Thursday, September 30, 2010

Shameless Racism

I was talking to Trina Tinker and she was asking me why I was not taking advanced science classes and I said something about how I did not feel comfortable taking that from a Hispanic male teacher. So yes, that was a very racist thing for me to say, something about how I did not want a Hispanic man teaching me, I am not sure exactly how I said it. Anyway, nothing personal against any particular teacher, all of our school's teachers were very good, but it was bad enough being hated in biology by a white teacher for being a redhead. How much worse could it be in chemistry, especially when I only got a B in biology anyway so obviously I am never going to shine in science. Besides, it is so annoying to be used by the Hispanics as a pawn in their racial warfare against white people. Ha! I know what they are doing, pretending to be the victims of white people when actually it is or can potentially be the other way around and we could potentially end up as their slaves, but no one else seems to care so whatever.