Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I sort of see the Gonzo gang out there plotting and scheming. Not that it matters. Not that they will get much out of that but perhaps some cheap publicity stunts. Maybe someday the Denny's Duran's gang will wake up and find their butts have been deported home to Honduras but I don't really know if that would ever really happen. Coming from me that would be just an empty threat, a cheapskate threat from the white girl they have challenged themselves to destroy as the pinnacle of brown achievement, so that would only help their cause in the long run, and not really help mine. So this is all just an exercise in futility, all designed to waste my time on trivial pursuits while they get themselves in position to rob the chicken coop. I am just saying. And you do everything to help them do that, so I don't what you expect me to do about that.