Friday, September 13, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, and if I were working for a newspaper, and my boss told me to go interview some important person for a story, would there be some reason for me not to do that, to suddenly refuse to do the routine things that are part of the job and hierarchical structure of the office? It just did not matter that much at the time. It was just a job anyway, even if my supervisor was Mr. Houston, which name upon reviewing the family history book, makes me wonder if he were somehow related to Sam Houston, the Texas governor who was not on particularly friendly terms with my great-great-grandfather, a newspaper editor in Texas in the mid-19th century. But whatever. I am not very close to that part of family history, I only read something in a book. Maybe George wanted to stir up some archival controversy, but it really was not that important that I should to go there and rifle through the Texas state archives looking for who knows what piece of whatever. 

Yes, I heard George online yapping about the rhetoric of the 19th century newspaper man, but anyway, whatever, this is the 21st century and George is dead now, so it just was not that important.