Thursday, November 16, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember the story of when I was 3 or 4 years old, and I am told that I tried to topple my cousin from her seat on the rocking horse, even though I forget this, but they often say that I did that as proof of my being a bully. 

That said, you might actually get more information about family history out of them, because they might remember other things that I actually do not remember if I ever knew anything about that.

Even so, I fail so to see why this should be of any concern to some Italian sports bully in high school who, as far as I can tell, is not acquainted, or at least should not be acquainted with my cousins or aunts or uncles, who are nothing toyou. Why should this dreary sports dog be all riled up against me starting from the first day of high school? Now that I am home in the U.S., why cannot I drop them off in some Italian garbage dumpster? I will not need them for anything. I am not related to them.