Sunday, June 23, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, isn't that a funny coincidence! My grandmother was a Strickland, descended most likely from some Stricklands who came to America from England in the 1600s and settled in Virginia, whereas the Stricklands of Malta are descended from Baron Gerald Strickland (1861-1940), a completely different branch of the Strickland family tree, although all descended from Walter Strickland (1516-1569), apparently. The Stricklands who stayed in England were recusant Catholics, whereas the ones who came to America were said to be more of the Puritan or Protestant persuasion, so it is hard to see how this equation would land us at Rome, given that we never were in Malta. We had no idea of Malta. The only connection would be found in Tudor England. We never had any connection whatsoever to Malta. We do not want Malta calling the shots in our Tudor England lifestyle. Perhaps they would feel more comfortable in Africa.