Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, so, you broke it and now you are expecting me to pull magic money out of a hat to pay for all of these things that you broke in the first place. Ridiculous. Coming or going matters nothing, except in the pyschotically fractured brain of the worthless Kori idiot, and yet you continue to demand from me some treatment for your own self-induced amnesia, when I would only be passing along something that she said in the first place, even more reason for me to forget we ever met, much less roomed together in college for way too long. But I can no longer handle any more of these sudden outbursts of frenzied anger, as if it were staged attempts to pin me to the wall, as if I should repent of existing on this planet. Ridiculous. I used to be more gullible and unsuspecting than I am now, so there will be no opportunities to do that to me again. Needless to say.