Yes, I vaguely remember many years ago watching a TV program that depicted Mexicans trying to sneak across the border somewhere near Tijuana, and they were talking about how afraid and terrified they were of being caught by the "migra," which is the abbreviated term that they use to mean the border patrol.
And of course if I were to see those people at the grocery store or somewhere, how would I know what they were, whether legal or not? They all look the same to me, all with straight black hair and dark eyes and brown skin. They might be long-term U.S. citizens, or they might be somewhere in the stages of naturalization, which can take several years, or have just a green card or other more dubious paperwork. How would I know?
But I do remember back in the late 1970s or 1980s, when that bumper sticker was very popular in South Florida, which said something to the effect of will the last American leaving South Florida take the flag. The humor has gone stale this many years, because, although South Florida has changed drastically, I have yet to hear of anyone seriously suggesting that the flag be removed from South Florida. It was only a joke, a certain type of joke that sounds sort of antiquated at this point. How would you pledge allegiance to the flag if that were taken seriously? No, that was only a joke.
And, incidentally, we already had this conversation several times over about how I do not wear cross jewelry, because I am a Protestant, and I think that would send mixed signals. But of course if I did wear that, I suppose that it could be useful if I were needing to put some evil vampire back in his place, but of course hopefully I will not need to do that. I hope not.