Thursday, November 24, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, we have gotten the impression that you are Preppy to the core. There was at one time a Preppy fad going, with books to explain how to dress like a Preppy. At college, Jennie was considered the sample Preppy, but I myself personally had not aspired to the Preppy brand and did not read the book, only browsing at the bookstore. One can easily imagine that the contents of the Preppy character might be more complicated than merely pictures of what to wear. But anyway, perhaps the closest that I could get to that would be a librarian's credential, and why didn't I do that? A good job to be sure, but 8 to 5, although yielding the money in terms of salary, eats up most of the time on someone else's bibliographical needs from an ocean of books, not much time remaining for delving into the keys of life and carving a path directly to the Exit sign.