Sunday, August 19, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that during college at SCC, during a desert biology field trip class held during the January term, which I attended for the science credits, one of our outings was in Arizona, climbing the Picacho Peak which is located just off Interstate 10 west of Tucson.

Yes, that was all I really needed. The proper name of the mountain was picacho, not really pico. Ok, fine. I stand corrected. At the summit of Picacho Peak we signed our names to a book that was there in a metal box for mountain climbers who want to leave a record of their accomplishments, although I cannot recall whether I signed that. Thank you, California and Arizona, for that coordinated setting straight of the record. Nothing more needs to be said in regards to that.

Thus, it really only adds to the confusion, this attempt of Colorado to tack Pike's Peak onto the record. That really means nothing. Colorado has never contributed a dime to pay for my lavish tours of Europe, swanky hotels and expensive restaurant dining, generous tips and airfare, not to mention the literary obscurities of foreign languages. No, we get nothing from Colorado. On the contrary, Colorado's demand for an Order of the Kitchen Sink while legalizing weed only strains and drains our limited resources on a continual basis. Where was I supposed to find that? I don't need that for anything. There are only so many hours in the day, only so much time.

Something similar could be said about the useless efforts of some other states. We are just not going to do some of that. If you are so rich as you claim to be, then you can buy your own kitchen sink at your local Home Depot. We are not wanting to seem to condone that type of kitchen sink lifestyle. We have to understand our own limitations and where to draw the lines and be allowed to cut things off these people when they are going too far. I really don't feel like I need your approval because I am not your slave.