obviously do not quite have the goods on that, especially if you think that I would be able to help with any clue in that respect. Where is Radu when you need him?

Friday, October 5, 2018

Which Reminds Me

I would only say to beware of those Reece's pieces. They are not always what they seem at first glance.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Which Reminds Me

What reasonable dialogue could I possibly have with this vulgar stupid Negrón witch? Go get a life, you hideous piece of trash.

Which Reminds Me

There will be no relief or comfort forthcoming from here for the nasty Negrón witch and the little brats who learned it wrong from the start. Figure it out for yourself if you can, but if you can't, at least know that the truth will set you free, or at least I am free. Speak for yourself if you can. But if you can't, sorry but I can't help you with that.

Which Reminds Me

When I was growing up, if my Dad ever mentioned having an Uncle Ben once or twice, I never thought much about it. Only many years later did my Dad's Uncle Ben once visit my parents in Florida with his second wife, although I was not there at the time and never met them. Only from research in the diaries of great-grandmother do I learn that he had lived in Northern California with his first wife and two children, Ben and Laurie, and also in South Carolina in the 1960s. Ben, the son, it would seem from the genealogical records, died at a relatively young age, but nothing else is known about him, at least not by me. I had not known that these people existed until doing my research, and even so, I have no idea what to say about them other than their names are listed there. It would seem sort of rude to comment about distant cousins of whose existence I am barely aware.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Due to a biological accident involving various chemical components, I have recently learned that I am actually not eligible to serve in the position of inherited monarchy. So really, there is no need to make one feel so guilty about such an inadvertent and uncontrollable factor of biological inevitability. Needless to say.