Monday, August 30, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it does seem somewhat baffling to ponder why I should be required to feel pity for the vicious nasty Italian wino who is trying to paint herself a martyr at my expense, when actually I have never heard of her and could not care less about the wino industry. If it be a matter of agriculture, your complaint should be addressed properly to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, who may address various topics of soil and water supply and the various laws governing cultivation. But if you are simply obsessed with the murdering of innocent butchers, who may well supply the table with delicious steaks, I fail to sympathize, I am no vegetarian, certainly. Have you forgotten the ancient story of Cain and Abel, you wino lovers of vegetable and/or vegetarian matters? Besides which, there is a place and a time for killing sacred cows. But I digress.