Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that someone was asking me whether I knew who Joe was. And I said that yes, I remember that my Dad has an Uncle Joe, who was a younger brother of my grandmother, and the only time that I ever saw him, that I can remember, was one time when we were on furlough, and we were at my grandparents' house, and Uncle Joe stopped in to visit and we were all sitting around the dinner table, and talking and that is the only thing that I can remember about Uncle Joe. I mus defer to others, perhaps my Dad could explain about who is Uncle Joe because I really do not remember much about them. I am told that I once said something to his wife, Aunt Dora? at the beach but I really do not remember that myself. I was mabye four or five years old at the time but you could always ask my Mom about that.