Saturday, September 19, 2020

Which Reminds Me

 Yes, I vaguely remember, not so many years ago, reading great-grandmother's diaries and learning of the existence of her distant cousin May Stewart, who married a citrus farmer in California and perhaps her many generations of descendants still live there. Myself not being previously aware of the existence of these people, was a bit surprise to learn of them, but apparently the relations is so distant that they are never mentioned to us probably for good reason, because we really did not need to know that. For whatever reason it was not considered of any importance to mention their existence to us. She also had a cousin in Pennsylvania who she describes visiting in Pennsylvania. So that was interesting, but probably all of those people are dead by now so there is probably really nothing very interesting to find there now after so many generations of extreme social distancing to such a degree that I did not know of their existence.