Sunday, October 28, 2018

Which Reminds Me

If you were expecting to recruit a hatchet-wielding fiend, you really should have arrested Shari Turnkey of Panama. Now there is a truly nasty shrew. We often thought we heard her shrill voice online saying all sorts of nonsense, especially mean things about me, as if everyone is not already sick and tired of listening to her continuously. Why do I again have to explain about her expulsion from school, etc. etc.? Perhaps she is full of bitter grapes, so to speak. Well, whatever. Yes, it really does not seem quite fair after we learned that District Kid Cori Nipper is swilling off campus on a regular basis and not even embarrassed to proclaim herself a whiner, so after some confusion I stopped doing things with those nippy horrid hypocritical whiners. But whatever. I am not allowed to judge too much, right? I must work on my own issues first, and then I will be able to see more clearly how to do what I have to do. With the wicked District families gone to the whiners, what is left to do? There is just no reason to reconnect to those dreary bores.