Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, so whatever, why should I care if some pack of haughty arrogant snobs does not like my politics, assuming that they would even know what I think about politics, especially now after having worked in the field of journalism where one often has to work alongside of persons with whom otherwise I would have no room for agreement on certain political points, but we have to agree to not talk about that. There are some who say that one should never talk about politics or religion with friends, but if you are going to declare your hostility, fine, whatever, I don't have to sit there and listen to that. I have freedom, too.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, interesting to read about how Florence Gloria Crawford in the 1920s often lectured at something called the "Universal Truth Center." Hmm... Nowadays, searching for this term online, various things appear, but where is Florence? Perhaps someone is wondering, inquiring minds want to know why we had never heard of her. And if I had never heard of the Universal Truth Center, does that make me a liar/ How can I be embarrassed of not knowing that something existed?

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, interesting how I have read so many books in my life, and yet some of them are not worth recalling to mind. Needless to say. At one time I had thought to write a book myself, but somehow this mess thrown upon me does not lend itself to a coherent narrative at this time, so I have not written a book as yet. If I decide to write a book someday, you probably would not read it anyway so there seems to be no reason for my book to exist.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, how nice that American swimmer Tracy Caulkins won various Olympic gold medals and world domination during her illustrious swimming career. Even so, how many times do I have to explain that we are actually not related to her. There is not "u" in my surname, needless to say.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I suppose that in a way the Olympic games may be an orderly way of venting that competitive urge of certain persons that otherwise might overflow into acts of vandalism and wartime atrocities, although even so, actually two world wars have occurred in the interval since their reestablishment in modern times to the present, not to mention various other armed conflicts. For those motivated to achieve Olympic glory, certainly the participation in Olympic games and the awards may open new avenues of opportunity for personal and professional gain, although I am not one of them. This narrative about my Olympic participation is a mere fiction. I never had any illusions in that regard. My

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that someone was making me feel guilty about being too patriotic and boastful of my own country and boasting that my own country is the greatest, even though actually it was my mother who said that, and she was not talking to you, that was not for your ears. I had not thought of saying that at the time that I was berated for supposedly saying that. So that makes me sort of conflicted about what to say about my own country to persons who live in a different country and that is the best they can do at the moment in terms of native country, so do we need to rub their noses in it? Can't we just be gracious without having to argue about who is the greatest country on the planet? Life is more complicated than that.

Monday, June 28, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is mystifying to ponder why everyone is so focused on the opinions of whacko leftist Libby, not that I would remember anything that she ever said, it is only this excessive number of Libby jokes that tends to make one think that perhaps there would be some serious reason to speculate on her party leanings of the leftist variety, not that I would care about the reality of that, given the communication difficulties of high school adolescence. Did she not spend her four years of high school frolicking ion the dance floor and smoking in the girls' bathroom and other such pastimes of no interest to me? So whatever.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, interesting how the Swedish group ABBA likes to portray the blond and redhead singers as a pair, and yet if you really look carefully you will notice that the redhead is really dyed, not a natural, so what would they know about reality of trying to get along with those prickly pears?

Friday, June 25, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, how clever of you to realign yourself in cahoots with the murderous thugs of Japan, now that World War Ii is fast receding into ancient history. Who dares bring to mind the evils perpetrated by the Japanese armies during their invasion of the Chinese mainland, when obviously it is hard to say now which of those countries was really our enemy during that war or still might be harboring negative sentiments toward Americans who were trying to clean up the mess. I don't understand what happened or why I should be expected to comment when obviously are matters of highest diplomacy. It would not be my place to say.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that my senior year of high school I was taking the journalism/ school paper class and did a term paper about photojournalism, to which was attached a sample photo essay, of a woman having a baby. mainly because that was one of the few things readily at hand on the shelf of magazines available to be cut up and disposed of in such a way, not because of any medical presence on my part. When the teacher returned our graded papers, I seem to remember that Tony snatched it out of my hands because he was curious and got the shock of his life. Sorry about that, but it was only term paper.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that the Bells and the Reeses were the Southern Baptists or Baptists among us, whereas we were not the Baptists. But these distinctions sometimes get a little blurry, especially when other people are interposing other irrelevant points. 

Yes, one can easily imagine that the Bells and Reeses might have had their differences, and yet I would not be able to explain anything about that in any way. What would I know about their financial issues? Nothing actually. And I could say something similar about the Whitakers. Don't be asking me questions about those blondies who were completely out of touch with reality as far as I was concerned. We were not them.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I could not but help notice that you are mostly a clone of the Bells. Even so, it has been quite long time now since I cared to explain about their opinions, because I am not planning to parrot any movie lines at this time. Interesting how some other people get away with murder in that regard. Sometimes these movie lines are not what they seem at first glance.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, thanks for sparing me the ordeal of trying to negotiate with the little Bueno brats, who love their peasant maid Rosita almost better than their own white mother. To trying to dialogue with them on this point with little who are trying to paint us as the ugly stepsisters, and slam white girl, would obviously be a useless exercise in futility, needless to say.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I have noticed the medical schematic that is overshadowing many other points, although I really don't understand what you are saying, so you think that being a medical doctor makes you the king of the universe, or else someone threw you to the Dr. King bucket, or something. I had not chosen a medical profession for myself, and yet I do not want to seem ungrateful for the many contributions provided to us by those working in the medical profession and the amazing discoveries of medical research. Thanks for checking my blood pressure. And also the various vaccines that have been injected into my body, thus eliminating the risk of smallpox and also that disease that comes from being punctured by rusty nails and maybe a few other things. I cannot think of anything else to say about that. Yes, the benefits of health improvement generally thought to compensate for the discomforts of having to visit the chilly and freezing doctor's office.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I understand that when I sit there quietly not saying anything, some busybody persons are quick to paint all sorts of fanciful imaginations about what I might be thinking or what I might have said, even though actually I don't remember anything about that. It probably wasn't me. I never had any gun. If there were some piece of information I had forgotten to submit, certainly I would have found some occasion to present it to the public by this time, but actually there was nothing. There was only the dictionary, which at that time did not contain any explanatory not about Chilean slang. Sorry, but I don't understand why you think that I am not cooperating.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, another interesting puzzle is to explain why this horrid Faulkner is all worked up into a self-righteous snit over some imaginary event that never happened, the work perhaps of some unknown confectioner's blending of various ingredients most of which were unknown to me. I cannot apologize for something that never happened, needless to say.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, in my readings recently, yesterday to be precise, I have learned that Florence G. Crawford of Portland, Oregon, is often confused for Florence L. Crawford, also of Portland, Oregon. If one assumes that the G stands for Gloria, there is a question of whether the L stands for Lititia. It is not clear. But, hmmmm.... coincidentally or interestingly, I am suddenly reminded that Letitia was the name of our seamstress in El Salvador, although I am not quire sure what that has to do with the price of tea in China. And what would I know about the social milieu of Oregon versus that of Washington state? Nothing actually.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that someone was trying to throw me to Margaret Sanger, although I cannot imagine why. I only know what I read myself in history books. I don't know much about it.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, speaking of this suggestion that I should sue somebody, everybody, whoever, for what I am not quite sure, it wasn't clear, but maybe they know something that I don't know about that, and yet, even so, was it not the wife of Job who advised her own husband to curse and die? So who am I to say what the government was thinking when they were engineering this mess, or else maybe they know better than we do how to unravel the whole thing if we, or rather certain loudmouths, would shut up and give them a chance to explain whatever about that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that during the biology field trip at college, there were two vans in which the students rode, myself riding in one van, and in the other Cori and her gang of cliquey snobs who are persons of no interest to me, I don't really care about them anymore, they really were nothing important, only Marty Robertson and the Brooks twins and few other boring snobs of the ingrown variety. None of them would be invited to be on my board, if I should ever have one, but of course I do not want a board. Who was trying to foist that nonprofit scam on me? I would rather kill myself than socialize further with those riff-raff.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I really would not mind paying taxes if I had the income enough to pay them. Proportionally speaking, perhaps if I could pay more taxes that could only represent an improvement in my level of income, probably, of which, whatever the amount, I am the sole proprietor, not the barefoot variety. But someone had wanted to make this a nonprofit game for me, even though I cannot understand why. I cannot imagine myself ever wanting to set up a nonprofit organization, thus enabling myself to receive donations that would oblige me to take up some other boring cause of no particular interest to me, a slave to the whims of whatever five board members. No, clearly the nonprofit game could only be a nuisance and a bother to me, so it is puzzling to ponder the question of why I would ever do that. I am just saying, why bother with that. I could just get a job and work. That would be another option.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is sad to say that I could not, even if I wanted to, which I do not, take the fall for those vicious, nasty brats. It doesn't really matter what uppity-up games you play with the maid trying to keep this holding test pattern of gray snow or target picture on your TV set. It just won't work because there never was anything to it but a dictionary. Eventually you will have to face the fact that you forgot to look it up in the dictionary.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Which Reminds Me


Yes, I remember when reading the diaries of my great-grandmother, that she mentions going out to dinner with Tommy Anderson and his wife Hannah. Of course that was in maybe the 1940s, they had been friends and co-workers in China and also later Hawaii, before the big church splits. Even so, I had never heard of the Andersons until I had read the diaries. I never would have thought of that if not for all that commotion that was stirred up.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I understand that when I get to heaven, all of these books won't really matter so much, there will be so many other things to learn about that I cannot imagine right now. But meanwhile, not to get ahead of ourselves, we must continue slogging through the swamp lands of this earthly life in the chronological order that we are given.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, all of this lousy gallows humor really grates on my nerves. I actually never had much thought of these party mannequins.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am really not interested in dialoguing with some politician who only serves the liquor industry, not really the people, or at least not me. I do not vote in Texas anyway so it is really not my problem what they do with the land of Texas. Even I did own the land there, which I don't, I might not want to be bothered with having to discuss the growing of vineyards and the wet or dry laws of the various counties there. I would be fine with dry laws, if that is what they want. Whatever. However, I really don't foresee myself ever needing to comment on such a topic. It just wouldn't be worth it to entangle myself in political issues of no interest to me.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I sort of vaguely remember how the pathetically stupid illiterate Sanchez dumpy dogs like to flatter themselves at the expense of white girls such as myself, which I can simply shrug off as one of the crosscultural disconnents that are inevitable in this fractured cultural cornucopia, but when they are messing with my personal life and livelihood so rudely, I suppose that at some point you would expect me to get riled up and do something to make them shut up. Like what?How would I do that?

I object to my reading habits being characterized in that way by those annoyingly illiterate riff-raff, but I seem to be powerless to do anything about that. That wasn't how it happened, but I don't remember very many details, that I would be able to tell the story of the book-burning in any coherent way. My parents might remember something about that since they helped to supervise the book-burning, but I was already at another school by that time so I have mostly forgotten what little I glimpsed of the mysterious closet full of books that we were not allowed to read, so obviously I did not see much of that. Dawn would remember more about that because she had more access than I did to the closet. I do remember that there were some damaged books with holes bored directly through them, because apparently there really is such a creature as a bookworm.

Yes, I can totally see why the Sanchez dumpy dogs would not be allowed access to the book closet, given their inability to correctly process information. They are simple minded critters. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I was surprised to hear online the idiotic rantings of foul-mouthed Judy. I seriously doubt that Judy could speak Swedish so fluently, so I sort of doubt that any enlightening information could be provided by them, whatever their blood type may be, given that I never had any discussion of any of this with Judy, that Judy would have any place to be lecturing me on Swedish vocabulary. And for what do I need Swedish vocabulary? I don't have much connection to that. I would be at a complete loss to figure any use for the idiotic rantings of Judy.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, what can I do with this useless lump of coal? It's worthless to me, it's not what I wanted, but it is the only thing I got. To be cruelly loaded with this pile of garbage seems too much for one person to bear, and yet it is the only thing that I have to give. Is not a small penny worth more than a huge fortune when it is given with the heart?

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, amazing how they call it these "Grand Old Party" talkers never pay a dime to cover my expenses for all of these ridiculous errands they are expecting me to run, only by intimidation and threats do they motivate me to lift a little finger, they are expectant of my all for their nothing much. So why am I bothering with those whiners? Perhaps I must rethink this matter of party loyalties. An independent stances puts me above the fray where I can look down my nose at those party poopers.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it has been a while since I worked in an office requiring frequent use of the fax machine. In the early days of its existence the fax machine was quite a novelty, people would play jokes with fax machines and sometimes ads would appear there, gobbling up paper unwarrantedly. However, nowadays the fax machine is a rather mundane tool of a workday routine, not something that draws so much attention to itself. There is no reason to go out of our way to promote the fax machine when its usefulness speaks for itself.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember there was a person in our college named Karen Ha, who was married to some guy named John. I do not remember very much about them, so rarely did I ever see them, although I do remember that she was in some of my classes. Why do these Oriental people have no problem blending into the wallpaper? Why can't I, too, blend into the wallpaper like everybody else? These questions that I cannot answer.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, every once in a while the thought crosses my mind that someone was fired, but given that no facts are attached to this point (such as: Who, When, Where, How, By Whom, Why), the thought soon goes on through my brain and out the other ear and then I have quite soon forgotten why I should care about that apparently unimportant and irrelevant factoid.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am so NOT interested in participating in your Dallas joke about J.R. and Miss Ellie and the Ewing clan. I never watched the TV show in the first place, so obviously I would be at a complete loss for clues in that game.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, this Rivera yappy dog makes an amazingly loud amount of noise given the almost complete lack of brain cells in his empty head. Was he the idiot cousin of Sandra? I don't understand why I should care about their idiotic rantings.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, this is very awkward, finding myself thrown to the horrid Gallows family, and expected to hang with the worthless Bush riff-raff. How do I politely say that I could not care less about them and tell them to vamoose or shoo or shoot yourself or find some kinder way of throwing them off my back? To put it mildly, I am not fond of them.

Friday, June 11, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am not feeling particularly guilty about striking out at hardball, when anyway, who cares about your lousy pitching, I had not grown accustomed to your curve ball, how is that in the sluggable zone when it drops too low or sideways by the time it reaches the home plate, and besides I had no problem slugging the softball into the outer limits. So I really do not much care about that. No great loss to not qualify for your team of stupid hardball witches.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am confused about why I should care about your dreary Italian whner money. You should have pasted a big sign on your forehead "Spirits of Liquor" so that we know upfront what we are dealing with, so that we can then explain that we have no need of your money, and your lost money is not what makes the world go round, needless to say.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is mystifying to ponder how I would be able to confess to various tricks that were played on me behind my back unawares to me. I can't feel guilty about that when I don't know one thing about it. 

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguly remember reading a story or article about a boy who had challenged his science teacher in the classroom on the topic of evolution, but I myself never did that. I thought about it momentarily but I never would actually do that, probably because it wouldn't seem the right attittude when I am not very advanced in the area of scientific knowledge. I would seem unruly. But it was only a story that I read that I was talking about. Who knows if anyone ever really did that or whether it was only fiction. 

So the gap theory works for me. There are gaps of knowledge that we are not given in the Bible, but it does give a framework for how to think about that, the seven days of creation, however long a day that really means is not clear, in relation to our faith in God who has all that in control so that makes us only the created beings working on our assignments.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, but of course there would be a Stars and Stripes U.S. flag waving there at the United States embassy in San Salvador, where I went to apply for and got my Social Security card. Where else would I get that if not for the United States embassy? So much easier to apply to colleges with an S.S. number to my name.  So obviously there is nothing wrong with having a U.S. embassy nearby when you need them, even if we are not exactly employees of the foreign service in the governmental meaning of the term. 

Coincidentally, one day while working in California, a Mexican person took note ot my Social Security number and commented that he had the same prefix, and that his number had been obtained from a U.S. embassy in Mexico. Oh, well, that was an interesting point that I had never thought of before. And even so, so what? Clearly my birthplace being in California, I am a native born U.S. citizen, never mind about the little glitchy S.S. point.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that during our first term living in El Salvador, we had to leave the country every three months and return again to have our tourist visa renewed. The second term we had a different residency visa so we did not have to do that the second term. Usually we would drive the three or four hours to Guatemala and we stayed at a hotel in Guatemala City, and one day there at the nice hotel that I forget the name of, one day, I do not remember if lunch or dinner, there was a blind man there in the dining room playing the piano and singing. He was quite good, amazing how blind people can play the piano so well even while not seeing the keyboard. Years later I was wondering if that was someone of a famous name that everyone would know, but I really did not remember anyone saying what his name was, so I suppose we will just never know.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I seem to remember that my job is NOT of a political nature, and that I am NOT an employee of the Bush family and/or Republican party, that I should be expected to run some type of campaign on the behalf of whatever political persons who are not my problem. My primary job is to take care of my parents, who are now very elderly and sometimes wander around on strange errands that I don't understand. I do not recall myself being a slave property of the party sippers, that there would be some reason for me to fell myself compelled to do what is obviously not in my best interests.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember hearing that Libby, a high school classmate, is now married to Puerto Rico. Even so, I do not know one thing about Libby and her obsession with Puerto Rico, nor do I care to hear more about that. Puerto Rico is a territorial limbo of which I understand almost nothing, nor do I have the energies of fifty years of time for the brain surgery in that regard. How did all these Puerto Rican people get my name and address? I am not interested in hearing from them.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, come to think of it, I do not recall Miss Pill ever being my teacher directly. The one year that she was there, while I was still in eighth grade, she was teaching the younger students of grades 1-4. I heard that the next year that was flipped and she taught the upper grades and also Dawn, who was doing 9th grade by correspondence, but I was gone by then. I do not remember Miss Pill having anything to say to me given that by that time I was doing ninth grade at a different school and so, yes, I am withdrawing my presence from them, given that they cannot seem to remember who I was anyway.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I have grown weary of these little gimmicks that people are setting up for me behind my back and I am no longer available to be kicked around in that way. I was formerly naive about allowing myself to be thrown around, but they never make any sense. Anyway, I did call and had my name removed from their lists, but maybe they forgot something.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember that our little school for missionary kids was organized by a combination of missionary families from various mission programs. At that time, the school building was located on AG property, although it later moved elsewhere, but at that time it was on AG property and one teacher was provided by the AG and the other by another missions group, usually the Plymouth Brethren, which is a very exclusivist group with various legalistic rules. I could explain about them, but anyway. no one wants to hear about that from me.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that Miss Pill from Louisiana was living there for a couple of years as a teacher at the little school, although I had no idea, cannot speculate of what her wretched living conditions might have been, she being forced to find room and board with whatever one of the native families, I never heard anything about that. They nicknamed her Miss "Pill" although her name was really the Greek Pilarinos, because of the puzzling dilemmas she was creating with her remarks. She loudly said that she felt like a fifth wheel, which, I can't really say too much about, perhaps her expectations were too much to handle, because anyway she was only a schoolteacher, not really running the mission program.

Monday, June 7, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I forgot, if only I had, during my high school years, attended the Union Church located there not far from my high school, then I probably would not now be having all these problems getting myself recognized as a U.S. citizen. But I was only a high school student and I have to go where my parents tell me to go, or take me in the car that I do not know how to drive, and obviously, my parents working with the Assemblies of God churches there in the country, we are going to be attending an AG church, not the generic Union Church so celebrated by certain families, I know who you are, but it just didn't matter at the time. It could have been interesting to attend some functions at the Union Church but I do not remember anyone telling me anything about that or inviting me, so why now this sudden knee-jerk attempt to pretend that was ever a rule. So just because I did not attend the Union Church, that did not necessarily make me a Catholic either. Obviously some people were confused, but I really don't have time for conducting all of this brain surgery.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I have noticed that he thinks it quite funny and amusing to pitch a staged battle between Blondie and Redhead, and to sit back and laugh watching the two white girls fighting each other like cats and dogs, and certainly Blondie is clueless enough to fall for that trick but I am way beyond that nonsense. To impassively and dispassionately step aside is the better solution, but it would work better if both sides were cooperating, but anyway it doesn't matter anyway, the dreary end is the same so why waste my energies on a useless battle that I can't win. Better to impassively and dispassionately step aside because I have other more important things in mind than performing in your little circus.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is true that I do not quite understand what you are expecting me to pay for, especially when you are so intent on separating me from money in the sense of any way to earn it. I cannot be expected to pay when I am not allowed access to the means of paying. Needless to say. And for what?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, one can imagine it would be sort of fun to have the opportunity of kicking those stupid Canal broomsticks to the curb, if eye exchanges were the prevailing law, but of course that would not the principle upon which to build the kingdom of our Lord and Savior, needless to say. The law of love was supposed to prevail over the politicking bitterness of the dreary Canal bimbos. Yes, it almost would beenough to make one want to turn to the Democrat party to help kick those Canal blondie butts to the curb, but then that would not necessarily make any sense either. So what if the snooty Canal bimbos get a special deal? I actually congratulate myself on avoiding them, really. I don't need their bitter blondie Canal rants to know that the sun comes up every morning anyway, life goes on. Whatever.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that  you secreted this pack of poison into my brain, and were expecting me to do something about that. Perhaps you wanted to see what I might say about that, even though I really had not much idea of all that. And even so, so what? What was it that you were expecting me to do? What could I possibly do to change the inevitable tide of woe and misfortune that is to overwhelm the world in the end times, as per Bible prophecies? There are those who obsess on these topics of prophecy, and I have read the requisite books and seen some things said on TV, but, fine, whatever. That should not be my primary concern in this my short lifetime. Needless to say.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Whcih Reminds Me

Yes, it is puzzling to ponder why you would imagine myself linked forever to one of these mindless parrots, always putting As where they don't belong, in other words, the Spanish equivalent of F-bomb idiot. There was nothing special about that, having looked in the dictionary to find out the meaning of a string of various odd-sounding words that I heard. Oh!

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am somewhat insulated that you would suggest or insinuate that I should sell my body to medical science to serve as guinea pig in exchange for financial benefits and/or money. That would make me a sort of hooker, which of course I am NOT. So obviously I am not going to go there. I have no need of socializing with those boring guinea pig people. I could not care less about what type of vegetable or animal they are growing in their backyard. Not my problem I don't want to know. Better for me not to know anything about that.