Friday, September 13, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do not like the way Sherry was throwing my name around back there, as if we were ever acquainted. Well, does junior high camp at age 12 count for anything? Not much, it would seem. I heard online that she was boasting of having snatched away the Kauffman, as if I ever knew those people existed until years later. So whatever. There seems to be an imaginary Candi who existed only in the sick imagination of Sherry.

That was nice of North Central to give Sherry a second chance, after she was expelled from our college. 

Even so, I have no need of her insider knowledge of PTL, acquired from being a North Central alumni. What I read in newspapers or saw on TV is enough for me to steer clear of that. Why does Sherry want to drag me into all of her problems? She seems to have fallen off my acquaintance list long ago.

There was a time when I was having to explain over and over again that I never had any connection to PTL, that I never went to Charlotte, North Carolina, that I have no special knowledge of that, blah blah blah! Ditto to Baton Rouge. Blah blah blah!