Thursday, September 5, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that there was a time during high school when Carmen was voted class president, and Patricia Cruz tried to stage a coup at the elections but somehow not enough people joined her cause, or was that Kathy's cause, or was Kathy trying to help Cruz, I forget this type of detail, I just didn't care that much about class elections. So that makes me wonder, are they trying to punish me for not joining the Cruz coup or am I being attacked by Carmen, as if I should belong eternally to her cadre of clueless barefoot nuns of the Carmelite order? I am confused about that. Clearly, whoever concocted this mess is a stranger who has no place in my life. I am so glad to be free and/or rid of the miseries of high school, wherever that high school was located is not the point. High school has its place in the past, but then it recedes into the rear-view mirror and does not deserve that much attention later. 

I think that I have reached a point where I can easily self-isolate without so me obnoxious people looking over my shoulder. I will be just fine without them, either one of them. 

I heard online maybe Cruz saying that she wants to carry on her Banana Republic agenda here in the U.S., which may seem a scary thought, whatever that meant.