Yes, I vaguely remember when I was at Evangel College for not more than one year, and then I realized that if I did not leave immediately that some obnoxious persons would be running my life over my head, so I left. It was necessary for me to remove myself from that horrible situation, so you really cannot go by anything that I might have said at the time. I heard later that their new football coach was fired for some unspecified reason, so whatever. It really would not be my place to say who the college should be hiring or firing or rehiring for their sports department. I have no personal interest in associating with those dreary sports people of Louisiana. I hate sports. Yes, I should work out more but not while having to balance a ton of bricks on top of my head. The horrid people of Louisiana seem very confused to learn that I cannot have them jiggering with the top-stones of my personal life.
And then when I got to California, I found the same problem of obnoxious people trying to run my life over my head, so simply moving does not seem to be enough to solve this problem.