Monday, February 10, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that during high school, Alfredo, who is Jewish obviously, gave an interesting oral report about the Jewish search for the race of high priests, which if they ever reinstitute the animal sacrifices of the ancient temple worship at Jerusalem, would be playing an important role there. Of course, with every phone book so packed full of Cohens, thought to be the descendants of Aaron, they will certainly have an ample supply of priests. No reason to think that they would need us for any of that.

Coincidentally, my great-grandfather Barth, my grandmother's father, was firstly a butcher by trade, a profession that was passed from father to son since medieval times, probably. I also read somewhere about the prejudices against butchers, how they were anciently denigrated with the racial slur of "Amalekites," even though there is no evidence that we were ever racially such. In fact, doesn't the Bible say that the actual Amalekites were annihilated and/or exterminated in ancient times? Thus, I really do not see how that has anything to do with us. Needless to say.