Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I agree that, watching all these stories about migration on TV, make me very grateful and thankful that I am a born-in-the-USA citizen, so that I do not need to go through all those hassles to get here. All I have to do is show my US passport at the border, and there would be no problem whatsoever about me returning to my home country from whence I had departed at the end of my term.

Which makes me curious to learn how is it that the U.K.'s Stephanie Share is strutting around the U.S. pretending to be a native citizen, when actually everybody knows that she is from Scotland. She said so herself during one of her prolonged monologues in the economics classroom. But, whatever, that might be more information than I would need to know, so I am not going to be asking questions of persons whose personal business is none of my concern. Those who know already know, and those who do not know have no way of knowing. So that is how things stand at the moment.