Friday, December 30, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, interesting how the Campbells imported all of these rude people from Argentina, such as for example Sergio. Most of us are not in that business but somehow they think it is OK, to have this rude guy from Argentina, Sergio, asking some unknown girl in the cafeteria he just met a minute ago for a free ride to somewhere, and I did not even have my own car at the time. And the look of horror and disdain on his face when I told him that. Ha ha ha!

Which Reminds Me

Yes, what was that you were saying? Janelle who? Nobody I would know. Not any acquaintance of mine.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that someone was asking me whether I knew who Joe was. And I said that yes, I remember that my Dad has an Uncle Joe, who was a younger brother of my grandmother, and the only time that I ever saw him, that I can remember, was one time when we were on furlough, and we were at my grandparents' house, and Uncle Joe stopped in to visit and we were all sitting around the dinner table, and talking and that is the only thing that I can remember about Uncle Joe. I mus defer to others, perhaps my Dad could explain about who is Uncle Joe because I really do not remember much about them. I am told that I once said something to his wife, Aunt Dora? at the beach but I really do not remember that myself. I was mabye four or five years old at the time but you could always ask my Mom about that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember the existence of Lee, but nothing more than that. Lee who? We just really don't know Lee in any sort of personal way. I do not quite see where Lee gets all her garbled information.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember having that conversation in which you expressed your contempt for the Protestant Bible, which as you seemed to indicate, is not the Vulgate, and also lacks certain Apocryphal books such as the Maccabees, which, I suppose that I could read those Apocryphal books someday for other reasons, but anyway a Council of scholars had not originally chosen for whatever reasons.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that during maybe 10th grade there was an earthquake in Nicaragua, and some new students were admitted to our school temporarily because they had been displaced from that country. I was seen talking to one of the new students outside while waiting for class to start, she was asking me some questions and explaining about the earthquake, and she was obviously Jewish, so that did not make me Jewish also, but some people never ask question, they just go on vague impression of not very much.

And also some of those people try to think of Christianity as mainly an ethnic Italian thing, which does not  really work for me, because I do not look anything like them. And what about English-speaking Christians? I am not very interested in arguing about this ethnic point because there are probably some things I can't really understand about that. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember reading somewhere about the despicable and absolutely horrible way that Hindus dispose of single women. Christianity has done a so much better job of addressing this issue than some other religions. Even if some girls dislike the idea of nuns, still the option of Hinduism is so much worse, there is really no reason to complain too much, because whatever happens next, the single woman will not want to be shipped to Hindu hell, that much is certain. But of course there are some blue buttheads who cannot see that picture, they are too busy making stupid and useless points.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I can see that some guys are so egotistical, they cannot understand that I am NOT trying to catch them, and am NOT all that interested in continuing this little drama ever again. You already had your Carol. Why are you still bothering me?

Monday, December 26, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I see that many people survived who did not deserve anything special, I could name a few but why start something else, while others did not survive who did not do anything so terribly wrong from other people by comparison, so obviously just comparing myself to those survivors proves nothing. The rain falls alike on the just and unjust, the wicked often prosper for a season, so survival is not necessarily any great special achievement to boast of so mindlessly, but I digress.  

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am seeing that scripting demands some commentary on Tinkers who cannot spell their own names correctly, much less write the book, and yet they seem to imagine themselves to be the author of the book. No, we are not fooled by that. We do not owe any royalties to the Tinkers and anyway they have no rightful claim on the out-of-print works they did not write anyway. Just because Mr. Culkin starred in Home Alone, that does not give the Calkins or Caulkins any claim on the failmography.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was somewhat embarrassing to be found with Denham, who is already quite notorious for saying outrageous things, some that I heard myself, and others that I did not hear myself. Amazing, but I really don't have more time for her special brand of poison.  

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, what was that outrageous thing that Denham said to Loren in the parking lot after church? I forget now. I do remember being shocked at the time. Oh, I didn't know they had such a direct line to broadcast stations everywhere.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, what was the name of that girl I met at Calvary Assembly that time in Orlando, and she was very chatty and friendly and we were talking, at lunch after church with a group of people, and then later somehow we got the idea of going to Cross Creek, which is the home of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, a famous Florida author of "The Yearling," a famous book and movie. So the two of us went to Cross Creek, where you can tour the house where the author lived and learn some interesting things about the history of Florida, and there was another historic building nearby that was a hotel or restaurant and we also went over there and were looking around, and I forget somehow we ran into the airplane people from work, they seemed friendly at the time, so that was interesting, meeting people I know from work while I am out hanging around with people from church. 

And then another time I went with her to the MGM park where we ate at that old-time restaurant that has funny old-time videos playing, and then later out in the parking lot she struck up a conversation with some unknown guy in the parking lot who I thought was a complete stranger. I did think it was odd that she was chatting away with this guy who, as far as I could tell, she had just met two minutes ago. He said that he was just going off work and on his way home. Ok, fine. Let him go home. If you meet some guy at a church there would be at least half a chance that he might be a Christian, but to just start talking to some guy in a parking lot seems a bit dangerous to me. I couldn't understand why she was so interested, how would you know whether or not he wasn't really some drug dealer? Random.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember interviewing some people who were keeping an airplane in their driveway. Did he say that he built that thing himself from a special kit? So on a clear day they can fly anywhere within a two or three hour range, it was a small plane, assuming they live on a street suitable for takeoff. I suppose that spares them some traffic jams on their weekend jaunts to various places. 

So that definitely qualifies as flight. Of course, you could also try flying lessons at your local airport, but without the plane, so expensive, why bother? Flight lessons are for people who are going to do something with that.

Friday, December 16, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, one can easily imagine that I would have no need to suck up to some horribly pathetic Vegas lounge singer, money would not be the point, given that I am a native born citizen of the United States of America.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, isn't that interesting how the Italians have a special deal where their citizenship cannot be challenged, even when we could not think to ask whether they were fascist or not, they all look the same to us. Woody who?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was interesting to learn that there was some Czech connection at our high school, you are telling me that after the fact, because, Oh, I didn't know that, no one ever mentioned anything to me about Czechs. Ok, so now that I know that, so what? There were probably other various country contacts at our high school that I did not know anything about. So? I can't know everything about everybody.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember sort of hearing that someone was telling me about how Kennedy is seeking to crown herself the Queen of Ireland and thus she is in need of some sort of Freckled Fairies to lord ir over, thus to populate her wannabe realm of a fairy tale sort. Well, good luck to you, but I do not quite see where that has anything to do with me. Ok, so I have a few freckles, but  that is apparently about as far as that can get on that point.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I often contemplate my good fortune at NOT being in any way related to this annoying Kennedy person. I would not want to ever owe anything to that. I would only want to know where do I go to have this annoying Kennedy person surgically removed from my backside.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I suppose that there is a "Popularity" machine somewhere that is not available to me, so I jsut have to get used to NOT being popular. I just don't have that sort of luck.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that while my sister was rooming with Jill and Linda, I was there visiting, and we went Christmas caroling, and also they introduced us to Martinelli's apple cider, which is admittedly delicious, and would be so even without the fancy bottle, even if you have to read the fine print to figure out that it is non-alcoholic, or else be introduced to it by someone who knows about these things. I forget what exactly Linda was saying about the apple cider, something about a family business in Northern California, maybe, I don't remember anything specific about that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am sure that Kennedy would be much better at unraveling all of these liquor issues. Personally I would not want to be bothered with their Italian wine agenda. Perhaps Kennedy could even help the Mexican drug cartel with some of her bootlegger tricks, what with all of those Mexican Tinkers on her private staff.

Monday, December 12, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that I was surprised to learn that my sister had gotten so chummy with those persons who I would prefer to avoid, but then again everyone who hates me is her friend, so that makes sense.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, didn't I quit that temporary job after one week, because they had me slaving away typing paperwork while my supervisor sits there playing my paper clips and rubber bands? Obviously they did not really need a temp anyway. But of course if you zing me with rubber bands in another way, maybe I would learn how to do that, too.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I cannot imagine anything of a personal nature that I would need to discuss with the blithering idiots of South Carolina. 

Oh, after many years of research it has been determined that one of my Dad's uncle lived in South Carolina for some time in the 1960s. Oh, I didn't know that. So what?

Ok, even so, I personally am not acquainted with South Carolina that they would have anything to say to me. Who are you?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember something about the miseries of high school. It will be quite a relief to return to my own country, where my real life begins, and these nasty vicious people can finally be left behind in the garbage dumpster. But I digress.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is possible that I might have said that my favorite color is blue, but that might not be entirely true, because at another time I might have said that my favorite color is green, so what is truth/ Is my favorite color blue or is it green? Why am I being so wishy-wahsy on this topic? Why can't I make up my mind what is my favorite color?

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I can easily see that you have plenty of Italians available to work on your Italian wine agenda. I don't feel any need to comment on this topic. You have Joan for that. You won't need me for anything, Obviously.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Which Reminds Me

\Yes, I vaguely remember during high school, overhearing my classmate Joan, who was talking excitedly to somebody else, not me, about some up-and-coming rich people in Texas, but I did not catch any names. I cannot remember any details now. It just wasn't that important, probably just some snooty arrogant snobs who are way out of my league, and are thus best avoided entirely.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I can suppose that a similar point might be made about how to translate these Banana Republic right-wing dictatorship addicts into a context of stateside Republic Party politics. Why would we want to do that? It is not so synonymous as you seem to imagine.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that someone was trying to make some point about the difficulty of trying to incorporate the Oneness Pentecostals of China with the mainstream Catholic church, which is of trinitarian theology and seems to want to dump all Pentecostals  of whichever stripe into a Oneness bucket and or dumpster, given the chaotic state of the Oneness thing, currently. so, perhaps it would seem almost an impossibility at this time to make any progress on this topic. Why should I waste my time making points that would only serve to blow my own brains out, when actually I was never a Oneness person to start with? Jesus loves me, this much I know. So?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, to summarize, probably everyone should be wary of those wicked evil backstabbing traitorous Riffle-Schmidt scam artists. They are the ones who ought to be prosecuted so that we can finally hear their jailhouse confessions, because anyway there was something tricky weird about their whole scammy dealings.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember hearing the tweets of Baeker/Bakker, both Jim and Heidi. So what are you asking? When did I ever set foot in North Central, that I would have any idea about that place? I only remember that Shari went there after she was expelled from California. And whose idea was it for me to write a thesis on the topic of Oneness theology? I decided for the non-thesis option. Just because her photo appears as a family acquaintance, that did not mean that she would have some dictatorial rule in determining anything about my life. Some of these people are really too braggadocious, they should not bother me with their cherished imaginations and unrealistic fantasy life.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I realize that some persons are eager to compose a political diatribe on the various qualities of Spanish literature, i.e. the particular books that we were studying and the authors of them and their various agendas, but anyway, this is not the time or place for that, not at the cost of my GPA.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I was a bit annoyed in Spanish class, where everything has to be done by group, hardly ever any individual projects, and so there I was stuck in a group that included Sylvia, who just wants to sit there chatting about some party last week, and I said something about how we need to work on the project now, and that got a rather nasty response from Sylvia, who thinks everyone should  just sit there miserably and listen to her talk about her social life. So that was a clue that I should scrupulously never speak to or about Sylvia ever again in this lifetime, because anyway I have no desire to start something else. I care about my grades and about learning stuff in high school mroe than I care about her rotten attitude. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I cannot help but wonder why Kenton's horrible ex-wife, I hard they are divorced now and that is about all that I know about that, somehow imagines that she is going to be running my life anytime. No, not ever. Never. Forget about it.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, we have noticed that your idiomatic bets have been accumulating, to quote a vernacular and cliched expression not suitable for use in the writing of academic papers, needless to say. But of course what would you verbal purists know about colloquialisms and figures of speech when you speak mainly a bland and tasteless form of Esperanto, which universal language has its place, of course, but you do not seem to be able to make the leap needed for hearing the lesser beings of dialect and other hackneyed verbal patterns of whatever source. Not everyone has yet attained that universal plain and/or high level of Ph.D. linguistic and language studies that might be a ticket to some other place. 

Monday, December 5, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that is the good thing about our representative form of government, because the FDA has plenty of professionally trained agents to take care of all of your product labeling and quality control issues without me the people needing to say anything more about that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that does bring up some interesting questions, such as: Where would I send an SASE to have my paperwork mailed back to me? and also, Did I forget to put in a forwarding order at the post office? and also, Why would my wicked nasty landlords from Wisconsin be stealing things out of my mailbox? Wouldn't that be illegal, to be tampering with the U.S. mail? Yes, these are interesting conundrums to ponder.

Friday, December 2, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, where is the lawyer who can help me prosecute this Martha for slander and libel? New York people are the lowest level of trash. Long ago I washed my hands of those New York Cheaters.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I does not seem necessary for me to point out that Martha has never contributed a dime to my financial accounts, so I do not see any financial connection there, that she would have any place to tell me something about that. Where is the documentation? I never saw any paperwork.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, how could I forget, one of our projects for Mr. Schaeffer's biology class was to create a hermetically sealed ecosystem in a jar. There had to be a plant to produce oxygen for the creature to live there and some other things to be considered for the elements of life to be self-sustaining within the jar, hermetically sealed by means of a screwed-on lid. So, ok, I get that point, that works for a while, certainly, and then later things start to go kaflukey, the plant or animal dies, and then eventually the ecosystem jar is abandoned for lack of interest, because anyway it was only a short-term project. 

No need to live forever in someone else's pressure cooker.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that when I was maybe four years old, before kindergarten, sometimes my family would be driving be this pretty house called "Jack and Jill" and it seemed like such a pretty house with a huge tree in the backyard and wouldn't it be fun to play there at that nursery school, but that never happened. Only many years later did I learn that white people are not admitted to these Jack and Jill nursery schools. Oh, I did not know that. Well, I don't think that you need to worry now about that ever happening.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that really was interesting, how those people despise me so much, it was weird, they way they would turn apoplectic at the sight of me, whereas I don't know much about them or am feeling very much indifferent about whatever their problem is.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that parents often tell their children, intending to encourage them not to limit their horizons, not wanting to discourage their hopes and ambitions, that they may grow up to do anything they want, even run for president someday. Of course very few girls actually want to run for president. But if that is what you really want to do, go right ahead. Don't let me stop you or get in your way. Because anyway, I reserve the right to let some things go in one ear and filter out the other, because my mama didn't raise some nitwit. So start getting used to that thought.