Thursday, September 10, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that nearly the entire time that I lived in El Salvador, following the Soccer War of 1969 of El Salvador vs. Honduras, we could not travel by car through Honduras because that border was closed. Before that we had once driven through a piece of Honduras on our way to visit some friends in Nicaragua, but after 1969 that could never happen again. There were many hard feelings between the two countries due to the various military operations, even though it was a short war. They turned the electricity off for a week so that the darkening of the city at night, after 6 p.m., might foil the Honduras bombers who might be flying about. There actually was some type of disturbances of that nature during the way, although I don't remember the details of that.

More recently, it was a bit shocking to learn that some Honduran people are expecting me to involve myself in these petty, mundane internal conflicts of these little banana republics. I can only imagine that it is a very complicated matter. Needless to say.