Thursday, September 19, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that in maybe 1993, while my job was to cover Boca Raton politics, I remember that the town gadfly was talking to me about his resume, which included being shot at by enemy guns over Vietnam, and also he had some involvement in the Conch Republic which I completely forget. But that is a long running joke that has been going on down there for many years, not really a new thing.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember reading on the Internet something about that African tribe which is a polygamous society, and it says that the men have several wives, and each wife has her own house where she lives with her own children. So I suppose, by some twisted logic, that means that the Old Maid, assuming there were any in such a society, would have no house of her own, because she has no husband to make such arrangements for her. So, Ok, fine. I do not like to be forced to think that much about Mormons and other such polygamous societies. I do not want their sickness. They will never be able to live without the clear conscience that we may have. 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I can easily suppose that if I were a space-walking astronaut, that I might want to make sure that my lifeline remains connected to Houston control center, even when I have no idea of the private domestic arrangements and Indian affairs of Sam Houston, or for that matter the radar technicians on the ground in their off-hours, or whatever technology might be required to actually do that. Needless to say.  

But, of course, at the moment I am not a space-walking astronaut so there is no reason for me to think about that.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, and if I were working for a newspaper, and my boss told me to go interview some important person for a story, would there be some reason for me not to do that, to suddenly refuse to do the routine things that are part of the job and hierarchical structure of the office? It just did not matter that much at the time. It was just a job anyway, even if my supervisor was Mr. Houston, which name upon reviewing the family history book, makes me wonder if he were somehow related to Sam Houston, the Texas governor who was not on particularly friendly terms with my great-great-grandfather, a newspaper editor in Texas in the mid-19th century. But whatever. I am not very close to that part of family history, I only read something in a book. Maybe George wanted to stir up some archival controversy, but it really was not that important that I should to go there and rifle through the Texas state archives looking for who knows what piece of whatever. 

Yes, I heard George online yapping about the rhetoric of the 19th century newspaper man, but anyway, whatever, this is the 21st century and George is dead now, so it just was not that important. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do not like the way Sherry was throwing my name around back there, as if we were ever acquainted. Well, does junior high camp at age 12 count for anything? Not much, it would seem. I heard online that she was boasting of having snatched away the Kauffman, as if I ever knew those people existed until years later. So whatever. There seems to be an imaginary Candi who existed only in the sick imagination of Sherry.

That was nice of North Central to give Sherry a second chance, after she was expelled from our college. 

Even so, I have no need of her insider knowledge of PTL, acquired from being a North Central alumni. What I read in newspapers or saw on TV is enough for me to steer clear of that. Why does Sherry want to drag me into all of her problems? She seems to have fallen off my acquaintance list long ago.

There was a time when I was having to explain over and over again that I never had any connection to PTL, that I never went to Charlotte, North Carolina, that I have no special knowledge of that, blah blah blah! Ditto to Baton Rouge. Blah blah blah!



Thursday, September 12, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, interesting to see how he chews on that fracking bone that I threw out the window. Makes you wonder if he will just knee-jerk contradict whatever I say, whatever I might say being of no importance other than to be contradicted automatically. What an idiot! Has he no ability to actually think through any of these complicated issues? Why should I waste my breath on that machinery? 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, there is a question, for what would I need the filthy dirty money of the wicked Shcmiffle family? Why has no one yet charged the Schmiffle family with harassment and abuse?

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, personally, I would prefer the Ruffles potato chip brand, whenever I would enjoy a snack of chips and dip. I see no reason to take from that other Riff-Raff, whoever those people are was not very clear. Nobody I would remember. I tend to get very annoyed when people tell me what I am thinking, especially when actually not. That might have been the farthest thing from my mind, but anyway, if I were to become a criminal prosecutor then I would have to think about Crime and Punishment all of the time, and what a gloomy and depressing life that would be, yet another book that I never actually read.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember hearing online that Kathy felt like she was bullied during high school. If so, probably by someone else not me, maybe her best friend Cruz. I felt that she was bullying me, not the other way around, so I cannot imagine what she would have been talking about.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, how is it that people have not yet learned to ignore or at least not to take so seriously the chatterings of Dauna and Terry. They may find it more and more difficult to gather new information for their cases, now that everyone is onto their back-stabbing tricks and trying to avoid them. Amazing how some impudent persons never seem to get arrested for talking about attempted slave trading, but whatever. Do we have to wait until they set up an actual slave market before some laws can be enacted to make them shut up. Nothing to see there. It is just all in their heads. Needless to say.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, interesting that we have no connection whatsoever to the Seventh Day Adventists, whom we tend to think are not really Christians as we would define it, and yet during my first year at SCC, our choir director took us to see a concert of a visiting choir at a nearby Adventist church, and the concert was a lovely Christmas concert full of carols and Christmas songs, so I really cannot say anything about that, even though I would never attend an Adventist church. Someone was trying to stir up some discussion on this point, but I really do not see why you would want to coerce me into going to the Adventist cult. I just do not see the point of all this drama.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, if only I had taken my advanced degree in linguistics, then I might be much better equipped to sort through all of these languages and dialects and other linguistical issues, thus to maybe understand or be on the right road to understanding what are they talking about. Yes, I agree that linguistics would be an interesting field of study for future reference. I think that I would need at least a Ph.D. to be worthy of speaking on such a topic with any modicum of authority. Then I would be almost overqualified, not merely a self-taught jumble, to say something about that. But as matters stand, I would not consider myself an authority able to pontificate on these obscure points of dialogue than I had not foreseen.    

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that there was a time during high school when Carmen was voted class president, and Patricia Cruz tried to stage a coup at the elections but somehow not enough people joined her cause, or was that Kathy's cause, or was Kathy trying to help Cruz, I forget this type of detail, I just didn't care that much about class elections. So that makes me wonder, are they trying to punish me for not joining the Cruz coup or am I being attacked by Carmen, as if I should belong eternally to her cadre of clueless barefoot nuns of the Carmelite order? I am confused about that. Clearly, whoever concocted this mess is a stranger who has no place in my life. I am so glad to be free and/or rid of the miseries of high school, wherever that high school was located is not the point. High school has its place in the past, but then it recedes into the rear-view mirror and does not deserve that much attention later. 

I think that I have reached a point where I can easily self-isolate without so me obnoxious people looking over my shoulder. I will be just fine without them, either one of them. 

I heard online maybe Cruz saying that she wants to carry on her Banana Republic agenda here in the U.S., which may seem a scary thought, whatever that meant.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that puts me in an interesting dilemma, given that Lee is my mother's dear friend, who does things over my head. How would I legally go about undoing their nonsense, given that murder is not a feasible and/or legal option?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember hearing people yapping about some mysterious "lot," located possibly somewhere in Ohio, or is it in California? I could not care less about your silly "lot." What is wrong with those "lot" idiots?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it has occurred to me that some persons might not be aware that the email address on my Facebook account is the same as that for Paypal. So theoretically speaking you could send money donations directly to, if you want to, although I am not set up as a 501c3 nonprofit so cannot offer any tax benefits for doing so. Get thee to a nunnery, says Cuban weirdo, but that would seem merely a deceit when I was raised a Protestant. The Old Maid card does not work that way in Protestandom. It is not like you have to donate to my mysterious cause, but it does seem so unfair that I would have to spend decades reeducating people who do not speak the Chilean dialect, when I do not know anything about that myself.     

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember at college I once had a conversation with Hart, who seemed to be completely out of touch with reality, although specifics were in short supply, I really do not need his "help" behind my back, thanks anyway.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, at least those guys try to be friendly, they will occasionally overwhelm us with their speeches about how they may invite us to dinner someday, which never actually happens, so after a while that sort of grates on the nerves. I have other things on my mind than flattering those guys' frail egos.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember that it was only by reading the diaries of great-grandmother that I learned of a possible South Caroline connection: my Dad's Uncle Ben and their family lived in that state for some time in maybe the 1960s. Oh, I didn't know that. That was nice of them to loan me the diaries so that I could notice some interesting things about that, and even so, I still have no idea why I should care at all about the blitherings of South Caroline.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was sort of annoying, when Terry said that I was his 'heifer' I assumed that he was making some sick joke as usual. (Hosea 4:16)

Yes, I suppose that the future might be a bit lonely for Terry in future. After killing so many people, he will just be there all alone to represent he and himself and nobody else, or at least not me. I just won't be there later. 

Monday, September 2, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is always a bit surprising to find those clever minions contracting over my head unbeknownst to me. And if that does not work out the way that they were expecting, well, tough. That's just tough!

Which Reminds Me

Yes, interestingly, Brenda was married to Doug Hunt, who, whether he were related or not to our Hunt cousins I really would have no idea, I never thought to ask at the time, and to go back later and ask such a trivial question would seem a bit overwrought. I was not very much aware of the Hunt cousins back in those days, I suppose that they would have other networks of which I am not aware. I suppose their family would be all grown up and flown the nest by now.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, speaking of co-workers, maybe y'all people could say Hi to Brenda for me. I have not thought to call her for many years now. She was my co-worker in Central Florida for about a year and a half. Brenda was such a nice person, able to talk prolifically to anyone, knows everybody and everybody's business. Sometimes God puts persons into your life for just the right time, and then later you might remember that you were glad to have such a nice co-worker at the time, but life takes us down different pathways, and we cannot get back to that place later. I do remember that she was originally from North Carolina, but anyway, I do not when I would ever have occasion to get back to Poke City.