Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I cannot say whether or not she is a citizen of the United States. I never thought to ask about such matter. However, another thing that is probably true is that she is probably wealthy enough to purchase citizenship in a variety of countries, depending on whichever way the wind is blowing at the moment, so I really don't see what that has to do with the price of tea in China. There are many U.S. citizens housed temporarily in jails and prisons and that type of thing, so I really don't see how the point of U.S. citizenship is such an all-encompassing category.

Monday, August 30, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do think that I remember hearing that the Hunts had dropped out of being Pentecostals and became members of the Christian Alliance, which at one time had been Pentecostal but later took more of a Baptist turn. For a moment there I had thought that you were talking about the Allies of World War II, but no, that wouldn't be it Even so, it would seem useless to reason with these Baptists who, even if they should try to explain, just can't get it. In another context, the term of Baptist could be considered a synonym of Atlanta, but anyway, that is neither here nor there. The point being, perhaps, that your World War II coding is a dreary mess, but I digress, so I really cannot say much about that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I would agree that I myself would be a completely useless person to have serving in the Dakota Territory, given my complete lack of information on whatever your problem is anyway, and also your serious attitude problem. I would prefer to keep my legs attached and unpulled from my body, thanks anyway. Why is my telephone still ringing off the hook when already it is obvious that my application of potential employment is not requested or wanted? Enough about that. Sometimes I forget who is not my friend .

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it does seem somewhat baffling to ponder why I should be required to feel pity for the vicious nasty Italian wino who is trying to paint herself a martyr at my expense, when actually I have never heard of her and could not care less about the wino industry. If it be a matter of agriculture, your complaint should be addressed properly to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, who may address various topics of soil and water supply and the various laws governing cultivation. But if you are simply obsessed with the murdering of innocent butchers, who may well supply the table with delicious steaks, I fail to sympathize, I am no vegetarian, certainly. Have you forgotten the ancient story of Cain and Abel, you wino lovers of vegetable and/or vegetarian matters? Besides which, there is a place and a time for killing sacred cows. But I digress.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is somewhat of a baffling mystery, why are all of these crazy Dakota people running around throwing hammers through windows and at everything they can target. The hammer toss might be a venerable part of sporting events, if you are a track and field enthusiast. But there really ought to be some rules about storing your hammers in a safe and secure place, and using them only for official sporting purposes, not just because.

Which Reminds Me

It was not until I read through the diaries of great-grandmother that I noticed the Hunts had lived in the Dakotas at some time maybe in the 1960s, whenever they were visited there by great-grandmother, who actually was their grandmother, because their mother Olive was my grandmother's youngest sister, my grandmother having been the eldest daughter. But later they lived in Venezuela for a number of years, during the 70s. I don't know very much about their story. I consider myself fortunate to not have any Venezuela stuff, I already have enough problems without throwing the entire South American continent into the picture.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I suppose that you could always ask Sandra, but that would not be my job. That wasn't my cabin at the crater, that I should be troubling myself with matters too complicated for me, I do not see how those puzzle pieces fit together, and also I do not remember myself ever entrusting any personal information to Sandra, that she would have any reason to call me on something.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember that years go someone was circulating a schematic in which I was supposed to be protesting  the government confiscation of private property or something along those lines. Apparently such things happened there during the civil war. However, myself having been long gone and not knowing what happened, or to whom that happened, or how, it would be hard for me to say something, when obviously the government sometimes puts in its claim of eminent domain, and, ok, fine, sometimes people just have to go with whatever they can get about that, because anyway, the interests of the many sometimes supersede or overcome our private interests in certain matters such as land use, and all that I can say about that is: How would I know? Who is really saying that? I really can't see how that works.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, sometimes I forget that, after having attended high school in El Salvador, there was a civil war, and although that happened after we left, and the war has been mostly over for a while now, some people all still on edge, reliving the days of their Contra glories, even though I have not many clues about how that worked. I don't understand, I always thought that right and left down there, do not directly translate to what is right and left in the United States. There are some important differences in that regard, but I digress.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Which Reminds Me

 Yes, I remember something about my sister at the airport, but anyway, why should I take that bait onto myself? Let her explain herself if she can.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I may have mentioned reading a book that talks about "responding" rather than "pleasing," although I forget which book. I have read so many books in my life and sometimes they just all blur together in my mind. And who was I talking to anyway? Probably nobody worth remembering.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, all I can say about that is, "Merry Christmas!" If you guys were confused when you saw me sitting there at the table in economics class, and imagined that I could be easily captured and rudely attached to your alternative universe by these artificial maneuvers, you will be unfortunately disappointed about that. Needless to say. 


Saturday, August 21, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that there was a small tourist gift shop in the lobby of the hotel that was not very far from the house where we were living at that time. And one day, probably a Saturday, I walked over to the gift shop and was looking around, and they have on one shelf many of those little egg curio souvenirs, that look like painted eggshells, but when you lift off the cover of the pottery eggshell, often inside is an incredibly lewd scene depicted, and so obviously in a short time I am convinced that I am not going to want to buy any curios there, or even be seen buying any curios there, such is the tacky vulgar lack of taste in some parts. Yes, some of those people seem so warm and friendly on the one hand, but on the flip side they are scary sometimes. However, I did buy a book there because it was one of the few places where you could buy English language books, and you probably already know that the title was, "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee," because I probably already mentioned this to someone, and anyway I often like to read about various topics of history. It was a somewhat depressing read, but anyway, enough of that. The Black Hills are not my native habitat, needless to say.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I seem to remember hearing that there are only two career options for women. The one is the medical field and the other is to be a schoolteacher. I don't know why this binary choice seems problematic for me. What if I want to do something other than medical? What if I am not very interested in the medical field? Teaching would require somewhat more effort than I have as yet exerted. While either one of these choices would provide immunity from the devourer, yet somehow I am aware of forces are conspiring to prevent my career success in either of those fields. So that leaves me in a quandary. Needless to say.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, who was I talking to, maybe that worthless turncoat Turner, although I really don't remember anything else about that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that when living in San Salvador, if you drive up a certain street, near where the World Fair had been held at that time, you will see a huge monument, which is a gigantic painting of a man, who happens to be naked, and so anyway, if you have to drive up that street or happen to turn your had while driving through that intersection, don't be to shocked to see that, maybe I was telling someone that, given that anyway it is a public monument of the type that certain types of peoples tend to build for themselves. During more recent travels there, I also noticed the statue of the naked lady that stands in the middle of a traffic roundabout.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember my uncle, Steve, several years ago, mentioning that he was a salesman for a clothing company, called True Religion, a clothing company that sells jeans and other items, and his specialty was the selling of hats that were mostly baseball caps. He said at that time that if you looked online for True Religion, you would find a website about the Moslem religion, but apparently the clothing brand people have now more recently secured their domain name because I don't see that now.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I almost thought that I heard hacker Marty chattering in the background, yakkety yakkety yak, certainly does talk a blue streak. But what do they want? I do not quite see what that has to do with me.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, one unfortunate aspect of my first year at Southern California College, was the Dolly Trap. I seem to remember that Theresa McFarland also was there and probably remembers hearing about part of that. Fortunately, I do not remember those nonsensical people being part of my life after the first year only, so they are mostly forgotten by me and I do not care to be reminded of them.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, we have recently noticed that Ms. Megabucks Tuttle has run away with Mr. Scott. I hope that you were not expecting us to fight the ancient battles of Willard (Willard Calkins, that is), because actually I had no idea of his existence, that I should have a clue about whatever his agenda might have been.

Willard came from a different branch of the Calkins family who spent some time in Bill Town, Canada, unbeknownst to us. Why would I be aware of their existence? I have other, more important things on my mind than the ancient grudges of Willard and the Bill Town crew.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, when I talk about the seven hills of Rome, I am referring to a conversation that I overheard during high school, when Kathy or else Joan or someone was bestowing that honor about Tom Hills. I cannot say where the Whittakers were sitting at the time, whether they were in the room or not. I do not remember the annoyingly nasty Whitaker twins ever doing anything helpful to me, that I should care about Whitaker's idiotic rantings. Was it I who married that horrible skunk Richard Klein? No, obviously not.  

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I hear that you think that you are one of the fabled seven Hills upon which Rome was built, although probably not built in a day. I have mixed feeling about this scheme of yours to rebuild Christianity along ethnic lines, with the Italians at the top of the pyramid and every other ethnic group down wind of that. Especially since most of their English vocabulary is limited to words that start with "F." Why would I want to establish any dialogue under those conditions? It just wouldn't make any sense, I would be forced to lecture on the proper use of the dictionary, and what would that achieve? Probably nothing helpful to me.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember years ago during college, while visiting with my friend Lori Way in Northern California, they had a book about L'Abri, by Edith Schaefer, which I spent some time reading. It sounded like a very nice place there in Switzerland, to go if you want to learn more about that, but anyway, with the founders of that now gone I would imagine that their mission probably has shifted somewhat, especially with the son spewing all of those books. A few years ago I read his garrulous book of a nondescript title, well, anyway, was that supposed to prove something? Anyway, I don't see where that has anything to do with us. By reading these books, this is now we learn that some people live in an alternate universe.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, our choir director later laid down the law about staying away from the drinking pavilion, but by that time we had already had our Coca Colas so that made us feel bad about that in retrospect, but anyway we dutifully followed the law after we had learned of the new law.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, how unbearably rude that anyone would question my native-born U.S. citizenship, while the Scottish Stephanie is over there masquerading as a U.S. citizen, whilst everyone already knows that she is actually from the U.K., but if she married a U.S. citizen to get her green card, then no one will be bothering her with noxious questions. So why are you bothering me with this nonsense? Stephanie wasn't my problem. How dare you, Share!?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am once again reminded that my grandfather's grandmother was Amanda Fitzallen Moore, and because of her family connections it was that my grandfather learned about some interesting things related to Thomas More who was executed by the King of England, Henry VIII, in regards to some controversy about his divorce, although there were other factors also in regards to the difficulties that More was creating for the extended royal family, although the details of that escape me. I only remember that his head is buried separately from hs body. The Moore or More family enjoys a special protection in regards to this knowledge, given that anyway they cannot help that being their family heritage, they did not ask to be born with all of that baggage, but anyway so many generations later, some people are forgetting that this is not a good time to be starting World War III.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am curious to know why all of these people are jabbering about "the money" as if there were some blank check awaiting me somewhere, when actually there was nothing, perhaps you are playing a sick joke on me and if I rely on that money joke I would just be going broke because there was nothing.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, in a way I think that it would be an interesting exercise in futility to cut off someone's empty head. But on the other hand, come to think of it, as cooler thoughts prevail, I realize that I would also have to kill quite a few other hypocritical persons who are all falling into the same hypocritical category as wicked witch Libby, and then how far would that go, maybe half the entire population of the world would be slaughtered, and then what? So yes, I will need to revise my plans and do nothing because anyway sometimes you have to step aside and let these wicked evil drunken Italian winos win a point, even if only to illustrate why everyone thinks that they are so disgusting. No way I am I going to hang on the gallows with those sleekly wicked wino witches. Shoot yourself.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I suppose that I could have left a tip, if I had any money on me, which I probably didn't, way back there in high school. I could mail you my coin collection, but those coins are no longer in use there and anyway they are not worth very much even now. May the Lord bless your hospitality is all I can say about that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, of course these matters are perhaps somewhat too complicated to be discussing with Roberts' useless pack of winos now under a DUI arrest. I do not think that I would have any need them for anything.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember that sometimes in class I would draw doodles in the margins of my paper, and one day someone saw my doodles and put an x-rated meaning to something that I did not see. I am insulted to be kicked around by these ex-communicated hoes from Catholic hell. If you insist on talking that way, perhaps you could go back where you came from, because I don't want to hear about it.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was nice of those people standing behind the table to ask me what I wanted to drink, and when I told them a Coca Cola, perhaps they themselves also were surprised, come to think of it. Later, I heard that Libby had made some condemning statements about my drinking, although anyway, it was only a Coke, although I do wish I had drank nothing. But anyway, it was sort of odd to ponder why this cultic whacko Libby thinks so highly of herself, when anyway I never was all that impressed, that I should allow myself to be kicked around by such a clueless cultic whacko as that. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that does seem contradictory, wino Cori lecturing me about rules. as if that horrid monster ever got saved later. Ha ha ha! don't make me laugh. Secret sippers are despicable in my book.  

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, perhaps I did hear some vague chatter about Marie Curie, the famous scientiest, but there was no context as far as I was concerned. So whatever.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, come to think of it, I have yet to hear any coherent Teen Challenge testimony from Patricia Cruz, a high school classmate who, although I thought I heard online that she may be some distant cousin of Nicky Cruz, the famous Teen Challenge author of many books, we cannot necessarily believe everything that we hear online, and besides Cruz is a somewhat common surname in the Spanish world. Why are you bothering me with these mystery points? I would just throw all the Cruz family to Puerto Rico to let them duke it out amongst themselves because I myself really don't know much about it. It is their family problem, not mine.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that during the one year that I attended Evangel College, I went roller skating with a group of people from my dorm, and there were also some guys there from our brother dorm floor, and there was a moment when I was roller skating hand in hand with Rob Schmidt, and then while turning the corner I fell on my rear end and he rolled on without me. And so later that year I noticed that he was dating other people and sneering at me, so whatever. Perhaps those people from Evangel might have some green quarters to pay for a copy of my book, but I have no idea when I would ever write it, being only now, forty years or so later, in the early stages of research. I might not live long enough to write a book about my hapless existence.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was nice of Paul Gibbard to loan me his book, "None of These Diseases," which talks about the health laws of the Old Testament, and how modern science has learned the value of them in preventing diseases. Many health issues are addressed in the Bible which, when viewed in the light of modern science, still make sense, although we now have much more knowledge to add to that, especially in terms of medical remedies and surgeries, whereas in primitive times the compliance was demanded absent the scientific knowledge. Such is the nature of progress, perhaps.

Friday, August 6, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is true that you can't take it with you, why bother to build bigger barns when you don't know whether the grim reaper might appear sooner than later, and then everything that you might try to do would be for not? Better to travel light and be ready to go at any moment, because anyway, there are more important thing on my mind at this moment than some unspecific Texas junkyard.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, in the Biblical sense, we are required to forgive those who killed my uncle, and yes, I suppose that we do that, but on the other hand, they continue to bloviate and bluster on this topic to an alarming degree, to where we really are tired of hearing about this. Can't they just go hide under a rock or something and stop harassing us.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I tend ot think that I am not very interested in working for and/or socializing with the repulsive skunk family who killed my uncle, needless to say, so you can easily understand why I will not be applying for the job in Texas, assuming there was one.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, oh, I forgot, I do think that I did hear something about how those Jehovah Witness people might have a problem with standing up for and saluting the flag and also with swearing on the Bible. However, I myself do not belong to that cult and so do not have that problem. 

Yes, I find it amazingly weird that anyone could mistake me for Libby, who looks nothing like me, but we must learn to be patient with these immigrants who seem to imagine that white people all look the same except for some superficial points.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember years ago, at a secretarial job, when notice was made of the fact that the letters "cc" underneath a letter would mean "copies to" followed by various names. I was advised that, when initialing something, I should add my middle initial, to help with differentiation: "cjc." Otherwise there could be confusing alphabet soup.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I personally do not feel myself in need of any intervention from Florence, although how far she may be defined as a cultic whacko would not be place to say.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it seems that Florence Gloria Crawford was very active in the 1920s and 1930s, lecturing at various events sponsored by the Universal Truth Center and their associated entities. But where is her obituary? By the time World War II arrives, she has disappeared from the public scene. Given that her initial vision occurred in 1904, it is doubtful that she could still be alive now. Perhaps she might even have died more than 70 years ago, but without the documentation on this point, her defenders might pretend to copyright prot4ection that has probably expired by now, although I would only be guessing. Who is this annoying person who is still fighting the quixotic war of copyright protection when already the public domain rules in regards to Crawford?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do remember that Puffer Libby herself expressed a pang of guilt about her compulsive smoking habit. It wasn't that I said anything first about that to her. And also I do not remember saying anything about a law in a legalistic way, but anyway, even so, the law is made for these sinners such as Libby. How can they know and feel their need for salvation if they do not realize the problematic nature of smoking? I am just saying. My answer was incomplete, but anyway, if I had had more time to fill in the blanks maybe I could have improved my answer.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I congratulate myself on having accepted Jesus as my personal Savior. He stands at the door knocking and to anyone who opens the door, he will come in and sup with him, and that is not unique to me. So anyone can have this same experience, never mind about the rantings of those cultic whackos who are demanding a socialized type of "mass" salvation and that creates mostly problems for me because I don't particularly like them anyway. Why should my salvation depend on the opinions of my mortal enemies?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, wouldn't that be nice if my words were to enjoy copyright proteciton and not find myself compelled to toss everything to the winds of public domain, given that I am yet alive and even if I were to die tomorrow, yet another seventy or so years must pass before my copyrighted protection would finally expire and that for only a small fee. Then others would be compelled to put a correct attribution on their use of my words. Seventy years from now everyone will be much farther along iand maybe it would not matter so much tjem, but for now copyright protection seems like a very nice thing to have,.   

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, how many times do we have to retell the same story about the distant relative or so-called friend of my grandmother's who was at one time in the employ, as a domestic servant of Lady Bird Johnson. Well, my grandparents voted Republican anyway, so when are the Johnsons going to get a clue that, guess what, they, the Johnsons, are not our masters of indentured servitude. Who is going to conduct brain surgery on these Johnson idiots?

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember long ago, that online I heard that one of Terry's girlfriends was wanting to attach me to her complaint, but I do not think that I would qualify for the same category.. I would not want to be confused with one of his various girlfriends during college who I never met anyway. I was actually not very close to them, never mind about the misleading information that was often thrown around by them. They often would refer to me as their "sister" even though actually we are not related, and if I have to explain that you really are being ridiculous.What do you think you are doing here attending a Pentecostal college?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that day in the college cafeteria when I was in the food line and carrying my tray of food, and Terry snuck up behind me and pinched me in the rear end, and then I was quite shocked, and jumped I don't know how many feet all the while somehow not dropping my tray of food, and then he complimented my quick reflexes. Hmm...  Donna might remember this incident, she was nearby. So that wasn't very funny but I am not so legally inclined as to want to waste money on exorbitant legal fees not to mention the hassle of taking legal action. I just never did that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is always somewhat tediously annoying for me to be mistaken for cultic whacko Libby, who is sitting over there masquerading as a Catholic, although everyone already knows that she was raised by the Jehovah's Witness people. How did I myself escape unscathed from that cultic mess? Not with any help from you, obviously.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember that you said that you belong to the Jehovah's Witness cult, so, Ok, fine, we simply step aside and move along, because obviously this is not a good time to be talking to you about anything, much less pursuing a question of religious beliefs and your choice thereof. Is that how you react to every stranger who asks you a question? I do not think that I ever caught your name that I should be reminded of your existence. I did my part to fulfill the Great Commission, but if you are going to behave that way, you should know that we have other fish to fry and you were not that important that we should care to be reminded of your cult problem.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, oh, I forgot about the existence of Barbara from Jackson Mississippi. I seem to have forgotten who she was or why that matters. Who was telling us about the time she opened a bag of potato chips and never stopped eating until the entire bag was empty? I cannot remember if that was Barbara or someone else. The memories of her are mostly a fog now. .

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do remember saying that I felt bad about not being able to witness to anyone during high school, but on the other hand it would be somewhat vain in a sense to imagine that their salvation would in any way depend on me or on anything I might say or do. The Bible says that no one can be saved unless he is drawn by the Holy Spirit. It is thus clear that their hearts are completely hardened and that they are not worth the effort on my part of trying to save. The Bible also cautions against throwing our pearls before swine, in which they are placed by default.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I did consider it advantageous to get some homework done during study hall, in high school, which could mean one less book to carry home on the school bus later, because usually I had loads of homework to do every evening. Other people in study hall may be over there in the corner chatting about whatever, but I would prefer to not allow myself to be distracted by their nonsense.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, there really ought to be some polite way to explain to the Johnson-Kennedy ticket that actually I am not your party toy for playing with, that actually my parents were Republicans who voted for Nixon, and that I am not interested in playing your evil bootlegger games. Actually I am sort of busy doing my homework here in study hall, high school, and am really not paying much attention to their continual  chattering over there. I don't really need you for anything.