Monday, September 17, 2018

Which Reminds Me

I am not theoretically or in principle averse to the idea of contributing offerings and money to various programs of social and philanthropic benefit to the poor and needy, assuming that I had the money available to do that. However, such is not the case at the present moment, and unless and until the money is available and controlled by me, myself and I, I will continue to look upon such programs in an abstract and theoretical way as good for rich people who have nothing else to do with all of that surplus money, but which may or may not find a place on my list of priorities depending on when and if any surplus money should ever become available for me to make such decisions for myself absent any sort of legalistic pressure from the many and variegated parachurch organizations continually pressuring the public to assist with needs that certainly are legitimate but which also must be weighed in the balance with pressures and requests from local churches, rescue missions, and other sociological organizations locally, all being of merit and deserving being assisted by a portion of the money derived from the mandate of the 10 percent tithe, which is not a very large number when the income is almost non-existent. Which perhaps contributes to impression that parachurch groups only care about rich people.