Monday, July 16, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that Ed was the vice president of Vida Publishers and married Patty Robertson, who was his secretary, and then they were traveling around the country working and working for a Christian company, and then suddenly something happened and then suddenly we heard that they were divorced and Patty went home to San Jose and Ed went to Virginia Beach and became a New Age guru, which is hard to imagine a more bizarre out come to their story.

Coincidentally, Edgar Cayce's headquarters is located in Virginia Beach. Edgar Cayce was that occultist who in the 1930s had some sort of strange dream about the sphinx and about some library or hall of records located underneath the sphinx. Well, now we have heard that there actually was something under the sphinx, although perhaps somewhat indirectly, maybe the facts were not exactly the way he imagined it in his dream, but there really was something there. Interesting.

But who can we believe? With all of these lying spirits out there driving everybody crazy, what is there to believe about that?