Sunday, February 25, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember hearing that our former friends there, had converted to the Jehovah Witness cult, and after that we lost track of them. We have really no idea what happened to them after that, so what is the use of arguing about all this cult stuff? I can't know where they are now.

Yes, how lovely that they can now go over the top, throwing their stuff at us through you. But whatever. That is how the political system works. Over there everything is just the lowest common denominator, nothing about individuality and what distinguishes us from them. So you can have such good luck with your political career, and yet I can have my religious freedom, obeying God's command to come out from them and be ye separate. Or can I? 

But anyway, you already know about that anyway, so why would I have to explain? Yes, interesting that you would know about that. Interesting that you would be so nosy asking questions about that. As if.