Sunday, February 2, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I hear you badgering me but I cannot understand why I am being harassed by the dreary bores of Teen Challenge. What are you wanting to hear? What's the matter, don't you have ears to hear? Or did your parents forget to pay the tuition bill so you cannot just barge into the classroom of someone else's private school and figure out something about that. You could get arrested for trying to do that. I can sort of imagine that you are perhaps finding it difficult to get much useful information out of spitfire Patty, but even so, it just wasn't that important. What is your problem?

I vaguely remember the existence of Anita Stone, her picture appears in the high school yearbook, but beyond that I really have no interest in offering any further gossipy tidbits on the subject of Anita.

Interesting that you are so afraid of gossip, and yet the fact that you somehow got my name and phone number shows that you yourself have probably indulged in your fair share of gossip. Needless to say.