Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Which Reminds Me
Yes, it is true that I like to bake cakes at home. I like to bake from scratch the way I learned in high school from my mom, using the old cookbook, to make the chocolate cake, orange cake, etc. and the frosting, such as the cakes that I baked for a high school bake sale. Yes, you can also bake a cake from a box, toss in a couple of eggs and some water and some vegetable oil, and such a cake from a box of powdery mix does not taste bad. And yet it lacks something in flavor of the cake made from scratch, in my opinion. So in that sense you could call me a baker, but I never claimed to be a baker of the double K variety. We have no place here to put these double K bakers always clamoring for more attention. I might like to eat Special K cereal for breakfast, except that I would rather eat oatmeal, so we rarely ever think of stocking Special K cereal on our kitchen pantry shelf.