Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was a scary and/or funny story that Peter told on himself about his voyages around the world, how he went out for a walk somewhere in Morocco or Tunisia or thereabouts, and seeing some commotion in a house walks into somebody's house where there is a party going on, and plops himself down in a chair and helps himself to the smokes or eats, only later realizing that it was somebody's wedding party after people are giving him the evil eye for that, so gets up and leaves and walks back to his hotel. Nothing is said about his changing the water into wine for them.

There is also the story of him traveling by donkey or mule through the hills of the Holy Land to the Jordan river and back again, and encountering some persons who had been attacked by robbers, so they stopped to help them get the assistance they needed. Almost sounds like the Good Samaritan in that case.