Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember years ago hearing that someone, I forget who, was wanting to make a point about the dilemma of what to do with all of these discarded ex-wives, now that their polygamist husbands have converted to Christianity and/or monogamous practices of Western Civilization. Apparently that is quite a problem in India and some other parts of Asia where the native religions do not strictly prohibit bigamy and/or polygamy. If they are persuaded to come out as Christians, they may decide to keep only one wife and discard the other women or dismiss them from marital duties. Yes, I vaguely remember hearing that someone was saying something about that, but I do not quite see what that would have to do with me. I probably won't lose.much sleep at night worrying about a matter that is not directly my concern. I am not particularly worried about that now, knowing that certain persons seem to be locked away in mental hospitals already, so there is nothing that I would need to say about that. I would not want to discourage the faith of persons who might be choosing to do or not do the right thing.