Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, there was some chatter about the usefulness of nunneries as a solution for single unmarried women such as myself. Yes, well, that might be true for the Catholic variety, but the problem is that I am not a Roman Catholic, I happen to be a Protestant, so never would I ever think of signing up for the job of nun. Just because coincidentally many of my high school classmates were probably Roman Catholics officially, one can easily imagine, that does not make me one of them. Perhaps some wrong information has been circulating online, probably, but even so, I cannot fit into that box. I cannot be a nun and also be who I am. I cannot think about converting to Catholicism when all of my spiritual needs are already taken care of. Thus, there is no reason for you to blithely assume that I would ever do anything about that nunnery suggestion of yours. To each his own.