Sunday, October 18, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, hmmm.... I am starting to remember something. Was I having a nightmare or did someone actually tell me that one of our classmates from our Christian college is now married into some bizarre family of horrible 1960s rock star riff-raff of Mamas and Papas connection? How would I ever verify this point? I never talk to them, they are not really AG, you do not have to be AG to attend our college, and I do remember that she was not AG, although I did not remember what she was, she performed at some other type of church somewhere near the beach maybe, but if you say that she was Dutch Reformed, fine, whatever, she might have had some things going on there also, I really don't know anything about that, haven't seen her since college days, not sure you would be the person to tell what little I know about her, which is not very much, when it is not clear why you are asking, and you obviously do not know anything yourself, being only a knee-jerk reactionary idiot out of touch with reality. Why are you not doing time for the killing of Sharon Tate? Where did that come from? These are complicated topics to be discussing with rock star idiots.