Sunday, June 30, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I noticed your elaborate plans for crucifying me, or should I say Cruzifying? So that will necessitate my stepping aside, stepping down, disqualifying myself in whichever way possible, because obviously that would be completely wrong and unutterably pretentious for me to pretend that I could ever substitute for the spotless lamb of God. As if my freckles were not obvious enough already, but no, you just keep playing games and games and games. So here we go again. Fortunately, I will not have any problem disqualifying myself. No need to overdo this point.    

Which Reminds Me

Yes, oh, ha ha ha! And who is calling who the Ichabod? Or there could be a few other options for that ignominious title, but I do not quite see where is the evidence for that. Nobody wanted the lousy job anyway

Friday, June 28, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I can confirm that he is from Argentina, only because I heard him say that about himself. He also told me that he only washes his hair maybe once a month, he had an explanation for that, but anyway, I do not want to hear more about such personal details from a co-worker. Enough about that. These guys, all they want to do is write a treatise on male superiority, and, well, however that may be, yet that guy does nothing to pay my rent. I still have to do my own work independently if I would ever get paid independently of them.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is true that blue is my favorite color, that or green, I am not sure which favorite color I like better. and l am not averse to wearing blue jeans. Despite the negative stereotypes in some people's minds, I find blue jeans very comfortable for everyday clothing. Sometimes early adapters suffer by stereotypical imaginations, but anyway their opinions don't really matter to me.

Which Reminds M

Yes, I seem to remember that it was difficult to get rid of the yappy magazine salesman, I forget why, did he ask for a drink of water? So that became awkward and complicated, but I did get rid of him without too much ado.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, the first time that a magazine salesman came to my front door, I almost bought the magazines, even though I was not in a good place to buy that. I was almost persuaded by his spiel about what a good deal that was, but then again, the more he talked, the more he grated on my nerves, so finally I was able to get rid of him with some difficulty. The next time that a magazine salesman came to my door a couple of years later, I was able to quickly refuse the offer and not waste any more time discussing a lot of stuff I don't need and cannot afford anyway.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, and if you had thought that I was going to bow down and worship your elected Carol butt, you are going to be sorrily disappointed. No, that would never happen. You just were not that important. My worship belongs to God and God alone.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was so ridiculous. Why would I descend from my pedestal of high school senior to argue about the significance of elections with some little 9th grade pitbuill named Carol? And who am I talking to anyway? Carol will just have to blow her own brains out in future without any help from me, because I will not be available to do the job. I washed my hands clean of those liquor people long ago.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, this is the type of thing that happens when I try to witness to this wicked witch Cori. Instead of being a positive influence, she tires to pull me down to her level, which she often spews F-bombs all over the place, and some other tricky things are going on behind the scenes, I have had it up to here with having to sit there listening to her obscene temper tantrums, so that she can stomp all over me. This formula is not working. Maybe I could resign this job and leave her blowing her own brains out, because anyway I only care ab out myself, Ditto to you too. 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I really wish you would not say it that way, as if my language were in anyway prone to the vulgar expressions favored by some others who, anyway, I do not want to hear about them. That was not me. That was those guys.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was weird back when I was getting some email messages about Jill and Linda from college. Those two certainly were the masters of gossip, which is always tempting to listen to, but then again I do not want to get on the wrong side of their gossip mill, so better to just forget about them. Life will take care of them later, one can easily imagine. I never really had very much connection to Jill and Linda. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I never really heard anything, except by osmosis, I can only guess something about Sociology Jill's ex-husband, of whom nothing is actually known. But I must leave Jill to her own sloppy fate. When we all get to heaven maybe then we will hear the story of how they overcame. I have no idea what their problem might be.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, you obviously get all of your WRONG information from sociology blob Jill, to whom I never had much connection. I do not know much about her problem might be.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, the truth, which is the only thing that matters, the truth and the spirit that is, is that I was talking about a mountain, and they took the opportunity to insert their own meaning to what I said, which was not what I though that I had said, but they preferred to impose their own scenario onto the situation, so that was a problem, the only source of information being John himself, who said that to my mother. And who is going to fix this problem? 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, there are days when I feel like Balaam's donkey. I accidentally said something that I know nothing of, and how that happened is inexplicable to me, unbeknownst to me, you are telling me and not the other way around.. And I cannot proceed until these argumentative Cotton Pickers put down their swords and reflect in a more introspective way on what the Lord might be telling them, because anyway, I was only playing the role of Balaam's donkey or something of that nature. There was nothing of that inside of me. It was all in them.   

It may seem easy now for you to be contending against the Lord Himself, but we shall see later how that works. Maybe in heaven we will see the whole picture, but maybe not before then, if ever. I really do not want to hear more about them, but then again there is always the risk of accidentally stumbling upon something I did not know was there. Life cannot be risk-free. There are always going to be risks of various types. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, isn't that a funny coincidence! My grandmother was a Strickland, descended most likely from some Stricklands who came to America from England in the 1600s and settled in Virginia, whereas the Stricklands of Malta are descended from Baron Gerald Strickland (1861-1940), a completely different branch of the Strickland family tree, although all descended from Walter Strickland (1516-1569), apparently. The Stricklands who stayed in England were recusant Catholics, whereas the ones who came to America were said to be more of the Puritan or Protestant persuasion, so it is hard to see how this equation would land us at Rome, given that we never were in Malta. We had no idea of Malta. The only connection would be found in Tudor England. We never had any connection whatsoever to Malta. We do not want Malta calling the shots in our Tudor England lifestyle. Perhaps they would feel more comfortable in Africa.


Friday, June 21, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, perhaps it will be necessary to train these Carville skunks to learn that I am NOT going to be there for them, I am NOT their Savior, I am NOT going to contribute one thin dime to their uninvited winery business. They will need to go somewhere else and find someone else, NOT ME, to finance their wicked schemes of greedy and selfish self-aggrandizement, because I will NOT be available for that purpose. Needless to say. Obviously. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember someone accusing me of "opening" some guy, but they were talking about Tony D. from high school, who was a whole different story. After that weirdly belated outburst from his psychotic mother, you can be sure that Tony will also have no place whatsoever in my future life. I could say more, but there is nothing to say. He was really not that important, more like a distracting nuisance than a "friend." I cannot even imagine why I would be able to receive online mail from those idiots, they were discarded in the "Tony" garbage dumpster long ago. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, how dare you butt into my life, you creepy little weasel, you pile of worthless "Sandra Rivera" garbage! I have come to the realization that she may actually be the stupidest Latina dog on the planet. For me, it would be quite a long way down to the level of Rivera garbage dumpster.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I cannot quite remember how my wiring got so scrambled. But I was only confused, whereas you did that knowing what that meant, so there is now a big, fixed gulf between me and him.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember some people were talking about debates, and how you may compete in debates in school in the Debate Club, should you choose to join that, if that is what you are into. There would be no guarantee of winning the debate, however, so I am not much given to this thought of debating, given that speech class at Evangel was not exactly my shining moment, enough said about that. Probably ome garrulous chatterbos persons might like the idea of debating, as if to enjoy the experience of chewing on a bone, as if a dog. However, the experience alone would not serve the purpose for which it was intended.  

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was quite negligent of me to omit attribution of that so-called "information" to Holly, but you were there when she said it originally so you would remember that came from her, and she was so persuasive, citing a multitude of studies to support her theory that "all" are gay. Well, that is not fair. What about the individual's right of self-determination. Maybe some of the "all" people would decide otherwise, who am I to say what will happen to them later in life. But who am I to argue with these garrulous, mentally challened sociology majors? Yuk! They think they know everything already anyway. But I should probably congratulate myself on NOT being a sociology major. I have other options than social work, whereas the sociology majors will be stuck forever on that thankless treadmill. 

Monday, June 17, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that a few years later, going through the genealogical records, I learned of the existence of a person attached to our family tree, whose name is Nancy, of whom almost nothing is known, only that she was in Venezuela. They belonged to the Alliance, which is based in New York, so that was their thing, not our thing.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, Oh, I vaguely remember noticing that you were trying make me say something nice about Lee, which my mind goes blank at the thought of that irrelevant person of no account. It is weird that I should be expected to remember that thing, whatever that was.  

Which Reminds You

Yes, needless to say, I do not have the blood type for this type of game. Better to evacuate the planet. Obviously.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that he had placed himself in the Slam-Dunk tank during the Harvest Festival, so that persons could throw things at him. If they hit the target, he might be displaced and plunged into the water below. Ok, I might have laughed when I was walking nearby and saw his funny antics, although I do not remember myself actually throwing anything. It was just one of those things that happened at the college's Harvest Festival.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, speaking of change, or rather your odd outburst of an obscure nature in regards to change, it was only years later, while rummaging through, that I learned of the existence of the Burry blacks, something about my great-grandmother's distant cousin, and their Pebbles and Bam Bam story, (Oh, I did not know that) who may claim to be one of the million or so other people related to us in some tangential and obscurely unknown way, not really a direct line to the money, needless to say. Obviously. So given that I was not aware of their existence, it is hard to understand what would there be to say about that and why am I on the receiving end of your Negative scorn. What are you trying to say? Why can't you just blend into the wallpaper like everybody else who has nothing to offer. Always happy to evacuate the planet ahead of the onslaught. It just did not matter.  

Monday, June 10, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I seem to remember that some of my wiring has gotten all mixed up over time, and here I am sending out all these mixed messages and not knowing what I am saying. Is there ever a polite way to ship Carmen and her Carville Blackies home to their Italian benefactress, Joan the Democrat who disdained Nixon? Personally, I do not want to be bothered. Not to be rude, but Carmen always was fascinated by Joan's magazine blitherings, an Italian thing that I would not be able to remember much about. I was not paying that much attention. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that I signed up for economics class because it was an alternative to something else, and also I liked the teacher well enough from 11th grade history that I thought it could be interesting. That said, I do not remember any rule requiring everyone in that class to register as Jewish, nor do I remember anyone keeping track of who was or was not Jewish in economics class. It was just a class where I am supposed to be learning about how the economy works, as per "money makes the world go round." Without money in circulation, there just is not going to be anything else to say about economics class. The economy belongs to everyone.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was weird how someone was under the impression that I was going to go to Romania to work at Angie's orphanage, or help with her fundraising operations. Actually not. I am vaguely aware of Angie's story, but that would not be my cup of tea. I do not consider myself under any obligation to work for them.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is a bit mystifying to ponder, for what do I need a Brazilian con artist who cannot spell cat in Spanish? But I digress. To be global would be to not participate in these petty squabbles of words and what they mean to me or to you, ancient squabbles of nation against nation. So, for what do I need a Portuguese headache added to that? Life is complicated.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that those people who were in charge of planning chapel services, were very advanced in the arts of criticism, so that everyone was intimidated by not knowing what they might be saying about your performance behind your back. They can say all sorts of things that I would dare not repeat what few crumbs reached my ears, much less think of saying on my own, so why even bother to volunteer for that job?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember being in the audience during the ballet performance, but I have seen ballet before, when as a child I was taken to see Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite in San Francisco, one of those obligatory cultural experiences that parents feel are necessary for their child's well-rounded education, and also we once visited someone's ballet lesson, said to be good for posture, so that was enough about that. One of those politically charged moments when everyone is wondering what is the politically correct thing to say about that, or not.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, and here I am, simple-minded me, thinking that our Chinese classmate was a nice person, I really did not know very much about her. I would not be able to say how that was connected to anything political.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do not remember myself using the justice system to wreak retribution upon your poisonous schemes, but neither can I promise you a blanket of immunity for whatever that meant. My lips are sealed.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, although you may attack my GPA and thus ruin my life, yet I am puzzled to learn what law requires me to like your little guttersnipe. I really do not like her, if truth be told. So where is the law that requires me to like this nasty person?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that in Spanish class, we always had to work in groups, which is such a pain. And at one time we had a certain person in our group who only wanted to chat about her social life and the parties of the weekend and that sort of thing, so that was not helpful to our project, needless to say. How can we ever get anything done with this social butterfly chattering away. Nothing ever gets done. It is very distracting. 

Which Reminds Me

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, all of which makes us wonder, whether Angie pulled you out of some Romanian sewer, but I really would not know. I would only be guessing. And how is that my problem? I was not planning to go there.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember this discussion years ago, to A or not to A, to B or not to B, so where is the AB registry? I thought that I had already done that. But in this binary universe, that leaves the AB outside in the freezer, apparently.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am completely forgetting who were those vicious witches who lived down the hall on the 7th floor, I forget who they were. They might be surprised to learn that I have no thought of their pathetic lives. Who cares about what they think about anything or whatever happened to them later? They were just some vulgar peasants extracted somehow from the hoi polloi, so they ought to be a little more grateful that I would bother to condescend to their lowlife level to address their idiotic points of garrulous nature.  

Monday, June 3, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that during high school, one day Ann Campbell (Canadian) came to our house with two visitors from New York. friends of hers, I forget who they were, some girl and her little brother, and we went with them to McDonald's, which was newly built at the time, near our house, and we had lunch there, and during that entire time all that I can remember was that every phrase or sentence they spoke was punctuated with an F-bomb, so that what they actually said does not come to mind. What were their names? I did not remember who they were. You could always ask Ann Campbell who they were, but I remember nothing.    

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I believe that my own mother is more important than their mother, and that is never going to change. I am always going to prefer going home with my own mother and father, rather than to dabble in their alternate universe. Needless to say. Obviously. 

If playing such games is all they wanted, then it would seem to be somewhat beneath my dignity to waste another breath on this topic.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do think that I too have noticed your odd obsession with a certain shade of peacock blue. I heard that but that was not coming from me. Maybe you could ask my cousin where she got that, if that was hers, because it might not mean what she thought it meant, or what I would think that meant. I am just saying, Not my dress. I might not want to stick my foot in that.